
PS3 Outsells 360, Doesn’t Change Anything

When the PS3 originally launched, consumers and journalists around the world were throwing in the towel and already saying their farewells to Sony’s high priced console. Now, as we reach the last years of the PS3’s time in the limelight, the Daily Reaction crew of Seb and Dan discuss how the market has changed for Sony, and just what this could mean for their future in the next generation of console wars.

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doctorstrange4141d ago

I have both, and am glad they're both doing well :)

Foolsjoker4141d ago

I have all 3, and I wish 1 didn't do so well.

Abash4141d ago

"Doesn’t Change Anything"

It wasn't suppose to change anything. What does it mean though? A whole lot. Such as the less advertised PlayStation brand still has the bigger worldwide presence and Sony is in a very good position for next gen launching a successor to a console that overtook it's closest rival in sales despite being higher priced.

zebramocha4141d ago (Edited 4141d ago )

Yes,it means the king has returned and lay all the suckers who ever doubted him down.

deep_fried_bum_cake4141d ago


The advertisement element really can't be overlooked.

I remember trying (unsuccessfully) to convince my younger brother (who was 17 at the time and should have known better) that Modern Warfare 3 was on the PS3 because from all of the advertisements he had seen it seemed as though it was exclusive to the 360.

I imagine that there are a lot people as stupid as my brother who might have bought a 360 because they think games are exclusive to the 360 when they are not.

(My brother figured out it wasn't exclusive when I bought it for his birthday on the PS3).

BattleAxe4141d ago

The PS3 outselling the 360 did four things:

1. It showed just how powerful the Sony brand is by outselling the 360, which had a one year head start and a 7 million console lead.

2. Having the PS3 release one year after the 360 allowed Sony to continue to sell the PS2 at a high level for an additional year, helping the PS2 to become the best selling home console of all time.

3. Allowed Sony to release the best possible console they could have ever hoped for. We were treated to stunning games like Uncharted, God of War 3 and Killzone 2 that could simply not be matched on the 360.

The technology in this console also helped the Blu-Ray disc format to proliferate the market in a huge way. The PS3 was ultimately what helped Sony to win the HD format war, which makes the PS3 a far bigger success for Sony than it would appear on the surface.

darthv724141d ago

You make good points but you are also leaving out a few bits.

While the ps3 seemed like its direct competition is the 360 you are forgetting that it was also feeling competition from its sibling...the ps2.

Every sale of a ps2 was a loss of a sale for the ps3. Sony won a sale either way but they would obviously like to sell the more expensive unit.

MS really only had their 360 to market (unless you want to add in windows) but sony had to choose which one they wanted to really promote. Had they gone full speed behind the ps3, it could have been different...maybe even sooner and more inline with the sales trends of their previous systems.

MS did take this generation more seriously than the last. They deserve some big props, even from the sony only fans.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4141d ago
dedicatedtogamers4140d ago (Edited 4140d ago )

People should be tired by now of "playing sales, not games".

But let's be honest, the goalpost has once again been moved like it always has been when the PS3 achieves another milestone. There is no doubt that the general atmosphere was against the PS3. People wanted the big guy to fail. First it was "I bought my console to play games, not movies. Hurr hurr". But that vanished when HD-DVD came out. Then once HD-DVD failed, it sprang up for a bit, then faded again once Netflix streaming came out. Then, it was "PS3 has no games! Look at all these games!" But then PS3 titles began to flow like a river. Then, it was "360 games have higher review scores. Metacritic! Metacritic! When will PS3 have good games?" But then games like LittleBigPlanet and MGS4 began taking some of the highest review scores in the industry. Then it was "multiplats are horrible on PS3! Look at all my multiplats and timed-exclusive DLC!" But then, multiplat games (with a few exceptions) became pretty identical on both systems, and everyone shut up about it. It pretty much went downhill from there, but sales have been the last shouting point for fanboys to cling to for years and years.

But of course, now sales don't matter, do they?

maniacmayhem4140d ago

There's a flip side to that coin as well. The goal post has always been moved on both sides of the field. A lot of people from the beginning always went to the tired excuse of "Sales don't matter" or "US is not the world". Not to mention “shipped not sold” whenever the sales where in 360’s favor.

Let’s not forget that every negative Sony article was met with the "media is biased" which is still used to this day. Claims of IGN and CNet were said to be both owned by MS. We were always told to never follow VGCHartz because it always and for odd reason only undertracked PS3 and it was supposedly ran by a 360 fanboy. Of course this was later forgiven in some articles when the ps3 is in the lead and not the 360.

Then we had "The Cell is all powerful" or “Games can’t run on 360 because of the Blu-Ray”. Let’s not mention when certain games sold more than others, then all of a sudden "But is it GOTY?? “ Then when 360 scored some exclusive DLC it was "MS paid for it!" But when Sony had exclusive DLC it was "Take that 360". And let's not forget how every year since the PS3 came out would finally be the year the PS3 outsold 360.

Everyone claims they don’t play sales but whenever NPD or VGChartz or any article hits N4G you can bet it’ll be a heated topic and most discussed on this site.

isarai4141d ago

I find it funny that for years the fact that 360 had more total sales was brought up in nearly every conversation concerning the two. Yet as soon as the PS3 gets ahead it doesn't matter :/

I really don't care who is above who anyways, as long as they are doing well enough to keep making great games

Root4141d ago

I knew this was going to happen

Get prepared folks, you thought doom and gloom articles one after another about Sony were bad...it's going to get worse now because we'll now have sites trying to dumb down Sony's victory and make it seem like the whole thing is stupid...even though for years people have praised MS for it.

NeverEnding19894141d ago

Yeah. Look at last gen. PS2 was king and Xbox wasn't even on the map.

For Microsoft to at least triple their install base is fantastic news for them, while SONY losing a third of their's is bad news.

At this point it doesn't matter if the PS3 sells 90 million and the Xbox 360 only sells 80 million. The real loser of this gen is the PS3. This is how its always been and as the article states, nothing has changed.

NateCole4141d ago

There are a lot of ways you can look at this.

Last gen the xbox was 2nd place and now it will end up last this gen.

Sony was never going to be able to dominate this gen like with the PS2 as MS with their deep pockets and lessons learned from last gen would always pose a huge threat. Then offcourse the success of the wii which no one saw coming.

The numbers do matter a lot to shareholders and gaming business partners. It shows that Sony's strategy works and yield profits for them in the long run.

Sony's goal as was with previous gens was to put out a platform that can sell over the years hence their 10 year plan. It is why Sony is the only platform holder that have sold 100 million consoles back to back. With the rate the PS3 is going it will reach the 100 million mark especially when it drops down to 199 in price.

Of the 3 current consoles only the PS3 was built to last more than 10 years and now we are seeing that strategy come to fruition. Gamers are happy with their investment with long term support, devs/publishers are happy with the mature platform which allows them to dev/publish games for cheap and reap the benefits for it's prolong life-cycle. Everyone wins.

If we put everything into perspective MS is still less successful than Sony in the console space. Sony dominated right out of the gate over the console gaming behemoth that was Nintendo after the 16 bit era.

So after stumbling in their first try and then doing well in their second try but still relegated to last this gen. I wouldn't say MS have done very well.

MS got to at least become first in a gen or even crack the 100 million mark before we can safely say they have done great. Only Sony have done this feat not once but twice.

testerg354141d ago

NateCole, or you can look at it the other way.

It took 6yrs for the PS3 to finally surpass the 360 even though it dominated the last 2 generations.

Yes the numbers do matter to shareholders. The 360 has managed to sell 70mil+ in only 2 of big 3 regions. It has been dead in Japan for years. Hopefully MS can correct their failings in Japan, even though I thought MS really tried to succeed in there. You are talking about 3x the numbers from their first generation console. The PS3 was finally able to catch up even though it sold healthy numbers in all 3 regions.

I'm not sure what you meant about the PS3 being the only one built to last 10yrs. The 360 is on its 7th yr and it sold 1.4mil consoles in just December according to MS/NPD in NA. Dude that's for 1 month. Devs/publishers are happy about both platforms. Last I checked 360 multis sell roughly the same as their PS3 counterpart.

Who won is just how you want view it. The 360 sold 3 times the original xbox and was #1 in total sales for close to 7yrs and now they're in 3rd. The PS3 is #2 now, but is barely half of what the PS2 sold and sales will slow down soon with the release of the next gen consoles.

bratman4141d ago

testerg35, Or you can look at it this way

The only reason the ps3 took 6 years is cause the xbox360 had a year head start in NA and a year and a half head start in EU... its been consistently outselling xbox360 worldwide since its inception.

"Who won is just how you want view it"
No who won, is who won... and Sony starting late this gen have just moved into second place and will take first in the upcoming years from the wii and are also poised to become Sony's third 100 million seller (No other company has ever made a console thats sold 100 mill, let alone three back to back.)

Alderney4141d ago

Or you can look at it like this:

Compared to last gen the PS3 did horrible. It took 6 years to outdo the competition despite previously outselling them 6-1. For a successor product to lose nearly 50% of its market share is disastrous, indicative of Sony's current financial situation.

On the other hand the X360 equaled, or nearly equaled, the once mighty Sony in the console wars. Where the Playstation brand is trending downwards, the Xbox brand is growing stronger.

Veneno4141d ago

@ neverending

You just proved what Root just said. That the Xbox fanboy denial would be strong.

Cupid_Viper_34141d ago (Edited 4141d ago )

Isn't it funny how you can almost tell who's bitter over this "FACT" that the PS3 passed the 360?

Listen to NeverEnding1989
"At this point it doesn't matter if the PS3 sells 90 million and the Xbox 360 only sells 80 million. The real loser of this gen is the PS3. This is how its always been and as the article states, nothing has changed."

And Testerg35
" Who won is just how you want view it. The 360 sold 3 times the original xbox and was #1 in total sales for close to 7yrs and now they're in 3rd. The PS3 is #2 now, but is barely half of what the PS2 sold and sales will slow down soon with the release of the next gen consoles"

And Alderny
"Compared to last gen the PS3 did horrible. It took 6 years to outdo the competition despite previously outselling them 6-1. For a successor product to lose nearly 50% of its market share is disastrous, indicative of Sony's current financial situation. Who won is just how you want view it"

It's as if they're in a completely different world, a bubble so to speak. lol

What do you mean by "who won is just how you want to to view it?" That is priceless comment right there.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4141d ago
Anon19744140d ago

All I can say is Wow. So the PS3 has moved more consoles worldwide than the 360 but even though it moved more units it doesn't matter because it didn't move more in the only region that matters...the US.

Where's the logic in that? So if I sell 100 million consoles and only 10 million of those are in the US and my competition sells 50 million consoles all in the US, they win because the US is the only market that matters. Am I understanding this point correctly? Ridiculous.

I've pointed this out I don't know how many times in the past, for being a "playstation" website, I'm often floored by just how overwhelming negative their edititorials can be in regard to the PS3. It happens with playstation lifestyle all the time. I'm not talking about negative news, news is news, don't get me wrong. I'm talking about obviously negative slant and bias against the PS3 like this one suggesting "Doesn't matter who sells more consoles, only who sells more in the US."

Even all this ridiculous talk of the "botched launch". It's called Google. For christ's sake, do your homework. The PS3 launch easily outpaced the 360's launch and was on par with the PS2's launch despite the high price point up until the recession kicked, something the PS2 never had to contend with. You look at the first 2 years the 360 was out and compare it to the first 2 years for the PS3, and the PS3 is miles in front, yet was the 360 launch "botched"? Was the PS2 launch "botched"?

I'm so sick of these sites rewriting history. Just because you repeat the same lie over and over, it doesn't simply become true. Don't they have an editor?

TheBrownBandito4140d ago (Edited 4140d ago )


I find it funny that for years the fact that 360 had more total sales was brought up in nearly every conversation concerning the two. Yet as soon as the PS3 gets ahead it doesn't matter :/

But that's precisely the point. With a head start of 7 million units, the 360 could have been outsold every year by 1 million units. Trend analysis is the important statistic, not overall volume to date. :o)

TheBrownBandito4140d ago

"Or you can look at it like this...[cropped] "

Made up nonsense on your part.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4140d ago
nemrawy4141d ago

This was bound to happen anyway

kayoss4141d ago (Edited 4141d ago )

Yep.... I cant fanthom the thought if xbox overtook over Sony numbers. Can you imagine all the doom and gloom article about ps3??

testerg354141d ago

kayoss, but the 360 has sold more in total numbers for almost 7 years.

kayoss4141d ago

testerg35, i was just saying if the roles were reverse. If xbox came out a year later than PS3 and xbox finally surpass the ps3 we would be hearing about how the Ps3 is such a failure.

TheBrownBandito4140d ago


"kayoss, but the 360 has sold more in total numbers for almost 7 years."

It's amazing what you can do with statistics, but it's normally those that are not comfortable with the real figure that need to "look at it in a different way".

Belking4141d ago

MS is moving on to the next gen. I don't think they really care how many ps3s sony ships. This gen is pretty much over now. The real winners are the gamers but if you talking contest then it's


Bumpmapping4141d ago (Edited 4141d ago )

Nice try must be very worrisome knowing M$ finished last they might as release 720 200$ there gonna get creamed by Sony and Nintendo.

Belking4141d ago (Edited 4141d ago )

I don't think so. Not worried at all.(did you see latest NPD) There has been no change. MS still leads sony. You wanna know how i know? It's because sony is too quiet. There haven't been any PR releases by them nor have they responded to the latest NPD report. That doesn't sound like confidence to me. The only report we have is total shipments for both which i also may add still isn't backed up by either of them.

This was the final holiday battle for this gen and it looks close but MS came out on top again. This e-3 they will be all smiles. Xbox 360 has done well this gen almost quadrupling the first xbox sales while the ps3 sold well but nothing close to the ps2 sales and vita continues to struggle to gain ground on the 3ds. As next gen heats up its gonna be an exciting time.

XabiDaChosenOne4141d ago (Edited 4141d ago )

@belking, Sony rarely comments on sales figures, unless they have reached a milestone of some sort. Nice try though.
@Dk286k and others You guys are committing the same mistake that has you swallowing your words now, it's inevitable that when Sony releases it's official numbers it will do nothing but confirm what was announced today. Xbox360 sold 1.4 million during the holidays in the U.S? Great, now let's see where it faired in the rest of the world. You guys are building a proverbial straw house. Give it a rest, The PS3 has won.

majiebeast4141d ago (Edited 4141d ago )

No matter how much you try to spin it, doesnt change the fact that 360 is third, with a years head start and a lower price of its console.

4141d ago
specsmatter4141d ago (Edited 4141d ago )

Not even tht add the hundred of thousands of replacement rrod xboxs ppl rebought bcus year warranty was up lol that inflated xbox sales figures. Factor in nuclear catastrophe in japan and how it affected Sony and the debilitating psn hack and ppl say micro . did a better job and Sony shouldnt be proud lol hahaha
You better hope micro releases b4 sony because it wont even be closd. Even with psn sabotage and greedy rrod tactics by micro ps3 still surpassed it wow!!!

Kudos Sony

ALLWRONG4141d ago

DK286K it's not fact. Just stand back and enjoy the show. Fact means nothing on this site.

AngelicIceDiamond4141d ago

We don't know who's 1st or second but the last I check MS released numbers that they sold 1.4m consoles in the U.S

And That's combined, that's very impressive. Sony hasn't released any numbers yet but going off by those numbers you can form a opinion on who's leading what.

Sony released shipped numbers MS released actual sales.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4141d ago
MRMagoo1234140d ago

LMAO @belking

you are really really grasping at straws now this is getting silly, just own up admit the truth and get on with gaming you herp.

ForgottenProphecy4141d ago

With a $600 launch price tag, being released a year after 360, and for the advertisement comparison, I'd say this is a huge victory for the Sony brand. Everybody always talks about how Sony is in trouble for the next generation, but I'd say they are in just the right place. Sure their games don't sell as much, but that's simply because there is more of them. Unless you're made of money, you can't simply buy every AAA game on the market, you might have to choose between Killzone and Resistance, Uncharted and inFAMOUS, ect...

specsmatter4141d ago

I was gooing to write somethng similar but add also the hundreds and thousands (maybe million) extra consoles micro sold year two and three when so many ppls xbox rrod after the one year warranty and added a large amount of xbox sales.
Its a big thng bcus ps3 was supposedly doomed, xbox had more than a year lead, sold extra xbox s because rrod fiasco and was cheaper yet doomed Sony caught up? Damn thts a major feat. You see dummies in the what counts is ww numbers.. Had ps3 came out the same time and same cost it would have sold even more and had a crazy leas.

Also Congrats to Sony they handled the psn hack well and loyalists stuck through and still sold more systems. If after tht debilitating psn hack and nuclear plnt catastrophe ppl dnt find it amazing Ps3 over took micro you ppl have to real trolls.

testerg354141d ago (Edited 4141d ago )

Can your fix you keyboard. It seems to be skipping every other letter.

BTW, MS extendted the warranty to 3yrs.

If the PS3 came out with same cost as the 360, then it wouldn't have been the same PS3. And if the PS3 was released the same time that the 360 did, then it would have cost more, but I don't think you really understand the logic.

specsmatter4141d ago

Response to testerg35

Im on an android device and it sometimes does that so there is nothing to fix. When on a mobile device i type for speed and could care less for diction and syntax on this site. I laugh at all you pseudo professors when i know my level of education is higher than probably 98 percent of this site lol.

Secondly testerg35 they extended their warranty to three years whipty doo whats your point? That was after the major class action lawsuits in like 20 different states lol They didn't do it out of the kindness of their hearts and by that time it was years later and they had fattened their pockets with all the rrod replacement consoles ppl bought because initially the warranty was one year.

Alot of you come on here to respond to comments thinking your witty, but end up responding with arguments that hold no merit and have nothing to do with the conversation at hand. Please explain to me why MS extending the warranty years later is relevant? The damage was already done and thousands upon thousands had to buy new xbox's so whats your point?

School is very important for many of you, as well as reading comprehension which i think you lack.

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Why Xbox believes it must cut costs and close studios

Companies, particularly public companies like Microsoft, need to grow.

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gold_drake1d ago

i mean its pretty simple, they spent close to 30 billion in acquiring activision, they thought they'd make it bk no problem, and that didnt happen.

its just shit that because of MS's miscalculation alot of people lost their jobs.

Jingsing21h ago

This is exactly what many people said would happen including the CMA and FTC. Lies lies and more lies and they allowed a $69 billion buy out to happen.

gold_drake21h ago

oh yeh it was 70 billion. that was my bad haha even worse.

thesoftware73021h ago(Edited 20h ago)


You can't be serious, right?

Do you think that MS thought they would make 80bill in a year & Half? They haven't even released titles under MS yet, lol.

But in fact, that A/B revenue is already paying off, look at the last earnings call. That $80 billion is long-term money, my guy, no sane person/company would think they would make that back in any short-term situation, it's a long-term investment.

Let's play silly then. If MS's reason for laying off staff and closing studios was due(which it really was not) to the A/B deal, tell me what Sony's reason was for past studio closures, the recent 900-person layoffs, closing Sony London, shutting down Dreams, and closing Japan Studio? Zipper? Psygnosis? cuts at all their internal studios.

Keep in mind, you are claiming MS's reason is because of the A/B deal; please explain Sony's reason.

Hofstaderman20h ago

You actually still defending them? Sheesh.....

gold_drake20h ago

this is not a sony vs MS debate. dont make it something it isnt.

and of course not, but im pretty sure they thought they'd make more money after the deal. they didnt, and closed off some studios.

its pretty insane to think there is any other reason for the closure of studios in this case.

romulus2320h ago(Edited 20h ago)

(It really was) due to the Activision Blizzard deal and the loss of physical sales due to gamepass. You keep bringing up Sony in all your posts about this, stop deflecting and trying to change the topic, this is about MS and what they are doing.

BehindTheRows20h ago

Has nothing to do with Sony. Stay on topic.

notachance20h ago

once in a while you see someone too invested in their make-believe console war that everything happened has to be connected to said war…

a bit of banter between fans is normal, this crusade you’re doing now isn’t.

Chevalier19h ago

Wow idiotic. You bring up very old closures not that there haven't been recent ones from Playstations, but, seriously stop deflecting. This has NOTHING to do with Playstation.

Does Playstation got $3 trillion behind them and daddies wallet? No they don't so stop making a fool of yourself.

Xbox has never been profitable really and they just keep losing money so between their worst hardware sales, terrible 3rd party sales and now terrible 1st party sales.

Gamepass numbers that are no longer being announced shows their numbers after 3 years of missed targets has flatlined. Plus their recent gains up to 34 million were ONLY because they folded Gold members in too. Absolutely take your idiotic rhetoric out of here. Keep on topic without deflecting.

S2Killinit19h ago

Ayayayay with these xbox/MS excuses.

Reaper22_14h ago

How dare you mention Sony! Everyone here knows when Sony closes a studio and lay off workers it was the right thing to do. Even when they bought Gaikai and fired almost everyone it was the right thing to do.

Gamers can be such hypocrites sometimes.

andy8513h ago

Is it? That's revenue not profit. Completely different.

fr0sty4h ago

The earnings call only showcased how dire the situation is... Even with ABK and Bethesda, they still couldn't make enough to keep investors happy, gamepass subs are stagnant, and hardware sales are tanking.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4h ago
thesoftware73018h ago(Edited 18h ago)


"this is not a sony vs MS debate. dont make it something it isnt."

You are correct that it's not an MS Vs Sony Topic, but when exaggeration and imagination mix from a one-sided social group, similar examples are needed to ground radical thoughts; in this instance, the example was that shutting down 3,4,5, even 6 studios during a restructure/ buyout/acquisition is not some anomaly(it can suck) that has to be dissected or spell doom and gloom.

"But I'm pretty sure they thought they'd make more money after the deal. They didn't, and they closed off some studios."

But they did make more money, a lot, actually; the last earnings call showed a huge growth in profit, almost all due to A/B revenue.

"its pretty insane to think there is any other reason for the closure of studios in this case."

The fact that they did make money, kinda throws this out the window, and besides, you don't wake up and say, hey let's close a studio, you look at the output, you look at the dev as a whole, the long term and short term, you weigh it against all other studios and goals, you keep key members, ect..then you close if they are the weakest links...which by MS analysis they were.

Again, I will make a small Sony comparison, just so some of you can understand and see past the bias; Insomniac, ND, and Bungie have made some of the best games ever created, yet Sony saw fit to cut jobs in every of these studios, even tho Insomniac & ND are the biggest producers of PS games, leagues ahead better than Tango and Arkane, yet, they saw cuts, mind you, while being the TOP produces of PS first party. They were told to cut costs, and more jobs may be on the line, and Bungie is being threatened by a hostile Sony takeover. Put that in perspective, as I know that layoffs and dev closures are different, but if the best of the best is getting cut off, it is less than surprising, that lesser studios are closing.

My response fits well with your comments as well. You even went on to prove that the dev closures are not just due to A/B acquisition. Then you point out Sony has less money than MS, inferring that MS should keep devs open that they see as lesser earners, while Sony having less money makes it okay to close them. lol...it doesn't work that way.

gold_drake18h ago

im not reading all of that. u have ur opinion, i have mine.

thats rly it.

but this aint sony vs ms.

ApocalypseShadow17h ago

You're trying to compare a 100 billion company to a company that has 3 TRILLION worth. SIE has to live or die on their own. And in turn, PlayStation has helped the main company again and again. Sony has to balance out what is working and not working in the company.

While Xbox has Daddy Warbucks footing the bill to keep the platform afloat. They have been bleeding money from Nvidia hardware in the OG Xbox, the RROD fiasco, the attempted 2013 DRM nonsense and the lies about being the most powerful console in the world and the losses of paying out millions to prop up a service hoping it catches on with enough subscribers to justify its existence.

They're not comparable if Xbox isn't allowed to live or die by its actions. It's subsidized. Revenue isn't profit. And if they were profiting on their own, they wouldn't be closing developers. If they were profiting, they wouldn't need Daddy Warbucks spending 80 to 100 billion buying up 3rd party publishers to sustain a loss leading platform.

They stopped announcing game sales, stopped announcing hardware sales, stopped announcing game pass subscribers, they are putting games on their competitors platforms but you're telling us that they are doing great even after killing jobs and closing developers at Xbox.

Stop drinking the Kool aid. You're drunk.

Chevalier8h ago

Again at which point did Playstation have a $3 trillion company shift the market with a giant purchase?

"But they did make more money, a lot, actually; the last earnings call showed a huge growth in profit, almost all due to A/B revenue."

Lol. No they didn't. Increased revenue was ONLY due to adding Activision Blizzard revenue in. Growth was only 1 percent. It's idiots like you that have no idea what they're talking about is why Xbox isn't better than it is. You guys just make excuses continually.

If Xbox got so much profit then why did they stop announcing hardware numbers? Why did they stop announcing Gamepass numbers? Oh right because they're NOT profitable. Their sales in every category has dropped off the face of the planet. It's why Spencer will be closing more studios and canceling upcoming projects too.

The Wood55m ago

How can they be profitable when they're not selling enough hardware, software or subs. You need take a seat on this one my friend unless you can prove you angles

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 55m ago
WelkinCole13h ago

I am pretty sure MS knew this would happen and this was part of their plan. I mean if anyone with half a brain can see this happening I am pretty sure a multi billion company like MS knew this would happen

The whole strategy in buying Beth and Acti/Blizzard is for

1. Buy established games they can have under xbox because they have done a horrible job in building their portfolio internally for the past 15 years

2. Following from 1, try and boost xbox competitivenss against a dominat PS which MS after 3 tries still can't crack

3. Follolwing from 2, try and weaken Playstation dominance by taking out these massive multiplats from the PS

4. Following from 3, try and profit off from the PS domiance with selected games they will still have on the PS to make money like COD

5. Obviously get the IP's by buying them instead of creating them which again as I mentioned in number 1 they have been woeful in doing

None of these had anyting to do with keeping all the devs they accuried. MS has always been very shitty to Devs under them. Look at what happned to Bungie for example.

I believe MS in court truely mean it when they said they had to do something because PS was just too dominant. This was their last roll of the dice.

And from the looks of things. It has not panned out as MS had hoped. PS5 is still as dominant as ever and xbox is still behind. Worse still their MP's they got is not irreplaceable as they thought. Starfield? lol!. There have not been any major shift in momentum in this console war in their favor so now its time to start cutting their loses and it starts with the most expensive cost for any company. People.

Michiel198911h ago

for a comparison, sony laid of a bigger % of it's staff this year than ms, it's what companies sadly do nowadays. If you think with GP and Bethesda + acti aquisition they were looking for quick cash, you couldn't be more wrong. It hasn't even been a year, "they thought they'd make it bk no problem, and that didnt happen." shows you have 0 understanding of how a business operates.

Profchaos4h ago

30 more like 70 to 80 plus 7 for Bethesda

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anast21h ago

They are going to use AI for a large portion of the game development process. Upper management need bonuses and the shareholders need more money. So, people will lose their jobs.

Skuletor21h ago

Maybe they were already using AI to make business decisions, which would explain why they closed Hi-Fi Rush's studio, then said they need more games like Hi-Fi Rush not long after that announcement.

Crows9020h ago(Edited 20h ago)

They shouldn't have bought any studios. Some is okay...but they went on a shopping spree...stupid

Einhander197219h ago

The better question is why did Microsoft buy publishers for a service they were subsidizing they knew couldn't support.

And why are so many websites trying to make people feel sorry for Microsoft instead of truly criticizing the fact they are closing studios and killing jobs that would have been fine if Microsoft themselves hadn't gotten involved.

Quit feeling sorry for Microsoft and start feeling sorry for the industry and the all the gamers who are actually losing out.


RNTody19h ago

The first thing that happens after any major acquisition or merger is a consolidation of the whole new portfolio, which includes cutting any excess, bloat or portfolios that don't fit the larger MO of the big boy. So far, it's been par for the course with Microsoft and that's why gamers have been so against this acquisition. Tango Gameworks is the beginning. You think Microsoft wants to pay to keep small timers like Ninja Theory in business?

There is absolutely zero evidence to suggest that Microsoft will improve any of these studios, but plenty to suggest that they will get rid of what they don't need and hold onto the IP. The real agenda of the acquisition was always to acquire The Elder Scrolls, Diablo, Fallout, Call of Duty, Candy Crush etc. that will create millions in passive revenue stream for Microsoft regardless of where the games release. Microsoft simply wants their cut.

Because of Games Pass Microsoft has no interest in investing in new IP which is risky and requires creative talent they can neither nurture nor manage. Game Pass has also not grown in the way Microsoft expected it to, even post acquisitions. Therefore the logical thing to do, without serious money makers to release, is to cut as much cost as possible.

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Vader821d 23h ago

No 7 days to die is criminal