
CRank: 6Score: 34210

We kind of take it seriously here. You can't always expect everyone else to do everything for you.

Would it really kill all of you to not play games for 1 hour of your life?

At the very least, play games on something running from battery (DS, PSP, iPhone, etc).

5661d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

A developer admitting problems in their own game. It shows they aren't resting on their success and are aware of issues that need fixing in the sequel.

If only all developers could stop and take a look at their games critically to find problems that need fixing. Guerilla stepped up with Killzone 2 over the mediocre Killzone 1, Saint's Row 2 was a big improvement over 1, and now Mass Effect 2 is looking like it'll improve on the first. Not that the first was bad, I really loved it...

5661d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Visually it's looking incredible so I hope they've spent just as much time tuning the gameplay to perfection. Uncharted 1 was great, but there were a few little design issues that annoyed me such as the overly large number of enemies in some firefights.

This is definitely in my top 5 most anticipated games. =)

5661d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

For the previous comments, it's 32v32 in fight mode only. In the city it's up to 5000 per server. Basically when you enter first-person battle mode it's limited to 32 v 32. After all, they need some sort of limit to keep the first-person shooting flowing without too much lag.

I guess you can compare it to the limits on most MMOs - eg: you can't do a raid in WoW with every person in the server, it's limited to a set maximum.

I've been interested in this game since it ...

5661d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

After all, last generation the Xbox was the most powerful and I didn't see complaints that a game appearing on PS2 would make it worse.

Now this generation why would a game being on 360 make a game worse?

As long as the developer spends the time optimizing the game for each platform there's no reason why it couldn't be amazing on both.

Hopefully 360 and PS3 gamers will both be able to enjoy Kojima's next MGS.

5661d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Remember, this is from the site that awarded MGS4 Game of the Year last year, and reviewed Killzone 2 with a 9.2/10.

I don't think this article is bashing Sony, it's simply stating that as much as PR wants to reword it, Sony and Microsoft are both buying exclusivity. One hands them money during development, one hands them money after its published.

'Incentives' and 'Exclusivity contracts' are both the same thing: money to the developer to make sure the game doesn't a...

5662d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

I haven't been all that taken with Killzone 2 multiplayer, played it a few times but I end up going back to Resistance 2 and Halo 3 online. I absolutely love the singleplayer though. =S

My wishlist for K2 patches:

- Add options to Skirmish offline bot matches (ie: I really want to just select one game mode instead of it cycling through all with no choice)

- Acceleration options for thumbstick sensitivity. That's what caused all the controversy, so I'd li...

5662d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I focus-tested this game and it's pretty damn addictive. I'll be getting it when it's out on XBLA.

It's difficult to describe the appeal, but it involves tetris-style block stacked up throughout the levels that can be destroyed when standing right next to them. Of course, the danger is the ones above WILL fall down if they're resting on nothing so you'll need to be tunneling through fast without getting crushed.

I'd definitely recommend it to everyone. There's actual...

5662d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

What, no Core i7? =P

Sorry, couldn't resist, lol.

And I'm sure your PC running all that is completely silent...

5663d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Maybe enough to make a decent sequel using their new Crystal Dynamics engine (the FFXIII one).

I really think the franchise has potential, with an intriguing premise and a battle system I came to really appreciate.

Unfortunately it was all buried under a load of technical problems with framerate drops ruining battles and absolutely tiny areas to walk around.

A different engine more suited to the game they wanted, and I relly think Last Remnant could have...

5663d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Now it looks like it and Star Ocean 4 are going to be released simulataneously!

Money, where art thou?!

5663d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

E3 next year - we should hopefully start seeing the first games to use the CryEngine 3.

I think both platforms will benefit from adding this engine to the mix. Of course there will be differences in the visuals on each console, as Crytek have stated they've optimized it individually for each console.

The differences will probably be the usual suspects that play to each console's strengths. Eg:

360 is great at textures and anti-aliasing
PS3 is grea...

5663d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'd love to play a game designed from the ground up for 3D.

As long as the gameplay isn't overlooked during development, of course.

5664d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

There are more games in development at Halfbrick that haven't been publicly announced yet...

5664d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Because Nintendo doesn't milk the Mario franchise at all.

They stick to proper Mario games and would never release cash-ins like Mario Football or Mario Tennis or a collection of minigames like Mario Party.

Oh wait...

5664d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think the comment was made regarding the engine it was developed on - the engine used for NG2, DOAX2 and DOA4 is built for 360 development.

However, the Sigma game have been rebuilt on the Sigma engine which is tuned for PS3 development.

So from the original comments I think they were meaning NG2 couldn't be ported straight over to PS3, instead it would have to be rebuilt in Sigma as they're doing now.

5664d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The whole console exclusivity thing seems to be the choice of the lead on the team.

Itagaki was a passionate supporter of the Xbox from the beginning, and was instrumental in forging good relations between Tecmo and Microsoft which resulted in the DOA and NG series being exclusive.

With him gone, it now seems like Hayashi is a passionate PlayStation supporter, so it might swing the other way.

Tecmo have always been a multiplatform publisher but it sounds...

5664d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

He's really eager to prove Team Ninja is still as amazing as they ever were even without Itagaki.

There will be huge expectations on him as the new designer, but I think we'll only his his true talent at work when the first original game with him leading is released. After all, the Sigma games are more building on existing foundations. I'll be interested to see what he can do with a game started from scratch.

5664d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

So only gay people get AIDS is it?

The reason for the higher percentage of gay people with AIDS comapared to straight people is the simply fact that there is no risk of pregnancy during sex, and therefore many don't wear protection.

Sure if everyone was gay the population would die out - but everyone isn't. If everyone was straight, we'd be at risk of over-population!

Also, how would you know you're not born that way? You aren't gay. Therefore, anything ...

5665d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

And straight people NEVER act vulgar, that would be crazy! Seems every party and nightclub I've ever been to has been a LIE!

And of course straight people don't rape kids - every woman and little girl ever raped was by another woman then?

Please stop making baseless assumptions.

5665d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment