CRank: 5Score: 23230

FFvs13 was a Aprils fools joke six years ago... I'm surprised no one has caught on yet.

4521d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment

six years and ticking.. This is probably a game that shouldn't of been announced so early... At this point they should probably change the name. They might as well make it a stand alone Final Fantasy title FF15 or 16 instead of a spin off. That would make SE and the general public more interested in this tittle that has the potential of being one of the best in the series.... It's time for SE to really give some resources to release this game already, and market it properly.

4524d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Vaan was a bad character. I still think FF12 was one of the best rpg's of the series though. Yeah they took big risks, but the game play actually is one of the most strategic, I'd call it one of the hardest / most hardcore of the series (once you get a ways into the game of course). If you get into what it is doing and play through it you will begin to see its strengths.

on a side note. I also played the extended cut, and I'd have to say it improves the game a lo...

4527d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I thought FF12 was one of the best in the series. One of the more hardcore FF titles. I also enjoyed FF10, one of the more casual of the series. Both are fine examples of how to make a rpg...

And of course FF7 deserves praise for its story telling and meteria system but we all hear all about that anyways so I dont really need to comment on that.

4527d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Expect a early ps5 release

4527d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

It still seems like the biggest improvement for the next generation will only be 20 dollars worth of more memory..

* 3.2 ghz tri core to 3.2 ghz quad core won't make a big difference in gaming.

* The GPU isn't going to be that much of a upgrade, the physics will be upgraded about as much as the graphics... Marginally.

* As far as destructible environments and sandbox games and even AI, the thing that is holding back consoles is Memor...

4529d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

It seems like a "wii type" crowd is flocking to mobile gaming to me.. The Wii got big, but it never got close to killing the hardcore gaming rigs, (360, PS3, PC)

The reason I know mobile devices will not kill consoles is because I'm that hardcore crowd and won't flock to the Wii, mobile device or whatever trendy new thing comes out and my crowd will stay for a long time.

4535d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I see this build is getting a lot of hate for some reason????

I actually have a similar build and the pc has lasted 3 years and is still going strong, very happy with my build. But my PS3 has got the ylod just to put durability into perspective.

I have the amd x3 processor and unlocked the 4th core and level 3 catch, easily turning it into a phenom processor.. This is incredibly easy to do, and the heat isn't deteriorating the cpu with a slightly upgraded...

4537d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You know the one thing that I was always concerned about with EA is taking away developers creative freedom.. I thought they were going to ruin Bioware, as it turns out they are actually giving them the creative freedom they want... But now people are upset about that!? I actually support EA's decision to back up the developers in creating a game the way they want it created...
If anything people should be upset with Bioware; either way people should not encourage big publisher ce...

4539d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Activision is by far the worst... For all EA's bad business decisions at least some of their games are still fun to play. Activision, on the other hand, really is just about milking gamers and they ruin their games in the process.

4539d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

This type of stuff is done all the time when games are released later; in the past games were usually released on the 360 first then re-released on the PS3 later with additional content to help promote that game.

The only difference now is that the pc is getting late releases since it is gaining momentum like the ps3 did a few years ago. PS3 gamers were able to enjoy additional content for years, now one goes to the PC for the first time and there is an outrage.

4541d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

They are trying to win over the pc gamers. They already got ps3 gamers, they dug into 360 gamers..

They went over a year before even releasing the game on the pc, now they have to do something to get pc gamers interest after completely ignoring them.

Like it or not, pc gaming is on the rise.. Steam has paved the way to make pc games marketable once again, so expect more companies to try to win over that audience.

4541d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

I'm sure not looking forward to the next generation of console gaming... I know there are people that label game stop the devil, and think that something like game-fly is a o.k. casualty in collateral damage... But, for as evil as game stop may be, there is a reason why they make the money they do. Whether people want to admit it or not, the second hand / rental market is / has been a huge part of the overall gamer experience... You might pay 60 dollars for a game but you know you can get...

4546d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Maybe it's a way to bring steam to the console gamers? As soon as console gamers see how cheap steam actually is / how it's business model completely blows away the PSN and xbox live, they may bring some strong competition to the console market.

4546d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Just a reminder.... Video games cost $60 new.. Something is terribly wrong with this model to begin with.

4547d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

........because we all know how Al-Qaida depends on gaming consoles to carry out their terrorist activities.

4550d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm so tired of this post-pc talk. At the rate we are going.... we will enter the post pc era in the next 50 years "if" it finally happens after talking about it every year until then.

4560d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yet another year the pc is supposed to be coming to an end and yet another year those fortune tellers will be wrong.

Why will the pc be around for a while?
1. It's a work station. It will always do more then a tablet can. Period.
2. Megaupload. All cloud services can just go away, why put money into buying games you don't even own.
3. Windows basic principle for decades. People want to be in control of their pc.. Apple and ipads may be trendy, ...

4560d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

No used games
No backwards compatibility

No thanks,

I really hope MS puts more effort into PC games next generation because it is re-gaining momentum and allows the user to be in control of their gaming experience.

4560d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I should have stated Windows 8 is just geared towards tablets and not really built for mouse and keyboard.. and this doesn't matter because windows 7 is still a fine os.. I didn't mean to confused some of you.

4568d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment