
Insomniac: "people will still want new Xbox 360 games after Xbox 720 launches"

In a startling twist, Insomniac's Ted Price and Brian Allgeier are pretty keen on the idea of both new IP and current generation games that launch in the same year as a next generation console. Could they possibly have a vested interest? And on an unrelated note, what do you think of Fuse?

EVILDEAD3604184d ago

If the 720 were to launch next year, then developers still arent going to ignore the 70 million install for the advantages of nextr gen.

This really comes into play with staples like Call of Duty and the EA franchises.


Knight_Crawler4184d ago (Edited 4184d ago )

I agreee.

If I could not afford the 720 at launch I would be more than happy to wait one year or two and keep playing my 360 and PS3.

GTA 5 and The Last of Us are looking great and if I can get games like that through out the year then I am happy.

Also I find that I am spending more time with XBLA games than actul games...I put over 100 hours in Minecraft :)

Edit: Not saying that next gen is not needed just saying that if its going to be expensive then I can wait...for some reason I do not expect a huge leap from this gen to next gen like we did with the PS2 and PS3.

MikeMyers4184d ago (Edited 4184d ago )

Nintendo just sold 300,000 Wii's last week even though the Wii U just came out.


The price is low and there are a lot of titles to choose from for new Wii owners. It actually makes more sense to buy systems near the end of their life-cycle because that is when you usually get the best hardware (system failures usually are lower once they get smaller and more efficient hardware) for the lowest price along with the largest game selection. Problem is a lot of people don't like to wait that long and online multiplayer games take the biggest hit because gamers move on to newer games.

It's a tough decision when to exactly release your game. Do you do it on new hardware? Do you do it on old hardware with a much larger install base? Do you do it just before Christmas when the busiest time is but risk having your game get unnoticed? There's lots of thought to when a game gets released.

DragonKnight4184d ago

"If the 720 were to launch next year, then developers still arent going to ignore the 70 million install for the advantages of nextr gen."

Xbox says hi. And before you try to spout off about 70 million vs. 24 million, millions are still millions. If MS wants to instantly stop support of the 360 for their next console, they have proven that they can and will. And if MS stops support, 3rd party developers won't be far behind.

I'm not saying it's going to happen like that, I'm saying don't be surprised and don't try to state with absolution that it WON'T happen.

Captain Qwark 94184d ago

xbox doesnt say hi, 70million vs 24million is exactly that. 3+ times as many and since their goal isnt to be the first out this time its not as important to phase out the older system esp if they make your gamertags carry over and support both dashboards.

IronFistChinMi4184d ago

They won't suddenly stop supporting the 360. Try looking up the real reason they stopped supporting the first Xbox, just search for Xbox+Nvidia+dispute.

EVILDEAD3604184d ago

This isnt close to the situation MS was in back in 2005.

The 360 will still be on sale and supported by developers. Even more proof of this comes with MS selling the $99 dollar model with the 2 years Live subscription.

There will be the same line of EA sports still supported on the 360 next year. The same will go for The inevitable COD vs. BF4 battle next holiday.


DragonKnight4184d ago (Edited 4184d ago )

@Captain Qwark 9: It wasn't important to phase out the older Xbox either if they wanted to be first. The mentality of gamers has changed and they could have supported the original Xbox longer, they just didn't want to. Again, the numbers are irrelevant. Millions are still millions. That's millions of people who had to throw out their Xboxes because MS just pulled the plug. If you think for one second they wouldn't do it again, you're naive.

IronFistChinMi: That wasn't the reason they stopped support of the first Xbox. The reason, according to Microsoft, was the price of the harddrives not the nVidia chips. Either excuse is a lame reason to suddenly cut off support when you have 24 million fans still wanting an Xbox fix and not wanting to shell out $400 for a 360 right away.

EvilDead360: Putting aside your constant MS PR and the way you speak as though you have inside information about EA and MS, MS don't care about you. By you I mean the fans. If it serves their future purpose to cut support of the 360 the very day their next console comes out, they've proven they are capable of it regardless of their situation. They've already proven they don't care about core fans, they don't care about the amazing back catalog of first party games they could be coming out with, all they care about is competing with Apple and they are moving that competition into their console department.

If you don't believe me, ask yourself why they recycle the same first party core experiences, why did they can Killer Instinct 3, why are they focused more and more on the casual audience? Are these things that sound like actions of a company that will support something old once something new comes along? Apple has proven people will shell out hundreds of dollars every 3 months for a marginal upgrade to a phone that just came out simply because it's new. If you think MS isn't looking at that, you're just as naive as Captain Qwark 9.

EVILDEAD3604184d ago

'EvilDead360: Putting aside your constant MS PR and the way you speak as though you have inside information about EA and MS, MS don't care about you. By you I mean the fans'

LMFAO...Putting aside that you bleed troll, you statement was the silliest of seen on this site in years.

See no matter how many times you cry that everyone is a PR, you are not fooling ANYONE tp the fact that you spend you entire time trolling MS in allegiance one company.

'If you don't believe me, ask yourself why they recycle the same first party core experiences, why did they can Killer Instinct 3, why are they focused more and more on the casual audience? Are these things that sound like actions of a company that will support something old once something new comes along?'

Wait wait..so now you REALLY pretending that MS doesnt support it's gaming fanbase because of Killer Instinct? Are you REALLy pretending that MS is the only one that focuses on casual?

Please tell me which company put together one of the most talented team of developers to the next trilogy of the biggest hardcore exclusive franchise this gen..creating Halo 4.

And what company just released Wonderbook and a game inspired by Nintendo's casual fighting franchise.

Guess what..ALL companies care about casual and core..and ALL companies care abut money as well as their install base.

I play games and talk about the hobby I love..you can ask Sony for hugs because you believe they care more about YOU, because you troll their gaming competitor..LOL..have fun with that.

On topic..MS will support the 360 after 720 releases, just like Nintendo, and just like Sony..the end


nukeitall4184d ago (Edited 4184d ago )

IronFistChinMi hit it right on the money.

Previous generation, MS was loosing money on each console sold in addition the hole nvidia debacle.

@DragonKnight :

I betcha most companies will kill any product that doesn't make them money, i.e see PSP Go (and I'm not even sure Sony were loosing money since the darn thing was way overpriced).

DragonKnight4184d ago

"See no matter how many times you cry that everyone is a PR, you are not fooling ANYONE tp the fact that you spend you entire time trolling MS in allegiance one company."

No, not everyone. Just you and about 2 others. That DK guy and nukeitall. And go ahead and look at my comment history and see how many MS articles I've commented on lately. You won't find much. But go ahead and think that anyone with anything negative to say about your precious is a troll, doesn't matter to anyone but you really.

"Wait wait..so now you REALLY pretending that MS doesnt support it's gaming fanbase because of Killer Instinct? Are you REALLy pretending that MS is the only one that focuses on casual?"

Killer Instinct is just ONE example of many. But of course leave it to an MS PR rep to overexaggerate one example and refusing to admit the truth about anything. Why don't you ask MS why they want to charge more for downloadable games i.e. Stranger's Wrath was going to be $20 on XBLA whereas on PSN $15. Yeah, that's definitely looking out for the fanbase. And no other company has done a complete 180 shift like MS has in moving from the core audience to the casual audience. That's just a fact.

"Please tell me which company put together one of the most talented team of developers to the next trilogy of the biggest hardcore exclusive franchise this gen..creating Halo 4."

You mean the same Halo 4 that has a trite, cliched story and is the lowest scoring Halo game starring Master Chief? That Halo 4? You mean the same company that won't, god forbid, actually branch out from their same 4 games every single year? That company? Nah, you must be talking about something else right? I mean because you're actually PROUD of MS so, it can't be them making these dumbass moves. Right?

"And what company just released Wonderbook and a game inspired by Nintendo's casual fighting franchise."

That would be Sony. What's your point? Did I say I have delusions about Sony? Nope. By the way, Nintendo didn't invent the genre for party brawlers the way you and the fanboys think they did. Maybe brush up on your game history their bud, consoles existed before last gen you know.

"Guess what..ALL companies care about casual and core..and ALL companies care abut money as well as their install base."

Yep, but two companies actually stick to one plan for an entire generation rather than switch mid way, dumping on millions of loyal consumers in the process. Of the two, none of them are Microsoft.

"I play games and talk about the company I am paid by..you can ask Sony for hugs because you believe they care more about YOU, because you troll their gaming competitor..LOL..have fun with that."

Fixed that for you, and your lame attempt at insulting me actually made me laugh. Nice try. E for Effort.

"On topic..MS will support the 360 after 720 releases, just like Nintendo, and just like Sony..the end"

Says Evil's magic 8 ball that isn't backed up by history or anything else but his own opinion.

nukeitall4183d ago (Edited 4183d ago )


You are a known fanboy that used to troll hard. When did you crawl up to 3 bubbles from one?

"Killer Instinct is just ONE example of many. But of course leave it to an MS PR rep to overexaggerate one example and refusing to admit the truth about anything. Why don't you ask MS why they want to charge more for downloadable games i.e. Stranger's Wrath was going to be $20 on XBLA whereas on PSN $15. Yeah, that's definitely looking out for the fanbase. "

FYI, looking out for the fanbase also ensures that the industry exist and not just catering to all of their wet dreams ignoring the economics behind it that makes the industry survive.

MS is doing what they are supposed to do, attempt to raise prices while consumers are supposed to attempt to lower prices. Keeps things in balance.

"And no other company has done a complete 180 shift like MS has in moving from the core audience to the casual audience. That's just a fact."

Really? Because I distinctly remember Nintendo being pretty much core last generation, before the Wii and then suddenly turned all casual?

Besides MS steps it up to the core by giving attempting to give big blockbuster games this Holiday. What are you playing on PS3 this Christmas?

PS All Stars that got a 76% on meta critic? Point being, Sony ain't the what you want it to be and isn't so unlike MS in behavior. You just fail to see it.

"Says Evil's magic 8 ball that isn't backed up by history or anything else but his own opinion."

Last I checked, Sony pulled the plug on those poor PSP Go owners that payed premium money for it. Those poor suckers that not only over paid for PSP Go, got subpar support and finally got NO SUPPORT.

Your God isn't perfect so stop your allegiance to one company. They all have faults, but you only see the other if you sit in one camp.

EVILDEAD3604183d ago (Edited 4183d ago )

'No, not everyone. Just you and about 2 others. That DK guy and nukeitall. And go ahead and look at my comment history and see how many MS articles I've commented on lately. You won't find much. But go ahead and think that anyone with anything negative to say about your precious is a troll, doesn't matter to anyone but you really.'

LMAO..your not fooling anyone..it's ACTUALLY the other way around. You simply troll MS articles and if someone says anything that ISN'T straight up negative you pretend that THEY are PR or THEY are getting paid.

I'm just keeping it real, you bring up your comment history..click on the VERY FIRST COMMENT and what does it say..

'Good to see you mike_mgoblue. For those who don't know, mike_mgoblue is a paid Microsoft employee who goes around and posts nothing but M$ propaganda. Don't listen to a single word he says.'

LOL..I can't make this up. This is what YOU do. See if your on N4G this is the typical antics guys like this take because the have nothing else.

'Killer Instinct is just ONE example of many. But of course leave it to an MS PR rep to overexaggerate one example and refusing to admit the truth about anything'

LMAO..now your mad because I quoted YOUR random example, completely exaggerating and pretending that because THIS game wasn't released that MS only cares more about casual.

'Yep, but two companies actually stick to one plan for an entire generation rather than switch mid way, dumping on millions of loyal consumers in the process. Of the two, none of them are Microsoft.'

Let's talk FACT not fankid fiction. Nintendo did Wii for casual. Sony followed with Move a couple of months BEFORE MS came with Kinect. Only fankids pretend that somehow million of million got 'dumped' when the truth is millions of million BOUGHT Kinect in historic numbers.

At the end of the day, it's the same ol' stuff.

On, subject once again, I agree with Insomniac that people will still want games on the 360 after the 720 releases, but the bulk of that will come from multi-plats.


nukeitall4183d ago


Ironically DragonKnight says:

"'Yep, but two companies actually stick to one plan for an entire generation rather than switch mid way, dumping on millions of loyal consumers in the process. Of the two, none of them are Microsoft.'"

Yet, Sony's initial plan was to make PS3 a super computer media entertainment center gaming console for your home that can't really be described. Somewhere along the way it became gaming for the core gamers!

Doesn't that sound like a change of plans?

Want other change of plans, like BC is super important because we have it on our console too, it isn't used much so we removed to save you money.

Omnislash4183d ago

@Nuketail and EVILDEAD360


Here you go guys. if youre gonna be spewing BS about how great MS is in the hopes of changing peoples minds about their console of choice you might as well get paid for it.

EVILDEAD3604183d ago

Hey it's the other account..couldn't wait for it to show up..LMAO..

Same line same link..hahahahaha


Omnislash4183d ago


Nope not the same guy. I always see you spewing BS about the 360 so Im gonna keep pointing you in the right direction. MS is cheating you almost as bad as they are cheating Xbox 360 owners. You might as well sign up for a job and get paid for the sh*t you say for free.

rainslacker4183d ago (Edited 4183d ago )

The cost of the hard drives? Really? You know they could have thrown in any hard drive they wanted to and it would work? Why would that ever be a factor? I used to install bigger hard drives for people all the time when I modded systems. If cost was such an issue why did they include a hard drive in the 360?

They stopped production of the first Xbox because NVidia stopped making the chips due to a pricing dispute.

If a company can't produce a system anymore then they won't support it...there is simply no reason to as anyone who may be willing to buy a older system for said game wouldn't be able to obtain one easily. 24 million wasn't a huge install base to really be bothered with it anyhow.

360's will continue to sell, it's a profit stream for them until the 720 starts making them money, at which time you will see them discontinue support, just like Sony does with Playstation.

EVILDEAD3604183d ago (Edited 4183d ago )

@ Omnislash

'Here you go guys. if youre gonna be spewing BS about how great MS is in the hopes of changing peoples minds about their console of choice you might as well get paid for it.'

Show me where I am claiming how 'great MS is..If it's such BS then how is it an employee like yourself can't come up with ONE argument to prove any of it wrong.

LMAO ANOTHER hypocrite talking about MS paying someone when this guy REALLY is gaming employee getting paid by someone..This is what he wrote..

'I just see it like it is.
I did my research on all 3 systems and the PS3 is clearly the best, I sell video games and I tell people the facts on all 3 consoles and let them make a decision, 90% of the time they want a PS3. The only time someone wants an Xbox is because theyre huge halo fans or something happened to their last Xbox. The only time they want a wii is usually for their kids.'

Please turn the lights off and sweep the floor when your done. Another lame gaming employee that has do do 'research' on gaming systems because he only owns one..lol

Sorry, I'm the guy who doesnt have to convince anyone of anything. I'm the guy who BUYS the games for and owns every one of those systems you need to research just to make a little money. Guess we know who gives you your bonus money..lol

Another case closed..

Is this all these guys got? All because of a system they hate THAT bad?

Look at a simple article that a developer says that people will want to buy 360 games after 720 is released gets turned into..

This console war gets sillier and sillier by the second.

Too easy


+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 4183d ago
ProjectVulcan4184d ago (Edited 4184d ago )

Meh, we have seen generational transitions where the older machine is still supported.

However for the most part, first party support is hugely reduced. This is usually a way to detect a new console generation incoming, because the number of titles on the horizon is reduced by the first party.

For example, Sony published about 20 titles 2001-2005 for PS2, about half that in PS3's launch year of 2006, and half of 2006 again in 2007 so there is little published by the first party for the old machine the year after the new generation arrives.

Typically you'll see cross platform versions of COD and FIFA etc continue for a few years afterwards with reduced budgets and less care.

GraveLord4184d ago

It'll take about 2 years for mutiplatform games likes COD and Fifa to shift to next-gen as "lead platform".
There will be some next-gen only games,and those are the ones I'm most excited for. Particularly the exclusives.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4183d ago
dirigiblebill4184d ago

...providing they're not chopped-down, broken versions of next generation releases.

mayberry4184d ago

I agree with mr. Price. Plus I dont expect a Mass exodus to the new consoles when they launch for various reasons. "Hardcore" gamers like myself will get them, but especially with Sony's support of new IP's this late in the ps3's life, cant see me even giving up my launch 60G anytime soon!

Picnic4184d ago (Edited 4184d ago )

I'm not so sure. Historically I think that's it's only been Sony consoles that have continued to sell large amounts of their older console when the new console launches, possibly partly because it's usually taken most developers a while to get used to the difficulty of coding for Sony's consoles- so even if there are loads of early adopters they still keep their older Sony console on standby in the early months too. Fortunately for Sony gamers, by the time there is a great range of games, the console price is very good.

People have their preferences but the Xbox has generally always had a few attractive first day exclusives to encourage people to buy the new console early.
However the Xbox360 has been seen as much more of a mainstream success so perhaps people will be comfortable supporting it for a bit longer - just maybe not as long as they do with Sony consoles.

barb_wire4184d ago

Based on that headline then, no backwards compatibility in the 720. Also, how would Insomniac know?

hennessey864184d ago

Develing resistance rise of the hedgehogs as an exclusive for th 720 or so I've heard anyway

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Rolling the Dice: Do Modern RPGs Miss the Point of Team-Based Play?

It seems it was long time ago. A bunch of friends spending hours on end playing RPG games, sitting around the table with the box of cold pizza. Excited about the story, listening to the Game Master, they were completely engaged in the worlds only visible to them and their imaginations.

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Takwin2641d ago

The GM is the programmer, and in MMOs and co-ops, you can play with others. If you want to ONLY use your imagination for the visuals, read a book.


Record of Agarest War 2 announced for PS3

Scrawl: "Looks like we know how that new Compile Heart countdown is going to end. The latest issue of Famitsu has confirmed that Agarest Senki 2, known as Record of Agarest War 2 in the US, is Compile Heart’s newest title."

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Godmars2905086d ago

1) Hope they put it on disc this time.
2) Hope this is a positive for Neptune coming over as well.

Demons Souls5086d ago

If so, that's being developed & published by Idea Factory. Compile Heart has nothing to do with it (Thank God for that).

Godmars2905086d ago (Edited 5086d ago )

Thought Compile Heart was one of the companies lending characters.

Was also speaking in general as in regards to a US of Neptune. If these guys are offing a second game, NIS or Atlus, both of whom offer quirkier titles, will put that one out.

My issue isn't - wholly - with the DL-only option, but the price. The first game should be $30. Maybe $40, and by that I mean $39.99. The only reason its $45 is the 360 disc version which has extras. Nevermind that by all rights its a PS2 game. Something that proabbly could have been done if the devs had the GOW2 engine or tools.

ClownBelt5086d ago

I approve of this god damn message.

Could have gotten my 60 bucks if they just put it on a disc.

5086d ago Replies(1)
Tripl3seis5086d ago

Another exclusive damnn the ps3 keeps on rollin wit games awesome ;)

Jack-Pyro5086d ago

Is this a half decent SRPG, porn aside, cause if it is, i might just decide to go and buy it for the 360.

Anon73495086d ago

There's no porn just some sexual innuendos but that's it.

Also it is a great game by itself, maybe not graphically but everything else is top tier.

RedDevils5086d ago

so it had some kind of "top tier" porn story jk

ThanatosDMC5086d ago

Yup, it's a decent game. I just hate that a move has to go first before any attack options.

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Bless Online Korean MMORPG Gets Server Merge

This is not the first time that Bless Online receives a server merge in Korea. An announcement was made on the official Korean site.

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2677d ago
Bismarn2677d ago

Bless must be an amazing game to be on all these platforms (according to the tags): iPad iPhone Nintendo DS PC PS Vita PS2 PS3 PS4 PSP Wii Wii U Xbox Xbox 360 Xbox One