
PS4 Launch Date Is October Or November 2013 - Pachter

NowGamer: "I don't think Sony wants to launch behind Microsoft again," says Michael Pachter, as he gives his reasons for predicting October or November 2013 for the launch of PlayStation 4.

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wishingW3L4184d ago

my body and wallet are ready! I want a $600 beast!

Abash4184d ago

Well if there's one thing we can count on with Pachter, it's him being wrong. I'll wait for Sony to announce the hardware and release window rather than take his speculation

NewMonday4184d ago

If the PS4 has specked up versions of Last of Us and Beyond alongside Watch Dogs it will be enough for me.

Also GG and SP have lots of time now and must be up to great things for launch .

nukeitall4184d ago

I think one thing is want, the other is can.

Can Sony release a console side by side with MS?

I think not, because of two things:

a) Sony's terrible financial situation

b) the current focus on current generation games from first party

c) PSN hasn't had a revamped in ages "suggesting" Sony hasn't seemingly thought of the future at all. There is no glimpse in PSN I can see for the future.

On the flip side though, they could all be only focusing on next generation PSN and entirely ignoring the current one. However, that seems implausible as you want to give users a teaser taste to see their reaction before further investments....

Anon19744184d ago

I don't see this as likely. If Sony were ramping up R&D right now in time to get a new product to market by next fall, we would have seen the spike in R&D spending that goes along with it, like we've seen in advance of the new hardware revisions and back when the PS3 was about a year out from it's release. We simply haven't seen that spike in spending yet that would indicate the machine was gearing up.

We did just see that sudden spike in R&D spending from Microsoft though, making a launch next year likely. Maybe if we see R&D ramp up with Sony when they report the next quarter they'll have enough time, but if we don't see it by then I don't think we'll see a new Playstation in 2013.

darthv724184d ago (Edited 4184d ago )

There will be an improvement to the hardware from the cpu/gpu side but the majority of increase will likely be in the internal memory and storage capacity.

Memory would likely be no less than 2gb but more realistic at 4gb+ and then the internal storage could be a minimum of 500gb. 1tb isnt that hard to imagine.

The media format (bluray) is fine, the cell could either be replaced or have its performance increased but that is up to sony to decide. The gpu would likely be replaced with something more current.

Would they stick with a dedicated video memory though? If they did then the video could be 1gb alone and system memory be 3 or 4gb.

There has to be a sweet spot. a balance so you dont get an increase in latency. Increasin memory is a good thing but you dont want to exceed what the system can handle efficiently or things could get sluggish at times.

People criticize Nintendo and their design of the wii-u but they dont think that they went with their design because it was the sweet spot between the memory, cpu/gpu performance in general. Its understandable.

fine tuning a console is like fine tuning a pc. just because you can have all this memory doesnt mean it will run better. sometimes its better to back off a bit and see where everything works together at a cohesive level.

Im sure sony has been experimenting with different combinations of chips. seeing as cell development has gotten increasingly better over these last couple of years leads me to think they may stick with that chip but increase its efficiency. couple that with the right gpu to create a balanced platform.

Whatever path they choose, they know they cant charge $600 or $1000 for it. They have to make it a cost effective entry point for consumers to purchase.

DigitalRaptor4184d ago (Edited 4184d ago )

@ nukeitall

"a) Sony's terrible financial situation"

Do you mean Sony couldn't afford to compete head on with Microsoft at the start of next gen, or that they couldn't afford to bring out a PS4 ready for when Microsoft will?

To the first scenario, Sony are a multibillion dollar corp, who's gaming division is their most profitable by far. As to the second scenario, I'm pretty sure the PS4 has been baking since PS3 came out. There's not a large amount of evidence that points towards them being unable to have a new console ready to release this holiday (after 7 or so years), nor is there a lot of evidence suggesting it is even coming out next year. It's all speculation.


"b) the current focus on current generation games from first party"

Most of which are coming out Q1 or Q2 of 2013. Rumour has it that PS4 is coming out lateQ3/Q4.


"c) PSN hasn't had a revamped in ages "suggesting" Sony hasn't seemingly thought of the future at all. There is no glimpse in PSN I can see for the future. "

Have you not seen the new store that shows that Sony has been listening to their audience for the past 2 years shaping a modern digital online focus. Streamlining. The fact that Sony has bought Gaikai for a large sum means they have something big in store for next gen and digital streaming is something they will be looking to nail on day one. They've reshaped the entire SEN to include PSN across all of their devices. Developers have spoken out that PS4 devkits have enough RAM to be able to perform background tasks and functionality easily as well as gaming, which means Sony will have wasted no time incorporating features that they've already implemented into Vita PSN, such as Cross-game chat and plenty more.

Like you suggested, we haven't seen a huge revamp because it's clearly happening behind the scenes with PS4. They have been supporting the improved infrastructure with PS Vita, which is clearly just the start and continues with PS4. Their greatest asset now is how they will approach next gen and that includes the impact they will have with a solid network with great interface and features. Do you not think Sony has learned how important online is? They TOTALLY underestimated the appeal it would have, which is why you can see how much PSN has grown in 6 years.

They don't need to give a teaser to the PS3 audience since that's a waste of resources and working with the PS4 itself and to the device's strength's rather than the PS3's weaknesses is a LOT more plausible.

MostJadedGamer4184d ago

Agree I could certainly see the PS4 coming out in Fall of 2014.

Zhipp4184d ago

I was predicting a November 2013 release, but Pachter is never right--which means I must have been wrong. Damn.

blackbeld4184d ago

PS4 can be a killer if;

- they be more cheap like $400.
- cross game chat for the ones who wants it badly (360fans)
- more RAM like 4GB
- more hard-disk space like 1TB
- updated GPU
- updated CELL
- current BLue Ray is fine
- 4K HD not needed for new gen (global financial crisis at the moment)
- PSN keep it free for online gaming
- PSN PLUS give more free AAA games every month
- Revamp the R2 & L2 buttons also make the controllers cheaper €40.

EVILDEAD3604184d ago

Yeah I saw this on Game Trailers last week. Pachter is way off on this one. Can't see Sony going head-to-head vs. 720 next November, but it would be Epic if they did.


BitbyDeath4184d ago

"Can Sony release a console side by side with MS?"

PS4 is expected for 2013 and the next Xbox is rumoured for 2014 so they won't be releasing side by side if the rumours are true.


WiiStation_3604183d ago

Sony is actually in some sort of 'deep water' at the moment.... just putting it out there.
Source: http://tinyurl.com/c2ynu3m

andibandit4183d ago (Edited 4183d ago )


"To the first scenario, Sony are a multibillion dollar corp, who's gaming division is their most profitable by far"

Their gaming division is the only division generating a positive revenue. I dont know what you mean "by far" but if youre under the illusion that their gaming division is able to hold up the other divisions, then you are delusional, BY FAR.

Using the CELL in the next iteration is not really a necessity or even commendable. Letting developers use more time on coding games, and less time on studying new processor architecture, is the way forward.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 4183d ago
-Mika-4184d ago

I agree. I can't wait for the true next gen consoles to arrive.

MariaHelFutura4184d ago

The Wii U is next-gen regardless if you like it or not. Genarations are determined by console cycles, NOT power. Hypothetically, if the PS4 was the exact same as the PS3, but w/ more RAM it would be next-gen. Like it or not.

jbgamer4184d ago

1 already has and be prepared to be majorly let down by how much you are setting yourself up on the next sony, and microsoft machines.

ConstipatedGorilla4183d ago

The Wii U is nintendo's next generation. You don't know the meaning of "next gen".

AfricanGamer9ja4184d ago

"I don't think Sony wants to launch behind Microsoft again," says Michael Pachter"""...te ll me something i dont knnow :/

extermin8or4184d ago

actually I suspect they don't really care; they tend to not care too much what the competitors are doing and do their own thing for better or worse....

akaakaaka4184d ago (Edited 4184d ago )

Well true, patcher is not known for been wrong, people are lost in. the hate for this guy, but he is known for been obvious and anyone can do his job plus his personality is easy to dislike.

And sony should care for others and they have always do, sadly the PS3 power was only used by their first party devs, they need to care and make third party devs use they PS4 tech just like they first party devs will do. And going by the rumors, sony is doing just that(they ask first and third party devs what they want and how they want it)

PLUS this is a big teach corporation and they are in the end ruled and planed by the same big guys behind the close doors just like their tvs and etc, is not like they invent a new teach out of a tin air, sony and m$ get help from others and most of the time same corporations.

ConstipatedGorilla4183d ago

It matters not to me. I will buy them both, regardless of who launches first.

NukaCola4184d ago

I can see a release in 2013 towards Christmas but just before the next MS system. I think if they can cut a loss or just work around it, they need to go all out with a bundle featuring a Cross Buy title like Gran Turismo 6 with a PS4/Vita Bundle for something like $500. It would be a great way to have the two together. A PS4 would probably be set in a $300 and $350 model of 500gigs or a TB, so cutting back a little bit for a Vita collection would be a huge success. I also think GT6 on Vita would require CLOUD features and they could blow us away with what they are cooking for the next generation of Cloud gaming with the new PSN. I personally can't wait.

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4184d ago (Edited 4184d ago )

I want a $610 beast!! That would include a $10 god of war usb drive shaped like kratos's sword!

Really sony should sell ps4 + discounted game bundles day 1!

I may be wrong but I have a feeling sony will do something BIG to over shadow the memory of 2006 launch.

morkendo234184d ago (Edited 4184d ago )

why would anyone in there right mind want another 600.00 console ???? meanwhile talk with a friend yesterday who cousin work for MS said 720 has over heating and lazer issues which will delay the 720 released date 2014 earliest. don't know if it true or not. .

stage884184d ago

Oh 'his cousin', yeah sure, we believe you...

rainslacker4184d ago

If the console is a significant leap forward, and offers value with that $600 then I would have no problem wanting one. It's a hard pill to swallow, no doubt, but consoles should last for quite a while, so while the initial investment may be high, the long term value is there.

Hard to tell if the next generation will be a significant leap like previous generations, but going off speculation and rumors I'd probably say it's not. I'd personally prefer the go more powerful at a slightly higher cost, but with today's market so heavily dependent on multi-platform support, that's probably not likely, and both MS/Sony will likely focus on profitability over longevity.

CalvinKlein4183d ago (Edited 4183d ago )

yeah well my best friend's mom's aunt's dog walker has a brother taht works at sony who said the PS4 is coming out next week! Ms better hurry or sony will get a 2.5 year head start!

cee7734183d ago

everyone's spending over 500$+ on annual ipad iphone upgrades so I dont see launching at around $500 being a bad deal especially if its a beast

madjedi4183d ago (Edited 4183d ago )


"everyone's spending over 500$+ on annual ipad iphone upgrades so I dont see launching at around $500 being a bad deal especially if its a beast"

Problem is these people aren't gamers, whatever console preference a person has, at least they will usually give a reasonable if not subjective opinion on why "insert system" is too expensive.

@posters About next gens being a beast, no rational individual is expecting a current $250-500 video card in either the ps4 or 720, that is a no brainer.

Having said that jbgamer and all the other 2012 wii u defense brigade members need to stop spreading the misconception that sony and ms will gimp their consoles next gen as bad as the wii u is. Nintendo is known for going with lower priced tech to maximise profits, sony and ms not so much.

The psvita vs 3ds should nullify that argument immediately. But by all means shout to the heavens of the 3ds's sale, when the topic at hand is hardware. Since it is a favorite go to point for nintendo fanboys arguing against sony or ms fans.

No ps3/360 gamer is going to accept a next gen sony or ms console whose hardware is not several generations past it's predecessors. If either of them try to release a wii u(wii 2) it's dead on arrival.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4183d ago
1Victor4184d ago

I'm ready but damn why patcher had to jinx it everyone knows he hit the mark once per decade and he already did :'(

Thatguy-3104184d ago

I totally see ps4 running the last of us and beyond next year just like the ps3 but on top of the it will offer new exclusives just for the ps4. Guess what I'm trying to say is that backward compatibility will be available.

KingKevo4184d ago

Did'nt you post that body wallet a while ago too or did you just pick it up? Sounds too familiar ...

AngelicIceDiamond4184d ago (Edited 4184d ago )

That's a little too soon for a full blown PS4 to get released, realistically. I'm still gonna say Spring of 2014.

Btw Pachter predictions haven't been right for a while I mean, a PS4 in less than a year from now? What about The Last Guardian and Agent we have not heard of about those games for sometime now.

Pachter says October or November, I have to disagree that's just too soon. Maybe he knows something I don't but October or November doesn't seem very realistic to me.

stage884184d ago

I don't think Sony will want to miss out on the huge Christmas sales.

Blackdeath_6634184d ago

with that sort of money you can get a gaming pc that does everything better. i won't buy a console with that sort of price tag.

Monstar4183d ago

So the PC has Sony exclusives..does it?

PC fanboys and their hardware obsession and 1 game...crysis. LOL

Bladesfist4183d ago

@Monstar yes it does have Sony exclusives, it is called emulation. In fact it has more Sony exclusives than the PS3 :S

ConstipatedGorilla4183d ago

The problem I have with PC gaming is constantly having to update video cards and other components to stay current. That crap gets expensive just a general pain in the ass to me.

akaakaaka4184d ago

People nees to understand that the $ has a different value now, if they launch a PS4 at $400 witch most want to it will be like launching the PS3 at around $300 on 2006, even if the PS4 is launch at a $600 witch most likely be or I can see it even at $800 launch price, it will be like launching the console at $400 back in 2006, be happy if is launche at $600.
If you can't buy it wait a year and mos likely it will go down to $400 plus it will have more and better games.
PS3 launch when the crysis was starting and it was not the best launch console but it did great for it price, plus if is a hit (iphone is a example) it will sale no metter the price.
My numbers are nor accurate but I bet they are near.

And I saw some saying is ok if does not do 4k, how can you a gamer dare to lower your standards?
PS4 needs to be 4k, to help sony with their 4k tvs and new blu ray teach need to come out to hold on that teach.

rainslacker4184d ago (Edited 4184d ago )

I think your inflation numbers are way off.

4K tv's have even less market acceptance than HD TV's did when the PS3 released. TV technology is one of those things where people say, "What I have is good enough". Even blu-ray isn't the mainstream media that DVD became in the same time period. There was a report saying that HDTV acceptance in the home would only break 50% by 2016...3 years from now. That didn't even bother to take into account 4K TV's, which have very limited support.

4K support would be cool for those that have those kinds of TV's no doubt, but I'd rather Sony spend that money for something more suited to the majority, and not the elite.

3-4-54184d ago

Wii U = $350

PS4 = $450-600

Xbox 720 = $ 350-400

* Price variation is depending on bundles.

Eyeco4183d ago

Given the lessons that Sony has learnt from this gen, I highly doubt the rice range to reach as high as 600, almost everything that went wrong for the PS3 this gen can be attributed to the launch.

I've noticed that people are speculating a 2014 release, but does anyone see this as way to late ? i mean 8 years into the PS3 life span, thats ridiculous, I think Sony has every reason to release in 2013 especially if they wanna get ahead of Microsoft , the next gen consoles are long overdue, realistically all 3 should have been released anywhere from 2010- to now. But the fact that it's late 2012 and neither Microsoft or Sony has officially announced a console is outrageous.

miyamoto4183d ago

PlayStation Orbis will go back to its PS One & PS2 roots - $299.99 basic core system

doogiebear4184d ago

$450 tops, or else it will likely have another slow start. I want Sony to crush Xbox and Nintendo, utterly.

sGIBMBR4184d ago

Lol, really?! You care that much?!!!

ghostrider324183d ago

Dude, it's just video games. Nothing to be so serious about.

Orokana4184d ago

Although having a $600 beast doesn`t matter all that much nowadays, with the majority of games being released multi-platform port style. If anything, even though I don`t own one, I want the 360`s next gen console to be a beast, that way it might be able to keep up with the PS3 and they won`t have to dumb down the graphics TOO much.

AO1JMM4184d ago

I seriously doubt Sony will go the 600$ console route again.

punisher994183d ago

Personally, I almost hope they do. Because they have spoiled me with the PS3 this gen. When PS3 was first released, it was an 850$ piece of tech that they sold at a lost for 600 and 500$.

showtimefolks4183d ago

i don't think sony is in any position to loose money on ps4. so expect a consumer friendly price point and very easy for developers to work on.

Vita's price point showed that sony understands more than ever before that pricing matters.

also games,games and more games and don't release everything right at launch. spread it out over 6 months, Vita had a Great launch lineup with more than 25 games but what do people always say? Vita has no games.

GT6....Launch title
Uncharted 4....show trailer at E3 with early 2014 release date
Infamous 3....launch title
Killzone 4....launch title
psn still free
psn:plus for ps4
cross game chat
$349-449 price point. i think there will be 2 models one for $399 and one for $349

punisher994183d ago

"i don't think sony is in any position to loose money on ps4. so expect a consumer friendly price point and very easy for developers to work on. "

Thats probably true. But as a PS3 gamer, that scares the hell out of me.

madjedi4183d ago (Edited 4183d ago )

Unless ms(kinda already have) or sony drastically change their target audience - core gamers to casual i don't really see ms or sony going below $400 at launch.

They would have their previous systems still being supported for either the casuals or the people that are waiting it to hit $299 or less before jumping.

I personally would rather sony and ms to have them be little bit beefer to last slightly longer. Because i think the 5 yr gen console cycle is dead, with development cost skyrocketing from the ps2's era this gen.(Still in the current gen, hardware wise for every console)

jujubee884183d ago

Actually, noooo fully.

I want to buy the next Playstation console to pair it with my VITA. Like some fava beans and a nice chianti.



nerdkiller4183d ago

are you god damn retarded maybe you want to pay 600 for a console but the rest of the world wont. you know what happen to the ps3, my god you must really want sony to go under

Tsar4ever014183d ago

I'm not buying any of this, The ORBIS's 3rd dev kit spec suppose to come early next year while the final spec suppose to be sometime during the summer months, How in the hell sony suppose to have enough consoles ready for a world wide holiday launch in 2013?

Unless the leaked info from VG247 was put out there to throw everybody off and the console's have already been in production for the past year & change....

miyamoto4183d ago

Now that Sony proved a 1 year head start can easily be managed there is no reason for Sony to launch PlayStation Orbis before or along side IF the next Xbox launch in 2013 or 2014.

1. They can still make money on PS3 by selling it at $200 the whole of 2013 making the Wii U look very expensive.
2. They can build a better and less expensive PS Orbis by leveraging the rapid development of processor manufacturing in one years time.
3. Gaikai may be fully operational in 2013 making way for more affordable PSOne, PS2 & PS3 games.

Azurite4183d ago

It's simple but might turn out to be true.

PS1: Dec 03, 1994

~64 months later
PS2: Mar 04, 2000

~80 months later
PS3: Nov 11, 2006

There's a 16 months addition for the next iteration.
Do this again and you'll get ~96 months = ~8 years.

That would be at the end of 2014.
What else occur at the end of 2014?
The 20th anniversary of the PlayStation brand.

This is hardly proof of anything, just putting it out there ;)

+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 4183d ago
Jinkies4184d ago

Thats means they would have to reveal it in early Spring to get the hype going...you can't show it off at E3 and expect people to buy in the comming Holiday.

Unless they show it off at the VGAs which I highly doubt...

Neonridr4184d ago

Xbox 360 was shown at that time frame and then sold in November of the same year. So it can be done.

Jinkies4184d ago

Was it...I always thought most consoles are shown off at E3 the year before then release a year and a few months later.

Like they get two E3s in the spotlight, one to show the prototype and then the other E3 to see the final product.

rulkezx4184d ago

No MS showed the 360 in their own special MTV event in the run up to E3 and then launched in November that year.

I have no idea where this 2 E3 things that's being thrown around lately has come from.

Neonridr4184d ago (Edited 4184d ago )

I never said it was shown off at E3, I said it was shown during that time frame. The MTV event was May 12th, 2005. E3 was less than 2 weeks later in the same month. Hardly any difference.

I think the 2 E3 things has only been more Nintendo, with the Wii and then the Wii U both showing at 2 different E3's before launching.

crazysammy4184d ago

Yes this is true about the Xbox 360 but that same year the "Revolution" and the PS3 were announced giving them the 2 E3's cycle of advertising. I think people are confusing announced and demoed. PS3 was unplayable and everything was pre-rendered and the Revolution was nothing but videos as well. They were however "announced" to be in production.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4184d ago
bangshi4184d ago

Used to be how it is done. A massive hype building process, but now people want now, now, now.

You mainly have Apple to thank for this. 'Here is our amazing new product - and you can buy it in a week'.

BitbyDeath4184d ago

Didn't work out for the Wii, sales dropped away almost straight after they first announced it.

Probably safer to announce it closer to launch these days.

SamPao4184d ago

Well I thought in January they always hold the special Playstation Meeting. two years ago they showed the PSVITA there the first time right?

TotalHitman4184d ago

I predict that the PS4 will be released in Europe in Spring 2014. Where's my spot on N4G?

bangshi4184d ago

I don't think they'd miss the Christmas period in Europe.

Europe is PS3's heartland.

adam_gamesfiends4184d ago

True but they did dump all over Europe by pushing back the PS3 release date significantly when they struggled with the manufacturing. So it'll be interesting to see how much of a lag we get this time around.

TotalHitman4184d ago

Oh, I'm pretty sure they will. Europe always takes a hit for the US and Japan. It's frustrating as you're right, Europe is the PS3's heartland.

rainslacker4184d ago

Not sensational enough to get your own headline...Sorry. :-P

kratos174184d ago

im sticking to my holiday 2014 prediction but, no matter when it releases i will buy it day one.

Show all comments (163)

Rolling the Dice: Do Modern RPGs Miss the Point of Team-Based Play?

It seems it was long time ago. A bunch of friends spending hours on end playing RPG games, sitting around the table with the box of cold pizza. Excited about the story, listening to the Game Master, they were completely engaged in the worlds only visible to them and their imaginations.

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Takwin2641d ago

The GM is the programmer, and in MMOs and co-ops, you can play with others. If you want to ONLY use your imagination for the visuals, read a book.


Record of Agarest War 2 announced for PS3

Scrawl: "Looks like we know how that new Compile Heart countdown is going to end. The latest issue of Famitsu has confirmed that Agarest Senki 2, known as Record of Agarest War 2 in the US, is Compile Heart’s newest title."

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Godmars2905085d ago

1) Hope they put it on disc this time.
2) Hope this is a positive for Neptune coming over as well.

Demons Souls5085d ago

If so, that's being developed & published by Idea Factory. Compile Heart has nothing to do with it (Thank God for that).

Godmars2905085d ago (Edited 5085d ago )

Thought Compile Heart was one of the companies lending characters.

Was also speaking in general as in regards to a US of Neptune. If these guys are offing a second game, NIS or Atlus, both of whom offer quirkier titles, will put that one out.

My issue isn't - wholly - with the DL-only option, but the price. The first game should be $30. Maybe $40, and by that I mean $39.99. The only reason its $45 is the 360 disc version which has extras. Nevermind that by all rights its a PS2 game. Something that proabbly could have been done if the devs had the GOW2 engine or tools.

ClownBelt5085d ago

I approve of this god damn message.

Could have gotten my 60 bucks if they just put it on a disc.

5085d ago Replies(1)
Tripl3seis5085d ago

Another exclusive damnn the ps3 keeps on rollin wit games awesome ;)

Jack-Pyro5085d ago

Is this a half decent SRPG, porn aside, cause if it is, i might just decide to go and buy it for the 360.

Anon73495085d ago

There's no porn just some sexual innuendos but that's it.

Also it is a great game by itself, maybe not graphically but everything else is top tier.

RedDevils5085d ago

so it had some kind of "top tier" porn story jk

ThanatosDMC5085d ago

Yup, it's a decent game. I just hate that a move has to go first before any attack options.

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Bless Online Korean MMORPG Gets Server Merge

This is not the first time that Bless Online receives a server merge in Korea. An announcement was made on the official Korean site.

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2677d ago
Bismarn2676d ago

Bless must be an amazing game to be on all these platforms (according to the tags): iPad iPhone Nintendo DS PC PS Vita PS2 PS3 PS4 PSP Wii Wii U Xbox Xbox 360 Xbox One