CRank: 5Score: 23230

A different perspective...

I actually think cdprojekt is ahead of its time as far as incorporating sex in games.. In the industry today it's still considered taboo to go very far with it even though Hollywood goes much further.

Cdprojekt games such as Witcher 2 also has a more grown up / mature feel to it.. I give them props for everything they do...

4180d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Wow! The PS4 will likely be announced in something like a month or so, after the holidays..

And it is still blasphemy to say a pc has better graphics the a ps3 / 360..

I hate to throw logic back into everyone's windows but its a no brainer that ps3/360 are behind the curve.

The only thing interesting about this article is that Crytek is saying developers can still squeeze a lot into something that is so far behind to still make them feel...

4209d ago 13 agree5 disagreeView comment

I agree. I'm not sure why this is showing up in the pc section.

I'm not calling PS3 graphics cr@p, I'm just saying the pc is already entering the next generation... We are towards the end of this generation of consoles so that is just common knowledge.

On topic, Last of us looks like a really good send off for this generation.

4264d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

And it's also the last big holiday season for the PS3 / 360... This time next year we will all be talking about the upcoming release of the PS4 / XBOX 3.

The biggest thing Sony is doing this holiday is somewhat hiding the news about the PS4 release date.

This generation is over, The next console war is just about to begin... Nintendo's challengers will be here shortly.

4268d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment


Bethesda is also script heavy and requires more memory then say GTA4 (a game that if you walk four feet away from your car it goes away). For visuals you can rely on Sony's Cell processor, but the cell isn't going to remember where all the bodies are in Skyrim.

4268d ago 6 agree9 disagreeView comment

Microsoft is as it has always been.. A company that takes old ideas and markets them to the mainstream. The eye toy and dream casts multiplayer were half-hearty decisions to kind of test the water. The thing Microsoft does, just as they did with windows, is they take that idea and they market it and they push it as if it is the next big thing. AKA they actually take a risk with it to get it out there. Lets face it Sony's eye toy isn't very commonly known and hand movement in games wou...

4270d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

RE is a franchise that started in 1996, making it over 20 years old, and is still going strong spinning off 5 movies and many games. If RE6 suffers at all it is because they are running out of ideas or being to ambitious with such a long running series.

Game companies are supposed to make games and employees are supposed to make money, that's not evil that's just capitalism. Don't hate the players hate the game!

4275d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

My initial thought to finding out Sony is suing their mascot was... Wow!

But after reading the comments I'm wondering if it even matters to everyone here. It just makes me think (especially as we reach the end of this generation).....

So will all PS3 owners automatically migrate to PS4 and all 360 owners automatically migrate to the 720? Personally, I'm still undecided but I do notice people are still as defensive about their respective console as the...

4275d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's a inbetween generation of console's..
Or a this generation and a half...

Or maybe it's just nintendos next generation and they are planning to reduce life cycles in half compared to the competition?

Maybe Nintendo will follow suit with apple and make a WiiU 1, WiiU 2, WiiU 3, and Wii U 4 all of next generation to stay ahead of the competition?

Who knows.. But certainly Nintendo is on a different wave length compared t...

4295d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

I wounder if we will get to FF13 - 13?

4343d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow, I'm impressed people still remember the FFvs13 announcement, that was made before the release of Super Mario Bros. right? I'm surprised this generation remembers that.

4345d ago 7 agree23 disagreeView comment

That is what we call preaching to the choir. Not everyone agree's that ps3 exclusives are the greatest games ever made.. And if you are a minority in the subject it takes guts to be the straight shooter.

The agree / disagree system is a bad system anyway because sometimes the best arguments are more rated on popularity instead of the actual knowledge for the subject at hand.... Just saying

4358d ago 5 agree9 disagreeView comment

Uncharted does deserve praise for it's graphics and cinematic's.. No denying that.

But I think from a perspective of game play and overall fun factor it is s bit over rated. I mean I enjoyed the eye candy but once I finished the first game I could never get myself into playing it again.. From a perspective for actual game enjoyment in this type of genre, I think the original tomb raider has Uncharted beat by quiet a big margin. Tomb Raider is a game I poured a lot mor...

4358d ago 8 agree6 disagreeView comment

It sure is getting hard talking about the next generation without bringing up cloud gaming.

Well, obviously movie streaming has taken off ever since netflix made their service widely available and will likely be the way of the future for that type of media.

But is it the way of the future for games? Well so far for pc users it's a definite no. Services like steam will have the gaming market for quite some time. For the console market I feel peoples prefer...

4361d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Mostly I'm looking forward to more stable hardware, ram and for MS better physical media such as blue ray.

I'm not sure if the graphics are going to be that much of a improvement though, so I hope the console is cheap.

4361d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

It looks like SE is trying to come up with a reason to get in bed with Nintendo again.

SE is the type of company that blames others for their inadequacies, a scary thought is that Square may be thinking of making Wii U exclusives and they may even be tinkering with the idea of moving FFvs13 to that platform as a exclusive.... Remember they have screwed their fans in the past by developing for Sony then making a jump to the 360... i.e. Star Ocean 4 was in development as a PS3 ...

4365d ago 14 agree10 disagreeView comment

The devil is in the wording. There's untapped potential in the PS3's cell processor..... Just like my pc processor has untapped potential due to my gpu only being able to handle so much.

Also, you are so right about software costs... To simply say pc has cheaper software would be a extreme understatement.

4367d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

What does exclusivity have to do with SE finally making a jrpg that isn't mediocre this generation?

The console tag really has nothing to do with SE getting their head straight and making good rpg's.

4368d ago 13 agree10 disagreeView comment

Or they could make it a pc exclusive so nothing holds it back.....

That's not my actual opinion, that's just how some people sound to me.

4368d ago 5 agree12 disagreeView comment

All the classics still need to be re-licensed. This will probably only give cross platform options to psn purchases. i.e. ps1 & 2 classics purchased on a ps3 can be streamed on a ps4.

4370d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment