
Why The Last of Us Will Be Dissapointing

The Games Cabin's Andrew: "Anybody who occasionally visits gaming websites, or just the internet in general, has heard of Naughty Dog’s new game, The Last of Us. The game is considered to be one of the most anticipating games to be released in the near future."

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Ryan_Hay4180d ago

Ah, yes.This site again.New to N4G with only 14 submissions, each one more hit grabbing then the last.

LOGICWINS4180d ago

I wonder if you would have complained if the article was titled, "The Last of Us Will Exceed the Hype"

Ryan_Hay4180d ago (Edited 4180d ago )

If the title followed the trend of hit grabbing headlines with no substance, then yes, of course.

For a guy with Logic in his name, you don't use it very much.Or were you just saying anything so you could reply to me and have your comments at the top? I know how much you crave the attention.

LOGICWINS4180d ago

Woah, personal vendetta much? I was simply just curious about what you would have done if the article was positive in tone as opposed to negative.

theBAWSE4180d ago

Next to the sites name click on plus sign and vote this flamebait site down

this is journalism at its most infantile

morganfell4180d ago

The gamescabin? Someone has been out in the woods too long...

GarandShooter4180d ago

C'mon Logic, he saw though your veiled implication that his opinion was fanboy driven and you reply with 'I was simply just curious...'

Gimme me a break.

Random internet dude: My awesome girl just bought me Far Cry 3 with her hard earned money.

Logic: Does your awesome girl make her hard earned money being an overweight one-legged prostitute?

Random internet dude: WTF? What are you trying to say you @$**#*@!!!

Logic: Woah, personal vendetta much? I was simply just curious as to how she was gainfully employed.

MaxXAttaxX4180d ago Show
andibandit4180d ago Show
Nicaragua4180d ago

LMAO - that was the most hilariously shit attempt at digging yourself out of a hole i have ever seen.

"i was simply just curious" - yes, im sure you were just sitting there stroking your wisened beard while contemplating peoples opinions on an article.

Temporary4180d ago

no one has a personal vendetta Logic, it's just no one takes you seriously because of your post history. You're one of the biggest jokes on this site it seems.

On topic:

People with obvious superpowers to see into the future should be using that power in meaningful ways, not to scope out future releases in the video game industry. :(

Tell us what happens on Dec. 21st!!!

Fez4180d ago

I like you LogicWins... you ask the hard hitting questions that need an answer :)

MikeMyers4180d ago

This article is premature at best. The only reason I can think of for it to be a disappointment is because of all the hype and that the bar is set too high. That happens with a lot of games. Still, I am very excited to see how this game turns out and everything I have seen looks excellent so far.

modesign4180d ago

logic, i hope you know there are alot of brown nosing articles in here too, they get the same treatment due to the fact the articles are poorly written or have little to no factual information, so its not one sided, its both spectrums that get the troll article treatment.

WrAiTh Sp3cTr34180d ago

Even if The Last of Us got an accumulative group of negative scores from most websites, ND fans would still try to spin the game as being the best thing on the planet and shoving it down everyone's throat who visits n4g. I honestly don't see what all the fuss is about concerning the game anyway.

Griffin48714180d ago Show
ozzywazzy4180d ago

Nothing like the smell of a wise ass making a 'tard of himself in the morning.

NeoTribe4180d ago

Do you pay for your bubbles?

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4180d ago (Edited 4180d ago )


"The Last of Us Will Exceed the Hype"

Well knowing naughty dog which one is more likely?? They will not fail. Especially since sony gives them all the time they need no rush.

The idea for a single player survival game in to today's console industry? Good job to sony for funding this. Beyond is next.

No one can say anything simple because of the fact that it is a new IP at the end of a generation. Who else is doing this? oh yeah there is a new halo right?

Getting my moneys worth.. ps4 can't wait.

geddesmond4180d ago

Yep I agree with everyone else replying to logic. The whole website thinks this dudes a tool and how he has 5 bubbles is beyond me. He probably created a thousand N4G user names and logged each one in to vote his bubble count up. Dudes a sad loner with nothing better to do

Christopher4180d ago (Edited 4180d ago )

***I wonder if you would have complained if the article was titled, "The Last of Us Will Exceed the Hype"***

Not likely, but then again that's not the point of such a title. Don't play devil's advocate too much that you know that titles like the one above are done solely to get hits and rile people up with negativity, which doesn't happen as much with positivity.

The real question is if it would get as much recognition if it was titled "Why The Last of Us Might Not Meet Expectations" which would be more appropriate.

Ben_Grimm4180d ago (Edited 4180d ago )


You see Logic if he would have complained that the title was:

"The Last of Us Will Exceed the Hype"

Then he would have been marked as a troll and de-bubbled. This site and its commenters reward people who bash negative articles pertaining to their favorite consoles under attack.

It's rare to get bubbled up in a positive article. That's why the negative articles gets all the heat and action. And yet you can find the same people in each of them posting the same "Another doom and gloom article" over and over again.

Outside_ofthe_Box4179d ago

@Grimm and Logic

I'm not surprised you agree with Logic, Grimm.
How is "The Last of Us Will Exceed the Hype" hit grabbing or meant to get a rise out people?

It's not, so of course it would be likely he'd be marked down for trolling if he complained about that particular title. But if the title were something like "Why The Last of Us Will Make All Other Survival Games Look Mediocre" then you guys have point, but then again neither of you'd be asking such questions or making such claims if this were a positive article.

Ben_Grimm4179d ago (Edited 4179d ago )


"I'm not surprised you agree with Logic, Grimm."

Interesting, how am I agreeing with logic? I just stated exactly what would happen if he would have complained about an article praising a game instead of downing it.

"so of course it would be likely he'd be marked down for trolling if he complained about that particular title"

And that is exactly what I said.
I don't see where you are going with this.

Outside_ofthe_Box4179d ago (Edited 4179d ago )


Ryan says:

"Ah, yes.This site again.New to N4G with only 14 submissions, each one more hit grabbing then the last."

Logic says:

"I wonder if you would have complained if the article was titled, "The Last of Us Will Exceed the Hype""

You say:

"You see Logic if he would have complained that the title was:

"The Last of Us Will Exceed the Hype"

Then he would have been marked as a troll and de-bubbled."

I assume that you are implying that him being marked down in that instance is a bag thing or that he shouldn't be marked down. I'm saying that he should or deserves to be marked down in that instance because the title wouldn't be "hit grabbing." If that isn't what you are implying then what is the point that you are trying make?

kupomogli4179d ago


If the article wasn't bashing The Last of Us, I'm sure no one would have bothered with it.

Dee_914179d ago (Edited 4179d ago )

didnt logicwins have like 2 bubbles a month ago?
Dude tell me your secret.

OT awesome article.Well written and well thought out.very sublime title.

Honestly speaking.. like seriously.
He said the story will be short because of the amount of detail.


Like seriosuly how do you come to that conclusion....Why did that even deserve to be an article .. im just..

+ Show (23) more repliesLast reply 4179d ago
NukaCola4180d ago

Article written by this:

"I'm Andrew, and I'm a Canadian. I eat beaver tails (Although that's more of a local thing), I play hockey, and I love the snow. Despite my love of the outdoors, I'm often in my basement, playing my video games. I'm also a brony."

Clearly a creditable journalist. /s

P.S. Not knocking Canada here, just the writer himself.

4180d ago
jelydonut4180d ago

brony!!! hahhaha! I assume most people didn't catch that.

Abdou234180d ago

Actually i really don't get why this game is so hyped ?! I don't say it's bad or don't deserve it, i'm simply saying that despite the short gameplay video we still can't judge and say it's going to be awesome and things like that or is it just because it's an " Exclusive " ?!!. We need to wait and see whether it really delivers. I for one haven't seen any thing to impress me yet.

Gamers are ruining this industry.

3>2>1> And here starts storm of disagrees....

Awesome_Gamer4180d ago

"Why i deseprately want hits"

Fixed the headline for you...

BlackTar1874180d ago


"Gamers are ruining this industry."



Christopher4180d ago

@BlackTar: In a sense, yeah.

Gaming journalism is directed at the gaming audience in a manner to get hits. Gamers talk more about negative articles like this than they do positive articles that focus on gaming as a whole rather than negativity towards specific games. Therefore, gamers have lead gaming journalists to create more hit seeking articles that they click on the most rather than stories that we actually say we want to read which tend to get lost in the overflow of negative, fanboyish articles.

The desire by the gaming community to be overly dramatic about their gaming has turned gaming journalism into the equivalent of a soap opera and not credible news.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4180d ago
miyamoto4180d ago (Edited 4180d ago )

"but the length just won’t be there, people will complain that they didn’t get their money’s worth. "

his opinion or argument has no factual basis or reference at all.

don't waste your precious time on this one, peeps

Bimkoblerutso4180d ago

You guys are too sensitive. I don't agree with the article either, but can we stop acting like these authors are microwaving kittens every time they write articles that aren't cheerleading for Sony?

HammadTheBeast4180d ago

It's not about Sony, it's about the stupidity of the guy's article.

otherZinc4180d ago

The reason it will be disappointing is:
The Lack of Campaign Co-op!

They give a companion to us that we cant control, period!
Let us play the game the way the buyer wants to play the game.

Rip-Ridah4180d ago (Edited 4180d ago )

This is a brand new IP. I think we should play the game the developers (ESPECIALLY with Naughty Dogs track record) have created for us. After completing the game in its entirety, the devs should be given positive criticism for a possible sequel or successor. The one aspect of this game that's been touted as innovative has been the A.I. If you are so prejudice to the devs game now before even playing the game, you are destined to be disappointed for one thing or another. No offense to you personally otherZinc, but many websites and gaming reviewers have your same basic mindset which, imo, is a plague for the gaming industry. Let each game stand on its own merits then judge objectively, unbiasely, & without prejudice AFTER completing it.

Jazz41084180d ago Show
Biggest4180d ago

The reason it will be disappointing is:
The Lack of Campaign Co-op!

They give a companion to us that we cant control, period!
Let us play the game the way the buyer wants to play the game."

Go make the game you want and give it a rest.

BlackTar1874180d ago


That was lol agree with below go make a game for everyone that shows us how the buyer wants to play it.

Coop for the most part ruins deep story. Either your buddy is always talking laughing doing something else or they just don't want to watch the story and beg to x thru cut scenes multiple issues with making a deep story grab a hold of 2 players.

BlackTar1874179d ago

You guys disagree but show me more then 1 game that a deep story line was laid out with co-op. Then go and look at what some devs say about it they say exactly what i do. I literately played every Co-Op game on 360/ps3 their is without question (ones made for people over 12)

the thing is BL2 is coop story but its not a deep thought provoking or atmospheric thought provoking dialogue so its works.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4179d ago
XboxInnovation4180d ago

In the world of media you'll never survive if you're not controversial

hulk_bash19874180d ago

Yes lets all just jump on the cynical train and hate on a game before its anywhere close to coming out. /sarcasm

Syntax-Error4180d ago

There's nothing anyone can tell me that would make me think this game will be disappointing. Absolutely nothing. If it made Hideo Kojima say "HOLY SHIT. THIS GAME IS REVOLUTIONARY!" That's good enough for me.

CryofSilence4180d ago

"Why the 'author' of this article doesn't know what he's talking about: the quest to get hits."

Old McGroin4180d ago

"Ah, yes.This site again.New to N4G with only 14 submissions, each one more hit grabbing then the last."

You're right, the title of the article is hit grabbing but if you read the article (if you haven't already!) you'll see he actually praises the game and says that he will be buying it. The reason he says it's going to be disappointing is that because the game will be so detailed it could mean a very short campaign, and then the multiplayer side of things mightn't be great. He might be right, but on the other hand, this game is being made by the creators of Uncharted 2, a game jam packed with detail while still retaining a decent length for the campaign.

So yeah, I agree with you on the whole hit grabbing thing, he could have titled it "Why the length of The Last Of Us Will Disappoint" but then again he has no proof of a short campaign! Seems to me that these sort of articles should only be written AFTER the game is released and we know whether or not the campaign is actually short.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 4179d ago
4180d ago
THC CELL4180d ago

Stopped reading after disappointing. Hm remember when everyone and still thinks uncharted was a tomb raider clone and even today uncharted is the.most inspiring game abd highest rated game on ps3 well above most current gen games I think gta score tops it off and we all know gta was over rated

Silly gameAr4180d ago (Edited 4180d ago )

Another one of those made for N4G sites? Interesting. Guess these guys got sick of commenting their silly comments and decided to write articles instead.

Not bad.

That-Guy4180d ago ShowReplies(2)
seanpitt234180d ago

I somehow doubt that the uncharted series was amazing this is going to be some what special

kupomogli4179d ago (Edited 4179d ago )

You'd get more agrees than disagrees if you'd edit your post. At first I read it exactly how it looked, it was a bit confusing with no punctuation, and looks like you're saying you doubt the Uncharted series was amazing yet this looks special.

I know what you're trying to say, though. It just sounds completely different without the punctuation.

"I somehow doubt that. The Umcharted series was amazing. This is going to be somewhat special."

I agreed with you though.

Show all comments (127)

The Sounds of the Fireflies ("The Last of Us") concert kicks-off on April 28th, 2024

"The Game Music Foundation are today very proud and pleased to announce an additional concert, circling back to the roots of Game Muisic Festival in Poland. On April 28th, 2024, the National Forum of Music in Wroclaw will once again become a place to celebrate the art of video game music, featuring scores from The Last of Us and The Last of Us Part II." - The Game Music Foundation.


The Last Of Us Series Has Remarkable Potential For Spin-Offs

Najam from eXputer writes "It's time fore a new installment in the series, not another pointless remaster."

anast98d ago

They are working on something new. Not to be rude but it is impossibility stupid to think ND next major announcement is going to be a remaster or their next Last of Us entry is going to be another remaster.

AlterRecs95d ago

I think this is in response to them releasing a remaster for the sequel, a game that didn't need a remaster.

Basically a "why did you put out a remaster no one asked for when you have all there options available"

anast94d ago

They remaster is to put out something quick while they are deving new stuff. I don't get how people can be so static.

AlterRecs93d ago

There's no news about a third game being in production, you're just assuming that they're working on something that they aren't

anast93d ago

When they release the news to start the hype-train, you can give me my props then.

DrDoomer97d ago

I want an alternate timeline spin-off, where part 2 never happened.

CrimsonWing6997d ago

They’ve already done Remasters of 1 and 2… what else is there to Remaster?

AlterRecs95d ago

Considering they remastered the first game twice, who knows lol

CrimsonWing6994d ago

That was a Remake. I guess they could do that to 2, but man…. They should wait a couple generations so it can look like a major upgrade.


The Last Of Us Online Devs Celebrate Their Experience With The Canceled Game

The team is sad for losing out on such a great project but celebrates its growth because of spending time on it.

Chocoburger142d ago

All they had to do was make a basic online mode like their previous games. Instead they wanted more money and choose to go live service which makes games worse in my opinion.

What a waste of time and money, what a shame.

seanpitt2398d ago

I can't wait for season 2 so they can kill Joel off in the first 2 episodes!! Then it will be just Abby and Ellies revenge plot!

Something is telling me that this won't happen though because it wouldn't make sense, oh wait

Linzoid142d ago

Not sure why they didn’t just make Factions 2. There was no need to make it a live service.

TLoU Factions was a great addition such a shame they couldn’t be bothered to remaster that for PS5 considering the crazy high price tag of the remaster of a remaster…

anast141d ago

This is something to be celebrated. This studio is smart and they get it, even factions 2 wouldn't've have been worth the time. I am surprised they didn't just remaster the first one though, but actually how popular was Factions?