
CRank: 6Score: 34210

I loved Banjo 3, and recently picked up Kameo for under $10 AUD. I was quite surprised since the general public opinion seemed to be that it sucked. =S I thought it had great creature design and good zelda-esque gameplay.

Rare games I'd most like to see:
1) Conker 2
2) Original IP
3) Perfect Dark 3 (I think they could do a much better job now)
4) An RPG. Rare always seems to teeter on the edge of a full-blown RPG with their love of sandox / open worlds and...

5668d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

To me Viva Pinata was the return of the Rare magic.

Of course, due to the fact the cover of the game showed happy pinatas and the game featured a colour scheme with a wider range than shades of brown and grey, it was extremely overlooked.

Such a shame people assumed it was a kids game - to me it's much deeper than most kids would actually like. I found it amazingly addictive and most of all 'charming' like their N64 games of old.

5668d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

While the 360 is by far the lowest selling of the 3 major consoles in Japan, it seems the people who actually do own one are more satisfied with their purchase than the other console owners.

This may be due to lower expectations since the 360 isn't seen in the same light as the PS3 or Wii so it's a pleasant surprise for the few people who take the plunge in a country that's largely ignored it.

I can the reasoning behind the Wii's low satisfaction rating however - the...

5668d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why? Because here in Australia the DSlite retails for $199.

The DSi is $299.

To me an SD slot and a camera aren't worth a 50% price hike. I can still put music and videos on a microSD card with a legal flash cart.

Similarly, I'm not going to be taking a DS around for happy snaps, my phone and ipod touch already do photos, music, movies and the like.

To me the DSi doesn't seem to have much of a purpose other than raking in more profits from N...

5669d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

LP2 will be the first game on the MT Framework 2 engine. So definitely NOT the 'same crappy engine'.

By the way, that 'same crappy engine' was powering RE5, and it was stunning. LP2 will be on the successor to the engine.

Any more insightful comments?

5669d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I found it quite enjoyable and grew to appreciate the great battle system. Made it feel a lot more cinematic and like a real battle than 2 groups of people standing on either side of a field running up and hitting eachother one by one like regular JRPGs, while still giving the time to stop and think of battles.

Overall I enjoyed Last Remnant and think any fan of JRPGs should definitely pick it up - it won't revolutionise the genre but it's an enjoyable game well worth playing thr...

5669d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

But the original was one of my favourite games of the previous generation.

However, this had better be a pretty big graphical upgrade - looking at the computer they used even with the best CPU (Core i7 940) they got average 82fps with:

GPU: 285GTX (very high-end)
RAM: 6gb DDR3 1066mhz

That's the sort of performance you'd expect with a very graphically intensive game considering it's on a very high-end system. As I said I haven't played the demo so ...

5669d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not going into every article and bashing Microsoft, Pennywise. Your last 5 posts appear as if you think only people bashing Sony are fanboys, but anyone bashing Xbox is a 'gamer.

Also interesting to see as a 'gamer' you reported a submission about Lost and Damned outselling Killzone 2, and another 5 articles that commented negatively on Sony but not this article that comments negatively on MS.

Fanboyism goes both ways. Please stop talking about what it is to be a gam...

5669d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

The visual style looks slightly different.

The PS3 version has a 'softer' look I'd attribute to the heavier use of bloom lighting.

Also the shininess seems to be toned down in favour of more bump-mapped surfaces.

Those are the main differences I see visually, which look great. It will probably be personal preference though as this time there's not as massive a jump in visuals like the first NG Sigma had compared to its Xbox original.

5670d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Large publishers are getting in on developing games for the app store (eg: Ubisoft, Sega, 2K).

Hopefully this means we'll start seeing more games with high production values as its taken seriously as a gaming device.

5670d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

After all, when I got the RROD the entire console froze including anything on screen.

E74 actually displays the error on screen, meaning it's still capable at the point of error to display output. RROD just totally froze / crashed everything so nothing whatsoever responded or appeared on screen.

5670d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Instead of going with modern / realistic cities or the popular 'gritty, dirty' style its made really beautiful architecture of what a city could look like if it had an unlimited budget.

5670d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Media Molecule is first-party I'm pretty sure.

These days the more common thing is for second-party studios. Ie: not owned by the publisher but developing games exclusively for a particular console.

Naughty Dog
Realtime Worlds

5670d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The gameplay was identical with a few new onus levels added.

The original poster was stating NG Sigma didn't need Itagaki for its gameplay but I was reiterating Itagaki had already designed the gameplay and mechanics previously and they were carbon-copied over.

5670d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

More licensed games would be entertaining if they were direct copies of successful games. I'm not saying that's a bad thing at all - if you have limited development time using a proven formula seems to have paid off.

After all, if it's copied a great game close enough why wouldn't it be great too? (though totally unoriginal of course)

By the way, great review style. =)

5670d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just don't feel any motivation to use Home...

Once again I really wish it was an actual open world / city instead of small 'spaces'. That would be much more interesting for me.

5670d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Both consoles have had an amazing run this generation. I think Microsoft and Sony have both had steller line-ups on either platform.

While many people like to believe or lie to themselves that all exclusives on the rival platform suck, the truth is both sides have a huge choice of quality games.

Some of my favourites this generation are:

Halo 3
Killzone 2
Resistance 2 multiplayer (didn't really like singleplayer)
Gears of War 2

5670d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Ninja Gaiden Sigma was an EXACT port of Ninja Gaiden Black with improved graphics. Literally nothing in the gameplay had changed.

The ONLY additions were some new missions and reskinned graphics - even the level geometry was identical with new textures and shaders applied.

If NG Sigma 2 is anything like Sigma 1, it will be a carbon copy with modified graphics.

Itagaki designed the gameplay and mechanics, and in Sigma there was not a single change in game...

5670d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Bioshock and SPlinter Cell were NOT under contracts for full exclusivity. They were timed exclusives, meaning they would be released on Xbox first with no mention of PS versions until the contract expired. It wasn't the devs 'getting around' the contract, other MS would have done a full exclusivity contract instead.

Similarly with the lack of 'Only on Xbox 360' on many exclusive titles this is because all publishers have the option of displaying it. If a title is exclusive the pu...

5670d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think OXCGN is referring to simulation racers on that page.

I'm not a fan of sim racers, find them too hard to control and not all that interesting. I'm a NFS and Burnout sort of guy so I enjoy arcade racers.

5670d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment