
‘Borderlands 2’ Backpack, Bank And Claptrap's Stash Limited Sizes Explained

In a lengthy forum post on Friday, a programmer from Gearbox Software going by the handle on “botman” provided a lengthy explanation regarding the limited storage sizes of the backpack, bank and Claptrap's secret stash in the recently released multiplatform title, “Borderlands 2.”

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BiggCMan4153d ago

I don't believe that one bit, sorry. I still say it's because they want to charge us in the future to increase that limit.

Nightfallen4153d ago

So far Gearbox haven't sold any small piece of downloadable content that increases storage. In the first Borderlands a storage bank was included with Moxxi's Underdome DLC. Pretty sure if they were to expand it would be packed with another piece of content, along with level cap increase.

Muffins12234153d ago

That is still bad, there just including it with the dlc.Just like what fallout 3 did,they increased the level cap ONLY if you paid them money which was with the dlc only...

dumahim4153d ago

IIRC, didn't each DLC have another busted claptrap unit which expanded the inventory?

I thought that's what would happen this time, except you'd find Crazy Earl and would have to spend a crazy amount of Eridium each time to get the next level of inventory space.

MizTv4153d ago

I'm fine with what is is.

feraldrgn4153d ago

I haven't gotten to the Storage yet (taking my time), but I do understand the frustration "Legendary" collectors could have, considering they're unique.

hulk_bash19874153d ago

I think they should increase the back pack capacity, as i like to pick up and store guns i think are worthwile during missions and random drops. Then when i complete all my active quests I like to sort trough everything and clean house.

whiteyjuice4153d ago

Why should advanced players be limited to smaller item caches due to the inability of new players to comprehend the system?

WolfLeBlack4153d ago

That argument works both ways, though: why should new or casual gamers be penalised with a cluttered UI so that advanced players can go stat mad?

Before anybody jumps at me, I'm not taking a side either way, simply saying that such arguments can work both ways.

Anyway, for me I think the option would have been to allow a much larger amount of backpack slots available for purchase with Eridium, that way new gamers can keep the backpack limit small and advanced players could increase it.

Or perhaps they could have had the backpack limit increase in the second playthrough, and then again on the third?

vickers5004152d ago (Edited 4152d ago )

"That argument works both ways, though: why should new or casual gamers be penalised with a cluttered UI so that advanced players can go stat mad?"

You basically just answered your own question with your following paragraphs. If casual gamers don't want cluttered AI, then they can simply dump what they have until the AI looks how they want it to look. In that scenario, casual gamers have options. In the situation that exists now, the core gamers have almost no options other than creating new characters to store things on(or using the infinite bank storage glitch, which I hope hasn't been patched).

So that particular argument does not work both ways in this case. It should be about providing options for BOTH the core and casuals, and in the case of weapon/gear storage, they only have options for the casuals.

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5 Amazing Side Quests In Games That You Need To Experience

While gamers usually take notice of the mainline missions, these 5 side quests deserve more widespread attention for how entertaining they are.

jwillj2k4479d ago

Honorable mention to Drive Clubs Ferrari Fxx-K. Should be there over Horizon.

459d ago
TheColbertinator479d ago

The Suzuki Escudo Pikes Peak from the Gran Turismo series

Nissan Skyline from Need for Speed Underground

Motorcycle Steamroller from Dead Rising 3

And finally a car you never drive but saves your ass over and over : Honey Badger from COD MW2

Gardenia479d ago

I was thinking of Mad Max. That V8 felt really good to drive around in, especially with upgrades.

dumahim478d ago

No one liked the Batmobile in Arkham Knight. Top 10?

toxic-inferno478d ago

I don't know... It was a strange addition to the game, and the parts of the game where you had to fight in it were tedious. But driving it around Gotham felt brilliant.

BrainSyphoned478d ago

FFXIII-Snow's Shiva motorcycle
Persona 5-Makoto's Persona motorcycle


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adaminoregon517d ago

South park stick of truth is the funniest game ever made.