
CRank: 6Score: 34210

You're right about gay people not noticing until puberty - just like straight children do not start having physical attractions to the opposite sex until puberty. Before that there is no hormonal attraction, with things like 2 children kissing, etc being mimicry of their parents and 'grown-ups'.

You might like to ponder this issue then: why is the suicide rate among homosexual youths 6 times higher than among straight youths? If they could just switch their 'gayness' right off, w...

5571d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

As you said you love your wife, but why would it be any different with gay couples?

For example, no-one picks and chooses who they will be attracted to - you just are. Similarly falling in love with another person is not a choice. You don't wake up one day and decide 'hmmm, I think I'll fall in love with *insert random person here* today'.

It all works the same way with gay couples - there's no choice involved, and one of the most common myths is this idea of a 'gay ...

5571d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

The game's main faults are its linearity and reptitiveness, such as the overuse of QTEs.

Unfortunately these seem like the kind of issues it would be difficult to pick up on in a demo since you're only given a small slice of gameplay with no indication of how many times that same slice will repeat.

Probably a game to pick up when it goes half-price.

5572d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I've never met a gay person offended by straight people. =S

I've never seen anyone offended by a guy and a girl kissing in a shopping mall, but I sure as hell have seen verbal and physical abuse and disgust at 2 guys kissing.

5572d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

You've been reported!

Post ignorant stereotyped comments like that again to claim your prize!

5572d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

For example, seeing ALL 4 limbs whereas the Wii only knows the motions of the hand holding the wiimote.

Also, entire body movement in 3D - one thing that always annoyed me in Wii Tennis was I wished it would pick up side-to-side and forward and backwards movement to move the Mii across the course instead of it being automated.

With this sort of camera detection it could tell the position of the player in 3D space (eg: player gets smaller further away) and get full 3D...

5572d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If it's playable without lag, that's incredible.

I would have though the process would create at least a second's lag:


How did they get it down to almost 1 millisecond?!

5572d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Definitely helps with texture pop-in, but elevator loading times are identical unfortunately since they were hard-coded in. So even if the map loads in instantly the elevator ride will be exact same length. =(

I'm really looking forward to ME2, especially since they should now be more comfortable with the Unreal Engine 3 that caused most of the technical issues in the first game.

5573d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Japanese multiplatform games sell more on PS3.

- SF4
- DMC4
- RE5

This is due to the much higher number of PS3 owners in Japan, where Japanese games generally sell strongest.

Western multiplatform games sell better on 360.

- Assassin's Creed
- Saint's Row 2
- Dead Space

This is due to the lower popularity of western games in Japan where the PS3 is strongest, while in western cou...

5573d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

That's not entirely true, actually.

Reading interviews with the team who've been around since the SNES and N64 days, Nintendo had pretty much nothing to do with Rare. Instead, they'd simply take the finished products and publish them, with no input during development.

According to Rare employees this was one of the primary reasons for their split from Nintendo - it wasn't MS just barging in with bags of money and ripping them out of Nintendo, Rare put themselves up f...

5573d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Doesn't matter if it's on Blu-Ray. =S Doesn't change visual quality or gameplay, just means the identical game is on a different type of disc.

Games don't change because of the type of disc there on - Blu-Ray doesn't somehow change the game code to be better. The only real advantage of Blu-Ray so far is JRPGs that span multiple discs can fit on a single disc.

Unfortunately many developers seem to have problems with the data read speeds of Blu-Ray discs which is why s...

5573d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

That's something I forgot about!

Just doing a basic torrent search, at the moment there are literally thousands of people in the process of download Resident Evil 5 on 360, let alone everyone whose already finished downloading it.

I wonder how much of an effect on sales piracy on 360 has?

5574d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Instead I'm thinking the point of their quote was simply to make more people aware of FFXIII being on 360.

Many people who don't check gaming sites every day still aren't aware of FFXIII being multiplatform (in the west). Final Fantasy is associated with Sony consoles in the general public's eye.

Through quotes such as that, it's not because they honestly believe FFXIII will sell more on 360, it's to cause debate and word-of-mouth discussions so more people hear that...

5574d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Rare didn't have much of an appearance on the original Xbox - only Grabbed by the Ghoulies and Conker: Live and Reloaded released.

They've definitely done a much better job this generation. I'm pretty sure I read Rare has 5 internal teams, though certain teams will be merged and split based on titles needing more staff close to release. So potential for 5 games in development, and assuming each game takes 2 years that's about 2-3 games a year.

Obviously there's not g...

5574d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Think there'd be any chance of them licensing Square's new Crystal Dynamics engine (the FFXIII one)? It's now complete and looks very impressive.

Would be preferable to use an engine designed for RPGs than a middleware solution like UE3 that doesn't seem to like the large open areas RPGs require (demonstrated by the frequent loading in Lost Odyssey and Last Remnant).

5574d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I got choked up at 2 points in the game, and one was from the Thousand Year Dreams!

For anyone who hasn't played LO, the Thousand Year Dreams are actually text short stories that are uncovered throughout the game written by a famous Japanese novelist. They fill in some of the memories Kaim's had over the thousand years he's been alive (h's immortal, can't die even if he wants to).

Seriously, they are amazing. Some will get you choked up. They tend to focus on the pas...

5574d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You haven't heard of a little game called Viva Pinata?

What about Banjo Kazooie: Nuts 'n' Bolts?


Unfortunately Rare's games seem to instantly get negative responses from the mass public, but when you ask someone if they've actually played any of the games usually it's a 'well my friend has' or 'I saw someone playing it'.

VP and Banjo: Nuts 'n' Bolts were brilliant titles. As you can see from the vast majority of comments in this artic...

5574d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

There's 2: RE5 and Killzone 2.

Good to see both 360 and PS3 games are enjoying strong sales. I definitely believe there's room for both this generation.

5574d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I really enjoyed LO, found the characters to be quite likeable and some beautiful art.

So far this generation LO has been my favourite JRPG (and yes, I play all of them on both consoles).

Well, favourite perhaps until Star Ocean 4. I'm still annoyed we have to wait until June 30 for SO4 in Australia. >=(

5574d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

As an owner of both consoles whenever I'm in the market for a new game I just grab whatever interests me regardless of console, so individual console sales have little relevance.

The only time I need to decide between consoles is for multiplatform games. Usually it just comes down to the type of game and sometimes which is the superior port. Eg: SF4 on PS3 for the better d-pad, RE5 on 360 for the slightly improved visuals and framerate.

Who cares whether Killzone 2 ...

5574d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment