CRank: 5Score: 23230

I find it funny that some 360 owners are taking a personal offense to the statement, "Square-Enix HAS been making a lot of bad games lately." Some people are acting like SE recent crap-fest automatically makes the 360 inferior or something. This is not the case, it just means SE sucks lately!!!

There are some 360 owners out there who are willing to back up SE business decisions, but are not willing to support their business decisions by actually buying SE games for th...

5649d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Square enix has lost their minds. They want to make western rpgs all of the sudden and back the 360. This has lead to their crap-fest of infinite undescovery type games. A successful company should never make a sudden "image change" because that will only alienate their fan base (SE used to have a huge fan base). From a stand point of making money this strategy is complete madness.

On a plus note the producer of FF versus 13 seems to want to take his development in a...

5649d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

I think spike47 is talking about the fact that Mortal Kombat "yawn" is in hiphopgamers provocative title. Who really cares about Mortal Kombat this generation. MK stopped being cool after the super nintendo days (not to discredit the awesomeness the original MK games were). When Microsoft buys MK exclusivity and no one even notices = bad title by hiphopgamer.

5650d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Putting aside all feelings about how good or bad the xbox 360 is, I'd have to say I really disagree with the way Microsoft has been conducting business lately. Despite them trying to use the attack the competitors tactic and playing into the economic card they have been doing nothing but making me grow farther away from actually wanting to buy a xbox 360. The xbox 360 seems like a good system, but when I hear people like Greenburg trash talk and spinning the truth like he has been doing, then...

5663d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Microsoft reality: GTAIV on Microsoft has already beat puny Sony in terms of sales even before the game came out!!
Reality: 50/50 split

Microsoft reality: As of today Microsoft has officially sold more copies of Final Fantasy 13.
Reality: The game doesn't come out for at least 1 full year and Microsoft is barely selling more then Sony and needs to send out petty propaganda to maintain its advantage as rumors of a PS3 price cut looms and as a measure of damage cont...

5665d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Seriously don't listen to this guy. KZ2 (2 day sales) gets outsold by GTAIV DLC (half a month long sales). Really Greenberg? Why are you even allowed to talk? You are ruining the good GTAIV DLC sales with your words.

5666d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

While Microsoft did have a good month the noise coming out of this guy is moronic. While there has been a few (NOT ENOUGH TO DECLARE VICTORY) ps2 owners who have migrated to the xbox 360 most people are still going with the wii and are still undecided between which is better between the ps3 and 360 even today. Making the term "Hemorrhaging" nothing more then hearsay from the mouth of Microsoft.

This guy is the same sort of Microsoft person that declared an early victo...

5667d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

what if the platforms are ps2, ps3, and psp? That would be hilarious.

5673d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes I have seen this game.
It plays like the gta series and is made by Sega. I am actually excited about this game. Not to mention it has already been a huge success in Japan as it easily beat SO4 life long sales in its first couple of days! Yakuza 3 remains on my list!

5673d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you really think GTAIV is a fun enough game for dlc then you are delusional. Alot of people got tired of that game before they passed it because it was so damn repetitive. GTAIV DLC "AAA" for the same repetitive gameplay we already experienced, give us a break!
I will concede Halo wars, by the age of empires creators, and SO4 are good AA games.

2009 line up
Killzone 2
Uncharted 2
Demons Souls

5673d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I may be mistaken but how are the 360's flash player capabilities? Not just internet capabilities. Can you watch movies on for free on your xbox 360?

5675d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

This allows you to watch movies from netflix, T.V. shows on hulu, and even movies from, which alone blows away Microsoft.

5675d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

This proves the the PS3 can sell games afterall despite publishers thinking that the 360 would make them more money. To the guy that thinks someone is lying, I'd trust 3rd party developers numbers over sony or microsoft released numbers.

5675d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just want to give you props, obvious 360 owner, that the PS3 is no longer a failing system. I think this article should have been released in 2007 because most of the reasons the PS3 is failing on the list can be crossed off now in 2009!

5678d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm glad to see Sega finally making a comeback.

5679d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

SE needs to step up their game. The main reason that they haven't developed for the PS3 is because they can't, plain and simple. I've read articles about SE developers complaining about developing for the PS3. To me this shows a lack of talent. Although, I didn't like infinite Undiscover, I will admit SO4 is probably a good game. But I will never buy this game out of spite that I thought the developers were being weak and not bringing the game to the PS3 because that would be too challenging....

5679d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

If your really going to list infinite undiscover and the ps2 port of Final Fantasy 11 on your list of good 360 RPG's I am not going to buy into the 360 has good rpg's argument. RPG fans should be comparing the PSP vs. Nintendo DS because that is where all the good RPG's are at this generation. Both the PS3 and 360 get blown away by these hand held systems in comparison.

5679d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Who cares 2009 is a recession year that everyone wants to end. That said Sony and Microsoft have two different strategies in dealing with the economic downturn. Microsoft is downsizing their gaming department and focusing on fixing their windows vista mistake (which created alot of people switching to mac)with windows 7. Microsoft isn't expecting much revenue from their gaming department so no big gaming projects are going to be done in 2009. Sony can't rely on selling electronics seeing how ...

5679d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This might be some empirical proof that RE5 is selling PS3's

5681d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

SO4 was the reason for high 360 sales last week, but it is interesting that RE5 must be the reason for PS3's high sales this week. Especially since RE5 is multi platform and the 360 sales dropped. That goes to show Sony still holds Japan despite Microsoft attempts to buy Japan. The big news is the declining sales of the wii.

5681d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment