
CRank: 5Score: 43530

What was even more impressive was the post processing and particle effects. All running on the XBox 360 hardware. It remains to be seen if this fidelity and polish holds up through the entirety of the game.

5591d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Everytime someone says Metal Gear Solid has a great or epic story a butterfly dies. That's how utterly ridiculous that claim is.

5591d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

It really was an impressive showing. The atmosphere was amazing, the animation really fluid and I really was kept on the edge of my seat the entire time. I'm looking forward to the game. Hope the use of light isn't a shallow gimmick.

5591d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

. . . Conviction's developers should have just kept their mouth's shut to begin with. This is just inciting an argument that has no clear winner because to each his own.

5591d ago 36 agree6 disagreeView comment


5591d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree; Microsoft had the most impressive showing but I don't know if it was because we expected so little and got a lot or what we saw actually thrilled.

5591d ago 24 agree30 disagreeView comment

@ nostalgic_noob

You can always tell a fanboy by the ridiculous BS he spews. Eye Toy 2.0? You're an idiot.

@ panivi9

Excited by what exactly from Rockstar? We haven't see hide nor hair of La Noir in 4 and half years but you're excited by a game announcement where nothing was showed. Even Crytek faked it with their Crysis 2 announcement.

5591d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Announce a handheld as expensive as home consoles and confirm that nearly every highly anticipated title will ship in 2010. Microsoft actually announced 4 highly anticipated and exciting core exclusive titles coming between September and the end of the year, demoed the long absent Splinter Cell Conviction and Alan Wake and showed what had to have been the most revolutionary tech we've seen in years.

5591d ago 5 agree7 disagreeView comment

God these f**king blogs sites annoy me calling themselves "media" and "journalists". His name is Shane Kim you f**king morons.

5591d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Seriously, Raiden was the absolute star of MGS4. He totally stole the stage from Snake.

5591d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Agreed. Seems to be the new mantra from developers.

5591d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

" . . . as for the PS3, I've never heard of such a claim by any developer. So draw your own conclusions."

Crytek's CEO just said in a recent interview that Crysis 2 has maxed out the PS3 when the game will run the same on both consoles so make of his comments what you will. I do like the subtle fanboyism though. Nice.

5591d ago 6 agree7 disagreeView comment

Oh my how the tables have turned. The Xbox 360 has 4 confirmed exclusive titles releasing between September and December. What exactly does Sony have releasing this fall? The line up is looking incredibly thin with Uncharted 2 and another Ratchet & Clank title.

5591d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

If the PC is a to be considered in the discussion of mainstream gaming platforms, why aren't Microsoft given credit for it's Game for Windows success? I mean, when the PS3 sell poorly, PlayStation fanboys are quick to highlight that the PS2 and PSP sold well. But when the PC sees Games for Windows success like Crysis, Dawn of War II, Fallout 3 etc, Microsoft is never given credit for relaunching and reinvigorating the Games for Windows Live platform.

5592d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Andy McNamara from GameInformer confirmed this years ago. Microsoft asked for the game to be completely revamped and it was they who kept the press from seeing the game. It was obvious then Microsoft had basically paid Ubisoft to make the game to have that much control over a third party IP.

5592d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

And you're such a grown up championing a console on an online video game forum, right? You're a real d-bag. Go sit in a corner with the dunce cap on.

5592d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I really think the success of Left 4 Dead on the XBox 360 changed the direction Valve went with the title. These wholesale changes would have been added incrementally as updates to the PC version. The title sold almost 2 million units in 6 or 7 weeks. With enough content to justify a sequel, it wasn't a question of if but when. The PC community will obviously feel jaded. They're accustomed to the free content. Even if the free content is more than worth paying for, it's been Valve's hallmark....

5592d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Who's surprised!?!

5592d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

You missed the point d-bag. The point was, you don't need a 150 plus man team to make a PSP game so the poster's assertion that the Metal Gear Solid 4 team would not be working on Metal Gear Solid Rising because they're working on the PSP game is baseless and far fetched. Obviously, a large part of the Metal Gear Solid 4 team will have a deep creative involvement in the making of Metal Gear Solid Rising. Your rant makes little sense. How about some basic comprehension skills next time? To cla...

5592d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

I hate Aaron Greenberg. He's a douchebag. Everytime he speaks I want to punch him in his smug, fat lip.

5592d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment