
CRank: 6Score: 34210

Their MT Framework engine was clearly up to the task so I'm glad they used it.

UE3 would also have been good - obviously those shots are from prototypes as they said. If they ended up using UE3 they would have needed serious work on the over-exposed lighting and 'shininess' of the textures in that prototype.

Brothers in Arms showed not all UE3 games need to have the trademark shininess, and Gears 2 had very minimal texture pop-in when I was playing.

I'm ...

5670d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I saw the Chrono Trigger remake / port was just released on DS so I'll grab it for that.

Never heard of Xenogears though. =S *heads over to wikipedia*

5671d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I loved both games, though they had slightly different styles.

I guess Fable 1 seemed more condensed, possibly because the world was smaller so more seemed to happen in a short space of time. You could do a lifetime's worth of adventure in the game in 10 hours until credits rolled and it really seemed epic, while Fable 2 was spaced out a bit more.

I personally prefered the more open nature of Fable 2 but I agree the first game was the first RPG I played that had that...

5671d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The only FF I've played is FFVII: Crisis Core on PSP, because I haven't owned a Sony console before the PSP and PS3.

However, I've loved pretty much every other current-gen JRPG with my faves being Lost Odyssey and Eternal Sonata (Star Ocean 4 coming to Australia end of June, and Tales of Vesperia never even made it over here!). I even enjoyed Last Remnant despite its technical issues.

I'm very interested in both FFXIII and FF Versus XIII equally, as well as KH3 and ...

5671d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You've really got to feel sorry for the developers - they've spent years creating a game that many people would love to see released, and yet it's getting increasingly unlikely it will ever see the light of day.

And 4 months since being paid is terrible. What happens if the game is cancelled? There will be NO revenue to pay the developers at all.

Sounds like their (terrible) management staff either underestimated the costs of developing an MMO or are blissfully imagi...

5671d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Definitely appears to be going with the Prototype / Crackdown style of letting the player loose in a huge world with awesome powers.

I always love a good game that simply lets you loose to cause mayhem as you please. =)

5671d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Was one of those games that passed most people by, but the few who took notice were in for a treat.

Ever since playing it, in Oblivion I keep forgetting I can't send minions off to slaughter the goblins for me. =S

My vote for improvements in Overlord 2:
- Open world (yes, Oblivion-esque)
- More tower customisation / expansion
- Keep the great humour up
- CO-OP! I want to team up with other 'overlords' online to co-ordinate attacks on stronghol...

5671d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

And really liking it!

So anyone put off by the demo like I was, give the final game a chance.

Also, it's gotta be said: the graphics are incredible, amazing work Capcom especially considering it's built on the MT Framework 1 and still one of the most visually impressive games of this generation, while the upcoming Lost Planet 2 will use the MT Framework 2!

Clearly developers are still finding more ways to pump out beautiful sights. Sitting current games ...

5671d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Internet Crimes Task Force

In other words, their job is to know about various online services such as online games. He should KNOW about the friend codes, so if he doesn't he isn't doing his job.

I'm sure in the next 7 days there will be stories on news and current affairs programs covering the dangers of adults playing NON-VIOLENT GAMES that turns them into pedophiles.

Would they prefer us to get back to our killing-simulators of Counter-Strike and Kill...

5671d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've put off getting RE5 because I found the demo to be quite boring, but it's gotten so many positive reviews I'll give it a chance.

Great review, OXCGN!

5671d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You're being sarcastic, right?

If not, please read up on non-religious information about sexuality and realize it's about as much a person's choice of their sexuality as it is their skin colour.

5672d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment if you have the option of gay marriage in a game, it's pushing a 'gay agenda'?

Hang on though, there's also the option of straight marriage, and I don't see people claiming it has a 'straight agenda'!

There really is too much of this constant 'us' and 'them' mentality - whether it's about race, nationality, religion, sexuality, appearance, etc...

Can't we all just accept everyone is different and discriminating over something that can't be changed ...

5672d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Well said.

Is it wrong to show your game if the art and programming team has spent so much time making beautiful visuals?

Graphics are a part of any game, and if you have made something beautiful why should it be hidden? Of course gameplay incredibly important but until people can get their hands on it why not show them your technical and artistic achievements?

It's just like other games such as Mass Effect and Gears of War 2 used in-game graphics in the...

5672d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

They're all great games, about time Halo 3 went to half-price.

However Mass Effect and PGR4 can already be found for even less if you shop around.

5673d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But reading how the list was compiled shows where this came from:

Reviews from 8000 CONSUMERS.

Sega Superstars Tennis was bundled with the Xbox 360 for a while, meaning many people who weren't interested in getting the game ended up owning it unintentionally. Same with Assassin's Creed which was also in the Top 10 list.

I'm sure if something like Big Game Hunting was bundled with every 360 / PS3 / Wii it would also be in the list.

5673d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Spooky House is NOT a new map, it's a user-created map in Forge using the Sandbox map in the mythic map pack that's included with Halo Wars LE (and later for download on Marketplace).

5675d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Definitely - Lost Odyssey is a great game that keeps getting better the more you play.

On release when you look at the vast majority of reviews it was marked down simply for doing nothing really new or 'next-gen' - ie: sticking to the traditional JRPG formula very similar to Final Fantasy X and earlier.

I really enjoy Lost Odyssey, got great production values and the characters (well, most of them) don't make you cringe. Oh, and you can select japanese voices!

5676d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Definitely would consider rebuying Burnout Paradise for 3D! Criterion really seem to be supporting the game massively post-release.

The last bit saying 'for reasons unknown the ps3 seems to be the only console where this is possible' (not exact quote) makes no sense though. It might make sense if it's to do with the dual images needing to be displayed via HDMI though (which I think I read somewhere), since older 360s don't have HDMI and therefore only newer 360s could display the...

5676d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Most of all in Dead Rising - they were 'true' zombies.

It does seem like these days most games don't have 'zombies' anymore, they have 'Rage-virus (or similar) infected humans'.

I really don't know if other than Dead Rising regular zombies will appear in any more games...

5676d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's very hit-and-miss with CEs of big games these days.

I really liked the Halo Wars CE, mainly for the Mythic Map Pack for Halo 3 and the Genesis graphic novel. And especially because on its launch day you could get it for under $99 (RRP: $119.95 in Australia).

The RE5 one sounds pretty empty for the price they're charging...

There are some other games that really could have had great collector's editions but didn't - Killzone 2 anyone? I would have lo...

5677d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment