
DmC is Looking Totally Sweet

IGN - It might not have co-op, but DmC offers up a tasty treat.

wishingW3L4277d ago (Edited 4277d ago )

everything the fans hate the media loves it. This is a really strange trend... I can already smell it, another over-hyped score from IGN.

user54670074277d ago

I have a strange feeling with the amount of backlash this has gotten Capcom will pay reviewers off...I mean it's not like IGN haven't done this before.

I think they will pay off big reviewing sites because they don't want reviews to impact sales.

In Capcoms eyes

"If we make the media give it a good score then it might silence the ones calling us out and will give the ones defending us a massive playng card to use in their arguments to support us"

000014276d ago

I usually do not like to buy into the idea that these sites like IGN are paid off or given journalism favors for the future. but c'mon even if this game is that good and us the fans just don't know it yet, whats with the exaggerated articles trying to force the idea its really good when they never explain in depth anymore than what we've seen in trailers.

matgrowcott4276d ago (Edited 4276d ago )

Every post I see from you is so anti-industry, and usually without anything actually backing it up. Bite the hand that feeds, much?

No company ever paid off a reviewer, Capcom are obviously confident that the gameplay will win out in the end (especially since a lot of people have become far more open to the idea of at least trying it out since seeing gameplay in action) and it's possible for somebody to disagree with your opinion on something without being immoral or bad at their job.

EDIT: I just want to add one last thing. You have every right to hate the game, but the chances are it's going to be pretty damn successful (I'm sure they'll keep marketing it and it'll be profitable for them at the very least).

But there aren't any conspiracies. Some long time fans will genuinely like the game, some fans will hate it. Your opinion is just that, an opinion, and making out like anybody who disagrees must be doing something wrong is ridiculous.

Baka-akaB4276d ago (Edited 4276d ago )

I dunno if IGN is paid in the case , i dont believe it even , but there are actually cases of shady stuff from them and others .

IGN had no issues buffind up the scores and review of PES 08 on ps3 , a game they were sponsoring , and managed to not notice very obvious and documented technical issues (like lagging an stuttering in SD , but also on most hdtvs of the era) . After being noticed and yelled at they pulled the 9.2 ps3 review , had a new lower one and edited the 360 one .

And let's not forget the whole kane and lynch affair at Gspot a while ago .

It doesnt even mean the games usually involved are not good , but gifts , "boosting , and backdoor deals are common in the field .

Even the cesspool that is Metacritic admits they pulled off suspicious reviews for such reasons .

And a few reviewers and former editors in chief like Dan Hsu pretty much lashed out and hinted at such kickbacks and incentives

Now in this case i just see it as the usual exagerated hype from IGN .

DragonKnight4276d ago

@matgrowcott: Here's one example of bought and paid for reviews.


OT: I love articles like these, so easy to tear apart.

Chocolate comparison: It isn't like taking the tried and true recipe and adding stuff to it. It's like taking Oreo cookies and changing the black cookies to white and the cream filling to lemon while still calling it an Oreo cookie. The cookie has the same designs all over it, and the same basic "cookie, filling, cookie" forumla, but that's all that's the same.

"I think that we might have been surprised by the intensity and the duration of the feedback, but we actually were heartened by it in a way because it showed that people are still passionate about the series, so that part was fine."

So let's see if I got this right. You knew what fans loved, you were shocked by hearing what they hated, and yet you STILL thought the changes were what the fans wanted and were good changes? I think this makes it official that Capcom lives in their own world. A world where we all love on-disc or day one dlc, a world where we love getting 3 editions of one game just to have the complete experience, a world where we love being sold "true endings", and a world where we love complete paradigm shifts in established franchises. Seriously Capcom? Seriously?

"Jones goes on to posit that it wasn’t until gamescom 2011, when Capcom and Ninja Theory began to show larger chunks of gameplay and the liquid fluidity of the combat upon which the Devil May Cry franchise was conceived, that the most vociferous of angry fans began to appraise DmC for its underlying DNA, as opposed to the colour of Dante’s hair."

Right there, right f*cking there, is what completely invalidates this whole article. Even today the problems the fans have with DmC have A LOT more to do with than the colour of Dante's hair. A LOT more. The characters are all wrong, the gameplay is too slow, the framerate is too low, the backstory is insane, the engine is lame. I can keep going. But this just proves that Capcom and the apologisers still think that it's all just about how Dante looks. Happy sales incoming.

Next we move on to Vergil. Another example of just how wrong this game is. Vergil from the original series was cold, calculating, powerful and ambitious. He cared nothing for anyone but himself and his own goals. That Vergil is more likely to be the antagonist of DmC than the one we're given. This Vergil is a simpering ninny by comparison. Too concerned with brotherly love and the fate of humanity than with dominating everything and everyone. Vergil is a stark contrast in this game to his original self and can easily be made the poster child of everything that is wrong with DmC. Capcom probably figured that adding Vergil in the game would appease people, and it would have if it were actually Vergil. As it stands, this guy is more of a Nigel than a Vergil. Which isn't surprising since Ninja Theory took the whole "we're British" thing a little too seriously when making this game. It isn't a platform for your pride Ninja Theory, it's a game you want people to buy.

To all you apologisers: Buy this game, and you have no right to complain about ANYTHING Capcom do in the future. If you support them in one bad decision, they see it as support for all of them. I don't want to hear any of you complaining about any design changes in the future lest you wish to be brought back to this issue and asked what the difference between then and now is.

matgrowcott4276d ago


All I can say is that in my experience (three years writing about the gaming industry, nearly ten generally), I've never known anybody be offered money for a good review score. There have been a few cases, like Kane and Lynch 2, where the owners of the site have stepped in after complaints from advertisers, but the very fact that that was such a big deal at the time shows how rarely that sort of thing happens.

Companies don't buy coverage. They might grant very specific review time, show only a certain part of the game and on optimal equipment and settings but, as you say, a bad, erroneous review never takes long to correct and be found out. It might be, in the case of PES, that the reviewer got an early demo on a dev console and was told some issues would be ironed out before the final release and based all his review on that. I don't know, but I find it very unlikely that it's as simple as "we've been paid for this review."


Maybe I'm just talking for myself here, but I've never been especially excited by the free games/stuff I've gotten because it really doesn't put food on my table. Writing a fair review does. If it had just been $800 then I'd have totally been behind you, but I get your point.

Swag and items were given out regularly when I used to actually have any contact with PR, but I find it hard to believe that any journalist would give a positive review to a terrible game in return for bits of plastic and a nice shirt. For those of us that make a living out of it, it's just not worth it.

Baka-akaB4276d ago (Edited 4276d ago )

" It might be, in the case of PES, that the reviewer got an early demo on a dev console and was told some issues would be ironed out before the final release and based all his review on that."

no no no , the issues were very apparent for the ps3 version and gamebreaking in any version ,even the official demo or in a few showfloor previews . They blatantly chose to ignore it , as they were one of the actual sponsors of the game , on top on having ads running concurrently with the review .

And when called on their crap , they sneak edited and acted as if nothing happened .

Not laying the blame on the journalist , wich most likely was pressured to just copy paste the 360 stuff , even more so if he wasnt a regular writer and staff member yet . But something was definitively shady , at least back then .

They shouldnt even have had any business reviewing games they got a financial and vested interest in , to begin with

And again , known personalities in the field , have commented upon "boostering" and incentives practices a few times , especially former game journalists .

user54670074276d ago


I couldn't care less if the game was good or the gameplay will win out in the end

NT and Capcom have treat DMC fans like crap and they don't deserve to be supported. Notto mention that this isn't like a DMC game at all.

"Every post I see from you is so anti-industry, and usually without anything actually backing it up. Bite the hand that feeds, much?"

With the amount of crap gone on this gen

Disc locked content
Developers lying to us
Giving old fans middle finger for a bigger audience
Ruining franchises
High price DLC

Can you honestly blame me....I'm a realist here, unlike most people I learn from my mistakes, not give someone chance after chance after chance.

matgrowcott4276d ago (Edited 4276d ago )


I wasn't there mate, so I can't say for sure. A dev version of the game, however, would have been played months and months before the official demo was even complete and a long time before the game was finalized. It's perfectly believable to think that that review was done ages before the final version of the game was pressed or before it had gone gold.

While I don't deal with PR people any more, I can promise you that even days before release there are emails sent out saying "Don't criticize this in your review, by the time the embargo is up there will be a patch that fixes it and your review will be out of date." I can only imagine the amount of mistakes written off by developers as "to be fixed" if the game is played months in advance and especially if it's alongside representatives of said developer.

I'm afraid it's just a fact of the gaming industry - the only people that want to advertise on gaming sites are people interested in reaching gamers (the developers, basically). Nine times out of ten that has no effect on coverage and when it does, it's usually in the amount of coverage rather than making it purely positive (previews are almost always positive because it's usually based on material chosen as the very best a game can offer). We've seen examples of bad management from people not involved in editorial (and you might be right on the mark with this IGN story, I don't know), but all I can say is that no company ever out and out paid for a good review. It just doesn't happen.


All I can guess is that you're very young or that you didn't have money to spend on games over previous generations. I remember spending £50 new on N64 games that lasted three hours and had no additional content after finishing (could have desperately used DLC, because asides from being short they were often quite good). I remember paying full price on SNES games and Mega Drive games and being given 8 levels (which, in some cases, I could complete in under 20 minutes blind) for £30 - £40. If you don't remember those things, you were either very, very lucky in your choice of games or you've painted past generations in a very positive way.

The fact is that you've either got to move with the industry or get left behind. If you don't like DLC, if you don't like games that are updated for a modern audience, you need to get a new hobby. It's not going back to the way it was, and on many levels that's a fantastic thing.

If you want tank control Resident Evil and Devil May Cry 2-era beat-em-ups (terrible game), then they'll always be there for you. But making money means appealing to the majority and you're just not the majority any more. Again, on many levels that will be fantastic for you (more money in the industry for more games, etc), but you seem to want to focus on the fact that you don't feel the same way playing a game as you did when you were 10, when girls were prettier and summer holidays lasted forever. If that's the case, it's your problem, not the developers.

user54670074276d ago


So because I talk about the flaws of this gen, I automaticaly havent been through any other gens and I'm really young....right ¬¬

So thats it then....just move on and get left behind. No thats not how it should work, everyone shouldn't just have to put up with all this crap, people should stand up and voice their opinions. Look at the disc locked content that went on with Capcom, people stood up for themselfs and it made Capcom think about their DLC decisions....now if we took your advice people should of just remained silent and if they didn't like it then tough sh*t.

Wow...if you like being walked all over on by developers then fair enough but most people don't

matgrowcott4276d ago (Edited 4276d ago )


No, you're young or haven't fully been through other generations because you don't seem to realize that previous generations had massive, gaping flaws as well. You're either conveniently looking over problems or you weren't there. Either way, not good when you voice your opinions as if you have experience.

This generation isn't perfect by any means (the fact that digital distribution and online networks were something of an afterthought has made this latter half of the console lifespan full of growing pains), but let's not pretend that it's any worse or any better than previous generations. On average, games today are longer, have better stories, are cheaper, more widely available and accepted by more people. Of course, there are a few games in previous gens that are better, longer, more enjoyable - but there are also a ton of games that sucked then and sucked now. Funnily enough, you can say the same thing for this gen.

The rest of your post pretty much proves my point. As digital after-market material becomes the norm (and it is the norm, I promise you. "Most people" are quite open to the idea of DLC) publishers are going to start to find ways of cutting back on download times for the end user and on cutting back on the cost of uploading/storing data on a first party server. I can't defend Capcom (and I have no interest in doing so), but things aren't as black and white as you're painting them and you're certainly not speaking for anybody but yourself when you give an opinion.

Developers aren't walking all over me or anybody else - they're trying to make a profit. If you can't tell the difference, I'm not sure you'll ever fully accept the direction the industry is going in, or any industry, or life in general. The fact that big publishers are making more money now than they ever have show that, for the most part, people are happy to buy things which they see has value for them; that includes DLC, day one or otherwise. If it wasn't profitable, if it wasn't successful, it wouldn't happen. If things go wrong financially, the developer will fix it.

But the things you want fixed aren't issues in the industry, they're things that you don't like. That's a big difference.

Baka-akaB4276d ago (Edited 4276d ago )

The crux of the matter still remains .

IGN was a sponsor of the game , and ignored game breaking issues that were apparent on all known and publicly shown version of the game .

Other mentioned and caught on it very early , and even while giving Konami the benefits of the doubt about potential fixes , didnt give them blank checks .

I'm not saying Konami per se went out of their way to buy out the reviews ... but IGN as an involved business party for that particular game , did fudge the review .

"but things aren't as black and white as you're painting them "

Following your debate with Cosgrove ...

You mention high cost for games in the past , i remember that indeed .

But do you also remember when most of those games had the same extra and bonus features included for free instead of nickeled and dimmed to a cost sometimes way above the old prices ?

Cause i do . A game like Xenogears had a card game and a 2p vs battle mode . In our current climat , they'd be cutting it out and selling it as dlc .

"I remember paying full price on SNES games and Mega Drive games and being given 8 levels"

But let's not pretend that game from the same genres wouldnt usually still be as short AND on top of that selling additionnal features and content , that may or may not have been removed .

banditgoon4276d ago

To all those saying reviews are not bought, you are lying to yourselves. Remember the $1,000 swag bags for Halo? Remember the all expense paid trip for COD, including helicopter rides? If that is not "bought and paid for" then nothing is.

TheFinalEpisode4276d ago (Edited 4276d ago )

You probably haven't played the game, they haven't even reviewed it and you say Capcom will pay off IGN? I'm sorry but that is the stupidest comment I've seen in N4G. People are allowed to have their opinions, Ninja Theory in an excellent developer I don't see why this game being good is hard to believe.

Sarcasm4276d ago

Honestly, DMC is looking really good except the re-imagining of Dante from a complete bad-ass to that beat up 15 year old annoying teen.

-Omega4276d ago (Edited 4276d ago )

I find it funny how Capcom have posted this very article on Facebook

Yes they have...strange right, take a look for yourself on the official Capcom Facebook page.

I think people are getting good game mixed up with good DMC game. If it's not a good DMC game then as a fan of DMC it's not a good game if it can't live up to the DMC name...

AsimLeonheart4276d ago (Edited 4276d ago )

CAPCOM will do their best to curb the negative backlash from the old fans and one way to do that is to pay the gaming media to hype DmC. I just do not understand what do the media find so interesting and fresh about this game? Is it the gimicky transforming city, the ugly westernised characters, the 30fps dumbed down gameplay or anti-corporation theme? I have read many previews which state that it is REALLY easy to pull off amazing combos and I really fear that the gamplay has been dumbed down. Previous games required hours and hours of practice and perfecting skills before one can pull impressive and effective combos. Hell even keeping the REAL Dante continuously in the air required skillful manipulation of various techniques. On the other hand, this new "Dante" flies all over the place while destroying the enemies even in the hands of a noob previewer. This game is going to suffer from the "accessibility and streamlining syndrome" that has affected so many games this generation.

zeddy4276d ago

ign arent payed off through money but there reviewers are treated to hotels and retreats. the mw3 reviewer was treated to a week off in a hotel just to review the game. now tell me you would give a bad review after that.

ThanatosDMC4275d ago

It's called $$$ and swag.

TheTwelve4275d ago

There's DEFINITELY going to be some $$$ involved with the score of this game. ---12

HiddenMission4275d ago

Thing is its not that gamers have accepted DLC its that publishers cut the most sought after content back to be sold later as DLC knowing that gamers want the content so badly theyll pay extra for it since they cant get the content any other way.

I know you havent been gaming long because the greatest games from previous gens out number and out deliver all titles this gen in quality and quantity.

You must not be very familat with the industry because there is a term called check press and it goes both ways...if you dont know what i mean you prove my point.

Heartnet4275d ago

Where is ur proof that ign has ever been paid off?

and plus all the haters are just hating on it for the sake of hating now.. they all know its looking sweet but its to late as they had a hissy fit over how he looked and now they gotta stick with there guns like 12 year olds...

+ Show (18) more repliesLast reply 4275d ago
yami9304276d ago

Just like Lost Planet 3, hate what they are doing to it, and Resident Evil 6.

Mocat4276d ago

For anyone that really likes this game>




Now you can see what a shit filled disc this is going to be.

thaking1554276d ago (Edited 4276d ago )

It's funny how IGN states that the fans backlash was over Dante's hair... Are you serious!?!?! It has very very little to do with Dante's hair.

More to do with the fact that the franchise did not need a reboot, the combat is slow and clunky in the new, you change rebellion sword into a morphing whip like weapon (Nero's Devil Bringer), aim is gone, weapons over heat. Mundus looks terrible, Virgil Haha I dont even want to start on that one because whew that's a story in it's self. Frame rate issues, simplicity of combos to where you can rank an SSS by doing the same thing over and over.

Haha What else am I missing because there is more and it has nothing to do with Dante's hair you idiots at Capcom (Alex Smith) Ninja Theory, and IGN!

-Omega4276d ago

"It's funny how IGN states that the fans backlash was over Dante's hair... Are you serious!?!?! It has very very little to do with Dante's hair."

It's the only thing these white knights defending the game can say, if Mike is right and IGN do get paid off to give it a high review score then the defenders would have a much better thing to say in their arguments

"Oh but IGN gave it a very high score"

Heartnet4275d ago

Aim is Gone?? tbh im not much of a dmc player but ive played a fair few and ive never had to aim... :S the guns always auto lock onto nearest target so :S

and yes it was all to do with how he looks every comment was the same..
" Oh he such an emo faggot " basically pages of that when it was shown off... the combat is not clunky looks the same tbh just more weapon combo's and cooler looking stuff...

Fps issues?? even though the game is gonna be locked at 30fps? go back to playing CoD???

sarshelyam4276d ago

I'm a fan of Devil May Cry, and I'm really excited for this.

There seems to be two parties in this debate. Those that seem to place the "LOOK" of Dante first, above gameplay...and the other whose primary focus is gameplay first, followed by the aesthetic.

It plays exactly like the Devil May Cry I've come to know and love, and yes, it looks very different...but it has the soul of the series I've come to love and that's where I stand on it.

NOTE: Opinion is based on E3 demo played.

Clogmaster4276d ago

Animations look like crap.

Ever see the new Mortal Kombat game? The animations are so bad. This game has that same rag-doll puppet animation.

showtimefolks4276d ago

unlike many of you i will take the wait and see approach, so what capcom changed the look or the developers made fun of some nerdy DMC fans. Who the heck cares

if the combat is as smooth and improved and as fan as old DMC games than i am all for it.

gamers want to hate on DMC and whatever your reason being y'all basically hating because of the changed look, don't deny it

and don't give me the 60FPS crap out of 4 DMC before 2 ran at 60FPS the other 2 were 30fps so we know both worked out well.

stop hating wait for a demo or wait for release, i know i am excited

princejb1344276d ago

but the fans are hating it just because they changed dantes skin or character model
capcom should just make a alternative skin for the old dante so people wont complain as much
im not buying this game anyway just because capcom has shitted on us this gen so im gonna shit on them

Heartnet4275d ago

Why would they do that when they have spent time and money creating a new look for him?

shouldnt give in to the whiny "fans" that put looks over the story and gameplay.

vallencer4276d ago (Edited 4276d ago )

Here is a theory, it might actually BE really good. Maybe if you can just get over the hair not being "dante" you might actually enjoy the game when it comes out. Oh and if you decide to bring FPS into it then know that only 3 and 4 had 60 FPS the first and second one did not.

zeddy4276d ago

what was wrong with capcoms devil may cry? most of the games cept maybe dmc 2 were very enjoyble, really dont think it required a reboot.

BinaryMind4275d ago

No matter what the article says, the only reason this made it to the top of N4G was because of the cleavage in thumbnail.

humbleopinion4275d ago

People who hate unreleased games are not fans, just fanboys.

Awesome_Gamer4275d ago

I swear if they gave this a higher score than Darksiders 2...

JRoyale4275d ago

DMC looks promising but I think Ninja Theory is better suited for a new Onimusha game.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 4275d ago
Ashriel4277d ago

"It might not have co-op"

... what?

-Mezzo-4276d ago

I really looking forward to this, yes i have played all the previous titles & didn't like the Direction Capcom took, but i'm going to give this a Chance before i go Ape SH!t carzy on Capcom.

xursz4276d ago

I understand that people aren't happy about the character but the game does look pretty good, and yes, I've played all DMCs as well.

RmanX10004276d ago

"They think differently than the masses?! I MUST DISAGREE!" *sigh*

Zichu4276d ago

I just hope the player reviews are fair. I know a lot of people don't like the direction DmC is heading, but you shouldn't give it low review scores just because it's a different direction, it should be reviewed as if it's a brand new game.

To me, the game looks good. I've only played DmC 4 all the way through, I have played a bit of the first one in the HD collection and it's a good game, so I can't call myself a full on fan compared to a lot of you, but I hope to become one after playing them all the way through.

timeon111111111114274d ago (Edited 4274d ago )

It´s really hypocritical how people (your one of them) can say "It should be reviewed as if it´s a brand new game" or "Look at it as a new game" when it´s basically not.

DmC is noticed only because of Devil May Cry name and the character name. Without that VERY FEW would give a shit about this game.

In DmC story DINO (Dante in name only) constantly proclaims "I am Dante the demon killer", "My name is Dante".

and in recent Gamescom "Vergil...your my brother"
Vino "Your twin brother".

They think if they repeat "I´m Dante" and "I´m Vergil" many times it will make these two phony characters come off as the real deal.
"We´re brothers afterall". No shit? i thought you were sisters...

But that´s the thing, every one supporting DmC can´t be bold enough to say "I wish this game had complete new story and characters", because they know they need DMC story and characters to leech off to get people to like this shit.

That´s fucken cheap.

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Ranking the Devil May Cry Series

VGChartz's Mark Nielsen: "Upon finally finishing Devil May Cry 5 recently - after it spent several years on my “I’ll play that soon” list - I considered giving it a fittingly-named Late Look article. However, considering that this was indeed the final piece I was missing in the DMC puzzle, I decided to instead take this opportunity to take a look back at the entirety of this genre-defining series and rank the entries. What also made this a particularly tempting notion was that while most high-profile series have developed fairly evenly over time, with a few bumps on the road, the history of Devil May Cry has, at least in my eyes, been an absolute roller coaster, with everything from total disasters to action game gold."

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VersusDMC18d ago

First to last for me...3,4,5,1,2.

VersusDMC18d ago

Me leaving it out should be telling of my thoughts on it. Better than 2 as a DMC game.

Still a good game though.

Exvalos18d ago

What a weird name, it's essentially devil may cry, devil may cry lol

Cacabunga18d ago

Best to good for me: 3, reboot, 1, 5

2 and 4 are trash, didnt like any of them.
5 has very good gameplay variety but i hated the foes.. it is just insects the whole time. Reboot has the best foes for me

Friendlygamer18d ago

3,1,4,5 to me, never played 2. 5 gameplay is amazing but level design was really disappointing to me, just a bunch of plain arenas, the story felt like a worse written rehash of the 3rd and the charater models looked weird ( specially the ladies ). Another problem with 5 was that there was not enough content for 3 charaters so I could never really familiarize with any of them

monkey60218d ago (Edited 18d ago )


God DMC2 was an awful game.
And in case this isn't obvious it goes worst to best

Yui_Suzumiya18d ago

1 and DmC. The rest are unimportant.

DarXyde18d ago

Order changes depending on your focus. I tend to focus on gameplay/fun factor, so...

5, 3, 1, 4, 2.

I really didn't like 4 but commend Dante's weapon diversity. The retreading of old ground was pretty unacceptable to me.

But even then... Still more enjoyable than 2 for me

SeTTriP18d ago

This right here is my order as I thought DMC 5 was amazing and obviously 3 comes after 4 was great and 1 for the nastilgic value it holds 2 was so terrible that my local GameStop gave full refunds to people who returned it.

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5 Years Later, Devil May Cry 5 Still Quenches My Hack-And-Slash Thirst Like No Other

Huzaifah from eXputer: "Devil May Cry 5, the latest iteration in the iconic DMC franchise by Capcom, still holds its own as a fantastic hack-and-slash in 2024."


Devil May Cry 5, Gears Tactics, and The Crew Motorfest Highlight This Week's GeForce NOW Additions

NVIDIA continues to add games to GeForce NOW. This week, Devil May Cry 5, Gears Tactics, and The Crew Motorfest lead the charge.

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