-Mika-4255d ago

I still think it overpriced for what it offering. I think Im just going to wait for the PS4 and just buy this at the end of it lifecycle.

TOGC4255d ago

from what was shown i disagree

WrAiTh Sp3cTr34255d ago (Edited 4255d ago )

"I think Im just going to wait for the PS4 and just buy this at the end of it lifecycle."

I've learned thats what you do for Sony's devices...

Trenta274255d ago

I disagree as well. While the 32GB only was surprising to me, it still looks fun.

gaffyh4255d ago

As expected, Nintendo didn't go for $199 or even $249 that people were talking about. It's too expensive at $299 because Sony will be launching slim soon, and Xbox 360 is already dirt cheap. They can only hope for a lot of hype during launch, but I just don't see it being sustained after it's first few weeks on shelves.

Good release date though, but again, they're competing with COD, which is a big mistake imo.

Anon19744255d ago

@ gaffyh. Don't discount the novelty of it though. Yeah, the 360 is dirt cheap and the PS3 is about the same price (barring the launch of the PS3 super slim) but the 360 and PS3 have been on the shelves for awhile now. The Wii-U has that nifty, ipad-like controller. Don't discount the novelty factor here. While I don't think the Wii-U will be able to compete with the PS3 and 360 numbers this holiday season, I think it'll have a solid showing which should encourage developers to take a look. It certainly doesn't hurt that Nintendo has a normal game controller this outing, making for easier ports. The Wii-mote killed the Wii for me as I hated using the blasted thing and I was planning on skipping the Wii-U if relied solely on some gimmicky controller, but a normal controller is available right from the start. I might not be jumping onboard at launch like I did the Wii, but I'll be keeping an eye on the Wii-U. I missed two Zelda games because of that damned Wii-mote. I'm looking forward to diving into the series again, and I've got kids now that I wouldn't mind introducing to Mario in a couple of years time.

-Alpha4255d ago

Eh, I guess it depends on your budget. $300 is too much for me because Ill be maining PS4. Wii U is a likely pick up for the strong Nintendo exclusives that are bound to release but Ill wait for the eventual price scaling. Nintendo wont be more expensive than Sony and MS in the swing of things so Ill get the Wii U then. Its a sensible price if it can sell and I expect the casuals to be first in line. The justfication of the price will ultimately be determined by the sales.

darthv724255d ago

"I think Im just going to wait for (insert platform) and just buy (insert platform) at the end of it lifecycle."

That is typical of those who have no interest in the first place.

Diver4255d ago

the grannies that made the wii a big seller arent going to go for this. ninty seriously miscalculated. got nothing to do with liking or disliking, its the market.

Sono4214255d ago (Edited 4255d ago )

I'm seriously not understanding.. People are saying it's overpriced and should be $250 not $300. Is $50 really that big of a deal/difference? Also if you plan on buying a game for the Wii U, which I would hope you are lol ($60) you might as well upgrade to the $350 version (Comes with either Zombie U or NintendoLand, 32 Gigs of storage, charging stand for the GamePad, and Nintendo Network Premium) I would like for it to also come packaged with a pro controller too but eh i'm not complaining. I don't know what exactly would satisfy you people. Judging from your comments you want it to be cheaper and vastly more powerful. Do you see how that's contradicting? You want it to be more powerful (Which raises the price) then you want it to be cheaper... doesn't make sense. The system is easily powerful enough to handle all sorts of gaming mechanics. It's not so "underpowered" that it will take away from the experience. It will still be easily able to handle alot going on at once. The only place it somewhat "lacks" is the graphics department and its not like it will look ugly or anything, it can still handle better graphics than this current gen and I think this current gens games look amazing as is. (Uncharted, Gears, Killzone, etc...) and graphics are hardly the most important thing in the first place. Then they show very promising games this early. (In my opinion) Such as Zombie U, Nintendo Land, Pikmin 3, Rayman Legends, New Super Mario Bros. U, Game & Wario, the Wonderfull 101, Lego City Undercover, and Epic mickey 2. Those are just some of the exclusives I can think of off the top of my head, not even mentioning all the multiplatform games. Then with all of that offered lets not forget the biggest selling point, the unique controller, the whole new way to play. I don't see how anyone could possibly knock this from a factual perspective. Maybe from an opinionated perspective (Maybe) but (sorry to say it) most of the reasoning i'm seeing for not getting it is poor to say the least and those saying such things clearly had no intention of buying it in the first place. If your not going to get it fine, but don't hide behind the bush trying to justify not getting it with these "facts" state your real reasoning for not getting it. Brand loyalty for the lose gaming for the win.

zeeshan4254d ago

It all comes down to the performance of Wii U. If they can blow our minds away with some strong titles, people are going to consider getting this. But, if it is only slightly better than 360 and PS3 then really, what's the use of buying a consoles, close to current-gen consoles and one that is even more expensive.

EVILDEAD3604254d ago

The price is pretty much as low as they could go and actually recoup money.

Nintendo is going to sell out this holiday and all the way through next year.

But, it won't prevent the 360 or the PS3 from having a great holiday.

I honestly wish the launch had must have games, but other than Zombie-U, it would be tough to warrant the price when I own the other 3 consoles and there are too many huge games coming. I probably will wait until next summer or holiday to pick one up.

It's going to be interesting to see how this holiday pans out though.


+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4254d ago
Conzul4255d ago

Eh, I'll probably break down and get it whenever they release their generational Zelda game.

Kinda sick though, they only have one horse in their barn, compared to what Sony will have going into next gen.

Lucretia4255d ago (Edited 4255d ago )

how much is it? the site wont load ........

nvm found it.....wtf 300 for only 8 gigs of ram and a console thats barely better than current gen?

thats like if the original xbox was 100 bucks more than ps2 because it was slightly better........

w/e. games speak i guess, bayonetta 2 is nice, but not enough to get me to pay that much for wii-u

Conzul4255d ago

Release: Nov 18
Basic 8Gb model: $300
Deluxe 32Gb model: $350

Qrphe4255d ago

The original Xbox was about 3 times as powerful as the PS2 (it even had native 720p games!).
But it was still pricey though.

Sono4214255d ago

Delux also includes a game(Either ZombieU or NintendoLand) and Nintendo Premium.

gatormatt804255d ago

I personally think they're making a big mistake in regards to the HDD. They should be offering HDD's in comparison to what the PS3 and 360 are selling. I think casual gamers, and even parents of children, will see on the boxes of these consoles that the PS3 and 360 have more GB's and it's very possible that they will relate that to those being the better purchase. That and the price will IMHO be deciding factors for many casuals and parents out there.

darthv724255d ago

The inclusion of a HDD in older consoles was probably to make up for whatever shortcomings the platform lacked.

In the case of wii-u, there does not seem to be as much of a "need" for a big hdd. Games fit and play from the discs themselves so no installing. I can really only see the internal storage for game saves, wiiware/vc and maybe demos.

If the need arrives, the consumer can add their own external hdd which I would imagine would be exclusively allocated to the wii instead of like what people use external hdd's for now.

If you dont allocate a hdd to the wii then it becomes a typical storage device for movies and music to shuttle between pc and other devices.

Consumers who have been using tablets and phones wont see the wii-u as anything less but something more. the familiarity of the gamepad interface would likely spark interest in getting one for their kids instead of the 360/ps3 because parents would see the benefits of the many ways it can be used in conjunction with games and apps.

We are in a new generation where traditional gaming is being surpassed by the youth that is being trained on touch interface devices for education and entertainment.

It may be coming to a point where us "old schoolers" will be the only ones who want the physical games and feel of a traditional d-pad and buttons while the younger crowd are expectant of the touch and motion interface of the future.

gatormatt804255d ago

True. Smaller HDD's may be the new trend next gen. Actually no HDD's may be the new trend. Just include flash memory to keep costs down, while including the option to add on a HDD. I just hope they don't make us use proprietary hdd's.

Outside_ofthe_Box4255d ago

$300? I knew it. The moment Nintendo said the Wii U will not be sold at a loss, I knew 300/350 will most likely be the launch price. Some were speculating $250 pshhh.

It's going to be interesting to see how it does at that price point.

MostJadedGamer4255d ago

Yea the WiiU is not a real next Gen console its best to wait for either the PS4 or the 720.

ZeekQuattro4254d ago

Why must you troll. You have no intention of buying Nintendo products anyway so why bother posting. lol

ShaunCameron4254d ago

I think it's priced just right. With the tablet, there was no way Nintendo was gonna price it lower than $300.

specialguest4254d ago (Edited 4254d ago )

I think the price is acceptable for a new launch. The SNES was my favorite console of all time. After the SNES, I skipped 3 Nintendo console generation due not liking the direction Nintendo took its gaming business.

Finally...I will reunite with my childhood favorite gaming company Nintendo again.

nerdkiller4254d ago

if its got the best browser then i'll think about it. i can just imagine watching tubeporn on the toilet with the gamepad goodtimes...

Kurt Russell4254d ago

The fact they changed the $ to a £ for the pricing in the UK rules me out as a buyer. Had it had been the same price as Northern America I would have pre-ordered... But I am not being ripped off.

Oh_Yeah4254d ago (Edited 4254d ago )

Im actually impressed with the wii u. The price is fine, it comes with a controller in which you can play games while your taking a dump, or laying down, or when someone wants to watch tv. Nintendo TVii also looks amazing, its a whole new way of watching tv,then add all the nintendo exclusives. Damn son, I told myself i wasnt going to get one, and just go with ps4 and pc next gen, but i dont want to miss this. This looks like nintendos second coming...even if it does come up short...as a media box alone it looks great, no other device offers what nintendo tvii has and for free? it will always have use.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 4254d ago
mi_titan274255d ago

Nintendo TVii, looks very interesting

DA_SHREDDER4255d ago

looks interesting? I think it's a bit overwhelming compared to just picking up your tv remote and pressing the on button. Oh and considering this doesn't even play dvds. I'm just gonna wait till I can get one for under $200. There isn't even a decent game out for it yet.

linkratos4255d ago

DId you even see what it does? It simply combines every service you subscribe to into one simple database to choose from on the gamepad, and then it plays on the TV. Sounds awesome.

Rayman Legends
Bayonetta 2
Wonderful 101
Pikmin 3
Mario Bros U

Those all look "decent" at the very least. Don't change your argument to "system selling" or "amazing" or "interesting to me". You said decent.

live2play4254d ago (Edited 4254d ago )


live2play4254d ago

"There isn't even a decent game out for it yet."
haha what a silly thing to say xD

the CONSOLE isnt even out yet! xD

and the funny part? people here actually agreed with you

Nitrowolf24255d ago

I'm gonna wait for the next version of this like Nintendo always does. Plus I don't have the cash, but is it me or does November seem to be just around the corner? I mean this feels like it would have been better suited at E3

WiiUalpha4255d ago (Edited 4255d ago )

There was only one version of the Wii...

Edit: Wii always had a DVD drive.LOL. I'm sorry but you are wrong on this.

Nitrowolf24255d ago (Edited 4255d ago )

The 1st gen of Wii didn't include the DVD drive that was in second and third gen. Nintendo will release mopre versions of the Wii U with bigger HDD.

However, they also downgraded them by not letting them play Gamecube games or have controller ports for them.

So I guess it's a 50/50 risk thing waiting, but they do release different versions

Source: http://techtips.salon.com/d...
they are different drives
Never said it didn't have one, said it didn't have the same drives found in the later versions

ABizzel14255d ago

Actually there are 2. The original and the current one that doesn't play Gamecube games.

darthv724255d ago

Wii always had a dvd drive. What i think you are trying to convey is that the dvd drive size in the later release was smaller than the one in the original. That kind of change isnt that uncommon.

Look at the variations of dvd drive in the 360. There are 3 different ones it can possibly use. The change of drive is really not that big of a change unless it result in noticable performance differences.

The removal of internal features that result in the physical change of the exterior...that is more akin to actual hardware revisions. Like going from the front loader nes to the top. Or the genesis model 1 to the model 2.

if anything, only collectors are really privy to such things as they want to collect every possible variant that was released. I am just such a collector.

mamotte4255d ago

The SNES only had 1 version, the N64 too, the Gamecube too, the Wii too. Different colors and limited editions appeared, but Nintendo never had different versions of their home consoles. Until now.


TheCagyDies4255d ago (Edited 4255d ago )

SNES did had a slim down version in North America and Japan. I don't think Europe received SNES Jr.


but that was years ago. You are right about the N64 and Gamecube. The Wii did had a new model that dropped gamecube support but no other change.

MySwordIsHeavenly4255d ago

The NES had a slim version, as well. It was a top loader.

darthv724255d ago

are not exactly the same has physical changes. for example, the front loading nes and top loading version are an example of physical changes.

Nothing much was changed to the hardware inside (aside from moving things around to accommodate the exterior case change).

Now there have been internal hardware changes to systems where the physical appearance remained the same (or similar). An example would be the Genesis model 1. there are something like 3-4 different revisions to the model 1.

Changes like the removal of the serial port on the back or actual chip changes to sound and video. The exterior (for the most part) remained constant until the first 'real' physical change that came in the form of the model 2 (square) genesis.

A more recent example would be the gamecube and the original model having both serial ports on the bottom and the digital a/v port on the back. Before its demise, Nintendo removed one serial port as well as the digital a/v port but the exterior casing remained pretty much the same.

Same thing happened to the wii with the removal of gamecube ports. For that, there was both hardware AND physical change. The internal hardware was removed for gamecube which resulted in the physical change of the casing where the door was on the side for controllers to plug into.

In fact, almost all game consoles that remained on the market long enough had gone through some type of change to be more cost effective. The exceptions would be the neogeo AES, atari jaguar and probably some older units like colecovision and the 5200.

PopRocks3594255d ago

Correction; Nintendo always does this for their handhelds. Their consoles only ever get new colors. Unless you count a later version of the Wii that had no GCN game or controller support.

mamotte4255d ago

And I said "Home consoles".

PopRocks3594255d ago (Edited 4255d ago )

Did I seriously just get three disagrees for stating a series of facts?

Man the trolls must be upset today.

wiiu_peeu4255d ago

that seems to be nintendos slogan with this actually, "wii u: a little more".

Less HDD space than PS3/360 retail system right now, only 512mb more RAM, went with proprietary optical discs instead of bluray, can do same resolution as ps3/360, USB 2.0 ports instead of 3, and the fact they even specified "low latency for gamepad" is worrisome.

by the way got this quote from a nintendo thread

WiiUalpha4255d ago

Judging by your name, you wouldnt have got it no matter what it offered. BTW video has been shown that proves the latency between the Wii U and gam pad is actually less than that of the Wii U to TV.

I find it amusing that you are trying to make 1080p out to be a bad thing now

wiiu_peeu4255d ago

Of course with a name like wiiualpha i expect,t heavy damage control from you. No one said 1080p was bad so don't twist words. It's just not doing anything more than current gen systems do. It will support and i emphasize support 1080p but how many games will be 1080p? From what we've seen not many at all so far so it is as speculated by me and many others a current gen system masquerading as next gen in terms of power.

It's funny so many ppl getting mad when ppl were saying it will barely be more powerful than ps3 or xbox and look at those idiots now. They lack common sense and don't know how to deduce based off nintendos past with Wii and ds. I swear dreamers saying it would be 5 times more powerful some even 10 lol

dark-hollow4255d ago


"only 512mb more RAM"
its 1.5 MORE ram than current consoles.

"went with proprietary optical discs instead of bluray" umm.. they ARE bluerays but due to the license it won't be able to play movies through it.

"can do same resolution as ps3/360"
except there is more possibility of full hd games than the older consoles, and do you really believe the ps4 can play 4k games crap? Even high end gpus will struggle with that without the game looking like ass.

"and the fact they even specified "low latency for gamepad" is worrisome"

WTF!!! Do you idiot even know what low latency means? It is a GOOD thing not "worrisome". Low latency very low or unnoticeable delay time between the gamepad and the the TV for streaming.

Cdaja4255d ago

I think more of what he meant is that it should be a given that a controller has low latency, it should never be a noted thing that the latency is low.

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Zelda Replay: Majora's Mask

VGChartz's Evan Norris: "Is Ocarina of Time as legendary as I remembered it? For the most part, yes. In spite of a handful of missteps — a few obtuse puzzles, some tedious backtracking, and a clunky stealth sequence — I don't believe the last 23 years have been unkind to it. Ocarina remains a brilliant example of the medium, a landmark game that shaped the future of its own franchise and 3D gaming in general. After more than two decades it retains its inventive dungeon design, challenging puzzles, dynamic combat, wistful storyline, unforgettable music, and empowering open-air freedom. I feel confident calling it one of the greatest games of the fifth generation, even if I'm no longer prepared to list it among the five best games ever made."

Read Full Story >>
Crows9010d ago

Pure unadulterated fun. They don't make them like this anymore...especially not the triple A industry.

FinalFantasyFanatic9d ago

Back when video rental was a thing, I rented out Majoria's Mask, I never finished it though. I did buy the 3DS version before the eshop shutdown, so maybe one day I'll finally play through the whole thing, it's amazing how well these games hold up though. I briefly played Ocarina of Time for a while and it was really fun.


Wii U games that still haven't been ported to Switch

The Nintendo Switch is potentially nearing its lifespan, and several Wii U games haven't found their way over as ports yet.

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Vits17d ago

I think it's better to leave games like AC: Amiibo Festival and Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash forgotten on the Wii U. Best case, they are mediocre games; worse case, they are very bad. It was a dark time for the Wii U, and the first only exists to sell Amiibo cards, whereas the second was put together in a couple of months with a shoestring budget, and it shows.

The rest of the list does have some really cool games, though. I would love to see a remake of Star Fox Zero with decent controls, and Xenoblade X doesn't require that much modification to work.

Z50117d ago

How would XCX work without dual screens functionality?

Cacabunga17d ago

Same as Paper Mario color splash. One of the best wiiu games and getting even better with dual screen. Same reason why i prefer Splatoon 1

Profchaos17d ago

This article leaves out Nintendo's most controversial game to date devils Third.
I personally found the cover system really fun in that one compared to at the time most fps games completely lacking one.

Stevonidas17d ago

Devil's Third is HIGHLY underrated.

repsahj16d ago

They should remake Starfox to the switch 2. Very beautiful game during gamecube days.

Chocoburger16d ago

Kirby is always ignored or forgotten by people, so good to see it mentioned here.
Play Kirby Canvas Curse on DS, and then play Rainbow Curse on Wii U, they're really fun and unique 'platformers' without any actual jumping.

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Nintendo's Massacre Of The 3DS And Wii U Is Finally Complete, Regrettably

Hanzala from eXputer: "The cruel hammer of Nintendo has fallen. Farewell, 3DS and Wii U, you surely brightened my life and many others; you won't be forgotten."