
LittleBigPlanet Karting Review | IGN

IGN: "LBP Karting isn't an interesting racer and doesn't live up to the expectations set by the franchises that inspired it"

Merrill4201d ago (Edited 4201d ago )

Ouch. I didn't enjoy the Beta very much, but I didn't expect this.

This review seems to be pretty well below the average score, typical IGN I guess; either way too high a score or too low.

Abash4201d ago

Well it's just a score but the reviewer was way too hard on this game. I have been playing the story mode as I got my copy today and this has all the charm of the main LBPs. The racing is fun, I dont see where he got 'lack of excitement' as a reason to penalize the game because it's pretty awesome especially in the car combat levels.

piroh4201d ago

i wish them all the luck and many hits to stay relevant

as for LBPK, i'll buy it anyway

Outside_ofthe_Box4201d ago

I didn't like the beta so I was expecting low reviews, but a 5 out of 10? Damn, IGN is essentially saying the game is crap.

***"it's pretty awesome especially in the car combat levels."***

Agreed. The combat levels is where I had most fun during the beta.

ShinMaster4201d ago

IGN's is the only low score so far.

Dee_914201d ago (Edited 4201d ago )

How come most of the time a game gets a low score ( mainly a ps3 game ) the author always go on about an inner soul thought spiritual mind inner being-esque type of reasoning as to why the game is bad.Never a real solid reason.....Hell you could say you just didnt like it and id be more okay with that than " without ever finding its own voice."type of crap
You go on to make all the little changes from the original 2 LBP some how seem bad yet criticize it for being the same ..
Its little big planet kart racing nothing more...
I dont expect it to get 10's or 9's but a 5 .. Im not even surprised IGNornant

knifefight4200d ago

I love how, when some website posts a low review score of a highly hyped game, forumers come in with the defense of "Yeah well IGN gave it a _____" like it negates the other review, and then when both websites agree, people say "Yeah and I saw IGN gave it a _____" as if that validates the other review somehow. Now there's a low score in which IGN is the minority and people are like "Yeah well IGN sucks anyway."

Here's the thing about reviews...they're all written by humans. Keep that in mind when reading, no matter where it's posted ^_^

Sono4214200d ago

I agree I didn't enjoy the beta too much either.. :/ One thing that I noticed no one really touched on yet was that the driving was SO slow...

killerhog4200d ago

Yeah they gave halo which is still lacking inspiring environments (still bland), innovation (still the same-o same-o) a 9 I believe, but this (lbp karting) lacks "excitement" lol. Everything in halo 4 is predictable and the same. I know different reviewers, I'm using it as a point that reviewers are lacking professionalism and standards.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4200d ago
Army_of_Darkness4201d ago

And the graphics look very outdated and disappointing as well...

Merrill4201d ago

But a 5? I mean that's a borderline unplayable game at that score; according to IGN.

GribbleGrunger4201d ago

How can cloth, wood or metal look outdated? You DO understand the nature of LBP games, don't you?

ZombieNinjaPanda4201d ago


if 5 is unplayable to you, what do you consider a 2 or a 1? Does that suck the life force out of you and kill you? A 5 is a game that is average, it does nothing very well, but its not a terrible game. There are more numbers on the review score table.

Phoenix_GenmaKen4201d ago

better looking than most xbox 360 games anw so hate more

MattyG4201d ago

@Merrill No, according to IGN's scale a 5 is mediocre. I don't know when a 5 became unplayable. Now a 2.5, THAT's borderline unplayable.

Army_of_Darkness4201d ago (Edited 4201d ago )

What if I said that the wood, metal and cardboard graphics and textures of LBP2 looks much better than this crap? Would you still disagree?

Reverent4201d ago (Edited 4201d ago )

@ZombieNinjaPanda, meant to give you a disagree (Accidentally gave you an agree). While yeah, TECHNICALLY a 5/10 means average, the way EVERY scoring system works, dramatically screws things up when they're that low when it comes to an averaging percentage. So if you have a game that gets a 10/10, two 9/10's, and then a 5/10, the first three scores are going to set the average, but that 5/10 is going to dramatically lower the final percentage. So when you take all that into account, yes, a 5/10 is a very low score.

It literally does not matter if the reviewer even states that a 5/10 is meant to indicate an average game, when that score is calculated in a percentage, for example, the way Metacritic works, then that reviewers score is going to lower the final score to a pretty decent extent.

I really hope I don't need to explain that a third time.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4201d ago
-Alpha4201d ago (Edited 4201d ago )

Well they seem to hark on the new mechanics not being as fun as the MNR mechanics.

As much as I really like seeing Sackboy in a different genre like kart racing, I think I'd have preferred an MNR 2. It had a really unique thing going with its hub, creation, and style that the LBP tone lost. Still, a 5 seems extreme, and the review was expectedly brief for me. Seems to be getting 7-8 everywhere else

Wigriff4201d ago

I liked everything about MNR except for the loading times.

despair4201d ago

I agree MNR 2 would've made a lot more sense, more polish, fixing the issues with the original and enhancing the current karting and creating systems would've made it a potentially amazing game. But this one seems more just trying to capitalize on the LBP name.

Jobesy4201d ago (Edited 4201d ago )

Typical IGN? They just have Halo a 9.8. How is 9.8 below average? Oh wait...you meant that they hate Sony right? Smh, get your fanboy the hell outta here. So now unless a game scores 9 even they get called out. Some of you are sad cases.

KentBlake4201d ago

It's not that they hate Sony. They gave Uncharted 3 a perfect 10.

What seems to be happening lately with IGN is that they only seem to like some specific titles from specific publishers. Every single CoD and GTA are perfect games in their book.

And lately they seem really jaded, and complain about everything in games from publishers that don't, well, PAY them. I used to think all this "paying reviewers" was only conspiracy theory, but in the last few months the IGN reviews look really suspicious.

GribbleGrunger4201d ago (Edited 4201d ago )

Mentblake, if you check out Metacritic you will see something very interesting. Look at the scores they've given to all the recent so called 'console sellers' on Vita and PS3 and it makes for an interesting discussion.

He also says that you can't fully customise your racer which is wrong. You can make any vehicle you want and adjust it to your liking.

StreetsofRage4201d ago

Gribble, you used to be a typical troll but did a huge reversal. Now you sound like a real gamer. So please don't go back to the conspiracy theories or the excuses. Its just an opinion. And you should know by now that metacritic doesn't carry any weight.

Only thing you should read in reviews is too see if the game is buggy or glitchy.

kane_13714201d ago (Edited 4201d ago )

you are just acting silly!
Go to Meta critic.
This game has 15 reviews so far, 1 is 5 by ign.
3 is 7 and 7.5 Points and amongst them is gamespot.
The rest are all 9s and 8s.
Something is stinking here.
all those people liked it, but this guy, he just didn't!

Old McGroin4200d ago

Funny role reversal in the space of a few hours.
First Halo 4 receives mainly good reviews; it receives a couple of low scores that have strayed from the general concensus and when 360 fanboys cry foul play all the PS3 fanboys only focus on these couple of low scores and talk about how all the high scoring reviews were paid off and how the low scoring reviewers are only being honest and genuine.
Now, LBP Kart receives a good few high scores and when some sites mark it down PS3 fanboys call foul play and discuss how those reviewers are paid off or 360 fanboys, completely forgetting their argument that the low scoring reviewers are only being honest.
I'm not aiming this at anyone in particular above me by the way, just wanted to point it out somewhere!
I wouldn't be getting my knickers in a twist over a karting game anyway, Mod Nation Racers was one of the first games I got for my PS3 and, while it had it's moments, it taught me that when it comes to karting games the only ones that seem to have a bit of magic star a certain Italian plumber.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4200d ago
mcstorm4201d ago (Edited 4201d ago )

I agree I was not impressed with the Beta it just felt too slow and flat.

I am a big MNR fan I got it for the PS3 and did get it for my PSV but I felt not having MP on it let it down on the PSV so I sold it.

I was also looking forward to getting this on the PSV as I thought All Stats and this were going to be cross PS3/PSV but then I found out it was not on the PSV.

Im not quite sure how United Front Games have managed to mess up LBP Karting as it sounds like they have used the same formula as MNR but some how gone wrong with it this time round.

I think ill be getting Sega All Stars for the PSV rather than this for the PS3 this time round.

But that said this is the 1st review I have seen of the game so have to have a see what other people say.

NeverEnding19894201d ago

Personally, I'd give two additional points (7/10) if the price was reduced to $40, which I think better represents its true worth

csreynolds4201d ago (Edited 4201d ago )

Having watched/listened to the review, I'd say it's a fair score. I don't think you can just say "typical IGN". The reviewer does justify his criticisms, and being a massive fan of ModNation Racers I would say that LBP Karting is a step backwards - in many respects. Why limit car customisation options? Why is there no auto-populate in Course Creator? Why make multiplayer more difficult to access than it was in MNR? Why is there no online ranking system or progression?

This review is below the 'average' score, but that doesn't automatically mean you should discount it. I too had my concerns in the Beta, and by the looks of it United Front Games has made a kart racer its indirect predecessor supersedes.

*anticipates disagrees for not following the herd*

PinkFunk4201d ago

I don't understand why Modnation Racers wasn't better received. I thought it was really great. Had such a blast playing it with my friends - all of us yelling and hollering at the screen. Whew man, was good fun.

I think going for LBP Karting was a silly idea. I suppose they thought they'd merge the two franchises and because of the popularity of LBP it would work better in their favor, but I think going with MNR2 (as Alpha suggested) would have been a better idea. It had everything going for it and could have been improved upon, bolstering another unique IP.

NastyLeftHook04201d ago

yeah i agree, just trust reviews for what they are. i mean halo 4 got 5/10 and even a 2/10, people are going to have disagreements on littlebigplanet karting, its just the way it is. im not mad, its someones opinion.

JaredH4201d ago (Edited 4201d ago )

The same reviewer gave Modnation Racers a 9 and Uncharted 3 a 10 so I don't see how he's a fanboy. He describes it as basically average but on IGN that usually means around a 6-7. I think the review is fair though but now they're actually using the full scale just for this review which is odd. In the beta the game just felt empty to me and I didn't really have much fun playing it. But yes I do know the beta isn't the full game either.

GribbleGrunger4201d ago (Edited 4201d ago )

IGN wasn't an App on LIVE back then. That's something we can't ignore in my opinion.

Blankman854201d ago

Gribble, was IGN an app when they gave Twisted Metal and Starhawk 9's and Witcher 2 8.5? Genuine question.
What about when they gave Journey 9 out of 10 as well? Unfinished swam too. . .when did IGN become an app on xbox live?

GribbleGrunger4201d ago (Edited 4201d ago )

No. It was recently. The same goes for Gamestop who gave this game 7/10. Both of these sites are currently the lowest scores on metacritic and both of these sites have recently been given an App on LIVE. It could be coincidental but it's worth noting.

NeverEnding19894201d ago

You remind me of N4G c. 2006-07.

"M$'s check must have cleared" re. Heavenly Sword reviews.

I thought N4G has evolved past that conspiracy theory?

Simon_Brezhnev4201d ago


TBH 8.5 is to low a score for Witcher 2. LOL

I'll be honest when i played the beta the only thing liked was the combat fighting other than that. It did feel like MNR again.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4201d ago
SilentNegotiator4201d ago (Edited 4201d ago )

Meanwhile, similar games add "driving under water" and gliding segments and get a bunch of 8+ scores every year.

"This is a step backward. Building up the ModNation meter meant you could defend yourself from multiple attacks. Requiring me to have an item equipped and ready to use as a shield means I'm vulnerable a lot more"
"I love kart racers and understand that cheap shots are a part of the genre, but I can't remember the last kart racer I played that frustrated me as much as LittleBigPlanet Karting does. There are a number of issues here. I'd deploy items like the Boxing Glove or Fast Forward Button (both of which propel you forward on the track), and I'd be slammed into obstructions at the end of the animation that instantly killed me. When I'd respawn, I'd be invulnerable for a few seconds, and as soon as that ended, I'd be blasted with a missile from a computerized foe and have no way to defend myself as I had just used the item I had equipped -- the item that led to my death and my subsequent spiral into last place"

.....aaaaand he just described Mario Kart. Yet somehow it's some terrible game.

Greg Miller is a terrible reviewer.

stage884201d ago

Not at all, we've had quite a few great exclusives this year :)

Eyeco4201d ago

I hate to admit it being a fan of the system but he's right this has been arguably the weakest ps3 year, with the exception of Journey everything else has been BLEH!!! and before you disagree , look back to the previous years the PS3 has had better, this year was horrible

slapedurmomsace4201d ago

I didn't really like the Beta either, but mario kart in 2 player mode was my wife and mine favorite game to play together back in the day on the Gamecube, and since we don't have a Wii or Cube anymore, we're both hoping LBPK will fill that slot nicely. Here's to not giving a rats about IGN cause damn it, we're gonna have fun anyway.

miDnIghtEr20C_SfF4201d ago

You could tell by the beta that the game was going to suck.

showtimefolks4200d ago

this was a bad idea in IMO and wasn't a game that needed to be made. This was more of Modnation racers DLC than anything else

Muffins12234200d ago

Not surprised....this racing like feature could of easily been possible through adding it to another REAL little big planet... like little big planet 3 or something.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 4200d ago

I played the demo at SDCC.. this game is lame!

MRMagoo1234201d ago

Arent you the one that made that awful halo4 killing cod article? begone bug

XabiDaChosenOne4201d ago ShowReplies(4)
guitarded774201d ago (Edited 4201d ago )

What I learned from this review -> Greg miller is easily confused.

CaptainSheep4201d ago (Edited 4201d ago )

What? A 5? Hm, that's interesting. I REALLY liked the beta. I think it was really fun and really enjoyed it. :/

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Top Ten Under-appreciated Kart Racers

Phil writes, "The kart racer: a sub-genre in the racing game genre that generally features video game mascots and colorful cartoon characters competing in speedy races against one another for the sole goal of crossing the finish line in first place. No doubt Super Mario Kart made this sub-genre popular and put it on the map, but for every well-done Mario-branded racer, there are countless others that fall through the cracks. For this purpose SPC brings back The Tuesday 10s to list ten underrated and under-appreciated kart racers from a wide swath of developers and franchises."

Read Full Story >>
Applejack1085d ago

I agree with ModNation Racers. I did have a good time with what I did get to play at a friends some time ago. Nickelodeon Racers though? If it’s anything like the original, that’s a hard pass…

Teflon021085d ago

Don't agree with Mario Kart tour as it's not underappreciated. It's just literally not great. Everyone has tried it.

On the other hand ModNation, Mikey's Speedway USA, CTR, and LBPK I agree with. Though CTR with the rereleases recently hasn't been all that underappreciated and that with Diddy Kong Racing are my all time favourite ones. I think sonic transformed is very under appreciated though.

Outside of CTR ModNation is the most underappreciated because the game was amazing and don't think it even sold a million. But the community was always pretty cool. Creating was never hard. But it could be as complex as you wanted it to be so it was for everyone. I'm still praying Sony makes a ModNation Racers sequel for PS5 as the only issue the game had imo was load times and not being 60fps

Horny1085d ago

I hope they do as well, I had the game on ps3 but never spend a good amount of time with it which I kind of regret, would love to give it another go.

BrainSyphoned1085d ago

Chocobo Racing can't get no love

MadLad1085d ago

There's a little known kart game called Bears Can't Drift that had a bunch of potential, was fun to play, but low sales that left the dev to simply abandon the project before fixing technical issues with the game.

They really did have a good game on their hands, but they gave up before it could reach full potential.

phoenixwing1085d ago (Edited 1085d ago )

I remember just only playing the demo of a game called speed punks that game was fun

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Killzone 2, Soul Calibur 5, Time Crisis: Razing Storm and more running on the PC thanks to RPCS3

YouTube’s ‘reznoire’ has shared some new videos, showing Killzone 2, Soul Calibur 5, Time Crisis: Razing Storm, Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time, LittleBigPlanet Karting and more running on the PC thanks to the amazing Playstation 3 emulator, RPCS3.

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PrinceOfAnger2163d ago (Edited 2163d ago )

played all ps3 exclusives
last gen when i owned the system haven't played asura wrath though will play it on this emulator

Teflon022162d ago

Couldn't you just use a much more playable Xbox 360 Emu for that?

Rhythmattic2162d ago

Fark... I almost forgot how good K2 looked....
I must go boot it up on my PS3 and play through it again.....

MadLad2162d ago

And then the 20fps comes into play and you question whether it is even worth it.

ChrisW2162d ago (Edited 2162d ago )

The frame rate drop wasn't that bad... The sloppy controls are what ruined it for me.

Maybe someone can make the controls better through the emulator?

Rhythmattic2162d ago

Most frame drops where due to streaming and loading a new level...
As far as in combat, i didn't notice a drop at all.
So your right, but also wrong.

MadLad2162d ago

I'm not. Go play 2 and 3 again. I might be more in-tune being I usually play at very high fps, but the game definitely drops into the low 20s during combat, and on multiple occasions.

Scar-2162d ago

Its funny how bitchy pc gamer are about frame rates but they are silent as mice with this. I get that its going to be better eventually but its been muddy and unplayable for MONTHS now stop showing it till its done. Whats the point of playing ps3 games on a pc at a far worst frame rate aside from being a fanboy??

Doge2162d ago

“Whats the point of playing ps3 games on a pc at a far worst frame rate aside from being a fanboy??”

Another PS3 emulator article, another person who doesn’t get it.

MadLad2162d ago

We'll wait on the inevitably superior emulated version.
You can drop $40 on the lackluster, up-res compilation down the the road.

We both win.

riibhu2162d ago

" I get that its going to be better eventually "
there you already have your answer. As for this article it's purpose is to show the progress, not final result. So why stop?? You don't have to read it.

Vegamyster2162d ago

You're assuming that those who complain about FPS are the same people who are playing this, very few people will actually try to play this in its current shape.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2162d ago
YoungKingDoran2162d ago

Crazy. I dont have a good PC to emulate these games (still have my ps3 anyway) but it makes me happy knowing in another ~15 years I might be able to just boot up some of these classics on my then potatoPC from 2029

mogwaii2162d ago

Yay all those monster elite pcs can play more old games, awesome.

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Modnation Racers and LittleBigPlanet Karting Servers Shutting Down

Sony Interactive Entertainment will be shutting the servers down for two PS3 racing games in July.

Teflon022217d ago

Sad, hopefully they make a new Modnation racers game. wait, is it completely shutting down or can you still download tracks?

pody2217d ago

This is what I'm wondering also. There's so much quality maps available online and it would be unfortunate if people couldn't download those anymore.

Teflon022216d ago

Yeah, I didn't play much online anyways. But I always use to play local multi with my cousin and download so many amazing levels. Sadly 8 didn't get to platinum it. Had only the create trophy, level 30 and 100 races i think left. I had I believe 87 last time 8 checked lol. Might go on to see if I can get my last few lol. Remember my win ratio was decent since I did around 160 races maybe, 170 ranked

pody2216d ago

Yeah same here, but I actually jumped in not too long ago to play again and it's still holds up great for a 8 year old game. It's was a really good game when it came out and it still is.

Chaos_Order2217d ago

I had some good memories playing Modnation. :( Sad to see it go, but it was inevitable.