
Gaming's Future Is In The Cloud, says Kabam CEO

Kabam stands out from the crowded social gaming market as a company that focuses on core gamers through titles like Kingdoms of Camelot, or the new Godfather title exclusive to Google+. Kevin Chou, CEO and co-founder of Kabam, said the company’s four online games target the hardcore male gamer that’s a little bit younger than a social gamer. But across its titles, the developer incorporates a lot of social elements into the hardcore gaming experience. In this IndustryGamers exclusive, we talk with Chou about the growing influence of cloud technology, and how social and mobile are evolving with it.

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donniebaseball4562d ago

Totally agree - I'd say in 6-8 years tops, the vast majority of gaming will be cloud-based. Discs will be on their way out.

Hufandpuf4562d ago (Edited 4562d ago )

In my opinion, Onlive (or a service like it) will be ahead of the console buisness in 4-5 years.


Disney And Kabam Announce Mirrorverse

Disney fans may love this as it does sound interesting. Get ready to fight foes in an alternate reality filled with beloved Disney and Pixar characters! Today, Disney and Kabam revealed Disney Mirrorverse, an all-new Action Role-Playing Game RPG for mobile devices.

NecrumOddBoy1526d ago

I see "mobile" I cringe. Why?

Garethvk1526d ago

Pay to play under the guise of free to play.

NecrumOddBoy1526d ago

Such a waste. I wish mobile started charging regular pricing and got rid of microtransactions.

MasterChief36241525d ago (Edited 1525d ago )

@NecrumOddBoy That's how mobile gaming used to be. It was very hard to find games for legitimately free. Usually the best you got was a separate demo version, but most stuff was paid. It was overall cheaper, usually (aside from Square-Enix's offerings), but $1-$5 games reigned supreme.

And then Satan got a hold of the market, publishers noticed the spending habits of consumers on the mobile marketplace were changing, and they leaned into it HARD.

Super Mario Run is a good example of how premium up-front pricing just isn't as viable nowadays. Nintendo tried it out, but clearly the freemium model has been much more lucrative for them.

BootHammer1525d ago

Agreed, was a pretty interesting concept till mobile was brought into the mix.

Garethvk1525d ago

I have seen some that have the frequent adds and they should do like Hulu, add free is one price and with adds is another. Problem is you know this will be loaded with cosmetic and character skins for sale.

AK911525d ago

Hey this sounds cool

'for mobile devices'

alright I'm out.


Kabam Purchases Riposte Games

Another merger today as mobile developer Kabam has purchased Riposte Games.


Marvel Launches “Women of Power” Event Across Its Games

Beginning tomorrow, March 3rd, Marvel will be kicking off their “Women of Power” event, which seeks to celebrate their wide roster of female characters by adding more of them to some of their most popular games. The event will cover popular Marvel games like the recent LEGO Marvel’s Avengers to smaller games like the mobile Spider-Man Unlimited. Here’s a rundown of each game and what will be added as part of the event:

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Ratsplat3015d ago

This can easily be a lovely addition to games, as long as what they're adding is quality and not just something just so they can say their games have women in them now.

SJWs will probably still find something to complain about.

Elronza3015d ago

Good job on Marvels part.