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Here's from a hardware perspective explained in non-technical terms:

The PS3's memory is split in half - 256mb super-fast video ram, 50% regular ram. The 360 has 512mb super-fast unified ram.

So overall they have the same amount of memory.


Textures are stored in video ram for fast accessing. This means a developer can fill up a maximum of 256mb video ram in the ps3 (the regular 256mb ram block is used for other game assets), however ...

5589d ago 6 agree15 disagreeView comment

A game SHOULDN'T have to have any learning curve for controls - the controls are simply your way of interacting with the world. Challenge should come from interactions within the game world and not control issues. If using the controller doesn't feel like a natural extension of yourself when playing a game then there's something wrong.

One game I've found to have brilliantly 'weighty' controls without the apparent lag is Chronicles of Riddick on Xbox and PC. It really felt connec...

5589d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm going to take it you're being sarcastic? =)

This is really getting to be a problem on N4G - misleading titles that use partial quotes that imply #1 that they prefer ps3 (when the full sentence states he think the ps3 360 and wii are amazing machines) and #2 saying Mass Effect developer to imply ME2 is on ps3 when Dragon Age is confirmed on ps3 and that's most likely where he's worked with ps3.

Better title "Bioware developer appreciates development on all cu...

5589d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Spinning the title of the article TWICE!

First it's the obvious 'Bioware prefers PS3' the title implies until you take the full quote of "The PlayStation 3 is a really amazing platform to work on, so is 360. Wii is as well. All of them are really advanced relative to the systems of 10-20 years ago".

The second sping is saying "Mass Effect developer" which implies that Mass Effect 2 will be on PS3 despite any announcement. It does not mention that ...

5589d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Gears of War is full of small innovations similar to the original Halo. They're not elements that will forever change the face of gaming but they do lend to the immersiveness and have now been copied by many titles.

EXHIBIT 1: The cover system
Yes other titles have used cover systems but the immediacy and control with a single-button in Gears of War made the 'stop and pop' gameplay popular - what third-person shooter now doesn't have this same cover system. Even FPS like Ki...

5589d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Miyamoto has created some brilliant games to be sure.


From many reports it's terrible working in his studio in Nintendo. As someone entering the games industry at the moment, word is it's hell to be in his studio and not be him. If you're not the godly Miyamoto, you have NO say in the game, NO opinion and NO voice. You take your orders and do them like a good robot.

This seems to be an issue in Japan where the top designers are treated like rock ...

5589d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

So that sounds more like an internet connection issue - losing contact with the server during intense data loads being shifted to the central servers. Maybe speak to your ISP?

FFXI is not a graphically intensive game, but it is internet bandwidth-intensive. Similar to how WoW is not graphically impressive yet still runs slow on many new PCs simply due to the constant bandwidth being used, as they game struggles to prioritise either rendering the next frame without updated data fr...

5591d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Simply sounds more like a software bug than 'the 360 can't handle SO4'.

Killzone 2 froze on me while i was playing the campaign but I'm not writing articles labeled 'the PS3 can't handle Killzone 2'.

This article has a very misleading a fanboy-baiting title.

It's simply a bug in the software they need to sort out, like many games have albeit a quite serious bug that should be patched immediately, not a reflection of the console it's on.

5591d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

He doesn't mention the Jasper consoles that anyone buying a 360 now would get instead of his one fro before the Jaspers (October).

Haven't seen any significant problem with them. =S

5591d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

Having Master Chief as an empty shell was actually a smart design decision.

Seriously how many other game characters are as iconic or recognisable as Master Chief in modern shooters?

I love Killzone 2, but I hate playing as Sev with those idiots like Rico alongside. By keeping Master Chief more ambiguous players can see him however they want - badass space marine or military experiment who has the fate of the universe forced upon him.

The 'empty shell' w...

5591d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

But I never find a real reason to log in. =S

It all just feels a bit pointless, like I could be playing an actual game online but instead I'm wandering aimlessly around some (tiny) areas because it keeps trying to convince me I'm having fun...

When Home was announced I was expecting more a large open world - nothing like the scale of WoW or whatever but an actual world you could walk (drive?) around to maybe different towns and buy houses in them, or walk down to the...

5591d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

My 360 got RROD, in Australia you've needed to use your own cardboard box for ages. =S They pay for 100% of the postage, so was no cost really from me.

No problems though. Was back to me within 5 working days no problems with 1 month Live card thrown in.

And of course, if my 360 ever fails again now I've got the nice box and fitted foam packing to use from the box they sent it back in.

5592d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sega should give development duties of future Sonic titles to THQ Australia. Why? They're the guys behind the only great non-Nintendo platformer on Wii, De Blob.

Sega should stop trying to kick Sonic's poor rotted corpse in the hope it'll somehow drag itself back to life and instead start developing Jet Set Radio 3!!!

5592d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I love Killzone 2 AND Halo 3. =) They're both awesome cinematic shooters with different gameplay styles (Killzone 2 more tactical, Halo 3 more mini-sandbox style).

I still wish Killzone 2 had co-op....

5593d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Doesn't change the fact that it's a great game!

I guess the sales just show there's a lot of people missing out. =(

5594d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's a 360-centric site, not Microsoft themselves...

5597d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Is any boss from Ninja Gaiden. O_O

That game can make grown men cry with frustration and grind them beneath its mighty ninja boots.

I'm replaying it in Ninja Gaiden Sigma and no, the extreme difficulty wasn't just because I was younger and less experienced with games when I played it on Xbox.

5597d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nah, jks.

5597d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't know if it's the same everywhere, but as of now in shop PS3's are packaged with Killzone 2 free. I even saw in EB Games they were adding Killzone 2 to their existing deal (PS3 + Prince of Persia + Uncharted + Killzone 2) for the regular price of the console, which is pretty awesome.

And OXCGN said on their site that all 360s in Australia and New Zealand are coming with Halo Wars free.

And now there's that red 360 with RE5.

This is probably the fi...

5597d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I noticed that - everyone else seems to be a lot taller than you!

Maybe you just always walk around in combat stance??? After all, no matter where you are you're always holding your gun out.

I'd be nervous if I was the main guy's teammate, with him always pointing his gun at anyone he's looking at with the safety off.

5597d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment