
CRank: 5Score: 43530

I'm simply going to trade in my copy of Gears of War 2 and buy the All Fronts retail release which will still be cheaper even though I bought all the currently released DLC.

5512d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Anyone surprised this article came from

5512d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm almost certain it has happened.

5512d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Seriously, who is surprised by this?

5512d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

It's all randomly generated. Like in the last frame with Mike Tyson; on the PS3 version the main trainer is black while in the XBox 360 version, the main trainer is white. You'll also come to notice that all the corner persons are all the same just randomly generated. In the black and white frame of Ali, the corner person over his left shoulder is wearing a different hat in each of the versions.

5513d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Real time deformation is very memory intensive and unless you allocate resources properly, you'll have this problem. Volition had the same problem when making Red Faction Guerrilla and found that the XBox 360 having more dedicated memory made achieving a better framerate easier. It isn't the hardware but more the developer working around each hardware's unique structure.

5513d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Why spend money on month's old DLC when there are so many retail games that better deserve my attention. By the time the DLC is released, a number of exclusive PS3 titles would have been released at retail. DLC will be insignificant to me, regardless of how much I enjoy Fallout 3 a year ago.

5513d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

[sarcasm] Shocker. [/sarcasm]

5513d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

While I think we'll see an HD iteration of the Wii to market in the near future, I think the XBox 360 will be the first 7th generation console to exit the market. I think Microsoft is committed to a 7 year lifecycle for the console. It has surpassed their expectations but admitedly, Microsoft wants to be the first next gen console to market. Rumors have been flying that the console is in development with Tim Sweeney and Epic expected to begin running tests of Unreal Engine 4 on builds on the ...

5514d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think you misunderstand, I'm in no way dismissing the game. I have no doubt it will deliver, both critically and commercially. I own the first. I suppose this is what forums are for; to be overexcited and share the overexcitement. And you're right, the comments can easily describe Gears of War 2 but I in no way mentioned Gears of War 2, nor did that game in anyway deserve Game of the Year accolades as great a game as it was.

5516d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

It's great to get excited whenever there is new media of an anticipated game. I am really excited by what I saw but then I read the comments and I am a bit taken aback but I don't even know why I'm surprise since we do this every single time. So many posters disagree with my comment but none have the courage to say why they disagree and what makes them believe differently.

5516d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Now, I know this may/WILL incite the fanboy masses to disagree but let's not make Uncharted what it's not. Uncharted is Iron Man; an exciting, enjoyable summer blockbuster with a transparent story and plot. It's over the top action set pieces and extravagant settings. Its story offers no depth, its gameplay no real innovation nor does the game move the genre forward to warrant it being the Game of the Year. It's the rush by video game blogs and websites to overexcite and exaggerate that leads...

5516d ago 1 agree25 disagreeView comment

A redesign wouldn't be profitable. There is the cost of research and development, the advertising and marketing of the redesign console's launch and the already shipped SKUs setting on store shelves and warehouses. A price reduction would be more cost effective and sensible than a redesign.

5516d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I thought this was the trailer released to the media a couple of weeks ago. It seems I'm mistaken. Viewing the previous Free Flow trailer at, they are different. This game really is shaping up as a triple A licensed title. We may see two such stellar licensed titles this fall with Ghostbusters showing great promise as well.

5516d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There is no reason for a PlayStation 3 redesign so early in the console's life cycle except it's a means to cut costs. Consumers have already been confused by the number of different SKU's since the console's launch and what each offers at the price point over the next. Just the advertising and marketing reintroducing the redesigned console would not be cost effective.

5516d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's the dark hair, it gives her a very exotic look. The tattoos and confessed bisexuality gives her such a sexy edge.

5517d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This trailer just builds anticipation for what will be shown at E3. I'm sure we'll see a number of details released to the media during and after E3. Very much looking forward to continuing the Mass Effect story.

5517d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

That's not exactly true. Companies like Media Molecule, Guerrilla Games and Sucker Punch have had access to Sony's wealth of resources, finances and afforded an extended time table to deliver their games as evident by numerous developmental and release delays. Larger companies have to be more cost effective with how they allocate not just financial resources but manpower of their studios. If a PS3 exlusive is a more visually impressive game than Resident Evil 5, it's only incrementally so and...

5517d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

Gears of War may be the XBox 360's most visually impressive game but it was developed with a budget of 10 million dollars with most of the heavy lifting outsourced. A paltry sum by today's blockbuster standards. The sequal really only added improvements made to Epic's engine like lighting, textures and modelling. I expect Mass Effect 2 to take the same incremental leap. Sony has invested this generation in showcasing it's first party titles and developing technology built around it's console'...

5517d ago 5 agree14 disagreeView comment

The problem when a developer makes a statement like this is, and this has been the case in all instances, that developer hasn't developed multiplatform this generation. The engine also was developed on a single platform with resources allocated accordingly without attempt to run the engine on any other console hardware. There is no validity to the statement unless it's been tested. I think Capcom, Ubisoft, EA and Take Two will continue to push the boundaries of what could be accomplished acro...

5517d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment