
Lucas and Spielberg Insult Video Games

Recently, George Lucas and Stephen Spielberg spoke at an event celebrating the opening of a new School of Cinematic Arts building at USC. During that event, both spoke about the “implosion” of the film industry and how television might just be the new medium to tell a story. They also stated that video games can’t tell stories and don’t create characters that we can care about.

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Snookies123981d ago

*facepalm* Both of these guys are washouts now. They made great movies back in the day, but now they have no room to talk.

ShugaCane3981d ago

"They also stated that video games can’t tell stories and don’t create characters that we can care about."

Funny indeed, because it's been a long time since I haven't cared for any of Spielberg or Lucas' movies" characters.

blackbeld3981d ago

The last great movie that I enjoyed from Spielberg is AI and its more then 10 years ago.

I Agree, they are washouts nowadays.

DragonKnight3981d ago

The most ironic part of this is that Spielberg is behind the new Halo tv show. This means he's taking a character from a video game (which he says can't create characters "we" care about) and making a show based around that character. What a hypocrite.

Blacktric3981d ago (Edited 3981d ago )

"...and don’t create characters that we can care about."

Because I totally ended up caring about Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars prequels and any of the characters in Spielberg movies released post 2000, deeply.

They know they've become soulless sellout hacks and are doing everything they can to prove otherwise.

noctis_lumia3981d ago

lol then just an example....snake and the metal gear saga would want to have a word with these two noobs....

spielberg and lucas are finished now time to move on xd

GameSpawn3981d ago (Edited 3981d ago )

Spielberg's and Lucas' generations have past. They have past their prime. They used to be great, but now their styles are just unappealing.

Great example for BOTH of them:
Indiana Jones: Last Crusade
Indiana Jones: Crystal Skull

The first was brilliant and entertaining and never got "SCI-FI WTF?!" until the last 20 minutes. Crystal Skull they "nuked the damn fridge" in the FIRST 20 minutes.

Spielberg and Lucas just need to tip their hat to the new generation of directors (My picks: Joseph Kosinski, Christopher Nolan, and Zack Snyder) and bow out. Hell the three guys I listed have produced better movies in their short runs than Spielberg and Lucas ever have through their entire 30+ year run.

Panthers3981d ago

They need to play TLoU, then talk.

EverydayGuy3981d ago Show
thorstein3981d ago

To Steve and George: Please play Telltale's the Walking Dead and I dare you not to care about Clementine!

BTW: Thanks for making the Dark Lord of the Sith a whining little brat (that apparently invented C3PO)

3981d ago
douevenlift3981d ago

Two out of touch boobs who have never played a game in their life don't know how far games have come in the last 20 years? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO body cares.

This is probably just payback for the horrible game that ET was decades ago, and it's probably the last game either of these two washed up directors ever played to have a retarded opinion like that.

Mounce3981d ago

Maybe we should kidnap them both, duct tape them to a chair and force them to play The Last of Us, Heavy Rain AND Metal Gear Solid 3.


BinaryMind3981d ago

But, but Jar Jar Binks was such a classic and beloved character! I think it's clear to everyone Solid Snake and Master Chief have nothing on Sir Binks!

Skizelli3980d ago

Lol at the people insulting these guys over their opinion. "Waaah, they insulted my hobby!" That's what you sound like. Who cares what they think about video games? It's not exactly their forte, is it?

And they're not washouts, they're geniuses. Geniuses tend to go senile after a while. Cut them some slack.

nukeitall3980d ago (Edited 3980d ago )

So instead of attacking the directors, I'm curious. What about game characters made you care about them?

Personal experience is that I don't care that much about the game characters. There might be an attachment, but not "care".

In movies, sure there has been a few.


reading a better article, what the directors actually say shares my exact opinion:


This article is just a hit driven misleading article. I just down voted the site. Something I rarely do. Way to mislead.

indubitably3980d ago

These guys really do have a point whether you want to believe it or not. They are more having the, "are video games high art?" conversation. Also, their points aren't necessarily absolute proofs or disproofs but they do make sense and provide a stem for further discussion which is not at all being attempted by anyone on this site because a defensive personal attack is way easier.

Knushwood Butt3980d ago

You don't care about Jar Jar Binks?

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LostDjinn3981d ago (Edited 3981d ago )

"Both of these guys are washouts now" - I think they've just lost their way.

You could say they started believing their own PR.

Abriael3981d ago

What the article doesn't mention is that Microsoft's Don Mattrick was sitting there with them and didn't say a "but" in defense of games.

Telling, isn't it?

Nineball21123981d ago

Yeah, Lucas really creates characters I care about...


SilentNegotiator3981d ago

How did Lucas manage to fall so low into a ditch and never even get a step out?

wishingW3L3980d ago (Edited 3980d ago )

and what about Anakin? The first trilogy was supposed to be all about him but I never gave a crap about him. I prefer to think that trilogy does not even exists. I did like Qui-gon though.

There are many games with good characters like: FF, Deus Ex, Metal Gear, Mass Effect, Uncharted, Heavy Rain, etc. These guys don't know what they are talking about seriously. I bet they haven't even played that many games to begin with beside a bit of COD or some other braindead popular games.

Knushwood Butt3980d ago

Just to remind yourself of what a joke Lucas became, watch THX 1138, with all it's pokes at mindless consumerism, then fast forward 10 years after it was made and Lucas himself became the master of merchandising greed.

I loved my Star Wars figures, but still, what a hypocrite....

aliengmr3981d ago (Edited 3981d ago )

George "wooden dialog" Lucas really has nothing to say here. He's a terrible director and pretty awful storyteller judging by the prequels of Star Wars.

Spielberg, however, is one of the best directors around. The man can't help but make great movies.

That doesn't mean I agree with what they said, but credit where its due. Spielberg has directed many great films. You can disagree all you want but I invite you to look at the man's filmography and claim he's "washout".

HammadTheBeast3981d ago

Spielberg is insanely hyped up. There are various better directors than him.

aliengmr3981d ago

Hyped up?

I'm not saying he's the best but look at the man's record. Very few directors have put out the amount of hits that Spielberg has, that is a fact.

George Lucas is and example of "hyped up".

Knushwood Butt3980d ago

Spielberg has the better portfolio by a long way, but he's also made a fair share of crap.

Derekvinyard133981d ago

I can't disagree more, washouts? Ur gonna bash his career cause he said something about video games? Did you take the time to watch Lincoln or war horse? Spielberg is far from a wash out. Have you guys seen Schindlers list?

aliengmr3981d ago

And if he were praising storytelling in video games he'd be a hero with a stellar career.

Angeljuice3981d ago

Spielberg is a great director, I don't particularly like his movies as I find them overly sentimental, but regardless he is one of the all time greats.

Hicken3981d ago

Washouts because they haven't done anything quality in quite a while.

Anyway, the point is that they're wrong.

wishingW3L3980d ago

what decent movies have they done in recent years? The awful trilogy of Star Wars about Anakin or that garbage War of the Worlds movie? lol

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devwan3981d ago

They certainly haven't spent the day playing The Last Of Us as I have :-)

Eyeco3981d ago

the reality is, that's what most people think now, what we need to understand is that video games is still a relatively new medium, it's been mainstream for just over 3 decades, Movies weren't generally accepted as an art form until the 40's, Jazz music until the late 50's and that was a genre that was 60 years old at that point.

Yes people dismiss it now, but that's because they don't know any better, gaming as a medium is only getting bigger, and as more and more examples start to churn out like Limbo, Ico, Mass Effect, TLOU, Uncharted (which funny enough has better writing than anything Mr Lucas has thrown out), SOTC, Journey, Another World, MGS, Bioshock, the argument against games as art will only wear thin.

So let them dismiss it now, but I guarantee their attitude will change in the next 10 years time

JBallerX3981d ago

Not caring about characters??? Two words...Mass Effect

bujasem_893981d ago

yes... you do not care at all about ellie and Joes... not like even a bit... i almost threw a brick at my head in the glass building!!

joe903981d ago ShowReplies(3)
Doctor_Freeman3981d ago

"They also stated that video games can’t tell stories and don’t create characters that we can care about".

Shows how much they know eh?

1Victor3980d ago

I Respect Their Opinions But I Disagree With Them.Btw Can Someone Remember From The Top Of The Head The Name Of The Hero In Jurassic Park Or Cared About To Tel Me The Name Of The Last Hero In A Lucas Film Now Can Someone Think Of The Names Of The 3 Characters Stuck In A Mansion Looking For The Survivors Of A Helicopter Crash

wannabe gamer3980d ago

here isa pic of Spielburg from E3 at the BATTLEFIELD 4 booth playing the game with a huge smile on his face pic.twitter.com/afnjzrI1hK

3980d ago
avengers19783980d ago

they should go back to destroying there own franchises.... there pretty good at that

Shnazzyone3980d ago

So, Speilberg is producing the halo show for xbone? Another reason not to buy it.

MoveTheGlow3980d ago

Oh Spielberg, but I cried every time one of your Boom Blox went boom. And Lucas, you were sooooo involved with The Force Unleashed that I couldn't help but have such a deep connection with Baldy Bro Starkiller Bro Bro. Truly these were the pinnacles of gaming!

And who could forget that tear-jerking moment when... EA announced The Old Republic was free to play! *sob sob sob!*

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Sharius3981d ago

yeah, and MS want Spielberg to make Halo TV and Lucas just lost his business to Disney, lol

Mr_Writer853981d ago

He hasnt 'lost' his business to Disney he sold it for BILLIONS in cash and BILLIONs worth of shares in Disney.

However back on subject of 'They also stated that video games can’t tell stories and don’t create characters that we can care about'...

*Looks at The Phantom Menace....

eddvdm3981d ago

They surely didn't play any of Quantic Dream's games for starters, then.

I, for sure, remember way more of my Adventure games characters than my 2-hour most beloved films ones.

IcicleTrepan3980d ago

Let's also not forget that Lucas had his own video game studio that did make quite a few classic games over the years. He's not as unaware as you think he is.

fourOeightshark3981d ago

Something tells me they don't play games.

wannabe gamer3980d ago

This is funny causeat the BATTLEFIELD 4 booth playing the game with a huge smile on his face pic.twitter.com/afnjzrI1hK

Anthotis3981d ago (Edited 3981d ago )

Very few movies and games create endearing characters these days.

Also, George Lucas is responsible for Revenge Of The Sith, which may as well have utilized cardboard cutouts rather than actors.

brianunfried3981d ago

Grumblings from a couple of old farts.


Thank you, now I have the whole picture stuck on my mind... Two old fellas in rocking chairs complaining about how stuff was back in their time, when a videogame character appears and both yell "get off my lawn!" and not in that cool Clint Eastwood style.

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SimpleSlave33m ago

Please, keep the original art style and feel at least. Do not dilute these classics and turned them into clones of their sub-par sequels.

Also, how about some Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. the Soulless Army and Devil Summoner 2: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon love? And a sequel wouldn't hurt either. Something along the lines of Code Vein or even Scarlet Nexus would be cool. Just, you know, keep the original art style and feel.


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