
Maximum PSN Trophy level obtained and Caught on video [Hakoom.com]

Video footage of the current PSN trophy level cap being obtained by the #1 trophy hunter in the world. Hakoom started trophy hunting in 2008 and it took him 3 years of trophy hunting to obtain the maximum level. Compare your trophy level with Hakoom to see how you rank against the best legitimate trophy hunter in the world. Enjoy the video.

PantherDST4634d ago

Level 50 huh.... Something smells fishy. I play a lot of games. I avg 20-30 hrs per week since the PS3 first came out, and I'm nowhere level 50, but around lvl 13. If I had to guess about Hakoom reaching level 50 I think he did it using other peoples save games, and loading the game under his profile. I could be all wrong and he did honestly. We'll just never know.

DarkTower8054634d ago

Multiple people playing on one account is more logical.

iamnsuperman4634d ago

That's true. To me cheat isn't the first thing that comes to mind. The first thing is how is he affording this.

ABizzel14634d ago

Like you to said, it's more logical that more than one person is playing on that PS3.


I've had my PS3 since launch and I play maybe 5 - 10 hours per week, and I'm at level 18. It's all a matter of how many different games you play. I've played probably 100 games and just beating them nets you nearly 50% of the trophies in each game. If you play only a few games over and over again then your trophy score won't go up as fast as someone like myself who plays about 20 games per year.

Also PSN titles generally have trophies as well, and some games make trophy hunting easy (sports), while others take for (RPG's). It all just depends.

One things for sure they have no life outside of video games to make it to level 50.

aGameDeveloper4634d ago

He could be independently wealthy and play 10 hours or more a day. I was happy to see I had him beat at Pixeljunk Shooter, at least!

DaTruth4633d ago (Edited 4633d ago )

I didn't sync my trophies before my 60gig died! When I reloaded my save for FF13, I lost a few trophies and had to replay the whole game to get them again, as there was no way to redo those specific actions and I was only able to salvage my most recent save!

Maybe that works for some trophies, but not for all!

Edit: I'm not really into trophies, but on some RPG's it feels like another quest and is really enjoyable.(the only part of FF13 that feels like an RPG is the trophy hunt) Also, Uncharted had a bunch of unlockables that made me want to 100% it, and though I did this before trophies, it just seemed stupid to have all the requirements for the trophies, but not have the trophies; so I redid it!

Boody-Bandit4633d ago (Edited 4633d ago )

Now that is a LOT of gaming!

I am not even sure what level I am at. I don't play a wide variety of games and I tend to spend hundreds or hours on certain types of games so I don't have a lot of trophies or achievements. I think I am like a level 13 or 14 on PSN and have 47k on XBL but I'm guessing.

If this is what this gamer is into than all the kudos in the world to him. That is quite an accomplishment for a trophy hunter.

Does the PS3 top off at level 50?
If so that would suck for a guy like this.
It's like hitting the highest level prestige in COD, not that I ever would or did. But where do you go from here for guys like this?

guitarded774633d ago

To the conspiracy theorists Hakoom has been doing this for a while. Here's a link to his website so you can stop with your "what I think comments".


NukaCola4633d ago (Edited 4633d ago )

Until Hakoom was truly revealed, I honestly thought it was the official PS Blog account that everyone uses. This is some serious dedication. I don't know how anyone is that good to beat all this so fast. I mean there are multiple plats for games that take 100s of hours to complete. I can't even speculate on how this is theorectically or scientifically possible.

Hakoom's Bronze Trophies are OVER 9000!!!!!!!!

Considered the mind this:

Kleptic4633d ago

What does this 'max level 50' thing mean though? (the page isn't loading for me, so not sure if its in there)...

Does it mean as of right now you can't get above a level 50?...I'm asking because just based on screens i've seen of this guy the last few weeks; he hasn't platinum'd every game he played...so there are additional trophies available to him...and I wonder what the total number of available trophies is right now..meaning there has to be a fixed number, but it increases with every new release each week...

pixelsword4633d ago

I can almost hear the guy from Crysis' voice saying

"Maximum Trophies"

And then the PS3 transforms into a monster and kills you.

bman334633d ago

Yeah, all the top trophy hunters just have multiple users playing on the account and Hakoom is no different. Now that he has 250 platinums it will be hard to see it, but if you searched thoroughly through his trophies, you would find that there are multiple games that he earned trophies for at the same time and date.

guitarded774633d ago

The max trophy level is currently 50. I assume the algorithm written for trophy score caps at that point because they didn't expect people to achieve to that level this gen. It should be a very easy fix if Sony decides to raise the cap.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 4633d ago
theEx1Le4634d ago (Edited 4634d ago )

I know people who play less and have way more trophies than you. Just because you can't do it doesn't mean someone who has, cheated to do so. Thats an unfair assumption.

mafiahajeri4634d ago

I agree. First off your trophy level increases ALOT when you plat a game and I read the article and he has 285 platinums I mean if thats not going to get you to level 50 I dont know what is.

Also about hacking and savefiles it would show if he was hacking with the trophy unlock times and it doesnt.

SuperStrokey11234634d ago

I was going to say the same thing, amount of time playing does not equate to amount of trophies either. IF you play games just to play them instead of whoring through trophies your time could be really high and your trophies low.

moho-foe4634d ago (Edited 4634d ago )

Go check youtube if you think he cheats, he got Ninja Sigma 2 plat on film (hardest plats ever) for his 200. This guy does nothing but get trophies. Just because someone has a lot of trophies does not mean he cheated.

Oh FYI hes not from Kuwait he's from Bahrain.

Congrats Hakoom!

Gazondaily4633d ago

Where are you from moho-foe out of interest? I'm thinking of moving to KSA.

OT- that is an impressive feat. I'm not even going to post my level on here lol.

kza4633d ago

boostings is cheating you are suppose to earn trophies. Of course this guy cheats and hacks but he wont admitt it so dont give him fake credit this guys a joke.

andibandit4633d ago

Yeah congrats Hakoom,

That is one lifetime achievement that i wouldn't want

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4633d ago
FACTUAL evidence4634d ago

Actually duck360 has the most psn trophies......and the most platinums. This is fail.

moho-foe4634d ago

Duck is the cheater he has claimed at least 5 people play on his account. google it

FriedGoat4634d ago

Hakoom is also a cheater, I watched a video and he had 2 trophies for collecting 50 and collecting 100 at the same time and date. cant remember what game but this is not news.

JoGam4634d ago

@ HAKOOM...Dude seriously, you got all those damn platinums but you're only 31% in inFAMOUS 2? Really? What wrong with that picture?

red2tango4634d ago

Maybe he just started...?

gedapeleda4633d ago

I'm happy that i beat him in bad company 1,This is the only one than shows how bad ass trophy hunter you are

kza4633d ago

Because the games not online apart from the make ur own missions but u cant cant boost(cheat) ur way through to get the Plat like he does with EVERY online trophie. this guy is a HACKER!!!

pixelsword4633d ago

He just started in Infamous 2 because when he first brought up his profile, they were filled with Infamous2 trophies.

LOOK_AT_THIS_I4633d ago

lol..the socom confrontation trophy count....This guy hits several horrible games to get the trophies just to get trophies. Seriously like 4 different disney sing it games??? im sure the Hannah Montana trophy is there as well.


+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4633d ago
arjman4633d ago

How do you kill that which has no life?

Miiikeyyy4634d ago (Edited 4634d ago )

Hakoom hacked some of his trophies. Duck360 (He hacks his trophies, so He obviously can tell if Hakoom has done the same) has proved he has, look at the stuff posted in the links:

Don't dissagree, It shows he's hacked.
How could he have collected 25 then 50 cop badges at the same time in dead to rights.

waltyftm4634d ago

What a dirty rotten cheat.

Sandmano4634d ago

LOL you make me laugh! Havent you heard of glitches? Oh sorry I forgot trophies are perfect and can never ever glitch on you! /sarcasm

Dude Ive seen you on all Hakooms articles trolling.

Also stop talking in 3rd person duck! or ducks! LOL! How many are you guys 5? I spotted kza and zerochaos who is probably zero_q8 YES the guy that helps duck360 get trophies. LOL!

SonyStyled4634d ago

appearently youve missed some articles of him explaining why that is. the trophys are glitched. people accuse him of hacking all the time, really the trophies are just glitched. the glitch is that if you join in an online match with someone whos ranked 50, the 25 and 50 trophies unlock for you. he even said he wasnt aware of the glitch untill it was too late. the article of him explaining everything was posted a few days ago on this site. you must have missed it?

kza4633d ago

yep Ducks better because he admits he hacks but Hakoom wont admit it, he think wer all fools lol he cant fool me CHEATER Hakoom.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4633d ago
BakedGoods4634d ago

There's no way you can game that much and only be 13. I know guys who started playing PS3 only recently and are level 14+.

JaredH4634d ago

I agree that it seems odd but a guy has like 25,000 achievements on xbox without cheating so it is plausible. I would never play games like Ben 10 just for trophies though and how the hell does he get all the trophies for games like guitar hero with expert on every instrument. Trophies to me just add challenges that I can try to do after I've beaten a game already but I guess for some it makes them play garbage games just to get a higher level that doesn't mean anything.

4634d ago
kreate4634d ago

some trophies are just glitched so u hav to put the extra effort to get them.

also good to note few trophies are glitched in ur favor hence u can unlock 2-3 trophies at once so it appears like it might of been cheated.

but most glitched trophies are glitched against ur favor.

Ricardoportillo044634d ago

im pretty sure you cant do that cause doesnt every game tell you something about not letting you get the trophies because its not your save...it does it for LBP

elbeasto864634d ago

I play maybe less than 10 hours a week and I'm at level 13.

Spitfire_Riggz4634d ago

Freaking took years to sync his trophies lol

capcock4634d ago

lol 20-30 hrs/week since 2006 and lvl 13?
I have had ps3 since mid 2010 and I play like 10-15 Hours/month and I'm lvl 11 and I'm not even trophy hunting xD

LOOK_AT_THIS_I4633d ago

maybe the dude enjoys certain games and plays only those games, I have a variety of trophies and no plats I bounce around from game to game. Its not all about stupid ass achievements and trophies, its about playing with your friends and enjoying some of the games you have without trying to repeat a level 15 times to kill 3 guys with a grenade at one time.

Emilio_Estevez4634d ago

Transferring saves disables getting trophies on the new profile.

VampHuntD4634d ago

On some games that is true, but not on most. For example, Disgaea 3 saves will still allow trophies from a copied save.

mt4633d ago

do you think sony is not watching him since he has the most trophies in psn ?

so there is noting fishy it is just your apartment smells that fishy.

JsonHenry4633d ago

I kinda wish I got into trophies/achievements/steam achievements to get more out of my games. But I just can't seem to care less no matter how hard I try. :/

zeddy4633d ago

this is for a website though isnt it? he or others might be doing it for fun but they are helping other gamers by doing guides.

FreydaWright4633d ago

I know this website is based solely on gaming, but I have to say... 20-30 hours a week? Do you not go to school or have a job?

LOOK_AT_THIS_I4633d ago

Man I envy him, his girlfriend/wife must be so proud of him /S

How in the hell would anyone have time to play video games this much, there is no way he works/or does anything other than sit in front of a tv playing games. There are some games he "completed" that require numerous hours to grind out, I call bs.
"For more info join my facebook fanpage"....what a tool

subtenko4633d ago

Who else was waiting for something major to happen like an earthquake after he hit level 50? xD

Agree or Disagree if you Agree or Disagree

+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 4633d ago
Istanbull4634d ago (Edited 4634d ago )

Impressive, I have someone on my list who is level 30.

I'm level 14, 55% with 20 platinums and very proud about this!

If you wanna meet trophy hunters go to ps3trophies lol

goku323594634d ago

lol im level 14, 52% with only 4 platinums. i play a lot of games, but i usually never try to platinum them because its too time consuming lol

kramun4634d ago

I'm on level 10 with no platinums, is that good? I don't really care tbh as I play games to enjoy them, not to get trophies, but I do complete most of my games with the exceptions of games I've bought for my kids.

4634d ago
daddy774634d ago

at kramun

YOu said it man,you play games to enjoy it.I do the same,I have 7 plat and realised how much time I wasted to platinum those( I like to plat only the best games I love and not Hanna Montana etc LOL)...

Tru_Blu4633d ago

level 20 with 56 plats. Everyone of them is legit also!

gamingdroid4634d ago (Edited 4634d ago )

There is a cap on the level?

edit: @Trophywhore

Such an awesome answer from such an awesome username!

That was my point, why is there a cap? The cap should be determined by the number of trophies in games available.

My guess, is that points to reach a level are manually determined, and Sony haven't figured out what those levels are yet.

mafiahajeri4634d ago

If you read the article it says that 50 is the maximum you can go. Sony should patch it to a 100.

Trophywhore4634d ago

There should be no cap. Infinite games=infinite trophies to obtain. Make that cap 1 million minimum.

jerethdagryphon4634d ago

now that its been reached sony will up it

Redempteur4633d ago

there are always CAPS, even your watch has caps.

Overflows in electronics are happening because you go over the caps while calculating numbers...
This is a standard thing on every device. It can be patched to allow for more afterwards but there is nothing wrong with LV 50 when you considers the time needed to get to it.

gamingdroid4633d ago (Edited 4633d ago )

Well, the cap on a overflow of 32-bit integer is 4,294,967,295. That is 4 billion plus!

None the less it is hardly the same as a level 50 cap that is hard to believe it is a technical issue.

If there is a technical reason, the only one I can think of is the database column isn't wide enough to accommodate a higher Trophies point which could be a pain to resize due to testing.

However, it is still odd to me not to have a higher level possible from the onset. Then again there are all sorts of questions and issues that arises, since trophy level isn't linearly scaled. The vast majority will not reach the max, and as you go higher up it gets harder to level up and thereby reduce the incentive to the masses, but the most dedicated.

You want

Redempteur4633d ago

i agree gamindroid.

But you don't know for sure how the level of the trophies are calculated .Also yes the database collumn isn't wide enough but when creating ( or expanding a database ) you don't put a HUGE margin , you try to guess a reasonnable width.

Nobody will create a table for billions of users with huge margin , it's a pain to manage. AND it cost a LOT

gamingdroid4633d ago

The cost of having a larger column is dirt cheap and the cost of increasing the column is rather expensive considering the work required and the risk involved so I doubt it is the issue.

If it is, then that is a bonehead decision!

As I said, most likely the issue is the points required for each level isn't on a linear scale. This causes problems like:

a) How do you determine the point score for next level?

b) What about the vast majority of users that never reach that level? It would seem like they never increased their level.

The level system in this case might be flawed....

Redempteur4633d ago (Edited 4633d ago )

Well the trophies aren't lost .. Just that the calculated amount of each trophies reached the maximum level available.

a) by following the same increase in requirements as the previous level.

b) This isn't an issue since like 3 or 5 people reached this status ..sony won't update it anytime soon. and like many people here said , the average of a regular player ( not trophy whore) is near (10 - 20) ..this isn't even near an issue.

"The cost of having a larger column is dirt cheap"
No. not when you're managing so many people, each space count and that why you don't allow wide margin from the start it's easier ( FOR EVERYONE ) to limit at first and expand it later.
"the cost of increasing the column is rather expensive considering the work required and the risk involved "

They just need to prepare more space by linking more servers to their already available set.i dunno what risk you're talking about when every serious company has saves in case somthing happens and resizing tables are hardly something that can generate lot of errors.

gamingdroid4633d ago (Edited 4633d ago )

You are contradicting yourself:

***No. not when you're managing so many people, each space count and that why you don't allow wide margin from the start it's easier ( FOR EVERYONE ) to limit at first and expand it later.***

***They just need to prepare more space by linking more servers to their already available set.***

If you are just adding a few servers, then that is hardly "each space counts". You can store many billions of records on 100GB hard drive and we got Terabyte drives!

1GB can store 268,435,456 32-bit integers. Adding extra storage is a few hundred bucks, maybe a few thousand if you are using overpriced enterprise stuff.

***i dunno what risk you're talking about when every serious company has saves in case somthing happens and resizing tables are hardly something that can generate lot of errors. ***

Any DBA worth his salt will tell you that modifying an existing database is a risk, because you are modifying an existing system that is very large. It is always easier to add tables with database server than modifying it. Some of the problems are hard to detect, for instance you align the data on the hard drive for performance reasons, and when you change the column size this alignment is affected. You can perform stress test, but it is never going to replicate a live environment.

Other issues that might show up, is now the database might grow larger than the size of the drive and have to be further split up. Keep in mind these are now multiple colums we are talking about.

There are all sorts of things that goes on in a large system, that smaller systems don't have to worry about.

Backups are nice and dandy, but service uninterruption isn't guaranteed with changes.

So it isn't error prone issue (although this is a smaller factor), it is stability issues in a large system.

***This isn't an issue since like 3 or 5 people reached this status ..sony won't update it anytime soon. and like many people here said , the average of a regular player ( not trophy whore) is near (10 - 20) ..this isn't even near an issue.***

True, but as I said, clearly Sony didn't anticipate possibility of exceeding this cap at 50 level. They really should have had a dynamic system that can scale with the number of games they are adding. That shouldn't be hard to figure out, but the user perception issue is altogether entirely different.

Redempteur4633d ago (Edited 4633d ago )

sigh *

"If you are just adding a few servers, then that is hardly "each space counts". You can store many billions of records on 100GB hard drive and we got Terabyte drives! "
you're thinking like someone who never had to touch or manage a proper netserver..thos thing cost thousand of dollar piece ( i am talking about proper server , not a harddrive you buy at a nearby shop ) because those are made with much more care than anything you can find on the regular market.

"Other issues that might show up, is now the database might grow larger than the size of the drive"

Those things areNOT stored on a support with a limit because you can add more to the set

"Backups are nice and dandy, but service uninterruption isn't guaranteed with changes. "

That's why they have to do their changes during maintenances ..and if you've paid attention the pSN goes on maintenance at regular dates ? why do you think ... because they are making backup and necessary changes to their software and hardware .. Those interruption of services are happening several times per year already.

"Sony didn't anticipate possibility of exceeding this cap at 50 level."

Of course they did. if they hadn't the software or psn wouldn't have been able to work past the limit they SET.. When you program like that , you have to set yourself limits. Every devices has limits. What they didn't see is this group of people earning a lot of them quite fast .. BUT THEN AGAIN , they still can earn them and once they patch the limit the total count should be restored ..

you're thinking like someone who hasn't managed large chuck of data on a server based environement.you can't just SET ( for example )

total_trophy INT( 'infinite' )

You have to put a number

gamingdroid4633d ago

***you're thinking like someone who never had to touch or manage a proper netserver..thos thing cost thousand of dollar piece ( i am talking about proper server , not a harddrive you buy at a nearby shop ) because those are made with much more care than anything you can find on the regular market.***

Dude I just told you the enterprise stuff cost more, but companies like Sony has data warehouses. The extra data cost is marginable. Even a couple of terabytes for Sony is nothing compared to the scale of their network. That said, companies like Google employ over the counter cheap computers just fine.

***Those things areNOT stored on a support with a limit because you can add more to the set***

Anytime you do any of those operations there are down times and etc. You want minimal downtime and risk. Any operation is a risk, including human error.

***That's why they have to do their changes during maintenances ..and if you've paid attention the pSN goes on maintenance at regular dates ? why do you think ... because they are making backup and necessary changes to their software and hardware .. Those interruption of services are happening several times per year already.***

Actually, backups are likely done continuosly, as taking down a system to perform bakcup is plain stupid these days. It wouldn't surprise me if Sony had writes to multiple servers at once. Changes to software do require some downtime, but it doesn't mean it is acceptable. So you are planning in maintenaince so you can save a tens of thousand of dollars? That's moronic. One day of lost sale for PSN far exceeds that!

***you're thinking like someone who hasn't managed large chuck of data on a server based environement.***

If anything, I think you have proven the opposite. Clearly you know very little about databases, servers and farms. First of all, a db column to store numbers is typical 32-bit int already. Sure it has a max, but as I pointed out, it isn't 500k and if it is a moron did it on a number that clearly will grow. You don't generally alter large databases because it results in lots of data re-writes, especially if it is numeric type. Now if it is characters, it is completely different, because it is costly.

Numbers are cheap to store in databases, while text blobs are not.

***you can't just SET ( for example )

total_trophy INT( 'infinite' )

You have to put a number***

No, you would just say

CREATE TABLE user_trophy (total_trophy_score INT, ...)

instead of moronic (which I'm pretty sure they didn't):

CREATE TABLE user_trophy (total_trophy_score MEDIUMINT, ...)

***When you program like that , you have to set yourself limits. Every devices has limits. What they didn't see is this group of people earning a lot of them quite fast .. BUT THEN AGAIN , they still can earn them and once they patch the limit the total count should be restored .. ***

The limit is set when you declare the column, obviously it isn't a hardware (device) limit!

You don't design based on anticipation, you design based on possibility. If you allow it, you have to account for it. Plain and simple.

That said, I'm pretty sure that the issue isn't technical, but rather Sony wanted to adjust the score based on how fast users approach it, so the scale doesn't get out of wack as you move higher up.

By the way:

***Nobody will create a table for billions of users with huge margin , it's a pain to manage. AND it cost a LOT ***

There is no pain to manage, it is far more pain to upgrade!

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4633d ago
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IAmTheTruth4634d ago

Hakoom is secretly Jack Tretton.

dinkeldinkse4634d ago ShowReplies(2)
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