
New ‘always on, always connected’ Durango SDK leak is real

EDGE - Fresh documents posted on vgleaks.com related to the next Xbox are real, our source has confirmed.

Our insider described the screengrabs from the Durango SDK on vgleaks.com as “entirely legitimate”, although they contain much of the same information we revealed on February 6th, and were circulated to developers working with the console last year.

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Gazondaily4067d ago (Edited 4067d ago )

Oh dear. Edge were pretty much spot on with their sources as far as the PS3 was concerned so we have to give them credit here too.

"With this “Always On, Always Connected” design, users will quickly and easily enjoy their connected entertainment experiences, with no waiting for the console to restart or install games"

Is that really the benefit of this design? The PS4 doesn't require you to be always on, always connected and still manages to achieve (according to what was shown) what was elucidated above.

But this did make me realise one thing; my hardware is already always on as it is; my smartphone is connected either via 3G or WiFi, my 360 and PS3 auto-sign in as soon as I turn them on, same goes for my PC.

So as far as this always on business is concerned, the only real issue is making sure I don't watch porn or prance around in my room dancing to Tom Jones like Carlton from Fresh Prince of Bel Air if my 720 is located there in case MS are watching me.

DragonKnight4067d ago

There's a difference between you choosing to have something always-on and someone exercising DRM by forcing always-on. Always-on is always going to be a bad decision because there is no such thing as a constantly stable network that never has down time.

If always-on goes to consoles, imagine what network maintenance would be like. Not only would you not be able to play the online component of games, you likely wouldn't be able to play games at all.

OC_MurphysLaw4067d ago

My DVR is always on...and unless the power goes down it is always connected. I turn my TV on and bingo...I have tons of channels to surf or access their on demand content.

The reality of always on, always connected is going to be very different than what most of the conspiracy people here think.

Gazondaily4067d ago (Edited 4067d ago )

Yeah I'm not liking the sound of this at all. DRM strikes at heart of player freedom and forcing this down our throats is going to be met by a lot of resistance by 'core gamers' (boy do I hate that term), if that is the case.

Also, you're right about the network maintenance side of things; how is that even going to work? I live in London and even then, I can foresee a lot of problems with it but what about my relatives and friends in countries where the online infrastructures are no where near as advanced?

To be honest, we still don't know exactly how it operates so we should give MS the benefit of the doubt seeing as this is still officially a rumour and we have very little info as to how this would even operate (if it exists). But I think we can all agree- this sort of move to have a quasi-DRM model just isn't what we need.

darthv724067d ago

equals no different than any other electronic device. My cable box is always on even when I turn it off. It still is on low power and can do the dvr stuff in the background.

Always connected equals no different than any other smart enabled device like a phone or pc and game consoles we have now. If you are hooked to the internet, you are pretty much always connected.

BlindGuardian4067d ago

can you all take a deep breath and read carefully for a moment

the article doesn't say anything about used games and certainly "always on always conencted" doesn't mean no used games, but the mandatory HDD installs and no gameplay from the discs DOES

DragonKnight4067d ago

If it's always-on in the cable box sense, then cool. If it's always-on in the SimCity sense, then MS are going to suffer. It definitely is too early to say for sure, but can anyone say with 100% total certainty that MS are above the SimCity style of always-on for a console?

xxLuckyStrike4067d ago

Failed to mention the first thing the document said is its "subject to change"

gaffyh4067d ago

@darth - Almost definitely they mean "Always on" in the sense that there will always be a connection to MS' server. Which would mean DRM, which would mean problems.

Just look at SimCity. \thread

darthv724067d ago (Edited 4067d ago )

how do you determine that?

always on and always connected are two different phrases. one does not equal the other. if they did then there would only be the one phrase.

I would think always on means what it says. Just like how my ps3 is always on unless I physically turn the main switch off on the back or unplug it. but if i did that, then i would not be able to connect to it over the internet.

And for that to happen my ps3 is always connected. Im know its a play on words but we really know nothing of what the words mean. We only have an implied meaning.

edit: we cant take the "literal" meaning of the terms "always on / always connected". We have to look at the figurative meanings. Because we cant predict when or where there will be power loss or signal disruptions.

the figurative meaning implies that the system will basically be available when you want it. Now seeing as MS does not have a dedicated handheld gaming device for remote play, they could be working on an xbox anywhere app that allows you to connect to your xbox from a pc or smartphone or tablet...anywhere / anytime as long as the device you are using is connected to the internet.

Like a beefed up version of smart glass but not being right next to the system as a second screen. This is all just hypothetical in a sense. I'm not saying this is EXACTLY what they are doing.

But too many are taking the literal approach to the terms when we really know NOTHING to the extent of what MS intends to do. Hell....we dont even have an official reveal for crap sake.

HammadTheBeast4067d ago

@BlindGuardian Good point. Overall, this has me confused, concerned, and bemused. And slightly amused.

Guess it's PS4 for me.

Outside_ofthe_Box4067d ago

So the next Xbox won't *require* internet connection to function that's good to hear.

The main concern now is used games...

***"It does reveal, however, that all games on Blu-Ray will be installed onto the console’s hard drive, and that play from the optical disc will not be supported"***

This doesn't sound assuring at all. Seems like the disc becomes useless after the game is installed. I hope I'm interpreting this wrong.

xursz4067d ago (Edited 4067d ago )

This is crazy. I won't throw names but I remember the same people who were saying "watch when the PS4 shoves DRM down our throat fanboys are going to bend over and accept it." Now these same people flip-flopped to supporting it. **facepalm**

Always connected DRM is nonsense no matter how you spin it. Period. As Septic mentioned, all these 'benefits' outlined have already been brought up with the PS4 so these 'benefits' are nothing but excuses.

That said, I'll take this as rumor until its confirmed.

Army_of_Darkness4067d ago (Edited 4067d ago )

I can't imagine how much the RROD#2 is gonna increase with xbox 720 when it's gonna be "always on"! ;-)

Lvl_up_gamer4067d ago

Always on doesn't bother me. All my devices that use internet are all always on. My cable box is always on even when i turn it off.

I have no problem. I still have yet to see where the issue is. People in here think that because there is an issue with internet connectivity suddenly you won't be able to play. If MS are planning the 720 to be all in 1 device I am sure they have already thought about connectivity issues.

nveenio4067d ago

No. Your DVR is not always on. The machine may be, but the service isn't. Have you never called your cable/satellite provider and said, "I have no signal!" And they say, "Technicians are already working on the issue."

THAT'S the problem. Paying for a service and not being able to use it at the fault (or responsibility) of the service provider.

guitarded774067d ago

Ugh... we apparently will have to install the game to the hard drive, and the games will not be played from disc, just HD. MS will probably make us buy their licensed hard drives, so this is just out of control.

SilentNegotiator4067d ago (Edited 4067d ago )

So you have no idea what the difference between cable television and internet is, then? No wait, you didn't even compare those...you compared your DVR being on to internet reliability COMBINED WITH network reliability. -_-

You have no problem with always on, now that it appears the next Xbox has it? Shocker. /s

To be fair, this is really just a rumor. An "insider source confirmation" does not proof make, no matter how often EDGE has gotten rumors correct.

kevnb4067d ago

well it was only a matter of time. The ps4 will end up similar as its up to the publishers.

xursz4067d ago

Jack Tretton confirmed you can play the PS4 without connecting to the internet.

If EA starts attaching DRM nonsense to PS4 games it's on them.

RememberThe3574067d ago (Edited 4067d ago )

"Always on, always connected" means that the games can only run if your connect to their network, and that is the problem. It's not ambiguous like your trying to make it sound. If only calling it "always connected" works better for you then good, but there's not point in requiring game installs on consoles unless your implementing DRM. Now, we can pretend we don't know what this means or we can make the logical connections.

I hope your right though and they've learned their lesson from Office, but at the very least it's looking like DRM is going to be pushed with this next Xbox. And we have every right to have a problem with that.

TemplarDante4067d ago

Its almost like Microsoft is giving the middle finger to most people outside of the United States to be honest. In all honesty, its doubtful to servers and network you would be connected to are localised for every country that supports XBL..
Ive had many Disconnects over XBL in the past, imagine playing a game, it dc's and it exits the game after a certain amount of minutes a la' Sim City.

_-EDMIX-_4067d ago

Agreed! What most are not really understanding is that most people don't just own internet. This move could actually destroy MS's next system if true. I really don't see people flocking to a system they have to pretty much ALWAYS have a internet connection to. There has been many times where my internet was down and I had nothing to do but catch up on some games.

What if you take it out to a remote place with no internet? What about developing countries with limited internet? What about families that don't even have internet?

So PS4 (everyone and anyone can own it)

720 (only if you have internet)

So...MS pretty much made there death bed. LOL! I see this going really bad.

Dee_914067d ago (Edited 4067d ago )

Hopefully if this news gets enough hate MS has enough time to change it.
I think this is horrible and I personally dont see any benefits.Stop trying to be so innovative and build on what you have already jeez. we all cant be benjamin franklin
Not just the always on but the installing games onto the HD bit too.
Its so funny they try to put a spin on it to make it sound like its a good thing but in reality its to make more money.
I dont usually type this but it is necessary right here.
Like really can someone tell me the benefit of any of this? Not those cookie cutter PR responses we get from MS.Because I must not fully understand this. I dont know.. guess Il have to wait and see

TheRealSpy4067d ago (Edited 4067d ago )

So much complaining and speculation about a rumor. We aren't far away from the official announcement. Just relax!

BTW, since we're all speculating anyway, did it ever occur to anyone that there will be multiple versions of the console? MS already showed an interest in doing a subscription based version of 360. Maybe the always on feature is limited to people who opt for the 99 dollar console but have to agree to a 2 year Live subscription.

sinjonezp4067d ago

Very good points and more questions are raised in contrast to ones being answered. In the United States 77% of all people are connected to the internet. While this provides a positive figure to promote a product that is always connected, server capability is an issue. Additionally will Microsoft charge consumers like last generation after buying the box? What about Americans and people around the globe who do not have internet access. Only slightly over 30% of the world is connected. Not only are Microsoft alienating possible customers, they are also creating doubt; people wondering if this is due to DRM measures or verifying owners? Microsoft should consider further research before they institute this type of strategy. Consumers do not want an environment where they feel like they are controlled; Especially if you paying a premium for the product and service.

nukeitall4067d ago (Edited 4067d ago )

Actually, I think people are mis-interpreting this.

Always on, always connected doesn't mean DRM necessary. From what I gather it means even when the console is "considered" off to most people, it is in a lower power state that is "always on" and still connected to the internet.

It doesn't say, it has to be connected, nor does it say DRM that requires you to be constantly connected.

My guess is that is a marketing tag line that has been incorrectly interpreted by the gaming media.

Of course MS knows there are going to be ISP outages or any number of problems along the way with internet connection.

If you thought of it, don't you think a corporation with educated people haven't thought of it?

Psn8004067d ago

Totally agree with you , you can't implement the gamer to leave his or her games console on all the things the op mentioned not only that with fuel prices going through the roof this is a really bad idea .

Omegasyde4067d ago

***To all the responses stating always on isn't bad and comparing to a cable box****

From this generation of games, most gamers have determined that the launch week of popular online games always have kinks to be ironed out especially if the developer underestimate the servers required(COD for example). You also have to factor in if there is a problem with netcode such as NATing or if a server is hacked.

If you have an always-on requirement, users might be affected by this by not even being able to play the game at launch (even single player). If the leaks lead to "always on" having your system connect to a dedicated XBL system then the situation is different. You also might be screwed by auto-patch updates that might cause more problems (i.e. Bethesda games lol).

But even then if a group of hackers say...anonymous, hacks MS servers, this means the system is completely unplayable unless MS has some redundancy plan (which would cost millions).

The real benefit I see coming from this, is licensing. If I lose or scratch a disc, I am sure MS would let me download the entire game at no extra charge or a small fee.

In the end, it is a catch 22. It also limits hardware sales for areas without broadband connections since there is no confirmed "off-line" mode. Then again as a incentive to entice more buyers, MS *might* make basic online play free.

DVRs and cable boxes are different since you only are using one connection to your TV providers Central Office and uploaded information is almost irrelevant.

Online games require constant data uploaded/downloaded at all times via UDP sessions.

Winter47th4067d ago

"New ‘always on, always connected’ Durango SDK leak is real"

And this was the day I decided to go PC/PS4 for the next generation.

nypifisel4067d ago

I'm not sure there's any benefit for Microsoft to have DRM seeing how piracy and so on isn't such a big problem on the consoles, only use it could have is for blocking used games I guess.

liquidhalos4066d ago

You make a good point about network stability. In September last year our landlord converted his house (which is located under our flat) into new flats and it caused terrible problems with our phoneline. It was down for almost 2 weeks and when it did come back up the builders always seemed to find a way to knock it back out again. We had on and off problems until building was finished in February. Now im asuming that had i have had a 720 i wouldnt have been able to play any of the games id already paid for?

That kind of bums me out, my 360 is my favorite console and i was planning on getting a 720 because i naturally wanted to port my live account as ive had it so long.

Im sure this wont be a disaster for microsoft but it sure is a little disaster for me and my gaming world.

JeffGUNZ4066d ago

It's pretty clear in this article what I was saying all along. "Always on, Always Connected" doesn't mean you have to have internet to play a single player game. It means the system will basically be in a standby mode. It will also download updates to games or system updates while you're at work or what not. It seems to be more of a benefit if you have internet, but no where have I read that you NEED an internet connection to play a single player game.

Utalkin2me4066d ago


"I would think always on means what it says. Just like how my ps3 is always on unless I physically turn the main switch off on the back or unplug it"

Are you really saying just cause the PS3 is plugged in it's always on?

Nafon4066d ago

I just don't see why people think this. it doesn't HAVE to be always on! If you unplug the power cable or turn off the power strip your xbox is plugged into, it's not going to explode! you'll just have to download updates when you turn it on again. It's there as a convenience, not to force it on you. If you are concerned about power usage or microsoft spying on you (which they probably will lol), unplug the damned thing! they will probably have an option in the settings to turn it off anyways.

4066d ago
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piroh4067d ago

"all games on Blu-Ray will be installed onto the console’s hard drive, and that play from the optical disc will not be supported"

is this a joke?

Simon_Brezhnev4067d ago

basically anti-used games no matter how people try to spin it.

Old McGroin4067d ago (Edited 4067d ago )

@ piroh

"is this a joke?"

I hope so but I've seen it pop up on other sites like IGN in the past half an hour so could be real. If it's true I will seriously be considering giving the next Xbox a skip.

EDIT: By "true" I mean if it leads to being unable to play used games.

claterz4067d ago

I'm sure Microsoft have some ridiculously priced hard drives lined up to store all those games ;) lol.

darthv724067d ago

if anything, the game installs a validation key in order to play. The idea of installing the "game" to the hdd from a bluray disc would imply the system would have to include a HUGE hdd.

I can see them making it to where you put the disc in, it validates against the previously installed key (via the internet if need be) and then you are able to play the game.

Sounds like PS+ in a way. I have only recently signed up for the service but i understand that in order for a game to be playable during the subscription period, it validates your membership (via the internet) and allows the game to be played.

Can anyone who was once a PS+ member, but now isnt...confirm this?

Blastoise4067d ago

That sounds terrible. O.o

Oh dear...

OC_MurphysLaw4067d ago

@piroh and for those other wondering....
games that are disc based will ALL be installed to the hard drive. Proprietary tech will allow the game to be played with in seconds of being inserted into the system while the game will continue to install in the back ground. From then forward the game will play off the hard drive not the disc. With the exception of the first time you put the disc in you really will never play "off" the disc.

aquamala4067d ago

how is this anti used games? get a used game, put it in, and install to hard drive.

Saigon4067d ago


I don't think you understand where @piroh is a little pissed at. There are hardcore gamers that buy or even play almost 5-10 games at a time. I can't do that, one game a pop for me and then on to next. With MS doing this, it means that a user has to be cautious of their space on their system all the time. This sort of reminds me of when I purchased the 4gig 360, I eventually had to purchase the extended hard drive because I couldn't do anything. whats is going to happen if MS only gives 500gb hdd and with the 50gb blu-ray being the minimal disk sized used, it can get a little ugly. Lets hope that MS makes this an option and not something mandatory.

jamz44067d ago


Your ps+ games are given an expiration date of when your subscription ends and can be played offline until then (you can check the date by pressing triangle and going to information). When you renew your sub it updates the expiration date automatically.

badz1494067d ago

wow dude, have you ever play a pc game before? have you seen any USED pc games like...EVER?

OC_MurphysLaw4067d ago

@Saigon I think you are assuming the hard drive is going to be small and limiting...we have no idea what the HDD size will be yet. This is just another example of people freaking out before knowing the whole picture. IF MS comes and says mandatory HDD installs and you only have a 500GB or smaller HDD then I will be first to say.... that blows and give me more space!

FamilyGuy4067d ago (Edited 4067d ago )

I'm pro-sony in all aspects and I still think some of you need to think more logically about this.

The no used games and always online are negatives but playing games off the HDD isn't that big of a deal and probably helps with load speeds.

Blu-ray disc drives don't have a very high disc read speed so this may be their answer to combat that. The PS4 comes with a 6x drive, who knows what speed the next xbox will come at but what we do know is currently PS3 games duplicate assets to combat the slow read speed problem. Look at how long load times were for first gen PS3 games compared to what they are now. It was horrible and they solved the problem by creating doubles on the disc so it wouldnt have to read from an older, time consuming, location.

The next xbox is supposed to have a 500Gb HDD standard so you'd just have to delete the games you arent playing once that's filled. The ability to play WHILE it's installing already means that if you delete it and then come back to it you STILL won't have to wait (in theory). Also, they'll obviously be larger HDD options as well (at a price or some bundled model).

This isn't all that surprising to me.

Also, I expect the PS4 to have a MINIMUM of a 500Gb hard drive as well though 750Gb-1Tb is more likely for Sony.

I'm not all that interested in Microsoft's next console to begin with but it'd be nice for them to officially come out about the system soon.

darthv724067d ago

thanks for clearing that up. The reason i wasnt so sure is because (in my case) when I play a game on my vita, it always connects to the internet first and then i can play.

Maybe its doing an auto update thing instead of validating my sub but that is why i was associating the two.

It makes sense to have an expiration date as unless you are on a 3g plan, you arent always going to be in a place with wifi to connect/validate over the web.

As for the hdd install thing. i still think it wont "fully" install the game but just some assets to verify the copy you put in the drive matches the key installed to the system. Otherwise you could run out of space real quickly depending on the size of the hdd (if they include one at all).

Maybe (and this is MAYBE) we all need to take a chill and wait for something real to come from the mouths of MS.

HammadTheBeast4067d ago


I've said it before, and will say it again. If PC can do it, there's no reason a console shouldn't. Specs I understand, but honestly? Installing and then not being able to use the disk is bull. Might as well make it digital only.

Cryptcuzz4067d ago

I sure hope that is a joke or an incorrect info that would not make it in the final release.

If that is the case, they better release the next Xbox with 1 TB SKU and a 2 TB SKU for those who buys a lot of games and use their console as a media device as well.

On top of that, how long and tedious would someone have to wait to buy a game and wait for it to install upwards of 20 GB to 50 GB of data before they can start playing?

One thing I didn't like about the PS3 was sometimes needing to do a partial mandatory install. Even that is not the whole game and took sometimes upwards of 5 to 10 minutes.

I am glad Sony placed an emphasis on gamers not wanting to wait and would like to buy a game and play it right away during their Playstation conference for the PS4.

I truly hope this isn't true, since it is simply bad for all gamers. Fanboy or not, it is terrible for consumers in general.

Christopher4067d ago

***Blu-ray disc drives don't have a very high disc read speed***

Yes they do. In fact, they have a higher on average read speed than the variable rate DVD drives. 6x BD would be faster than current DVD drives in all areas and would easily deliver 1080p and 7.1 audio without issue.

ps3_pwns4067d ago

looks like im getting the ps4 for sure it would be dumb and borderline criminal as a gamer to even touch the x720 with this gaming slavery they are enacting. your console will always have to be connected to the internet to work. if you do not have internet microsoft will charge you 40 bucks a month so that you can have 3g or 4g internet and they will charge you editional fees for downloading games and such.

Saigon4067d ago


I am expecting them to go the route of 500gb. MS creates their own hdd for the 360, and I expect them to do the same with the Next Xbox. If they go with anything higher than a 500gb hdd, its going to get expensive. Right now the highest hdd that I know of is a 5TB thats available, but again it is very expensive. Granted they are going to get bigger, but if we expect them to place a 1TB into the Next Xbox, its going to be ridiculous in price and wouldn't make sense, but then again, it might be the right decision based on the specs of the system.

In my assumption if games are going to be placed on at least a blu-ray 50gb disk than we need to take into consideration that most games will be at least 50gb. I know MS is great at providing compression techniques but this is still a huge number. 500gb hdd at least 8-9 games, excluding the software on the system which may take more space than expected. Even with 1tb, it doubles that game number stored.

In assumption they may come out with a method where you can remove the game and install again for later use.

deadfrag4067d ago

Thank god we still have PS4,PC and Wii U,not even steam require me to be always online to play my games.Another thing is that atleast in 90% of the european countrys will not have acess to those cable and media features that the console seems to have for the US market,most people in EU will not pick this console because they dont see the meaning of having to be always on an connected online to play there games.I will not miss you Microsoft!

DeadlyFire4067d ago

Sounds like Windows or Steam/Origin type of deal. I detect Xbox Windows 820 coming up soon.

The plus side of this tech means we won't have to insert disc to play a game. This could relate more to XBL purchases than retail game discs. I suspect Sony's patent for similar tech was aimed at only PSN titles.

Dee_914067d ago

who said playing off HDD was a bad thing?I dont mind that at all.Its neither bad nor good.Its the fact that we wont be able to play used games,No more gamefly.If you know this than do you really want slightly faster load screens over used games ?

DOMination-4067d ago

Oh my god are you guys all seriously thick? You can still use the disk, its just that you won't need it if its installed to hdd. This is convenient as i won't have to keep getting up to swap discs if i want to play something else.

Basically sounds like XBL is turning into steam. And steam is universally praised on N4G.

madjedi4067d ago (Edited 4067d ago )

@family guy

Big fucking deal your going from being handicapped by "slow" optical drives, to a slow ass platter hdd.

It's still slow as hell regardless, the only way your statement would be accurate is if ms put solid state hard drives in the 720.

And the capacity needed just to make alot or all digital downloading remotely practical means it is a old fashioned platter hdd. Not unless you want to fork out a grand+ for the 720, with a large enough ssd.

Always on and always connected -_-. If net access is required for sp games, it will be lucky to get to half of the 360's sales. I really hope ms isn't that stupid.

We will see if this rumor is verified or proven false at e3 though.

We are stuck with rotational media for likely 1 last gen for games, the gen after the ps4 will likely use flash cards similar to the vita.

Deleting games you bought to make room for new games to buy, fuck that, it's called get a bigger hdd.

THC CELL4066d ago

Can't be true. What if the hard drive fills up

+ Show (21) more repliesLast reply 4066d ago
Sidewinder-4067d ago

"prance around in my room dancing to Tom Jones like Carlton from Fresh Prince of Bel Air"

You Too?!

Now I feel better.

SilentNegotiator4067d ago

It's not unusual to hear me cry. Always on DRM? I wanna die.

Buff10444067d ago

Everyone needs to see how both machines pan out on launch day. What Sony announced won't necessarily come to fruition. What Microsoft announces won't necessarily come to fruition. Inevitably...something will get cut, something else won't work as it should.

superterabyte4067d ago (Edited 4067d ago )

Microsoft hasn't announced anything. The problem here is that the same rumors keep arising. Not to mention that edge have been consistently correct with recent rumors. An always online console is such a bad idea. For example when I moved house my internet went down for about 1 and a half months. This means that if I had an always online games console all I would really have had was a brick.

There could also be temp network failures, hackers etc. Who at Microsoft sat down and said in today's world network infrastructures are reliable enough to be totally dependent on?

darthv724067d ago

man that would have sucked if you were serious into world of warcraft or any other MMO type of game where emphasis there is "online".

Never played it myself so I am not sure of an offline mode. Time to bust out the super nintendo or PS2.

Kurt Russell4067d ago

I'm with superabyte on this one, if I move house in the UK it can take over a month to be connected back up. If this means I can;t play offline, then I won't buy for this simple reason!

Reibooi4067d ago (Edited 4067d ago )

If they are using always on as a form of DRM it's suicide for this console. People get pissed when ONE PC game has this kinda thing and with a always on console every single game would do this.

I mean imagine going to the store buying the game you want to 60 bucks and then not being able to play cause your internet is down. You BOUGHT and OWN a physical copy of the game and can't play it. That is BS i am sorry to say. If that is what MS is aiming for I don't think they will be very successful.

OC_MurphysLaw4067d ago

its always on as in just like you DVR at home...its always on, even if in a state of sleep so in a second it comes to life and works when you turn on your tv.


And what happens when your cablebox can't find the signal? Yup, that's the point, not how "always on" will work, but the implications of this feature.

OC_MurphysLaw4067d ago

@bishop-br...there is mass speculation going on right now on the implications of this feature. From the end of used games to MS watching me all the time. What I have read and believe (again my opinion only), sounds like the box will be in a lower power state or elevated. Its connected just like you are connected to Steam and just like steam offline play is an option if connection is broken.

darthv724067d ago

you do know there is a difference between always on and always connected.....right?

in your comment of "And what happens when your cablebox can't find the signal?" is more about the always connected rather than always on.

Since signal issues are related to connection.

People are taking the literal meaning of the two terms. My ps3 is always on AND always connected. That is how i can do remote play over the internet.



And that's exactly why I used quotation mars around always on, Dlacy13g used this term and anology, but obviously that's not what everyone is so concerned about, it's the always connected interpretation that's getting everyone up to arms (specially right after the SimCity fiasco).

_-EDMIX-_4067d ago

Agreed. Now I literally skipped Diablo 3 JUST because of that feature and even C&C4! Now it was 5 bucks on Steam, I was literally minutes from getting it, read it had always on DRM, I never bought it. It was literally the deciding factor in me buying it.

I game in my room in which I need to have wifi. Now if I'm gaming, there are times where I need to go in my liviing room and reconncet or fix my router. Doesn't mean my internet is off, just that I need to reset my router or make sure the cord is in tight etc.

But this is only an issue when I'm playing an online game, OH but if i own 720 its going to be EVERY GAME! errr no. It won't happen and I won't have that issue because I plan to never own a 720.

Not a Halo, Forza or Fable fan so......

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4067d ago
MYSTERIO3604067d ago

What? with this model i expect at least 1T of storage space for the console. Don't think im gonna get a Nextbox from his info.

ziggurcat4067d ago

if it doesn't block the ability to play single player games if, say, the network goes down or there's a problem with your ISP, then always-on isn't such a big deal, imo.

i think the issue most people have with this type of functionality is that it could mean that you can't play any single player campaign if you're not connected.

MariaHelFutura4067d ago

It will be interesting to see what's true and what's not in the end surrounding this next console.

hazardman4067d ago

I don't care about always on, cause your right most of our electronics are already always on. The thing that I'm worried about is if I'm able to game when I have no internet.
The article states that the games will be ddl to hdd rendering optical disc useless. So to me that's my main concern.

GenericNameHere4067d ago

I don't know about you, but whenever it rains, my Wi-Fi f@cks up. I always have to turn it off, or on my iPhone, turn on 4G. It goes on for like at least 8 hours (not the rain, but the Wi-Fi being off). It's really annoying.

Andreex4067d ago

yeah let's see what happens when the whole xbox live goes offline forever (as it did with the old xbox, dont say it doestn happen)

Jakens4067d ago

Didn't think of that one but it's true and scary.

rainslacker4066d ago

Forced obsolescence isn't that uncommon in a lot of industries nowadays, particularly in electronics. If they didn't completely drop it and maintained their servers for prior gens indefinitely it wouldn't be a problem. However, one day eventually they will cease support of whatever servers run this service. They already do it with quite a few of their products. The big difference though is that to date most of their products don't require an always on DRM.

Right now though it's hard to say if this rumor means that eventually the games you brought for the system would be unplayable in say 20 years time. IF that were the case it would be really sad, and shows more and more that a big player doesn't see gaming as more than a product, and not the actual art that it can be.

Chaotic_Lament4067d ago

The always on might just be referring to power, as in its always turned on, not necessarily always needs to be connected to the internet.

omi25p4067d ago

If want to dance to Tom Jones then i will. I couldn't give a damn is MS is watching or not.

Gamer-Z4067d ago

For the people who keep saying its no different than my cable box or smart phone you are dead wrong because even if your phone losses connection you can at least still access apps and the other features of your phone where as a cable box cant do anything without a connection. If the nextbox is like a cable box where it has to have a connection to do anything then i can see a lot of people having a problem with this and also its kind of creepy to think that MS might be spying on you with kinect.

joab7774067d ago

If its true, they r playing with real fire. Unless they r gonna sell it for $99 with a subscription to time warner, they may be in trouble. I guess only time will tell but not being able to use without internet will close off an entire base of gamers, casual and hardcore.

AngelicIceDiamond4067d ago (Edited 4067d ago )

Ok so the original leaks were legitimate. I thought it was just re hashed re-packaged rumors from the original sources. Which did dated back as early as last year.

“Durango will implement different power states so that it can always be powered on, but will draw minimal electricity when not in use,” the document reads. “The console will be ready instantly when users want to play, and will always maintain a network connection so that console software and games are always current. With this “Always On, Always Connected” design, users will quickly and easily enjoy their connected entertainment experiences, with no waiting for the console to restart or install games.”

That's cool an all but the burning question still remains, will it block used games with a 24 hour console? And what happens if I don't have internet? This is also interesting, if MS makes MP free, are they forcing people to be online at all times in return?

I freakin hope not

EDIT: But then again this doesn't necessarily spell doom. None of the sources confirmed blocking used games instead it seem more user feature just like I predicted in a another post and apparently I was right. http://n4g.com/news/1213838...
FYI I didn't know it was confirmed but I did notice the rumor popping back up since yesterday.

Like I stated I really hope 24 hour console is consumer feature and not corporate feature.

Jakens4067d ago (Edited 4067d ago )

Double post. sorry.

fermcr4067d ago (Edited 4067d ago )

Well, if the rumors are true, I'm pretty sure I won't be buying it. Simple as that. Microsoft are probably shooting them self's in the foot if these specs are implemented in their next console.

As for Sony, they still haven't presented all the details about the PS4, but for now, PS4 is likely the only console I'll purchase.

Just Sony and my PC for me next gen if true.

The_KELRaTH4067d ago

Referring to using a mobile phone connection as a reference that always on is ok probably the best example of why always on is not ok.
How many times have you lost the signal even in major populated areas let a lone in rural spots.

Here's the thing it should be our choice as to whether we want things always on - MS dictating terms (yet again) does not create customer loyalty rather resentment

JsonHenry4066d ago

The one thing I hate most about always on - if the network goes down for ANY reason you can't play. Not even single player. (go look at the most recent example- simcity)

Also- nothing sucks work than random hangs/lagging not because the console/pc can't handle the game but because the internet has a hiccup.

+ Show (18) more repliesLast reply 4066d ago
redDevil874067d ago

Shhheeeeeiiiiitttt indeed.

Source after source is confirming the same thing, yet people refuse to believe them.

BanBrother4067d ago (Edited 4067d ago )

I'm not disappointed at all or surprised. Just means I have to buy one less console next gen. When I play my games, online or single player, I am always connected. Yesterday, my internet was playing up and I kept getting disconnected, this hsppens a lot.

Microsoft have to get out of their bubble and realise not everyone has 30mb down and 8mb upload. I have 6mb down and 200-260kb up on a good day.

EDIT: I forgot, how much extra power will it use? It draws 'minimal power', which is a relative term. My power bills are f***** as i is. Thanks MS, if this is true, thèn you have saved me the displeasure of dealing with your scumbag ass next gen.

Jakens4067d ago

Pay extra to play offline. Pay extra for diconnecting Kinect.

redDevil874067d ago

Mezzo, did you choose the pic for thumbnail?

LOL it's amazingly accurate

-Mezzo-4067d ago

Yes, i did find that myself & used it, the original EDGE article did not used this on their Article.


JeffGUNZ4066d ago

Oh Sheet, what? From that article it suggests that the system will be in a standby mode, so when you want to play it's right there. Also, it appears that this always connected talk points towards automatic updates for games and system updates while you're not playing it. I still have not seen ANYTHING that says you need an internet connection to play a single player game. A lot of people here are twisting words to make bash the next xbox.

GribbleGrunger4067d ago

In an earlier thread I pointed out that it says 'always on', which could just mean 'in a standby state', but this new info has 'always on, always connected' which suggests it IS going to require network connectivity. Surely, even if this is true at the moment, Microsoft will remove it from the final build. It just seems very risky when you consider that a huge amount of people can't afford or even can't get broadband.

OlgerO4067d ago

Xbox is not going through with this, they know this would be a huge competitive disadvantage

amiga-man4067d ago (Edited 4067d ago )

Of course it would be a disadvantage but they take away your internet access and force you to pay to get it back which is a major disadvantage but that didn't stop them doing it,

surely people are not gonna continue to put up with this crap.

PSVita4067d ago

&olgerO-So was not having a blu-ray drive, built in wifi/hdmi, an external HDDVD drive, subscription online service etc. etc. but they did it and it didn't seem like people cared.....

DigitalRaptor4067d ago (Edited 4067d ago )

@ OlgerO

Possibly, but don't underestimate what Microsoft will do. They've got away with charging a $60 barrier to entry for basic P2P online gameplay for around a decade. As long as they can mask it among the notion that the rest of what you get for your money is worth it, they can and will do it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4067d ago
LackTrue4K4067d ago

my concern is what control Microsoft will have over my installed games. would they, for example, have the power to uninstall anything i've put on there?

profgerbik4067d ago (Edited 4067d ago )

You always sign an agreement for anything you use and no doubt Microsoft has already had the power to do just that if they wanted to. I highly doubt anyone actually read all of the agreement guidelines but I know just about every company who requires you to accept one, somewhere in there it will say they have the right to do just that.

Usually would never happen unless you were asking for it hacking or something like that. They could get in trouble themselves for abusing that of course but if they just wanted to completely ban you from ever using their system or games again. I know they have the right depending on the situation.

Most people just click accept on these agreements and have no idea how much they are actually signing up for.

DragonKnight4067d ago

@profgerbik: They do not have the right to uninstall games you paid for, that would be stealing.

meatnormous4067d ago

If they say the games are a service, then they do have the right to shut down the game on your console. Do you really think you own anything you download through live or psn?

ceedubya94067d ago

Connected, to me, seems to imply something different. When it says "users will quickly and easily enjoy their CONNECTED entertainment experiences, with no waiting for the console to restart or install games...," I'm not seeing that idea that the console will be required to be online. It looks like it is more alluding to your first statement about the console being in a standby state. While in standby, things will still occur in the background. Taking out the waiting time for little things that could keep us from getting to our games or aps quicker.

Of course, the console will require an internet connection to work (obviously), but if a person doesn't have the console connected, they will still more than likely be able to play their games but won't be able to take advantage of the benefits that are provided by an online console.

JOHN_DOH4067d ago

I think it's going to require some kind of subscription. Things that require constant connection like cable boxes, cell phones, internet all require subcription, and Microsoft has been successful in charging for multiplayer.

joeorc4066d ago (Edited 4066d ago )

it just seems to me service base that it will keep updates to the system an its software be it game or application. the only real problem that may happen is if the game or application would need the recent patch to play the game online. which happens, now if the update happens to also be a way to determine if the game or software needs to verify its code to be that of security token and you need internet to confirm that than that may also be problem. It just depends on how Microsoft designed its new dashboard an software security token system to see what limitations or lack there of are used.

people it seem's are just really jumping the gun right now, there really is no real information about this issue being even the case.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4066d ago
Cocozero4067d ago (Edited 4067d ago )

So it has nothing to do with used games then? Always on refers to power not internet. Sounds just like what the PS4 is doing so you can start your game where you finished it straight away.

Edit: On a side note the pic for the article is a bit random...

Gazondaily4067d ago

Haha yeah- it's related to the Hypno-toad. Don't believe me? Watch how hot this article gets.

imtheman20134067d ago

That's not hypno-toad. It's Rango, from the animated film. I think whoever posted this was playing on the fact the next Xbox is codenamed 'Durango.'

Gazondaily4067d ago

Yeah I know I was just making a jok.......ah forget it.

OlgerO4067d ago

It doesnt say anywhere that the always online will be needed to play, im sure you can disable it

Jek_Porkins4067d ago

How is this not rumor as well? Gonna wait for official reveals and not worry about what if's from mere rumors.

Arai4067d ago

Because it's information from official documents.
That's not to say that things won't or can't change.

Veneno4066d ago

Rumor or not, this gossip going on right now is putting Microsoft in a hugely negative light and they need to come forth and give us some answers. Its either that or have gamers rejecting Xbox Next before it's even been announced!

Jek_Porkins4066d ago (Edited 4066d ago )

Have you ever thought that that is the reason these rumors are going around in the first place? It's a tactic to try and force Microsoft's hand and tip what they actually do have.

Last year we heard almost the same rumors about the next PlayStation, so if I were Microsoft I'd stick to the plan, let people talk, there is no bad publicity.

Show off the console when they are ready. Only an idiot believes everything they hear on the internet.

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thorstein10h ago

Don't worry, AI will save us all.

And if you didn't know, that's sarcasm!

Goodguy0110h ago

Idk. Great games have still been releasing. Mcsft is still no different than after the 360 era. PS, you just have to wait many years for. Nintendo is readying next gen and will definitely have many games. 3rd party and indies have been the highlight so far this year.

LucasRuinedChildhood7h ago(Edited 7h ago)

Yeah but the games coming out have been in development for many years so they're not affected by this issue.

This is more about the future.

I would say that indies will continue to put out interesting games at least. They need to avoid buyouts though or they're in danger of ending up like Roll7.

Part of the issue is that CEOs created projections based on the Covid years. Now that the line/Growth™ isn't going up, they're overcorrecting for stakeholders despite good profits. There's a certain mindlessness to it.

Hopefully with inflation down and more realistic projections, things will level out.

shinoff21837h ago

The bad thing is these ceos should now those numbers are bad faith and should know better then to use those numbers.

jwillj2k46h ago(Edited 6h ago)

Yea ok.. Microsoft is no different than the 360 era eh… what in tarnation have u been smoking to not only come to that conclusion but to consciously post it publicly.

isarai5h ago

Not really, what's happening is the sh!tty AAA industry is finally collapsing and things will revert back to mid-tier being the dominant tier like back in the day.