CRank: 5Score: 23230

Moores law is still in effect. They do have 6870's at a price point just a little higher then 5770's making them almost a impulse buy and they do perform at least twice as good.

But I don't think programmers are keeping up as well with the increase in technology as I haven't had to upgraded my pc in 4 years and it still handles modern games very well. A lot of people exaggerate how often a pc has to be upgraded or replaced before its obsolete.

4463d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

They don't need to upgrade, just future proof a little better. Really, processors / gpu's / and ram last even in a pc for a long time if built properly. For example, people may laugh that I still have a ati 5770 gpu (4 years old) but in reality it still performs very well with modern graphics. This card can easily last 6 years and still run games very well, despite other cards outperforming it. IMO, Technology advances a lot quicker then the actual times and gpu's perform a lot be...

4464d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

The first 4 games, Witcher 2, Dragon age origins, Skyrim, and Kingdom of amular, seem to be properly ranked.... It's always good to see Witcher 2 getting it's respect mostly.

But.... A lot of the other games seem to be very questionable except for demons souls. Does anyone really have Two Worlds ranked above Fallout 3 for example? And yes Dues Ex human evolution is a very good game; one of the best in the series imo.

I love jrpg's and actually prefer...

4464d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

No where am I arguing that the ati 5770 is the best card to have at this time. Anyone building a computer now should take a ati 6870 for their build since it's cheap and alot more powerful then my card...... However! I built my computer a few years ago when the ati 5770 was a good card and a lot of you are discrediting it's legs / longevity. Really, I'd like to have a good excuse to upgrade to a 6870, and may once the unreal 4 engine hits the market, but the ati 5770 is performing...

4467d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Again I'm still hoping to be proven wrong... But so far I'm getting the impression that console gpu's are at current form factor or low power gpu standards. The rumored xbox 720 gpu is a 6670 which isn't even as powerful as my gpu, which yes is aging.

4467d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I currently have a ati 5770 gpu and there are certain games that don't even get 60 fps @ 900p for every single game on ultra settings. I don't expect the next generation to have a more powerful card then what I have. Although I'd love to be proven wrong.

4467d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

What is interesting in the coming generation is that the console designs just can't handle top end gpu's and require instead a form factor type of gpu. There are still some descent form factor gpu's though.

But in that case AA will only be 2x maybe 4x, so there will be less jaggies but not by a long
shot.. maybe twice as good as the current generation.

Better ai from improved memory and cpu are definitely possible but developers never rea...

4467d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

+1 on the no ylod or rrod!

I started out the generation strongly in support of the PS3 then 5 years later got the ylod with no warranty or desire to cough up another 300$ on a new system. So I switched to being a pc gamer for that one reason; I still don't trust that a ps3 can last 10 years without breaking down. Same with the 360.

4467d ago 8 agree6 disagreeView comment

I still remember how blown away I was with the CGI when playing FFX for the first time. Of course they used a trick of making the cgi run off of dvd format instead of just using the system gpu, but the result was something we never really seen before and made the game look well ahead of it's time when it was released.

4467d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

While I agree in part with the struggling economy and high pricing, I'd still like the figure to go back a little further. What did 2004, and 2005 look like? That was towards the end of last generation.

I wounder if the biggest aspect of the decline has to do with a struggling economy or more to do with the anticipation of the next generation and the gradual disinterest in the current generation of games.

4481d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

That just makes me miss the concept of backwards compatibility. Sometimes I really wish the PS3 was able to keep it with ps2 games, such a great library there.

4482d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I disagree. I don't think any of the FF games in the main series are bad.
FF7 was epic
FF8 had so much improvements it's impossible to call bad
FF9 was one of my favorites in the series but largely overshadowed by the PS2 release
Everyone likes FF10,
FF12 is another of my favorites but it was different so got some hate (although it is one of the most well produced games in the series)
and FF13 for all it's hate we all still like to ...

4484d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

and we have zero games that utilize that gpu.

Most developers want the average pc gpu to run games which is still around a ati 5770 according to steam hardware poll. Only Crisis has utilized the best, and it hasn't happened since.

But it would be interesting to see what a game would look like if it tried to max out the latest card.

edit- The most common card is a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560. (a little more power).

4484d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

I agree. People born in that time frame and were able to buy FF7 when it first came out are the ones that realize just how epic that game was at that time.

Sure, it paved the way for a explosion in jrpg's, but no game has really captured how big FF7 was at that time. It's a lot harder for people that started at FFX or ME to go back and really appreciate what the game meant.

4485d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment


I'll be a little more clear, this is from the actual article.

"Sony’s losses have mounted after customers switched to Samsung Electronics Co. (005930) TVs and Apple Inc. iPhones, pushing the shares below 1,000 yen yesterday for the first time since 1980."

So if Sony is losing money on all their electronics; why is it a good idea to target the gaming division? In fact, I'll go even further and ask you to prove th...

4487d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sure make 60 dollar games cost 100 dollars then charge a 15 dollar activation fee and a monthly charge of 10 dollars a month to play online. Sounds like a smart business decision... -sarcasm.

4487d ago 12 agree5 disagreeView comment

The fact someone is posting as though Sony only makes games say's it all. The gaming division isn't the problem.

4487d ago 15 agree7 disagreeView comment

It sure was a competitive generation. We didn't have much of a debate with the Xbox vs. PS2 vs. Dream-cast last generation. We all knew the PS2 won that one.

This generation has been interesting. In terms of sales the Wii has won by a landslide, but as we gear towards the end of the generation it is also the console that is on the decline the fastest, and overall the Wii sensation is a little harder to explain since it isn't targeting traditional gamers.

4488d ago 18 agree5 disagreeView comment

@ Hisiru

I'm not sure why all the disagreements that is an interesting article. Maybe some horsepower is left on tap due to budgetary concerns but no doubt the Wii U has to prove it somehow.

Here is the most interesting part I found in the article in reference to this game and it supports what I said.

"There are so many changes in this particular engine-driven cut-scene that we do wonder quite why the developers had to make them. The...

4489d ago 10 agree7 disagreeView comment

Should have seen these comparisons coming.

What I noticed is two things.

1. The Wii U version looks more 3D and has better spacial recognition, or doesn't look as flat.

2. The PS3 version has better overall detail.

I guess we can say the Wii U holds it's own but doesn't overtake the PS3. I'm sure these screens will have enough for both side to start blasting each other.

Of course the Wii U sh...

4489d ago 68 agree19 disagreeView comment