
The Greatest Gaming Romances – Guy Gamer vs. Girl Gamer Edition

TheKoalition writes:
Happy Valentine’s Day! Or, Happy Forever Alone Day! Or, Happy “All the Single Ladies (all the single ladies) Day! However you choose to celebrate, there is plenty of chocolate to go around. With Valentine’s Day there comes lots of love, pink, and romance. I’m sure anyone reading this can immediately think of their top few favorite romantic movies to watch, or love songs and other forms of entertainment, but what about games? Video games allow us to escape into other worlds, become other people and fulfill our wildest fantasies…whatever that may be.

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rbailey4129d ago

Some very interesting choices in this article.

Kratoscar20084129d ago

Good choices but where its Digital Devil Saga?

Serph and Serah love story is much better than most of the list.

And why they choose FFXIII? FFVIII and FFIX had better and more moving love stories, SerahXSnow will be replaced by Serah x Noel aniway.

ElectroJade4129d ago

Nathan Drake and Elena Fisher = best couple of all time. I should write an article on how awesome they are.


Shadow Of the Colossus Retro Review – A Colossal Experience in a Beautiful World

Zachary M. Cain said: Shadow of the Colossus is hailed as one of the best action-adventure titles of its time. The game was originally released for the PlayStation 2 all the way back in 2005. It was so good in fact, it got a remastered version in 2018 for the PlayStation 4 and was well received by old and new fans alike. Let’s revisit this iconic classic in 2024 and see how well it holds up to its past reputation.

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The 7 Best Final Fantasy Characters: Unveiling the Legends

While FFVII ranks highly, there's more to the series than one game. Here's Chit Hot's picks for the seven best Final Fantasy characters.


Zelda Could Introduce New Features By Bringing Back A Controversial Character

Screen Rant, "The return of one controversial character could have an incredible effect on The Legend of Zelda, prompting the introduction of new features."

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H9120d ago

Honestly I really changed my mind on Fi with the remaster because they didn't make her interrupt your gameplay every 5 seconds, that drastically changed my views on her

Inverno119d ago

Technically she's in ToTK but obviously can't take any other form than the sword she was made into. Also the companion feature has been done plenty of times in Zelda, I don't think it'll add anything new. If anything should be brought back it should be the Minish.