CRank: 5Score: 23230

"PCs have always been more powerful."

No that is incorrect. Up until the ps2 / xbox1 gaming consoles were more powerful then pcs. The PS3 / 360 really gave pcs a run for their money at launch. This generation is making consoles look like form factor pcs in graphic ability,

"does it have Destiny, Uncharted, MGSV, Smash bros, Zelda, or Halo"

For generations pc has lagged behind in exclusive games. If you wanted to play a fun...

3723d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

There is nothing I hate worse then playing a complex game like final fantasy on a tiny ass screen of a phone. Games like subway surfers are for those small screens. A tablet may ne a little better. But, those devices are more geared for little kids IMO, and the big boy devices such as consoles and pc are geared for gamers that like more complexity...

If SE, and the jrpg market in general, want to spend less money on developing games due to the fact wrpg's have taken a bi...

3883d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have close to 75 million active accounts.

3903d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Duh, studios specifically made for exclusives (and in some cases timed exclusives) for just one gaming system paid for by Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft don't care to help the competition. Just like Nintendo could care less about releasing Mario on the PS4. Blah Blah.....

3904d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment


I like what Valve is doing, but they just don't have the pockets that Sony has to advertise and make console exclusive games. There is no doubt in my mind that Sony is going to win the console war this generation, they already have a dynasty set up especially with the PS2.

That said, I think Valves innovations are going to put them on the map because there are still reasons to buy into what they are doing. They have an economic ecosystem of se...

3910d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Its not pirating that is making MS continue down its path of dumb brain trust. Its their objectives of trying to control the market in a direction they want it to go. But its a free market, Valve will do fine taking over the PC market while MS tries to battle Sony on the console front by alienating PC gamers.

All Phil's doing is making excuses for making games XBone exclusive. No Phil, its because you want to compete with the PS4's exclusives. The truth even sounds b...

3911d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't know why this has to become a console vs the steam machine battle...

The steam machine really is just a new flavor. It doesn't need to outsell anything because at hart Valve is a software company. If Valve sells more games across pc and the steam box it wins. As a PC gamer this is exciting because it really does put PC gaming on the map more so then in years. No, steam box's aren't going to outsell PS4 and Ones. But yes, steam is going to be a big time...

3913d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Those images do not look "almost" identical to me. If it wasn't for that tittle and everyone saying they look so "identical" I'd say the PS4 looks good...

... PS4 is a fine system. Sorry folks, but the PC version of this game looks quite a bit better to me.

3929d ago 12 agree6 disagreeView comment

the PS4 and xbone are new and shiny so its going to be hard to make arguments for the PC for a while. Yes, the PC is keeping up with the consoles more than it EVER has to start a console generation. But, consoles are finally on par with "average" pc gaming and they're new and exciting as PC's are where they were a few months ago.

Who cares who games on what... Face it, right now everything is more even then they ever have been, hell, the architecture in all ...

3932d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

PC gaming was dead maybe when the PS1 was around, not so strong with the PS2 minus the rts genre. Gaining ground but not quite there with the PS3. Stronger then ever with the arrival of the PS4. PC gaming is really picking up "steam"

PS4 is holding the crown, but PC is a very viable option. If you don't realize that you are stuck in early 2000.

3951d ago 5 agree7 disagreeView comment

the real question. How long will it take for the next generation to bury the WiiU? A real strong start for the new competitors with Sony looking the most strong.

3951d ago 22 agree2 disagreeView comment

exclusives are a dying breed. Yes, still around but not preferred by any developer.

3953d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Fallout4 will be out on the PS4 though.. The PS4 can handle the skyrim engine a lot better then the PS3. I'm glad sony is going for a more PC build as opposed to "the cell" build. It will eliminate a lot of problems from multiplatform developers such as bethesda.

On topic. I hope Fallout 4 uses a better engine then the Skyrim one. It's a new generation afterall.

3955d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Get whatever you want. The PC isn't going to drive Sony out of business and PC gaming is going to stay strong.

Sony and MS are going to have big years with out the wii sensation. But, make no mistake, the PC has also gained a lot of momentum and to a lot of companies (thanks in part to steam) it has become a viable source of income for game companies.

3961d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

wait isn't the xboxone 500 dollars as well?

We all know that the steam box isn't going to be the king of the console race. Fortunately it doesn't need to be. If the steambox gets anywhere near the original xbox sales it will be a major success. Think back, people where saying MS didn't belong in the console arena way back then. Sounding familiar to the steambox reaction?

Steam is already a successful gaming platform. All steambox is going to d...

3973d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

and GTA5 ps3 / 360 torrents are peaking towards one of the highest downloaded torrents (androids subway surfers is currently number 1) ... These petitioners are clueless in thinking pc is the only pirated platform.

4023d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

original xbox is much better than xbox one at sharing games.

Other than that I'd say steam. They both suck equally at game sharing but at least you can get two copies much cheaper on steam when you get done banging your head against the wall

4025d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

Its a monthly survey and better to just look up yourself here

The article skews the information a bit.
They left out graphics cards for some reason on this last survey but the last I checked the average power is something comparable to a ati 5770. I don't even know how you can write an entire article without that information.

There is also ...

4037d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Bureau: X-Com declassified was a very hyped game. But, my initial thought was that would never work, and what a way to kill the xcom franchise...Then out of no where xcom enemy unknown was released and that one hit me by surprise because it was actually quite good. Im looking forward to the expansion / stand alone console release.

4048d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, a dual AMD Radeon 7970 graphics cards, and a bulldozer 8 core cpu does blow away the specs of a ps4. That's why they are showcasing it on a pc, it must be optimized for those specs...

This is the best news for AMD, great news for PC Gaming, and good news for console gaming. Next generation gaming looks to mirror all three of those.

4057d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment