
Mark Rein vice president of Epic Games answers to EA's "XboxOne\PS4 is a generation ahead of PC''

Mark Rein vice president of Epic Games(creators of the Unreal Engine and the Unreal game franchise) responds to EA

Shadonic4003d ago

I'm a console gamer and i doubt this.

Mariusmssj4003d ago

Quote Mark Rein ‏@MarkRein:
"the article said “highest-end PCs currently available” which isn’t even close to true, it’s miles away from true."

ShinMaster4003d ago

When it comes to multiplatform games, next-gen doesn't come until consoles say so. I can play some really old-ass games in 1080p and 60fps, but that doesn't make them next-gen at all. And that's what a lot of PC fans will tell you.

PC needs more overhead. Consoles don't need to overcompensate. I don't think consoles need to to have that much power. Not just from a pricing standpoint, but also because superior optimization gives much better results than a PC with the same exact specs would. So comparing PC specs with console specs is pointless.

psyxon4003d ago

Actually, it's not. I love when people make the claim that it's not true with no information to back it up. No data, no statistics, nothing. Mark Cerny, who has over 30 years experience, laid out why the PS4's architecture is undoubtedly better than any high-end PC that's currently available.

Do you have anywhere close to 30 years experience in computing? I doubt it!

papashango4003d ago (Edited 4003d ago )

I guess that makes John Carmack the end all be all.

Mark Cerny is more of a consultant. What's the most significant games he's helped develop in the last 10 years. He's a consultant that's not experience in computing. He was insignificant as far as technical advances go.

Mark Rein on the other hand is a key figure in the ps3 and 360 generation of gaming. Hate it all you want but the douchebag oversaw the development of the Unreal Engine. Which despite its shortcoming was a technological masterpiece.

Cerny's a Sony thumper through and through. He's a shadow of his former self that only does PR for Sony. Guys like this will never admit that their console is 2nd rate. Which it is to the pc.

Soooo John Carmack must be god to you?

psyxon4003d ago (Edited 4003d ago )

papashango, so no background in computing eh? figures lol.

edit*: "god" lol. you're so delusional, man. i feel sorry. there is no good, there is no bad. no divine, no evil. there are people who love technology, and people who love money. can you seriously equate Cerny with the latter? when the dude was underpayed during the entire development of sonic? just stop.

edit*: he's so insignificant that he was the lead architect on the ps4, right? sounds insignificant to me. so insignificant he was inducted into the AIAS HoF? yeah, totally a feat you could achieve! how am i contradicting myself? i never once said computing is all that matters. you don't know what you're talking about lol.

papashango4003d ago (Edited 4003d ago )


just about every developer in existence was underpaid during the genesis/nes days. How's that make Cerny special?

You are completely contradicting yourself btw. You say only computing experience matters but fail to realize that these guys are just people. Carmack lost it. Molyneux lost it. Cerny lost it. Get over it dude. It happens. I'm not ragging on him but Rein is someone who ACTUALLY made a difference last-gen. Cerny has gone the way of Carmack and Molyneux. He's insignificant in this day and age.

lol dude Carmack was also inducted into the AIAS HOF it's for his PAST ACHIEVEMENTS! Jeezus man stop living in the past. You're spouting off like the PS4 is a super success. Calm down it hasn't even been formally announced yet.

nukeitall4003d ago

What is there to doubt. It is the truth!

The power of the console has almost always been slimmed down performance, but in trade it is price and convenience.

This is no different, although the hardware has more unique capabilities this time.

Still for games, you can't fight brute force hardware.

It's a fact. Deal with it! :)

Ju4003d ago (Edited 4003d ago )

aehem...Mark Rein is a ... sales guy...when was the last time he ever touched code? He sure is no CTO or chief architect - doesn't need to be. Just saying.

He will do a 180 as soon as their console business will be taking off again - or depending on which conference/meeting he is visiting.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4003d ago
Arai4003d ago (Edited 4003d ago )

From a architectural stand point EA is probably right, Mark Rein is taking things out of context and spinning it.

No where in the original article does it states performance wise, in other words there's nothing to see here.

"The Xbox One and PS4 are a generation ahead of the highest-end PCs currently available on the market, says EA’s chief technology officer."

Notice "technology officer" and not a coder/developer and what's not.

Example would be PS4's HSA, GDDR as system memory, southbridge having it's own processor and the other enhancements.
So yes EA is correct, Mark Rein should focus more on coding a proper engine with global illumination.

For people disagreeing, the ability to read, research and understanding might help.
Everything I wrote is on the net and covered by multiple tech savvy sites.

givemeshelter4003d ago

You don't want the same type of system memory for PC's because of the higher latency

Ipunchbabiesforfun4003d ago (Edited 4003d ago )

and you're still wrong...don't believe everything you read on the internet. If the next generation of PC games is 3 gens backwards for GPU's and mobile CPU's than we're all f'ed.

nthstew4003d ago (Edited 4003d ago )

architectural stand point EA is probably right???? current PCs(2013) X86 processor(core i7[6 cores, 15 mb cache] or AMD fx 8350[8 cores, 8 mb cache]) , ddr3 RAM,GDDR5 (memory brandwidth ranges from 144 gbps to 288 gbps),computation power (nvdia titan 4.5 teraflops & amd 7990 8.2 teraflops)
PCs (2014) ddr4 ram finally comes to market ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wik... GDDR6 (memory brandwith 1 tbps) , computation power nvdia maxwell (16 teraflops) and nvdia volta (32 teraflops)
ps4 and xbox comes with low powered X86 8 core 1.6 ghz processor (2mb cache)
computation power PS4(1.84 tera flops)& xbox one(1.29 tera flops)
NEXT GEN CONSOLES are lagging behind current gen pcs in terms of RAW computation power and architecturally

psyxon4003d ago (Edited 4003d ago )

You're gonna get disagrees because few people on n4g have any real background in computing or even a slight understanding of how computer parts work.

Sonyclearlistens says not to believe everything you read on the internet, yet that's what a large percentage of gamers do. They read, believe, spread rumors, then cry and get disappointed when the rumors aren't lived up to.

If more people took the time to educaate themselves about the technology they plan on buying, they wouldn't need to have "technology officers" say seemingly absurd things to them about the tech.

In short, most gamers are blind "know-it-alls", the ps4/360 have a better architectural design than any PC currently available, but in terms of raw performance, PCs are miles ahead. The difference will come when developers can exceedingly optimize their games on next-gen consoles due to the architecture, while PC just won't be able to do that for some time.

nthstew, dude, what're you talking about? do you even know? lol. the point isn't, as you're saying, in RAW power. it's in the way each unit communicates with each other, THAT is what they mean by architecture, specifically in their design. your entire comment is only focusing on RAW power, which is irrelevant, seeing as nobody said consoles have more raw power or performance. cause they don't. they can't. just stop. you're a perfect example of how sensitive a lot of PC gamers are. it's worse than console gamers lol. you really can't handle the idea of some other device being better than your platform in any way. probably because you paid a grand for technology you barely understand.

DeadlyFire4003d ago (Edited 4003d ago )

PC's next generation starts in 2014, and then a new one in 2015, 16, 17, 18 and so on. So they will have all the same features in less than a year available to the PC community. So yes technically EA is correct for now, but PC evolves every year. Consoles do it once ever 5-10 years and do have some advantages with locked hardware for game development, but easily surpassable for PC users in a year's time at most.

Ju4003d ago (Edited 4003d ago )

Not so sure about that. Until MS, intel, AMD and NVidia is actually sitting down finding a common ground how to merge CPU and GPU - without killing each others business the PC architecture will not really change much. Brute force forever. Just inventing a bigger hammer to get this box through that round hole. So, yes, I think consoles (well, at least the PS4 - I'd think One is still very traditional PC; except those piggy back "engines" they added) are way ahead from an architectural point of view.

And the PC industry will do fancy tricks to get to a unified computing model with all kind of mixed interfaces to RAM and handle cache coherency between - still dependent - compute units.

If you'd have a empty sheet, you never start designing things that way...

Doesn't say anything about what the final pixel will look like. If resources are not a top priority brute force wins over efficiency. We all know that.

dantesparda4002d ago (Edited 4002d ago )

PC guys and MS fanboys keep crying about GDDR5's higher latency vs DDR3 yet, where is the PC heading? to DDR4 with "HIGHER" latencies. Bandwidth has been more important for years now, catch on already people

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4002d ago
WillM174003d ago

I think because of unified memory system and APU we are one step ahead.

Ippiki Okami4003d ago

^^ This. the titan chip is a waste of time. Nvidia will make more money on its hybrid mobile chips than titan.

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4003d ago

U know its not true when a man in bed with M$ says its not!!

4003d ago
3-4-54003d ago

How come it's always the people who work at super huge company's always lie about stuff like this and over sensationalize when they could just tell us the truth ?

I think they are so used to BS'ing and lying to each other every single day, that they don't know how to turn it off.

It starts at the top. If it was frowned upon buy the guys at the top and they demanded truth only, then everyone below them would as well.

So obviously companies like EA & Microsoft and just going to BS there way into sales once again this gen.

That is so 2 gens ago.

SirBradders4003d ago

Because the casual market haven't a clue about a lot of things. Neither do it's just you guys here keep me informed.

N4g_null4003d ago

So what they are saying is they don't use pcs to make our games any more they are using ps4s and x1 lolololol. Wooooow some great lies are coming from E3 next week.

indysurfn4003d ago

Likewise I'm a console gamer and know it is bs. Like I keep saying WHY does EA still think they have credibility? I mean every week gamers get their intelligence insulted by these slims. And talk back, and yet they just keep on doing it! EA defended always online as a favor to the gamers?! Then they attacked Nintendo and said they will never make games for the system only a week later announce they are already making games for it. And now they make this supper stupid statment? All this in less than 1.5 weeks!

ATi_Elite4003d ago (Edited 4003d ago )

"One Generation ahead"?

So can you PLEASE explain to me what Xbox One/PS4 can do that my PC hasn't already been doing for the last 7 years cause so far everything listed is OLD news to me.

One Generation Ahead LMAO EA still DO NOT have dedicated servers for console games. Fix that before making stupid comments.

Instead of STUPID comments how about EA Over-Haul Star Wars: The Old Republic cause it's losing Gamers faster than a chicken with it's head cut off losing blood and it's the Biggest FLOP this MMO Gen.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4002d ago
Prcko4003d ago (Edited 4003d ago )

Ea is really talking stupid stuff,how can xbox one and ps4 be one generation ahead when ONE geforce TITAN eats ps4 and xbox for Breakfast

MegaMohsi4003d ago

THANK YOU someone from the development community said something!

NYC_Gamer4003d ago

Only an idiot would believe what EA said

Supermax4003d ago

Does next gen mean keep upgrading you pc or is it innovation of gameing.

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Well, anything to make those shareholders happy, I guess. They're all that matters in this industry nowadays.

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EA stocks haven't been profitable in over 5yrs. They better hope Take-two don't get the FIFA license lol.


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shinoff218356d ago

I feel alot of mobile gamers are kids which will at some point probably turn to console or pc. Mobile gaming just doesn't cut it for me.

AlterRecs55d ago

tru dat, but i feel like it's gonna be a lot more viable for people who travel a lot or don't want to invest in a full gaming rig. Think of it as a Switch on drugs, with a LOT more room for free illegal downloads.