
The most progressive game of the summer is the one you're probably not playing

Polygon: "Games can change. We just need to learn a thing or two from Kim Kardashian: Hollywood."

phoenixwake3700d ago

I can't tell if they're serious or not.

If they're joking, I bet this went waaaaay over most people's heads.

If they're serious. I doubt even the most ardent feminist could be so stupid as to find a shallow cash-in mobile game about a shallow celebrity who virtually prostituted herself into stardom (or perhaps infamy) as empowering or progressive. Give me Gears of War with all its grunty shooting a hundred times over this trash.

Ignoring games that are actually decent like Tomb Raider, Last of Us, Child of Light, Beyond: Two Souls, etc. is a crime. Trying to say Kim Kardashian: Money Printer is progressive is an insult to the human race.

Mr Marvel3700d ago (Edited 3700d ago )

The fact that they can type makes me pretty sure they're not brain-dead... so I'm going to go with it being a joke.

donwel3700d ago (Edited 3700d ago )

Such optimism, I used to be like you, but this is polygoon we're talking about here.
To be honest, I don't know why their garbage articles keep getting approved here because at this point their website is a joke.
Edit: Also, the article is the very definition of clickbait. DO NOT CLICK IT.

aragon3700d ago

I beg to disagree with the author lol this must be a joke

Theyellowflash303700d ago

Polygon.....you lost the tiny amount of respect I had for you.

After the whole Mario Kart 8 fiasco nobody can really take your site seriously.

Metallox3700d ago

They predicted less than 2 million copies of Mario Kart 8 sold by March of 2015... and guess what? The game only needed one month to sell that. It's a fiasco indeed.

MonstaTruk3700d ago Show
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Celebrity Game Apps: The new Billion-Dollar Mobile Game Industry

The Kendall and Kylie Jenner mobile game made its way to the app store this month and immediately broke download records. Their big sister, Kim Kardashian, showed them the way two years ago with her own Hollywood game that made millions. The question is; what makes these seemingly simple apps so popular?

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3102d ago

The Amount of Money Kim Kardashian's Mobile Game Is Making Is Ridiculous

TCC: Perhaps all celebrities should begin work on their own mobile games as well

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SaveMeJebus3116d ago

"Sorry I’m late to the party guys I was busy cashing my 80 million video game check & transferring 53 million into our joint account" — Kim Kardashian
So freaking disgusting.

Xavior_Reigns3116d ago

Casuals... Ill never let myself fall to that level of stupidity.

KentBenMei3116d ago

There should be a cap how much people can make from nothing. Maybe balance it with their IQ somehow and then objective value of their product's worth. Pet Rock was a better item.

DivineAssault 3116d ago

Just shows how stupid people are.. Casuals that are obsessed with celebrities will jus hand them money.. Unbelievable but she's getting paid big bucks..

Legion213116d ago

It's even worse because she's famous for absolutely nothing.

KentBenMei3116d ago

Well...for SOMETHING anyway. Not worth millions by a long shot, and certainly not worth any special treatment.

FreeSpeech693116d ago

Kim Kardashian is good Business Woman. Maybe she will run for President whenever she is old enough lol

KentBenMei3116d ago

If she got caught in a fire tomorrow then she wouldn't be a good "Business Woman" anymore. Someone else is making these decisions and products and she just sits around smelling like fish and looking pretty decent.

fluxmulder3116d ago

There is absolutely no justice in this world.

Mikeyy3116d ago

Just all around bad news for gamers. This will only encourage the publishers to push even more for mobile freemium games instead of big budget AAA games.


Kim Kardashian Brags About How Much Bank Her Game Is Making

Kim Kardashian: Hollywood can often be found on the charts for popular mobile games. That is to say: it’s likely making a lot of money.

itsjustexuma3118d ago

So why did her Husband begged for money when she clearly has more?

FunkyBoy3116d ago

U know he's not broke right? Lol when u want to make money u don't use your own

Captain_Wormy3118d ago

Ugh can we stop bringing her and her husband into this site? 😒

blackblades3117d ago

Hey look we all finally agree on something wait nevermind we got a disagreer.

KentBenMei3116d ago

They are not gaming related, this should be reported. Unless it's about her game (and not her bragging about her finances) then it should be removed

Chaosdreams3117d ago

I'm sorry but there shouldn't be 'news' pertaining to this woman, on this site. Seriously.

barb_wire3117d ago

That's a lot of suckers paying to keep that skank in bling..

blackblades3117d ago

Those suckers probably to young to know any better.

MilkMan3117d ago

What game? that bullsh!t that's on phones?
People bought that?!
Damn! I got to make a game. Im in the wrong business.

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