
CRank: 6Score: 34210


What exactly is the point of this article other than site traffic?

Some people buy a 360 and later trade it for a PS3.

Some people buy a PS3 and later trade it for a 360.

Some people buy one, and stick with it.

Some people buy one, and then buy the other as well (like me) to enjoy the benefits of both!

This is headline news alright...

5633d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I never got into Crysis Wars. There's just always been better alternatives for multiplayer shooters.

I guess this is great for those who enjoy it though. =) Can't complain about anything free.

5633d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

But from your name I'm guessing you're simply fanboy baiting.

Fable 2 is an amazing game, just like Uncharted is on PS3. =)

It would be great if both consoles could share the AAA titles.

5635d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

One of my favourite games of 2008.

Personally I think DLC is great, for anyone not interested there's nothing forcing you to buy it. But I really like getting a new reason to dust off I love but have played to death.

5635d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

And those reviews were for the game on the disc ONLY.

It's not like missing out on DLC suddenly makes that bad - it means you've still got a fantastic game you paid for like most titles released - just without anything extra later on.

It's just like 360 owners with Ninja Gaiden 2 and Eternal Sonata - PS3 owners are getting enhanced versions, yet i don't see them telling Bandai Namco or Tecmo to 'get out of the industry'.

So really what's the problem here...

5635d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

That you DON'T send in the hard drive when you ship it off for repairs?

You can stick the hard drive on ANY 360 so he can keep all his savegames and that.

I find it silly when people talk about buying a new 360 because of RROD since MS repairs it for free. And now the E74 error is 3 years as well, and MS will refund repair costs to anyone who had it previously.

Why don't people just use these free repairs instead of complaining and buying new 360s?

5636d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

- Snakes (crazy snakes trying to leap out and bite your brain)
- Wolves (a literal blood-curdling howl)
- Hamsters (I can't think of anything scarier than a hamster after your brains)
- Cats (they can be damn scary)
- Donkeys (because horses are too common)
- Sharks (as if they needed to be scarier)
- Stingrays (can you imagine those crazy mouths they have trying to bite you after paralyzing you with their tail sting?)
- The Cookie Monster (yes, from ...

5636d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I had noticed in Resident Evil 5 early on you do see some dead deer, but they're barely eaten. Maybe zombies are fussy eaters? They only seem to take enough of a bite to kill something then move on.

5636d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Which version did you play?

I played through on 360 and PC, and both were fine.

If you're playing 360 version and want to take the framerate past its v-synced 30fps, go to options and 'Unlock Framerate' and it shoots up to a completely smooth 60fps. There's a bit of screen tearing but it moves as smooth as the CoD games.

If you're meaning PS3 version, I haven't played it but I'd assume it has the Unlock Framerate option like the 360 version?

5636d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

But it doesn't stop a great game from being great.

After all, it's just like playing a console FPS online or a PC fps - if everyone's on the same platform, it's an even playing field even though on PC there is more accuracy in aiming.

5637d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sounds awesome. Unfortunately I'm not much of a fighter fan, but if they can start doing things like this with a variety of games that will be great.

Getting to play with or against the developers or publishers is a great opportunity - it would be kind of like the director commentary tracks on DVDs, only you can ask questions too. =)

5637d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Increasing the price by 50%? Really?

The DSi is now more expensive than a PSP.

The addition of the cameras (which are about mobile phone quality anyway), an SD card slot and more RAM really isn't worth the extra money to me.

Nintendo really need to drop the price of their hardware more as the generation goes on - the 360 is about half the price it originally was and with improvements (bigger hard drive, HDMI), the PSP dropped over $100 off its price and ...

5637d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I had one. The screens really are terrible, especially in the dark.

You can pick up secondhand DS Lites pretty cheap now, I'd say definitely go for that.

5637d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Back when the DS first came out (the big fat one) I got it with Super Mario 64 DS since I'd never had an N64 and loved it.

Six months later, the PSP was released and I ended up trading my DS for a PSP with its fancy new media capabilities.

4 months ago at Christmas I traded my PSP back for a DS lite since it appeared that new games for the PSP were drying up.

It's getting a bit annoying with the new iterations almost every year for the PSP and DS - every...

5637d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm STILL searching for a used copy of Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath here in Australia and it's impossible to find anywhere!

I'm surprised Jet Set Radio Future didn't make the list though. =S I'd switch it with KOTOR 2. Also: personally I preferred PGR2 to Forza 1. But to each their own, I guess.

5638d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Many PC game series seem to be moving to console as console piracy is a lot less common than PC piracy. I know there's a fair bit of piracy on Xbox 360 but most people seem too scared to use downloaded games on 360 because Live is so integral in most games and Microsoft has been getting out their online ban hammer a fair bit recently.

Many of the most pirated games on console and PC are singleplayer (eg: Bioshock, Portal) because no unique ID / product key is needed to let you pl...

5639d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think it would be fitting to end the story arc on the same console, and from estimates of when the next generation of consoles will appear it could be a while.

Gears 2 had a 2-year development cycle, meaning if Gears 3 followed the same schedule it would hit in November 2011. I'd love to see a third Gears then.

Then, once the next Xbox hits (Xbox 720?) a NEW story-arc / reboot / redesign of the series (like how FarCry 2 totally mixed up the formula from FarCry 1) t...

5639d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

And I honestly believe it will be MS's best OS yet.

It runs extremely smooth with better performance but most of the improvements are in usability.

Eg: drag and flick a window to either side of the screen to maximise it to HALF the screen (so 2 windows maxed side-by-side), or to the top to maximise completely.

Shake a window to minimize all other windows.

The taskbar is also MUCH better, nicely sorted into specific program windows.

5651d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

But that's to be expected - they're currently supporting 3 consoles, while Nintendo is supporting 2 and Microsoft 1.

Sony = 3 platforms
Nintendo + Microsoft = 3 platforms

Of course they need significantly first-party development.

5651d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I guess everyone's so used to the marketing terms of everything being 'next-gen' we've forgotten we're way into the current generation. =)

PR doesn't sound as impressive saying 'and here's our new current-gen game!'

5654d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment