
PlayStation Plus puts Xbox Live to shame

"The Xbox Live rewards scheme is a poorly thought-out last minute attempt to try and justify the value of Xbox Live to gamers."

Gameondaily discusses why PlayStation Plus makes a mockery of the Xbox Live service

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Majin-vegeta3862d ago

Duahh everyone knows this other than the obvious xbox fanboys.

LostDjinn3862d ago (Edited 3862d ago )

Look how broken the responses get the further you go down the thread. It's getting salty in here and it's only going to get saltier.

OT: Everybody knows this. Apart from chest beating and trolling people who already act like victims I don't see the point.

Edit: I should say I don't see the point if you don't count sinking to new (are they new though?) lows for hits.

Edit 2: miDnIghtEr20C_SfF You're about to disappear. You know why, I know why and above all site staff know why. It's "people" like you that bring it on yourselves and then play the victim that I can't understand. Do you know why you do it?

4Sh0w3862d ago

Nope. Live is much better when it comes to actually using it. psn+ offers more free stuff but the experience is sort of clunky with all the updates, waiting and then installing. Its much better than when it started though but its not smooth with things like matchmaking like Live.

LostDjinn3862d ago

You don't actually have it do you?

The updates are automatic unless it's a day one patch it'll download whenever it's available (you don't even need to be there), the cloud storage is seamless and the speed is identical to XBL and steam every time I've used it. Apart from the install which occurs after download (steam does the same thing) and is OS based not PSN based.

As for matchmaking, you do realize that the dev runs that under the current system for both consoles right?

darthv723862d ago

without getting too deep into the totality of both services. i can say that i have been a gold member since its onset. I have seen it grow exponentially into the service it is now. Each revision has added value to the service i started out with.

I am paying no more for it now than when i started. well maybe $10 more but still....MS didnt have to make the additions they did to the paid side but if anything all of those additions are just more incentives to keep you a member.

It started off as a pay to play online service but has grown into something more and those who are veterans of it know what i am talking about.

it was only this past February that i signed up for PS+. Now that was due in part to having just picked up a Vita after the recent announcement of the PS4. Prior to being a + member, I always saw it as more of a discount service because...lets face it, you initially got discounts on the content. It wasnt until they started adding in full games to the mix that its real potential started to take off.

What many generally gloss over is the fact that the + membership is a glorified rental service. Now that is NOT a bad thing (even though I will get disagrees for stating that). I mean the games you get (and you do get ALLOT) are ones that you can play, beat and get rid of at your leisure. If you want to "own" them then go buy retail (or 2nd hand).

It has really paid off for me because of having the Vita i am able to play games like uncharted, Gravity Rush, etc without having to buy them (which i will likely do anyway as I love having physical copies) and having the PS3 for games like Darksiders (really fun) and the recent HD remakes of Ico (never played before) and Shadow of Collossus (own the PS2 orig).

I can say that being a member of both services has its pros and cons. Once you are hooked, it makes it hard to just walk away so when my renewal comes up for gold in november...yup, Im renewing. when my renewal comes up for + in May...yup, Im renewing.

I like and use both services. I wont say one is better than the other but i will say that what each one does right, it does so for the respected platform. That should be enough to satisfy the concerns of those who are on the fence.

thank you for your time.

Gozer3862d ago (Edited 3862d ago )


Only sony fanboys think PSN is better than Live. The UI for PSN is complete garbage compared to Live. Messaging is a pain in the balls on PSN, Live its easy. No party chat for PSN, Live has this covered. Free Games with Gold on Live, Live gets to keep their games. PSN+ is just a rental for games.

Let me guess"bu..but we get all those features with the ps4." Yeah and you will pay for them now, and you still wont have dedicated servers for all your online MP games. But guess what? Live users will have all those features plus dedicated servers for their online MP, so Live is still the best online service for 3 gens in a row.

Do you realize how stupid and biased your comment is? No, They are both not services. One is a blessing from God, the other is damnation to hell. You don't deserve your bubbles.

Ashlen3862d ago

PS+ is a service XBL is a paywall

LostDjinn3862d ago (Edited 3862d ago )

Check out Gozers link from 2009. Been waitin' awhile to use that one huh?
I guess what your saying is you're stuck last decade. Is that where your view of XBL comes from? Well thanks for providing reference.

Edit: Oh you mean the cloud? Well that is where the magic comes from apparently. LOL

4Sh0w3862d ago (Edited 3862d ago )

LostDjinn I do have both do you want pics or something. You know very well there are more updates for psn which btw I dont usually notice any difference most of the time and downloads for games or anything to do with psn are much much slower than xbl no matter what speed you have. Its not even comparable. Xbl also handles matchmaking differently than psn, devs do it all for themselves on psn. I didnt even mention cross game chat which ps3 never got, only now coming to ps4.

Here this is from IGN as of March 26, 2013 it covers everything I said above:

"Xbox Live has a much more robust system, adding friends, parties and chatting is all much more seem-less and seems to be built better into the Operating System and network. Playstation has long suffered catching up to the level of social interactivity that Xbox has had which could be a major reason for the share button in their new console."

"It’s true that the PlayStation Network is free and that you’ll need to pay to access online features with Xbox Live. But the old adage remains true: you pay for what you get. Xbox Live remains a more secure platform than the PSN, subject to far fewer hacks and other problems. And while the paid PlayStation Plus service is certainly a great value, the fact remains that if you have security concerns the Xbox 360 is the better of the two."

"On the plus side, it means Microsoft get the lion’s share of online-enabled games, with even the most low-rent of independent developers able to support online matchmaking in their games. Meaning, overall, it makes online play in multi-format titles far more likely on the 360."

scott1823862d ago (Edited 3862d ago )

I love having PS+, it's been great for me. I can't really compare it to live because I haven't used live a lot, just at my friends house. But I wont be giving up + any time soon... And with Sony ramping up their online service for next gen all the features will improve dramatically (servers and otherwise) with Openstack/gaikai. Also with the free games I get monthly it covers the cost easily.

Gozer3862d ago (Edited 3862d ago )

Yeah, and the sony fanboys haven't changed a bit since 2009.

Live is still the best online gaming service around. No tantrum throwing from your camp is going to change that.

LostDjinn3862d ago (Edited 3862d ago )

@ 4Sh0w: Hahaha. You link to the personal blog of some random guy that doesn't even own as PS product? Well I don't know about you but I'm sold. That right there is what you'd call "cold hard fact".

OMG seriously? It's like you took all that time to line yourself up and then kicked yourself in the face. You've just shown how desperate you are by not providing facts. Anything will do regardless of how flawed. I mean you understand don't you? Being desperate doesn't make you right and what you've written couldn't be further from the truth.

@Gozer: Really? The same story from two sources? Well aren't you the clever one. Tell you what. Go to any youtube video about anything to do with anything playstation. Try any PS4 video. Look at all the hate. Why don't Sony disable comments, or remove them so people can't see the comments? Some of that stuff's homophobic, racist and abusive.

Strange that people aren't making a big deal out of that isn't it? Anyway, back to your tantrum...

Edit: Had to change an "R" to a "T". Also had to point out that yes 4sh0w, the PS3 doesn't have cross-game chat or party chat. If you want those features on PSN you'd have to go all the way to the Vita. Guess what? They're free there too. ;)

FamilyGuy3862d ago (Edited 3862d ago )

@ darthv72

"I am paying no more for it now than when i started. well maybe $10 more but still....MS didn't have to make the additions they did to the paid side but if anything all of those additions are just more incentives to keep you a member.

It started off as a pay to play online service but has grown into something more and those who are veterans of it know what i am talking about."

You're basically just saying that the service was enhanced over time and it's a big part of your appreciation but in contrast PSN evolved over time too, and the difference was even bigger considering PSNs meager beginnings.
All while staying free while MS eventually decided to raise the price of Gold by $10 without really giving a good reason. PS+ being outside of the PSN (in-general) topic.

Gold places a paid-blockade in front of many of its services that are free everywhere else. What is it that you're actually seeing value in? Their service has some extra sports affiliations and I guess the way it does matchmaking for setting up games but other than that what is it they do that's worth paying for?

So far all I can see is the illusion of "value", if we were talking about the X1 it would be a different story. There's 300,000 servers, matching making by level, the system of weeding out annoying players and more. That's the X1 though, for 360 I'm just not seeing what makes it worth the cost.

@ All others

Please notice that we're talking about the differences in SERVICES, not the differences in hardware, user interface or any other thing that works when you aren't even signed in. If you don't need to pay for XBLG or PS+ to access it, it doesn't count. Please understand this because a lot of you are comparing things that aren't part of the topic.

It is NOT a topic about PSN vs XBLG
It is NOT a topic about PS3/PS4 vs 360/X1
It's paid service vs paid service.

LiQuiZoN3862d ago

Majority of these people can't even differentiate xblive from the xbox operating system or psn from the playstation OS. Quite sad. This is how you become dumber from to eh internet. Lol.

Joe9133862d ago

@Gozer you should not be able to comment on any article ppl like you is why a lot of websites are thinking about taking the comment section away what is wrong with you of course Sony fanboys going to like PS+ just like MS fanboys like live I try to keep from calling names over someone’s opinions cause you have the right to think what you want but you make it hard lol.

nukeitall3862d ago

I think 4Sh0w put it best.

Xbox Live is much better in use than PSN, but PS+ offers better value.

So take your pick. Premium service or value service?

That said, I think PS+ is slowly ruining the industry by devaluing games. I might have bought more games if they weren't free, but now I would just wait to get many of them free. Those free games will again occupy my time, lowering my interest in buying games.

This is similar to how Netflix is eating into blu-ray and dvd sales. The difference, new movies comes out much slower than the games on PS+.

ShinMaster3862d ago

@ Xbox fanboys

Your vague knowledge of PSN is mostly based on the PS3 itself and its interface.

This is topic is about paid services, PS Plus vs Gold. Not PSN vs XBL.

mewhy323862d ago

Well I don't know about putting them to shame but PSN offers more. I mean PSN+ members do get loads of perks like some awesome free games and the membership works for PS4, PS3, and Vita. Not to mention that it's 10.00 less than live.
Even if you don't take the PSN+ you can still access many of the online features of the consoles with the free account. With micro$oft everything is behind the pay wall.

News4Noobs-3862d ago

Isn't this article talking about PSN+ vs XBL? Or about how both OS run for each system?
Because if you're saying that XBL is better than PSN because you can send messages faster then you don't know what the difference between a serivce and
hardaware/software is.

Can you say XBL is better than PSN because
-You can send messages faster
-Cross game chat
etc etc?

Answer is NO
Those are hardware/software base features which SHOULD be FREE. The reason why most why most XBL members would argue this is because it is forced on you guys and because it is not free, and because Playstation can't do it at this time because of its memroy... but wait until the ps4 comes out and lets see.

Yes I agree XBL is good... but for what you pay, it is just a shame. Not because I don't have the money, but because it is not worth it when PSN offers a lot more. Again, the features that you guys mention why XBL they are not in the ps3 because of hardware issues.

Kayant3862d ago


"That said, I think PS+ is slowly ruining the industry by devaluing games. I might have bought more games if they weren't free, but now I would just wait to get many of them free. Those free games will again occupy my time, lowering my interest in buying games."

And you think sony just get these games for free.... If you're really interested in a game not available on PS+ then you will still get it. It's not like you will always be interested in the IGC line-up compared to a game you really want to play.

UltimateMaster3861d ago

PlayStation Plus puts Xbox Live to shame
This has been a well known fact for a while now.

amiga-man3861d ago (Edited 3861d ago )

The value in Playstation plus is undeniable I can't keep up with the excellent games available and have I have no problem at all paying into it.

The same is not true of xbl cross game chat and access to stuff like Netflix which is free everywhere else and should not be behind a paywall anyway is hardly value and it is difficult to justify it's cost,

SniperControl3861d ago (Edited 3861d ago )


Do me a favour and scroll all the way to the bottom of the article you posted, to the first comment post.

You will see that the actual author of the piece meant it as satire.

"You guys do realize I was being satirical right? My favorite system is the PS3!"

Enough said..............

badz1493861d ago


"That said, I think PS+ is slowly ruining the industry by devaluing games. I might have bought more games if they weren't free, but now I would just wait to get many of them free. Those free games will again occupy my time, lowering my interest in buying games."

only PS+, ha? PS+ is a rental service for you haters, right? so, you're saying that Gamefly, Blockbuster etc. were all ruining the industry too? and they started way back. how about those game stores putting games in the bargain bins? oh...how about Steam? those several old month games for dirt cheap during sales, sure are ruining the industry too, right? not to forget games for Gold started recently. MAN...MS is such a JERK, right? giving games for free like that! /s

put down the tinfoil hat for once and start talking like a gamer! we already know devs and publishers get their money off those free PS+ games. as a gamer, shouldn't we just be happy Sony provide a service like PS+ and make more highly rated games reaching to more people? but NO! SONY IS RUINING THE INDUSTRY! pfft...the blindness of some people!

TrollCraftTales3861d ago (Edited 3861d ago )

You do know that the online service you are using makes no difference with in-game match making right? And yes, PSN and PS+ have a lot of annoying updates, but that doesn't mean Xbox has none at all! And with PS4 (and maybe Xbox One) The updates will be automatic while you are away, therefore taking out the only negative to PS+...

I hate it when people say PS+ is a rental service. The only way you lose the games you have is if you don't pay. I can say XBL is a rental service, because 90% of the things you get on it are blocked out if you don't pay... The only things on PS+ that gets revoked if you don't pay are the games PS+ GAVE YOU FOR FREE! Or the online service, which happens on both, other than that you can still use everything PSN has to offer, unlike Xbox, when you don't pay you lose almost everything, except the ability to play single player games...

+ Show (20) more repliesLast reply 3861d ago
miDnIghtEr20C_SfF3862d ago (Edited 3862d ago )

One service was hacked and shut down bringing Sony and gamer to their knees crying.

One service has not been hacked, crippled and destroyed for weeks.

People that bring up PSN needing to be better than Live this far into it are the one's still in denial. Everyone knows Live is better overall. PSN is much better than it was at the start, but it's not Live yet. Maybe on the PS4 things will change.

Also, one has party chat. One does not. The choice is easy if you're a MP gamer.

black0o3862d ago (Edited 3862d ago )

allow me to correct YOU Mr
xbox live was hacked as well but MS didnt reported nor acknowledge publicly, MS only cares about their image and some BS PR

PROOF: http://www.joystiq.com/2012...

another case http://www.engadget.com/201...

Edit: quick edit u did there nice ;)
''one has party chat. One does not''
1st it's a hardware limitations has nothing 2do with the PSN Just
2nd the Vita has a cross chat and no one is making a big deal about it :P

rdgneoz33862d ago

No service is perfect, though don't pretend yours is. They've all had their fair share of problems in the past. Let's just hope things go smoothly with the transition to next-gen.




5eriously3862d ago

What a excellent troll, you do your nick a great service. T's a pity and shame really that some humans had to be last in the queue when common sense were dished out while the stocks ran very low!

MetalProxy3862d ago

Yep and one service (your preferred service) tried to force DRM. I honestly see it coming back in some form or another. Now thats scary shit!

pete0073862d ago

@blackoo... but to have multiplayer at least 2 people need to buy a vita!! lol

miDnIghtEr20C_SfF3862d ago


you need to learn the difference between a service being hacked and someone being phished. Xbox Live has not been hacked. I knew you were going to try to bring a link of people being phished on FIFA.

HUGE difference than having your whole network brought down it's knees and crippled.

What's next? You going to bring out the link of back in the day when live went out for SOME people because they were idiots and not prepared for Christmas when everyone wanted a 360.

Ha ha... learn the difference between being hacked and phished. It's huge.

Not surprised you got so many agrees from being wrong.

ShinMaster3862d ago

This is topic is about paid services, PS Plus vs Gold. Not PSN vs XBL.

Besides, Sony has already rebuilt their security. Why do you think Sony themselves shut down PSN? It's better than before. And it will be even better on PS4.

RobbyGrob3862d ago

That's because PSN was specifically targeted by a hacker group. This has nothing to do with the experience of the quality of the service. Live could just as well have gone down if the group chose to do so. I've never paid to play online on my PS3 and i've never had any multi-player issues that weren't technical issues with the games themselves. So clearly there's no sensible reason to pay for the multi-player unless you get something far better than the same experience as you would from the free service.

OT: PS Plus has always put XBL to shame. How is this news?

warczar3861d ago

hey guess what? when PSN was hacked we could still watch netflix. the only gamers it hurt were the ones who cod, witch apparently is every xbox gamer.

if you think that cross game chat is better than free games your either stupid naive. and yes they are free for as long as your a ps+ member.

it's hard to care about little things like chatting when i'm playing kingdoms of amalur.

TrollCraftTales3861d ago

One service was hacked by the most skilled hackers in the world. They even got into the CIA, if they WANTED to go after MS, they could, in a heartbeat. Then Sony gave out free games after it all blew over, what did MS do when they were reportedly hacked, they denied it and forgot...

I ask you, what is really "better" about Live? Party Chat? Fixed on Vita and PS4, hardware limitations by the PS3, not PSN. Updates? Automatic on PS4. What else, oh yeah! Nothing... One is not "faster" than the other as many ignorant fanboys think, the UI is not PSN, it is PS3. PS+ Gives you TONS of free games, and yes, if you are an idiot and you don't pay, then you lose them, but if you don't pay for Live then you lose access to 90% of the systems features... PS+ Is neck and neck with Live right now, but the obvious winner of next gen in PS+...

miDnIghtEr20C_SfF3861d ago

I love all the fools that think they're getting free games.

Uhmmm.. you're paying a monthly service to RENT games. YOU DO NOT OWN THESE GAMES. You are PAYING sony to RENT games.

You are not paying something for FREE. Do you guys know that? How does something you pay for mean it's free? How does that make sense?

Guess what? I pay for cable internet and get to go online for free! Ya.. doesn't make sense. Either does saying you pay for a service to get free games. BECAUSE YOU ARE PAYING MONEY! These games aren't free. They are a monthly paid service. You don't pay PSN+ to get free games. You pay for PSN+ to RENT GAMES.

I pay Xbox Live Gold to play games online against people and my friends. All the other extra stuff that comes with Live is FREE EXTRAS for me. I pay online to play games. SO everything that is on Gold Live is EXTRA.

You don't pay for something monthly and say you get games for free. You are renting games. Sony has fooled you kids so bad into thinking you are getting free games. YOU ARE RENTING GAMES! Just like my buddy does with GameFly. He pays a monthly fee and can keep the game as long as he wants. When he is done paying, he has to give the game back.

When you stop paying for PSN+ you lose your rented game. YOU DO NOT KEEP IT. YOu are not getting free games.

It's really simple to understand. PSN+ is Gamefly. You are renting games. Not getting free games.

a_squirrel3861d ago (Edited 3861d ago )

Just imagine if the price you paid for xbox live also got you multiple free games. Now imagine that but $10 less a year.

I think playstation has been pushing this more for less thing and some people are too blind to even see it.

Everyone knows this, genius.

"Guess what? I pay for cable internet and get to go online for free! Ya.. doesn't make sense."
"I pay Xbox Live Gold to play games online against people and my friends. All the other extra stuff that comes with Live is FREE EXTRAS for me."


"When you stop paying for PSN+ you lose your rented game."
No, you lose access to the collection of games LIKE NETFLIX. It's not like you have to 'rent every title individually. And if I grabbed a game when it was free, and lost my membership the next day, I can still go back and download if I renew.


+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 3861d ago
AngelicIceDiamond3862d ago (Edited 3862d ago )

How many times does this article have to come up?

I'd say PSN+ is better seeing how they release more up to date titles. But then again MS gives out older games you get to keep for good.

We still don't know if MS will continue this on X1 or not but they need to stay competitive with Sony and give great value like Sony has been doing.

Saints943862d ago (Edited 3862d ago )

The whole "free games" is only until December. And on my 76 people friend list, not one is playing those old games.

I can say that downloading stuff is nice and fast though.

a_squirrel3861d ago

My brother can't download the free game for some reason. It's just not showing up on his.

VENOMACR12273862d ago (Edited 3862d ago )

Funny how the article didn't mention the #1 most important factor for an online gaming service.....the actual online gaming. COD and BF are some of most popular online games, and I believe they sell best on Xbox because of the excellent online service.

Sorry but I don't care about getting free crappy Indie games. I don't watch Netflix because the instant movies are generally old or just bad. Plus I got a Smart TV for that anyway if I wanted. I use my Live for online gaming, not apps and the internet, thats why I have a tv, tablet, computer, or cell phone. Glad it only took Sony 10+ years to catch up.

Majin-vegeta3862d ago

Lol are you serious??BF sells better on PS fact.

Just look at how many current players are online.

And everytime i check the online people PS3 is always on top.

Sorry but I don't care about getting free crappy Indie games.

Lol i'm sorry what??So you call these all indie games?


This is just for the 1st year.

gobluesamg3862d ago

How misinformed can you be. Holy f@#k man!

TrollCraftTales3861d ago

First, the online services are the same, they are the same speed, everything. People who think it is faster, or smoother, or better on XBL are just ignorant.

Second, PS+ doesn't give out "free crappy Indie games." Kingdoms of Amular, Shadow of the Colossus, Dead Nation, Tomb Raider Underworld, Castle Crashers, Far Cry 2, Sly Cooper, Little Big Planet 2, Just Cause 2, inFamous 2, Saints Row 2, The Walking Dead, Gotham City Imposters, Borderlands, PAYDAY: The Heist, Resident Evil 5, Bioshock 2, Darksiders, Sleeping Dogs, Saints Row The Third, Uncharted 3, Battlefield 3, Hitman Absolution, And Much Much More, You saying they only give out crappy indie games is just ignorant and immature fanboyism at it's best... Glad it only took Microsoft 10 years to even BEGIN offering free games, and the first 2 they gave out are 4-7 years old. Go troll somewhere else...

VENOMACR12273860d ago

Man, you kids must have a PS move shoved so far up your ass. Fanboy much? Lol get a life. Wetting your pants over something so minor.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3860d ago
BallsEye3862d ago

free stuff doesn't mean better service. You obviously never used both for a longer period of time. XBL for XO looks very promising with all the new stuff and the cloud.

TrollCraftTales3861d ago

lol... The cloud. I can see it now, day one on the Xbox One, everyone is playing games then BAM! Cloud servers are down, please reconnect and try again later. Every online only game has been almost broken. Sim City, GTA Online, Hell, even Halo 3. So do you really think an entire CONSOLE based on online gaming is going to work day one. Have fun waiting for the cloud servers to respond while I play games...

BallsEye3861d ago

Halo 3 was broken? Care to explain how exactly? So far it's been PSN having down times every now and then. For as long as I'm on live the only downtime I experienced was a switch from old dashboard to completely new one, and it was pretty short.

gameonbro3862d ago

lol but it don't help the person that submitted the article into this wasteland has the name of septic

TechMech23862d ago

Xbox Live multiplayer is better. That's all I need to buy an Xbox one.

hobohunterz3861d ago

Typical baseless response that Live is better with no reason why just that its better....

TechMech23861d ago

I don't need to justify my choice to you. Xbox live has been faster and more reliable network bang than ps network. I don't care what you think about my opinion.

ovnipc3862d ago

Give all the games you want still piss on PSN! The service sucks they have to give games for free to make up for the shit the games are, and actually they are not free cause you are paying $50 a year for the same you get for free just a few games for free for crap service no thanks! PS can die! Viva el XBOX!

Tetsujin3862d ago

All those who argue Live is better for its xgame chat, I have something to beat it - Cell Phone with unlimited talk time and text. :D No console required.


Some of the die hards on here make me ashamed to be a gamer sometimes. It's + and Live for features and value, not PSN vs Live; and for those who argue yes it is, go reread the article.

Jazz41083862d ago

Not trying to start anything but how can you talk to your entire team with a cell phone?

Tetsujin3862d ago

I have party chat, and the people I play with we know each other in real life, so it makes it easier to communicate. The few I met just online we use Skype or Team Speak.

nosferatuzodd3862d ago

indeed we all know that and i have both psn and xboxlive.
psn justify my 50 bucks live, not so much

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3860d ago
s8anicslayer3862d ago

In terms of free offerings yes it does, But I must say that I'm quite envious of what EU store gets over any one else on PS Plus. MG Rising next month?? Come on that's just not fair!

Blastoise3862d ago (Edited 3862d ago )

Why not just make an EU account? it's easy enough. I have both an American account and a Japanese on mine


I'm saying I live in Europe and have a European account, an American account and a Japanese account.

I only have Playstation plus on my European account, but getting American PS+ is as simple as buying a PSN voucher off of eBay

Godmars2903862d ago

Are you saying that you're paying for a US and EU PS+ each, or that you've figured out how to abuse the service and double dip from each region?

SnakeCQC3862d ago

we get mgs rising?? hell yeah i was about to buy that lol

Majin-vegeta3862d ago

Sadly yes I hate you guys :( (not literally).

JokesOnYou3862d ago (Edited 3862d ago )

Nah I prefer xbl because its much faster for downloads, its more streamlined/easier to use, there are more gamers always online which makes the community more active=engaging, microsoft makes really cool improvements to the dash at least twice a year, xbl is more stable even without the frequent long firmware updates like psn, both offer free games that I either are old, already played or dont care for really but most of all xbl is hands down the best for ME because thats where ALL my friends and family connect for online gaming.

torchic3862d ago (Edited 3862d ago )

"there are more gamers always online which makes the community more active"

how far up your ass did you have to dig to pull that one out? wow I've honestly seen it all.

if anything there are more people on PSN as Sony has sold more consoles worldwide, every PS3 ever sold was sold with built in wi-fi, and PSN on PS3 has always been free.

but I'm probably wrong as, like you I have absolutely nothing to back up my claims but at least I'm not trying to pass baseless gibberish as fact.

5eriously3862d ago

Are your bubbles reducing by any chance? I wonder why! Maybe stop shilling and trolling on the PS3/PS4 articles and selling some false hope and honey on the eXBox3660/eXB0Ne articles may help considerably!

WorldGamer3862d ago (Edited 3862d ago )

@ Jokes.....
So, long story short, your PERSONAL OPINION based on the fact that your family and friends are on XBL is that it's better for YOU.... got it. lol.

As for the technical stuff, we have seen Sony improve on the PS4 architecture, arguably surpassing MS. They have improved their relationship with developers (see indies and AAA developers praise) and consumers. They have come up with a solution for downloading games, allowing you to play while you install (same as MS I believe), I can go on, but you get the point.

With all of this, you believe that they would not improve on PS+ for PS$ as well?? Do you truly believe that they would not take that into account as part of the overall experience?

Your preference is one thing, but I thing that we can all agree that XBL isn't going to be that much better, if better at all over PS+ this time around if the trends are to be believed.

I'm just saying, this one check mark on your list of MS "advantages" might not be valid in the near future. But then again, I guess it is conceivable that Sony will drop the ball on that one thing, tho unlikely.

EDITED for clarification and grammar. I like to write properly when I can.

christocolus3862d ago

i agree with jokesonyou...i used both for a while and there is certainly something about the quality of ms service that is lacking in sonys...besides downloads speeds..playing on xbx live gives you the feeling of flying first class while playing on psn feels like economy class.im just trying to explain the feeling i get from using both..played mk and uncharted alot there and i do enjoy playing with my friends on psn too and i know sony will improve on its service next gen but currently on xbx live you actually get the feeling that the money you pay has been put into making the service great.matchmaking,voice chat,the community,leader boards,smooth gameplay online and the way
its all implemented too..but in the end i guess its a matter of opinion but for me ms service is one of the many reasons i and my pals are getting the xbx one first..cos as good as the service already is im wondering how ms could top it and yet they have stated there will be major improvements and a complete overhaul...come nov22 we will find out .

@5erioisly and the gang

if anyone is trolling its you..cos i checked and regardless of the heading this is actually an xbx article..so post your comments and stop attacking others cos you have issues with their opinions.

Hello_World3862d ago

I'm pretty sure at this point you're a robot. There is nothing super appealing about Xbox One. Unless Ryse really makes your day.

The one thing about Xbone One I enjoy is calling it Xbone. That's not to bad.

I was a 360 gamer for 5 years, moved to PS3 when last of us was released, and the difference in incentives is staggering. Free games out the wahoo on PS+. On Xbox you get one old game every once in a while.

It's a joke at this point.

JokesOnYou3862d ago (Edited 3862d ago )

"there are more gamers always online which makes the community more active" 

-Don't see how that doesnt help an online experience and at least its true for ME as I said since Ive had xbl since day one so I notice xbl is more active, I get into shooters faster than when I tried with Killzone 2 and UC2 which are 2 of the few ps3 games I own. I have a built a really great community base of friends that greatly add to the craziness/good times. lol

"at least I'm not trying to pass baseless gibberish as fact."

-My first words "Nah I prefer xbl" then I gave reasons from my experience, how else do you express your opinions, when did I say these were facts? Right I didnt but because your need to hate on my opinion YOU took it that way.

Again with the bubble BS I almost hate I have so many that it gives my attackers one more reason to deflect the issues. Ive invited every member who doesnt like what I say to downvote and take my bubbles, also Ive promised I wont complain EVER about my bubble count, please be my guess take them, mods whoever I just need 1 to state my opinion. 2 for an occasional response but it won't bother me if I can't. 3 is overkill. lol I can only assume bubbles are from members who like what I say, I do appreciate that but I wont cry if more hate what I say.

-Yeah thats my preference why is it so hard to believe, actually I just dont get why some think ps3 technically speaking is better free games are nice but using xbl technically is just better for me but hey maybe they just like the UI or something Im not seeing. Also yes sony will improve but xbl still continues to outpace psn with dedicated servers/Azure vs Gakai and wait, wait, wait yes "teh cloud" no its not the holy grail but at least micro are front runners in introducing its use in online games, we'll see how that works out though.

Trekster_Gamer3862d ago

Xbl blows Sony away as far as multiplayer gaming and social features and in many other ways. Notice the Sony trolls replies to Jokesonyoy are always ignorant, childish rants, The truth hurts them so much.

I do wish MS would give away more titles and have a bigger selection. I already own 99% of what they have given away.

Magicite3862d ago

what else do u expect from software company?
on other hand - if u dont have psn+, how can u even compare then?

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3862d ago
pyramidshead3862d ago

that's probably due to a high adoption rate in the EU for the PS3 wheras NA is dominated by the 360, well for most of the gen anyway. I imagine things to start looking for NA+ due to the high adoption rate of the PS4.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3862d ago
NYC_Gamer3862d ago

If i were to pay for a service on console it would be PS+ because of the content it brings

Trekster_Gamer3862d ago

PS+ only has a bigger old free game option. There are less features, the matchmaking is slower and the overall experience is second rate compared to XBL.

barb_wire3862d ago

You mean like Assassins Creed II or Halo 3 old on Free with XBLG?

jacksons983862d ago

You have no idea what your talking about. The matchmaking is not slower. Infact more people are online with PSN than Live because everyone who owns a PS3 can play. And PS3 has a much larger variety of games online due to it's exclusives.
Does Xbox have anything like Little Big Planet?

Starbucks_Fan3862d ago

It's amazing how much better PSN has gotten in the past few years.

MotoDot3862d ago

PlayStation Plus is GOLD :D can't wait for ps4 !

Show all comments (203)

With creative developers shutting everywhere, the future of games looks bleaker and more boring

UK indie outfit Roll7 is reportedly facing closure, along with Bethesda’s Tango Gameworks and Arkane Austin – but if making award-running, profitable games doesn’t guarantee safety, what will?

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thorstein2h ago

Don't worry, AI will save us all.

And if you didn't know, that's sarcasm!

Goodguy012h ago

Idk. Great games have still been releasing. Mcsft is still no different than after the 360 era. PS, you just have to wait many years for. Nintendo is readying next gen and will definitely have many games. 3rd party and indies have been the highlight so far this year.


“Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous” is dropping its “Dance of Masks” DLC on June 13th, 2024

"Today, developer Owlcat Games is excited to reveal the sixth and final DLC expansion for its critically acclaimed cRPG, "Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous".

"A Dance of Masks" will take players back to where it all began in a final love letter to the Knight Commander and their loyal companions. Get ready for one last ride when A Dance of Masks releases for PC and consoles on June 13, 2024." - Jonas Ek, TGG.


Xbox Has No Idea What They're Doing, and I'm Not Sure They Ever Did

Nirav from GL writes: "If the makers of a GOTY competitor that outdid sales and Game Pass expectations and owned by the richest company in the world cannot stay open - what hope is there for everyone else?"

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Christopher4h ago

***If the makers of a GOTY competitor that outdid sales and Game Pass expectations and owned by the richest company in the world cannot stay open - what hope is there for everyone else?***

None if you stay in an arena of corporate driven metrics. And this is what happens when you allow publishers to buy up massive amounts of studios and IPs. There's only so much internal competition and the focus in the end will remain on those who look best on a spreadsheet.

Players can be so driven by what is best for them and only see what is put right in front of them. But that's not what is best for them. They are being lied to constantly, as seen by Microsoft's ridiculous praise for Hi-Fi Rush and Phil's lies about Redfall prior to release and how big of a supporter of both studios he has been. But, instead of thinking "wait, this corporation wants me to think this way, should I be listening to them and believing them?" players eat it up and go "OMG, did you hear what they said! They're just like us and they know what's best for the industry."

And because of this single-mindedness of the majority of gamers, we are where we are now. Massive layoffs. Massive studio closures. Games that we were told were representative of the core values of said corporations shelved and studios behind them shuttered. The truth is coming to bear because the truth all along was only what the numbers in an excel spreadsheet told the corporate suits.

If you truly want what is best for the industry, what is best for developers, then you need to support Indie games, support developers that maintain control over their IPs and direction, support boutique publishers who only exist to help Indies make it out the door and don't own the IP. Stop supporting major corporations with your money or you devotion. Stop playing their games, and I don't mean video games, but their marketing, their double speak, their guy without a tie who says things you want to hear PR, their future of video gaming concepts as if we were hurting for new ways to play games other than installing/downloading and playing them, and especially any slogan from them that gives the impression that they are for you, the consumer. They are not. You're merely a value on a spreadsheet.

Christopher3h ago

Sure, I'm the one drinking the koolaid. Keep believing in the corporations. They definitely have your best interests in mind. All hail the Big Green, For You Blue, and Nostalgia Red! All praise big corporations buying up other publishers. All praise the inevitable spreadsheet adjustments. For greed, not the players.

anast54m ago

"then you need to support Indie games"

Get punk rock with it.

Tody_ZA1h ago

This should not be surprising to any of you. We have been saying for MONTHS that Game Pass is not sustainable and that these acquisitions will come at a massive cost to the industry. People refused to grasp the difference between buying and investing in a developer like Insomniac or Housemarque, and buying the entire publisher. People refused to accept that spending billions to acquire the biggest publishers in gaming means you have to RECOUP those costs, and you aren't going to do it without consolidation, focusing on core IP that sells, creating revenue streams via ownership and releasing on other platforms, and closing down studios that are superfluous to the budget requirements. You will not recoup those costs by investing in risky new IP or creative new games and studios.

No, people cheered Microsoft on like they were delivering GOTY titles to their door and pouring money into the industry to grow Indies and triple A projects.

You are getting what you deserve. You take the consequences of the practices you supported.

Layoffs happen. Some games don't succeed. Everyone has seen it happen. Happens even to the winners.

This, however, is goddamn shambolic and if you can't see it now then there's no helping you and you should keep enjoying the "value" of Game Pass while contributing nothing to this industry.

I've never seen the developer of one of the best games of the year get axed before.

Ninja Theory is next after Hellblade 2, I can see them going independent again. There's more to come from MS.

TiredGamer56m ago(Edited 56m ago)

This is exactly it. There is more of this coming. MS runs from one bad idea to the next, and GamePass is an unsustainable train wreck that we get to watch in real time.

GamePass is stalled for subscriber growth, and all that they can hope for is to either A) Reduce the quantity of games (i.e. shutter game studios), B) Reduce the quality of games (to make more mediocre but lower budget offerings), or C) Raise prices on existing customers. Or some combination of those.

MS does not have a passion for the industry. The XBox project, from the beginning, was sparked from the fear that someone else would eat their PC market lunch by making a games machine that replaced the PC. THAT was the entire motivation for getting into the games industry.

MrBeatdown55m ago

But hey, at least we get Call of Duty free on game pass*


anast47m ago(Edited 43m ago)

They know what they are doing. If 'you' treat them like "good 'ol simple minded folk", then 'you' are relieving them from blame via ignorance. They knew that they were going all live service, streaming and mobile a long time ago, The Oracle tends to see the obvious. While companies patronize gamers like they are children, which most of them are, may be confused for stupidity, they are also not so stupid they don't understand the decisions that they are making toward the overall direction of their company.

*None of their games were even close to competing for GOTY. They paid for names to be mentioned.