CRank: 5Score: 23230

I'd even argue that kinect is what allowed Sony to overtake MS this generation. MS kind of strayed away from the core gamers and did pick up a few new gamers with kinect, but Sony maintained a much more broad strategy of satisfying all gamers instead of strictly investing in move. That really showed towards the end of this generation.

Of course if MS gets a back to its roots and gets as aggressive as they were to begin this generation then we may have a good competition o...

4134d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

The PS4 is getting a lot of press..

Things could be worse.. It could be like the wii u where no one even cared enough to really criticize.

4134d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment

Sony will likely be ahead of the console war.. The real question is if they can recapture the magic of the PS2.

4135d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

The funny thing is 1.5GB of ram is still a lot for a game.

I find it funny when people look to ram to determine the power of a pc or gaming machine...

4135d ago 19 agree2 disagreeView comment

it sure does Viper

"This is enabled by a secondary processor that allows for background work while the main processor is handling gameplay."

I'm sure we will find out more about the cpu as we near the launch.. But, we all know that it is more powerful then say a 360's tri core at 3 +ghz's. To say the cpu will hold the PS4 back is being overly cynical imo (or complaining about just 6 gb's of memory). We all know it will come down to t...

4136d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

8gbs of ram to work with is also a lot of ram.. I still only have 4GBs in my pc. I've want to upgrade but it keeps coming back to the how necessary is it really to upgrade besides to say I have a lot of ram debate.. The i7 is also a way more powerful processor then my amd quad core, I have not needed that extra cpu power this generation either, unless I wanted to say I had the more powerful pc.. So it all comes down to what is actually needed to handle the generation as well.

4136d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

No I'm pretty sure Crysis sold more 60$ copies on the pc too.. It just so happens that steam has really good deals.

Even though this is a fact, with the announcement of the PS4 I'm sure pro pc facts will go to the wayside for a while.

4137d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow @ auto's dissagree's.. I think everyone except him pirated Crysis 3

4137d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

We've been paying 60 dollars (give or take) since the NES days.. It's a die hard model even though it is a bad one. Don't blame Sony, blame the game industry on that one. Hopefully the PSN can come up with a better model as it evolves and attempts to fill the void where used games and game rentals used to be.

4137d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Or you could get steambox or a pc with steam and see a different current model for game pricing..

4137d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

You mean you don't think FFvs13 will be finished in a few months from now? jk.

4138d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Good point about backwards compatibility. Im not sure how big of a sway this will have on the 360 war, but it may have some.. The PS3 does have a better library than the 360, but it a disappointment that the ps4 can not play ps3 or current psn or ps2 games..

It brings up a bigger question.. Was the Cell processor a mistake? The Cell is gone in the ps4, had Sony still used it PS3 games would be playable.

4138d ago 5 agree12 disagreeView comment

Well Vulcan you may have a broader knowledge base in chip set architecture then I do. Actually I'm glad to know more about the cpu performance, these are things I didn't have at my disposal as I didn't have as many sources about the jaguar cpu. I'm not going to sit here and debate the overall clock speed as it may still be slightly above your estimated 1.8ghz. I will concur its not going to be at a standard gaming rig 3+ghz.

Still you don't have me at the...

4138d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


You have a semi good point. There is no listing for the exact clock speed of the 8 core cpu, but one can come to the conclusion its faster than the Cell processor (at least).

O.K. so you got me on the fact the PS4 is using a tablet like cpu on top of the form factor like GPU. But you don't quite have me on the overall power of the 8 core processor (pretty sure I said 8 core and not 8 core with hyper-threading BTW)since you yourself can only...

4139d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment


Well obviously 1000 dollar gpu's like the Titan are going to be better then the PS4 form factor GPU.

The 1000 dollar Titan is faster then the vast majority of pc gamers gpu's.. Most people are going to spend 200 dollars max, check amazon's best sellers. The titan is way behind the 200 dollar gpu's.

4139d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

Why the comparison's?

Ahh, so we can see the power of the new PS4.. How else are we going to truly understand the specs of the system at this point in time.

That being said the PS4 specs are good.. They may push a few pc gamers to upgrade their rig to stay modern.. The PS4 does have a 8 core processor, a lot of pc gamers have a quad core. So these are all good things that will push pc gamers to keep up..

I think people need to quit gettin...

4139d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

I don't headset personally... Nor, do I want to pay extra to have one bundled.

Nothing against the PS4, just saying...

4139d ago 15 agree22 disagreeView comment

I actually think the next generation is above my expectations in comparison with pc's. The PS4 has 8GB of memory (one of the downfalls of the PS3 is finally fixed) and 8 core cpu (this could push a lot of pc gamers to upgrade to stay modern). The only downfall is the gpu, and even this has exceeded my expectations, I don't know a lot of pc games that this card couldn't handle at high or ultra.

Sure, the pc is still ahead.. I think we all knew that for a while goin...

4139d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


AMD still has the best bang for your buck with their products. From a console perspective they actually are the powerhouse of form factor (low power) gpu's.. Do you really expect to fit a giant modern day gpu in a console?

Why do you think every single console goes with AMD?

4139d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm a PC gamer and I'm more excited about the PS4 release honestly.

I fully understand the power of the Titan and also how it wont be tapped into because no one (that has responsibilities) wants to shell out 1000 on a gpu.

The PS4 can run all games currently out on ultra from a pc and gaming perspective. I'm actually surprised that the PS4 stacks up as well as it does on the budget a home console has to work on.

4139d ago 36 agree2 disagreeView comment