
Sony: Killzone Shadow Fall sold 2.1 Million Units

onPause writes:

Today Sony PlayStation Europe tweeted that PS4 exclusive Killzone Shadow Fall sold 2.1 Million units worldwide which means about half of the 4.2 million people who picked up a PS4 also grabbed this launch title.

Nyxus3751d ago

That's actually very impressive.

ZodTheRipper3751d ago

Yes but I think that lots of Killzone Bundles (the big, awesome ones) are included in that number. Still very impressive and I'm glad that Guerilla is successful with it ...now please leave the Killzone franchise for awhile.

guitarded773751d ago

There weren't any official KZ bundles in the US. I would be interested to see how many actual KZ bundles there were before making a claim.

abzdine3751d ago

impressive numbers, bravo Sony for the good marketing!
just too bad the game is boring, especially after 2 amazing killzone games (KZ2 and KZ3).

x2good4u2x3751d ago

There were in Europe. Normal PS4 was all sold out, I had to get the KZ bundle to get my PS4.

pedrof933751d ago

Thats why BF and CoD sold more on Xbox.

In Ps4 they had to go against KZ SF

ZodTheRipper3751d ago

Well this announcement came from the european PS Blog and the bundle sells like hot cakes here. Also, lot's of people are selling their copy of KZ right now for about 30€.

Of course it sold tons of normal copies as well but there's a world outside of the US too.

truefan13751d ago (Edited 3751d ago )

Just because I'm all about objectivity, Does this count as spin by Sony. They know damn well 2.1 million didn't buy that game, they included forced bundles as sales. If they did sell 2.1 million that's impressive, but not more impressive than the twitter conversation on this post lol. Lastly this was like the only big ps4 exclusive people had to buy something, the problem is gamers realized their mistake and probably resold the game.

@Corpser lol only 1500 people online, but they sold 2.1 million hmmmmmmmm.

GTgamer3751d ago

@truefan of xbox
Your mad because no Xone Exclusive sold that much so you come on KZ article hating on GG success :/ when Forza 5 announced they reached a million in sales did you see me screaming omg must of been the bundles -_-.

SpringHeeledJack3751d ago

Amazing game no matter what the haters say, you don't sell over 2 million copies by accident.

The multiplayer is very addictive and the tea time spotlight move is too funny. Just needs a patch for the ridiculous lag.

PoSTedUP3751d ago Show
DigitalRaptor3751d ago (Edited 3751d ago )

@ truefan1

At it again, I see.

You do realise that people CHOOSE to buy bundles. They don't just buy a bundle with a game they don't want to play. There were plenty of non-Killzone bundles to buy. So why would be choose the Killzone bundle? Because they wanted the game. It counts as a sale.

You are the kind of fanboy that believes every lie Microsoft tells you, whilst trying to call out Sony as the liars - when history dictates who the manipulative, deceitful corporation is who consistently lies to their consumers. Your reaction here is what happens when a person becomes insecure about the criticism that their chosen console is getting, so tries to spin it the other way to make themselves feel better about their own purchase. Telling lies yourself, we can see who your inspiration is.

Killzone: SF is a quality game, but you can't deal with the fact that PS4 still has more games available, regardless of them being exclusive or not.

Akuma073751d ago (Edited 3751d ago )

Uhhh no, the Killzone bundles were VERY limited. Also in most countries those bundles weren't released until December.

Also, if that dude above is THAT desperate that he needs to try and downplay KZ:SF's success, then gtfo.

2.1 million KZ:SF sales, if someone bought the bundle, chances are that they chose to. Yeah SOME people may have been forced to because of the normal unit being sold out, but in all honesty how often would that have happened? Not very.

DarkHeroZX3751d ago

Truefan1 is nxtgen720 on YouTube. Go watch any of his videos and hold your nose cause they stink like hot trash.

ITPython3751d ago

@trollfan - You don't think bundles should be included in sales figures? Why not? People obviously bought the bundles that most appealed to them, and people bought the KZ:SF bundle because they wanted KZ:SF + a PS4. If there was no bundle they would have bought KZ:SF separately. Derp much? Maybe Sony shouldn't count the consoles sold in bundles because people really bought the bundle for the games they came with. LOLOL!!

Counting a game sold in a bundle as a sale is perfectly legit. However counting consoles that were given away for free as sales, is not. And we all know MS padded their sales numbers of XB1's from all the dozens of giveaways they had going at nearly every fast food place in the US + nearly every bag of chips and soda had "Win a Xbox One!!" on it.

solidjun53751d ago

"Just because I'm all about objectivity...."

And that's where I'll stop. There's no need to read any further. It's probably just tripe. I doubt you played the game.

scott1823751d ago

Great job Sony! Very good sales numbers for a next gen game. Congrats.

badz1493751d ago (Edited 3751d ago )


wow, your ignorance and jealousy is so obvious, it stinks! so what if they included the bundles in this 2.1 mil sold? you do know that the bundle cost just a little bit cheaper than buying the PS4 and the game separately, right? or are you thinking that when a game is bundled in, they are given for free? I bought the bundle because I want KZSF and buying it separately cost slightly more so I actually save a bit by buying the bundle.

no matter how you see it, hate it if you want (obviously you already are!) 2.1 mil sold with 4+ mil console is one hell of a great achievement, no question ask! it's mind boggling even when you think that Super Mario 3D World only sold over a million copies when it's THE game that people say will save the Wii U!

give credits where it's due please. KZSF is not perfect and a lot of improvement can still be made but the MP is quite addictive and congrats to Sony and GG for this achievement.

JokesOnYou3751d ago (Edited 3751d ago )

Well congrats to sony....2.1 mil KZ SF games sold in just over 2 months is great.

ambientFLIER3751d ago

"Amazing game no matter what the haters say, you don't sell over 2 million copies by accident."

Uh, yeah you do, when it's one of only a few launch games available for the system...

Kind of like bragging that Forza 5 sold a lot. Well, duh...

miyamoto3751d ago (Edited 3751d ago )

Guerilla bet on the right horse to make a launch title and they freaking succeeded!

Having a launch title have its risks and rewards!

This is what I am talking about!

This means moar Killzone to come!

Third party devs should have launched their titles with PS4 launch.

The Future is Now! PS4
Missed opportunity for some but I hope they can catch up real quick like Drive Club and inFamous Second Son

Ju3751d ago

"Thats why BF and CoD sold more on Xbox."

...but they actually didn't (and BF can prove it: http://bf4stats.com/ )

Also, if those numbers are correct, I have the feeling Sony sells a lot of games online, too. I got only one disk version - and BF was an upgrade - the other games I bought on PSN.

HyFackingDro3751d ago

Killzone Shadow Fall was also the most returned/exchanged game on PS4 as was RYSE to the XBONE. That should bring back the numbers down to like 500k

PoSTedUP3751d ago (Edited 3751d ago )

...and I had the Trolling comment? are you guys on Drugs!? oh wait nvm i see where i may have hurt some feels... my bad.

badz1493751d ago


"That should bring back the numbers down to like 500k"

WHAT? HOW? you do know that GG and Sony only get the money from the 1st hand sales only, right? no matter how many are traded in, the money is already in the bank. the 2nd hand copies are for the likes of Gamestop to worry about, not Sony or GG anymore.

and digital copies are not returnable or trade-able, so there's that too.

Spartan1193751d ago


No different than MS going around defending Kinect and saying Kinect adventures was the biggest selling title on Xbox 360. It was bundled with kinect so shouldnt that take away from those figures.

uso3751d ago

COD and Battlefield sold more on PS4 worldwide

Prime1573751d ago


Because there were no x1 retail bundles, right?

reaperofsouls3751d ago

@ pedro93

"Thats why BF and CoD sold more on Xbox"

well that not true according to vgchartz

- cod ghosts {PS4= 1.63M} and {bone = 1.39M}
- BF4 {ps4= 1.28M} and {bone = 1.05M]

5eriously3750d ago

"""Truefan1 is nxtgen720 on YouTube. Go watch any of his videos and hold your nose cause they stink like hot trash.""

Oh my Goodness what a Buffoon! Now I know thanks!

+ Show (26) more repliesLast reply 3750d ago
Hatsune-Miku3751d ago

Glorious and well deserved. As the best launch fps game I'm happy to hear it sold well. I'm glad to also know that this seals the deal for killzone 5.

Ps4 is the future and the future is ps4

LOGICWINS3751d ago

And I suppose ull still be here in the future as well..


BlackTar1873751d ago

God i hope they don't make killzone 5 anytime soon. Game is very very very very very avg. Sorry for Killzone fans who disagree with me but the game is COD future mode.

TheGreatAndPowerful3751d ago (Edited 3751d ago )


Are you planning something? Hatsune keep your eye on him I don't trust him.


KZ2 was amazing and 3 was ok although a bit short but yeah SF was nowhere near the quality of the previous titles.

johndoe112113751d ago


You really need to explain to me how this game is anything like cod. This game is as far from cod as the east is from the west. I have played cod non stop for the past 6 years and I haven't touched ghosts since I started the killzone multiplayer.
Please explain what exactly makes this like cod other than the fact that it's a FPS?

mediate-this3751d ago

Your opinion, just like my opinion is kz sold well because there is literally nothing to play on ps4, you got multiplsts n two first party,

BlackTar1873751d ago


Would love too. Lets see small maps overpowered weapons. Turrets flying and land based. These things im about to name arn't in COD specifically but they remind me of it. Shields , Medics that revive from across the map. Hence why i said COD future edition.

I also have played KZ2, KZ3, KZSF, COD MW,MW2,WAW,Black ops 1 & 2.

bjmartynhak3751d ago

"overpowered weapons" - I can't tell any. Maybe the Sickle in the Penthouse map, only, maybe.

"Turrets flying and land based" - They are abilities, not killstreaks that make an unbalanced match become even more unbalanced.

Shields - can't see the connection with COD

"Medics that revive from across the map" - There are medics in BF..., hence across the map would be BF future edition at maximum

And I will add one very important difference: damage/health
You die way quicker in COD. Therefore almost everytime you have the chance to fight back.

Prime1573751d ago

God, I agree with you every time until you do that ps4 future Crap... then I grow ashamed that I, somehow, get lumped in the same stigma with you.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3751d ago
showtimefolks3751d ago

very well deserved a FPS that actually delivered the next gen experience unlike BF4

I think lifetime sales could reach 4-6 million and that is great for the developer and the IP

pedrof933751d ago

Actually 2 mil is already well above profit marge so.

sergons3751d ago

This game is crap, where is the promised 60 fps? The blurry FXAA, the super blurry sides, and the low FOV are really combining to give me a headache and I never gotten headaches playing games ever.

bjmartynhak3751d ago

I actually like the low FOV

ambientFLIER3751d ago (Edited 3751d ago )

I'm sorry, what? Really? You think that THIS game delivered the next-gen experience just because the graphics look good but its story got blasted by a lot of people?

BF4 is the one that delivered the next gen experience. It is far more impressive to see a 64 player battle with destruction and vehicles and levolution than it is watching a killzone match..

showtimefolks3751d ago


yeh i will take a game that works over a game that doesn't

also story in KZ;SF is good not bad unlike COD and BF4. Its about 9-10 plus hours long and is interesting

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3751d ago
LaChance3751d ago (Edited 3751d ago )

If I had a PS4 I wouldn't know what to buy except for KZ. That said I would have traded it in the very second I beat it.

It's the most traded in exclusive too. Funny because its also has competitive FPS online multiplayer.


Dmagic3751d ago

dont know why all the disagrees killzone is nothing but a tech demo gameplay is horrible,unfun, and bland as hell did not have one oh shit moment sure was a pretty game i will say. i sold it the same week i bought it wish i got 2k instead now money wasted.

LeCreuset3751d ago Show
Outside_ofthe_Box3751d ago

I guess this news hurts you deep inside huh?

TIER1xWOLFPACKx3751d ago

Ohh guess what ryse was the moat traded in X1 game

Akuma073751d ago

That is probably because both games may have great single player experiences but multiplayer lacks. I don't play KZ:SF multiplayer, haven't even tried it because usually if I want to play competitive FPS, I go for BF4.

I really love KZ's single player content though. Great experience and beautiful visuals. Best looking launch title EASILY.

FamilyGuy3751d ago

"It's the most traded in exclusive"

It's also the highest selling next gen exclusive so that goes par for the course. The higher the number of owners, the higher the number of possible trade-ins, derp.

Keep spinning though, maybe you'll get dizzy, hit you head and leave n4g for like a year again.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3751d ago
HomerJDog3751d ago

considering it was the only next generation exclusive for ps4 worth getting it makes sense

punisher993751d ago


It was the best exclusive launch next gen game period. So yeah, it does makes sense.

ExitToExisT3751d ago

It's probably because Killzone: SF is the only game to buy on ps4 if you played bf4-ac4-cod-nfs on old gen consoles or pc.

hellzsupernova3751d ago

From what I played of it, I really enjoyed it, the single player was far better then battlefield 4 (that was the only other first person shooter I played at launch), and them graphics were pretty awesome.

Made the battlefield single player look like trash if I'm honest.

GUTZnPAPERCUTZ3751d ago (Edited 3751d ago )

It is for a new system, well not if you look at Halo 3 which sold 8.1 million copies in a few months, Sorry I HAVE to keep the balance on this site, which is hard work!

specialguest3751d ago

When you stated "keep the balance on this site", it would've been funny if your text character was positioned on the center underneath your paragraph to look like it was literally balancing it haha

3-4-53751d ago

Killzone isn't exactly a widely known game, so for it to sell that many is pretty impressive actually.

I mean people know it, but it's not like it's COD.

jc123751d ago

Im sure ill get down-voted by all the sony fanboys on this site...but honestly, this game is pretty crappy. The graphics are good, but the gun play is particularly lackluster, its really as simple as that. Whenever I put this game in my PS4, all I can think of is playing BF4. That is a really bad sign for Killzone.

As with most new consoles, I think people want to get that "flagship" game - especially when its a first person shooter - to show off their new console's capabilities to their friends. More or less, KZ is just a tech demo with minimal substance. There's a reason why its the most traded in game for the PS4 at Gamestop.

jetlian3751d ago

My friend rented for me after not liking it! He was mad I only played an hour. Sp is weak and same with mp

It will sell like alot of early games next we be 1 to 2 million tops

otherZinc3751d ago

That's actually a lie.

It sold less than 500k in the US. So, it's impossible to sell 1.5million more from a fps in other parts of the world.

When SONY post their numbers, I'll believe it then.

Budobear3751d ago

Its impossible to sell 1.5 million for a FPS outside of the US!
Please tell me how you've worked this out?
Just how small do you think the population is outside of the States?

awesomeisjayell3751d ago (Edited 3751d ago )

actually its not seeing thats its basically the only exclusive on PS4 and on top of that its mediocre. Sony step your game up.

Abdou0233751d ago

Unfortunately most people just played the Single player and traded it or put it on a shelf, They missed the great fun which is the Online !

DevilishSix3751d ago

It's a pretty decent shooter to launch a new generation. It diffently had the graphics to back it up. The universe, atmosphere, and gameplay is up to the player to determine if that appeals to them. Same with a game like Halo, believe it or not some don't care for that franchise or universe.

Tzuno3751d ago

That's actually the only mediocre game that PS4 has and a reason to avoid that dust.

dsswoosh3750d ago

Lmao no.

A game as bad as Killzone selling half the amount the actual console sold proves one thing -

There are no decent games to choose from on the PS4.

Magicite3750d ago

For a launch title it really is very good. This means that almost every 2nd PS4 owner bought Killzone Shadow Fall.

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 3750d ago
NYC_Gamer3751d ago

I'm happy that KZ is having huge success

mcroddi3751d ago

Yes, this comes as somewhat of a surprise to me but I am happy it gets the recognition it deserves.

LOGICWINS3751d ago

It deserves it. GG just needs to keep improving their storytelling.

Mr-Dude3751d ago

Indeed.. but i hope they let the franchise rest for a bit now and bring us some new ip. GG is a great studio and i wanna see what they can do else than fps

BABY-JEDI3751d ago

TBH, I would like to see better character development. More of the politics & political factions within the story arc. More boss types battles. The combat & weapons are solid. The MP is great fun but I miss the Ribbon awards system. Would like greater diversity in MP maps.

GTgamer3751d ago

KZSF launched with a great MP that worked and no aim assist made it frustrating for noobs and I loved that, people say a bunch of crap KZSF mainly Xbox fans but its always about the story but never mention the MP which is awesome even on low review scores no one said anything bad about MP.Well Deserved GG keep it up.

FunAndGun3751d ago

you are right, the MP game takes skill!

Knushwood Butt3751d ago

I expect it will easily sell over 100K when it releases in Japan next month.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3751d ago
Riderz13373751d ago

Holy crap. HUGE! Best selling next gen exclusive for sure!

Milruka3751d ago

"best selling"

Yea, such a hard feat to do when its not even been half a year.

woooohooooo *confeti*

Riderz13373750d ago

No other exclusive even comes close =).

Killzone Shadowfall #1

BattleReach3751d ago (Edited 3751d ago )

Holy Christ.

ic3fir33751d ago ShowReplies(4)
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Killzone After a Decade in Hibernation

It's been 10 years since Killzone: Shadow Fall arrived for PlayStation 4 early adopters, and there's no sign of another sequel.

Obscure_Observer174d ago

Sadly it was dumped by Guerrilla to focus on Horizon games only. Mainline, VR and Multiplayer.

Vengeance1138174d ago

lmao sadly? Are you pretending to have actually played the series lol Sorry bud, no Killzone on Xbox.

Cacabunga174d ago

With the downfall of COD and BF, Killzone def. has a chance to make a groundbreaking comeback

174d ago
Notellin173d ago (Edited 173d ago )

What a low-functioning reply here typical of the fanboy N4G community.

Rimeskeem174d ago


I think it’s called moving on.

Barlos173d ago (Edited 173d ago )

They brought out 4 main games and 2 spin offs: one on PSP and one on Vita. That's a decent run for any series. I also understand that Shadow Fall wasn't a success commercially despite it coming out at PS4 launch, and as a big Killzone fan even I couldn't get into it, so I think Sony/Guerrilla could see it was time to move on.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love another Killzone game in the vein of KZ2 but it's just not happening. Hell, I'd even take a remake or remaster of the first 3 games.

I'd hardly say it was "dumped" though, it spanned 3 console generations and 2 handheld generations.

1Victor173d ago

@obscured:”Sadly it was dumped by Guerrilla to focus on Horizon games only. Mainline, VR and Multiplayer”

Happily it was dumped by Guerrilla to focus on Horizon games only. Mainline, VR and Multiplayer( edited to reflect the writer true feelings and allegiance)
Kill zone was a FPS far ahead of its glitched competitors with nauseating bad camera angles, 10 years old screaming curses like a drunk sailor and bot aiming assist.

ChasterMies173d ago


The Horizon games were among the best games of all time. Killzone Shadowfail wasn’t.

Shane Kim173d ago

True, but damn the memories of KZ2 multiplayer. Still no MP as fun as that to this date.

Mr_cheese173d ago

Dumped and shelved are two different things

Tacoboto173d ago

And Sony as a whole dumped the FPS genre so they wouldn't have products competing with COD and (until purchase) Destiny.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 173d ago
GoodGuy09174d ago

I loved the KZ2+3 campaigns and MP in 2. There could be so much more done with the franchise. Horizon although good, I wish they'd go back to this wonderful IP. Take a break from Horizon please.

Flawlessmic174d ago

Agreed dude, I would absolutely love a reboot of the series, one can only hope that either resistance or killzone makes a return.

Have nothing but great memories, especially of the first 3 games, but all 4 were show stoppers graphically.

blackbeld174d ago

To making it a successful reboot they have to change that buttons layout! Make it playable like the cod button layout. Otherwise I’ll skipping it again.

Rynxie173d ago

And that's the reason why many fps games failed. Instead of being original and catering to it's fans, they tried to make it like cod. No, kz doesn't need cod button layout. It needs to be like it was on kz2 or balanced liked kz3.

Lightning77174d ago

I think Kill Zone would do great in Sony's LS push. As well as MAG reboot and bring back Resistance into LS.

Sharky231173d ago


I think WarHawk would have been a great Live service game.

thorstein174d ago

Killzone games were so polished. The gameplay was just simple joy. MP was one of the best experiences.

I remember KZ3, just staring at how awesome they animated the water and then getting wasted because of it.

P_Bomb174d ago

It’s been a decade? Now I’m sad.

LiViNgLeGaCY173d ago

I hear ya bud. We're due for a revival.

Show all comments (58)

20 Years of Guerrilla: The Story of a PlayStation Studio

The Amsterdam-based studio reflects on its humble beginnings, beloved franchises, and growth through the years.

Read Full Story >>
SullysCigar364d ago

Up there with the top tier in the industry. Love Guerrilla Games - Horizon Burning Shores is simply STUNNING.

1Victor364d ago

Can’t wait for their next franchise

SullysCigar364d ago

Same. They nailed it with Horizon. The trouble is I also want a new Killzone! Can't I just have it all?!

jznrpg364d ago

I’m with you I want Horizon 3 , Killzone and new IPs

badz149364d ago

I have yet to play Burning Shores as I just started Forbidden West (bought at launch, just unwrapped last weekend LOL) and playing on PS5.

man...I still can't believe the graphics especially now I'm playing it on my LG OLED. that graphics and with stable performance backing it up, GG really is the master of their craft!

Vengeance1138364d ago

32.7M sales in the Horizon franchise! With 8.4M coming from Forbidden West alone! Truly a hugely successful game and franchise as a whole. Looking forward to Horizon III

Shane Kim364d ago

That's kind of a huge drop though. It's only been two games.

VersusDMC364d ago

One year after realease HZD sold 7.6 million.


So not a drop off.

Unless you're saying a HFW should have sold as much now as HZD sold in 5 years?

Vengeance1138364d ago

It's been 3 games, this includes Call of the Mountain. Also no, its a great improvement over HZD.

solideagle364d ago

lol you are comparing:

HZD: 28 February 2017 - May 2023 (6 years+)

HFW: 18 February 2022 - May 2023 (1 year+)

We will see if it surpass original number.

Phoenix76364d ago

@shane, 2 full main games, 2 DLC add ons, 1 VR spin off game, oh and a an official LEGO set.
Not too bad for an ip that's only been on market for 6 years

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 364d ago
REDGUM364d ago

Wow, very impressive. I didn't know the numbers were so high for Forbidden West. Still playing through it myself

thesoftware730364d ago (Edited 364d ago )

Yooo, when I first saw that Killzone 1 footage at E3, my friends my brothers and I were like, Holy shit! When it came out, it didn't look exactly like it, but we sunk so many hours into 1 & 2.

I even liked Killzone: SF, it was a spectacle to look at, and even today it looks good. I hope they make a new one. Can you imagine how that will look, and they can get some modern FPS pointers from Bungie.

blacktiger364d ago

thank you fps lover, I'm with you

talocaca364d ago

Such a wonderful studio. They deserve all their success.

The Decima Engine is absolute 🔥 I'm just mad they have abandoned Killzone.

OzzY-waZZy364d ago (Edited 364d ago )

Kinda wish they move on from Horizon tbh.

potatoseal364d ago

They are probably working on mutiple projects. One of them is Horizon 3, but another is a multiplaer game and probably somehting else.

Imalwaysright364d ago

There were rumours that they were working on a Socom reboot.

Show all comments (47)

Guerrilla Announces Shutdown of Servers for Killzone: Shadow Fall and More

In August, online servers for several PlayStation games will shut down, leaving their multiplayer functions unplayable.

purple101655d ago

whrere on earth is the next killzone, im soooOOO thirsty for some proper weighted, (but still fast when running/sprinting) fps gamplay, it felt sooso so good on ps3, with that, lets be honest, very small, quite uncomfortable sixaxis dualshock controller, that was just too small for western sized hands, ok for japanese kids i suppose was the point>??

now with PS5 controller, it would be totally masterfull.

ClayRules2012655d ago

I hear you. I want some NEW Killzone, especially on PS5, with the PS5 DualSense controller with that ever so impressive DualSense of an experience Haptic feedback!

Knowing how far Guerrilla has come since Horizon: Zero Dawn, Killzone can only benefit greatly from their ever growing talent!!

Bobertt654d ago

I think Sony has given up on their exclusive shooters. They haven't released a remaster for the Resistance series or a new SOCOM game either. I don't think Guerilla is in a rush to make Killzone since they have Horizon now too :(.

655d ago
Outside_ofthe_Box655d ago

All I want is for them to build Killzone 2 with multiplayer included from the ground up, keep the gameplay the same, and I'll be happy.

GG with KZ3 and Shafowfall haven't been able to match KZ2 so I don't really have faith in another sequel.

Unfortunate that KZ2 came out during COD era where every game that didn't pay like Modern Warfare was deemed garbage. KZ2's multiplayer is definitely an all time great.

Michiel1989655d ago

since when was kz2 deemed garbage?

MizHDTV655d ago

Right on dude
KZ2 was just a special game to me

sinspirit655d ago

I'd love KZ2 multiplayer again. I also think they could easily incorporate a mode to compete with Battlefield style game modes

Seraphim655d ago

KZ2 was one of maybe a handful of games I actually put time into online. What a blast!! And the campaign was excellent as well. I certainly miss that dark world. Still ashamed I never buttoned up that Platinum.

Storm23655d ago

A remake of Killzone 2 with the same grittiness and feel on PS5 would be f*cking incredible. The SP and MP were just perfect. I played the sh*t out of that game. Would happily pay a lot of money for that.

DarXyde655d ago

Honestly, I don't like FPS games. They're not for me, but I do agree that there was something about KZ2 multiplayer that even someone like me enjoyed.

Sony really needs to get better about tearing down servers. I don't like that they shut them down.

shadowT655d ago

agree, KZ2 was a masterpiece

Muigi654d ago

KZ3 multiplayer was better imo.

Outside_ofthe_Box654d ago (Edited 654d ago )

"since when was kz2 deemed garbage?"

As with anything, things don't get the appreciation it deserves until way after it's release.

KZ2 got a lot of flak for it's weighty controls that many mistook for input lag. People didn't like that it wasn't a twitch shooter like CoD. You also had people saying things like "it feels like you're controlling a midget", "enemies take too long to die" (you can't pray and spray in kz2. You have to shoot in bursts for your shots to be more accurate), people complained about the sniping, etc.

This led to a lot of changes in KZ3 that turned the vets off like reducing the amount of variables for bullet damage, getting rid of spawn grenades, etc.



I don't think there's much Sony or any other company in that position can do much different about it... Keeping servers running simply cost money, these gomes don't generate none anymore, so eventually they need to pull the plug.

Astrokis654d ago

KZ2 was definitely better then KZ3, but the third one still had strong suits. It’s been many years but I remember something about Shadow Fall being made by a team at GG that did NOT do KZ2 and KZ3 multiplayer which is why it felt different. I remember when I found that out it made a lot of sense about Shadow Falls multiplayer feeling so off.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 654d ago
elazz655d ago

Horizon zero dawn sold more copies than all of the killzone franchise combined including spin offs on handheld. I guess that's the reason why won't see killzone from guerilla soon. There is at least one more mainline horizon coming out and their second team is working on horizon VR I believe. So it's gonna be a while unless another studio takes over.

Profchaos655d ago

I've been playing a lot of Killzone 2 on rpcs3 with a duelsense combined with the ability to remap controls to a modern standard and bump the game to 60fps it shows that we really need a remaster to probably the best killzone game to date although shadowfall technically beats it in the graphics department art style was so different that they are incomparable

MizHDTV655d ago

I’d be happy with a release of KZ2

John_McClane655d ago

Killzone went to the same place as Socom and Mag, more money in 25 hour single player games with no servers to maintain. Socom was literally the reason I bought a PS2, Resistance FOM the reason I bought a PS3, all gone now.

senorfartcushion654d ago (Edited 654d ago )

Killzone has never been weighted correctly, the jumping never worked.

A new properly-weighted shooter in the Killzone series would be great. More like Killzone 1 and 2 than SF.

I think the issue comes from the fact that the Helghast side is sympathetic while looking like Nazi stormtroopers. The Trump age has led artists to avoid this look entirely.

ironmonkey654d ago

I feel something may be announced soon

ManMarmalade654d ago (Edited 654d ago )

The sixaxis felt fine in my hands since they're small, but the ps5 really made me feel the difference. So ergonomic.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 654d ago
Gardenia655d ago

Killzone 2 was/is so good and it still looks good today. The multiplayer was fun as well. If they make a new Killzone I hope it is the style of Killzone 2.

Hauntedasylum8655d ago

I wish Sony didn’t abandon Resistance and Killzone. Those are some of my favorite series on PlayStation. If they’re not gonna make anymore, then maybe a remastered collection of each could be negotiated.

DefenderOfDoom2655d ago

KILLZONE 2 was my reason for buying a PS3. If a new KILLZONE or RESISTANCE was coming out in 22 I would try to buy a PS5 immediately.

Lightning77655d ago

SSOD2 would be big for Sony. The only reason they would be interested in it is if they can turn it into a live service game.

In which I can see that happening.

Hauntedasylum8655d ago

Hell yeah, brother. You and me both.

VanDamme654d ago

For anyone trying to understand @Lightning77’s comment, they had a typo, this should clarify:

Superoxide dismutase 2, mitochondrial, also known as manganese-dependent superoxide dismutase, is an enzyme which in humans is encoded by the SOD2 gene on chromosome 6.

Profchaos655d ago

After 5 killzone games including portable Sony felt it needed a break I wouldn't say its abandoned however I believe we may randomly get a ps5 remaster with improved lighting to test the waters and eventually a full blown new game after all you can't just leave shadowfall on that ending

SeTTriP655d ago

Horizon is priority now its a mega franchise for them maybe after Horizon they might revisit.

Imalwaysright654d ago

I refuse to play for online play but there is one game that would make pay for it and that's Resistance Fall of Man. That's the only game that would make me throw my principles out of the window without feeling ashamed of myself.

jBlakeeper654d ago

Remember in the mid 2000’s when nearly every developer started to do FPS or linear third person? Now nearly every developer wants to do open world exclusively because it’s the easiest type of game to leave things out and then expand upon the world with DLC.

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deleted655d ago

So many fond memories of both Shadowfall and Mercenaries Vita online! Shadowfall's SP may have been weak, but the MP was still a ton of fun. I had a lot of time in both, and it's especially tough seeing the Vita's best mp experience get shut down.

RIP my old friends.

LoveSpuds654d ago (Edited 654d ago )

In my opinion, I thought the single player games was really decent too and was treated quite harshly by the critics, but then, I think the Killzone franchise as a whole was kinda under rated by the critics. I always enjoyed the story in these games and I liked the slower, more deliberate gunplay too.

I remember getting my PS4 on day 1 and the first game I installed was Killzone Shadowfall, my workmates and I would play it for hours on end, the mode whish switched between game modes was brilliant.

P_Bomb655d ago

A world without Killzone Online. That it’s come to this…

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