CRank: 5Score: 23230

That is an interesting parallel as I wouldn't be surprised at the amount of hamlet intrigue that is incorporated into the game. However, it is Final Fantasy and I'd expect other plot twists and other deep storylines. FF is famous for this as they through in a surprise ending in FF7 by using the theory of Gigia (the world is alive and can eliminate its own threats). Then there was FF9 which was just crazy (also the most ignored because it was released on the ps1 after the ps2 was released). It...

5641d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There is a guy that goes by the name of gaystation here on N4G if internet dating is your thing. I'm not one to judge people on their sexual orientation so have at it.

Just leave out the details!!!!!

5641d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Real or fake, I still wish Sony would do more with the trophies. The article has a good idea, however I'd still prefer some sort of home integration with trophies / the level system.

5641d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Be careful where you pull up your statistics, they almost look like something you pulled off of vgchartz. Sorry to burst your conformation biased bubble but it is true like everyone is saying that the two platforms sold almost evenly on GTAIV sales

5642d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

you have a quite the brassy rumor of "FF13 is going to be canceled on the 360" I'd love to read this story or see a link, but I somehow believe that this is only wishful thinking by you.

5642d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It is true that Sony has been making more better video game decisions than Microsoft for about two years now. It really shows because their game studios reward the art form of making video games; as opposed to the Microsoft money guru's that are more talented in numbers and figures than anything that has to do with the video game industry.
Unfortunately, the initial launch of the 700 dollar PS3 still proves to be one of Sony's biggest roadblocks. During that time the 360 successfully g...

5642d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just wait until ff13. People will be zooming into the scans just to point out slight jagged edges that are otherwise imposable to identify. It really is a funny process worthy of a sigh!

edit - my mistake people are already doing that.

5643d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am not getting your point?? What is the point of reshowing us the two comparison scans? It seems pretty obvious to me all the "sony fans" are dead on with the comparisons. All they said was that the 360 is darker, which it is. Other than that there are no big differences.

What did I miss?

5643d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

This generation has really become emotionally charged for fanboys. It's getting hard to post anything on N4G, just stating that the ps3 or 360 exists may lead to a fanboy taking personal attacks at you or creating mutiple accounts to stack up your disagrees and decrease your bubbles. The 360 and PS3 aren't even that far apart why are people being so sensitive?

5643d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

The game appears to have a sort of the classic battle system and the summon system will also help keep the good ol FF feel to the game. I'd hate to find out that they instead use an western rpg based action feel to the battle system, that would ruin the game for me. But so far the game looks like a true FF rpg, which is desperately needed. Let the rest of us know if this is the case next week when you get the demo!

5644d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ah, that makes more sense now. SE did kind of oversell FF7 with anything that isn't the actual game. Anyway I'd still recommend waiting for a free version of a ff13 even though it may seem tempting to pay for it.

5645d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Press agree if you think all current disagrees are coming from some loser that needs to get a life

Press disagree -------ONLY------- if you are the phantom disagreer to confirm the amount of accounts you have.

p.s. FF7 on the PSN freakin rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
further proof @

5645d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

To say you need video game demos on your movies is just weird. If you don't like movies then don't purchase them for some silly feature. Instead get the demo on your PSN or xbox live account for free.

5645d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Agreed! I have never seen such internet rage like this in a long time. I find it very humorous that someone is this freaked out from the news FF7 coming to the PSN.

I think all the disagrees are a good sign that someone in bed with the side of the competition is afraid of losing SE or something which they might. But that is because MS are preventing SE from promoting their new ff movie by using a ps3 demo of ff13 with the purchase of a blueray dvd. SE couldn't be happy with MS'...

5646d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

When is the clasic FF7 coming out for the xbox360, oh yeah thats right it's not!!!!!!
Go ahead feed your rage and press the disagree button, but in the mean time hahahahaha nananana you cant play FF7. Oh the sweat tears of all the disagrees!!!!!!

5646d ago 4 agree7 disagreeView comment

Actually SE had the idea of integrating action games with rpg's and supported Infinite Undiscover financially. Like it or not developers of tri ace, eidos, ect. are now answering to SE whom ultimately pulls the strings for how games look when they are released into the public. While I am still anticipating the 3 FF13 games I'd note that the developers of these games did not help with the Last Remnant which was actually made in a brand new studio, as opposed to a bought out studio such as SO4....

5647d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

An action game by square enix..... Lame!!!!

5647d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@immortal klaim
I'd reccomend buying a used ps2 off ebay, they are now going for around $30.00. The ps3 doesn't upscale ps2 games so you wouldn't be missing out. Also, I purchased my ps3 on ebay for just under $300 and it works perfectly. However, NEVER BUY A USED XBOX360!!

5648d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

1. price drop - contradicts with the removal of backwards compatibility complaint. The only way Sony can make a price drop is by downgrading the PS3 even further. Did you know that Sony loses money on every PS3 sold because of the cost of production?

2. Backwards Comp. - This still exists. However you can either pay 200 extra dolors for backwards comp. or 30 dollars for a ps2 on ebay.

3. Lack of classic ps1 games - The PS3 can play ps1 discs, most game stores sel...

5648d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Tales of Vesperia is a succesfull enough game on the 360 and the PS3 isn't blowing it anymore so why not. A lot of developers are really begining to wounder what their sales would be like on the PS3 compared to the 360 so it only makes since to test the waters now on the PS3. Tales of Versperia is a true jrpg so it will be intresting to see how the sales stack up on a system most people thought would be the leading platform for jrpg's when they purchased their PS3 to begin with.

5649d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment