
CRank: 5Score: 32300

i have played 4 disk based games so far. madden, battlefield, ac4 and killzone. killzone is the only one that is really loud for me not sure why. my ps4 is in an open entertainment center. well ventilated and its level not wobbling.

kz sounds like the disk is shaking inside the drive though. but i put movies and other games in and it dont do that. and the killzone disk looks fine. no distortions, warps or scratches.

3899d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i have heard of alot of bad free to play games also though. like the pay to win ones. i would not be for that.

3901d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

man i was kind of skeptical of free to play games.

but this winter i have played a few and the ones i have played i have liked. path of exile. tribes assension, planet side 2 and dota2. so if they can work like any of them games i am all for it.

3901d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

i dont see anyway sony could stop giving free games. everyone who has plus knows how it works and everyone would be pissed they would crush themselves if they stopped.

i love plus. just pissed i had my ps3 stolen in july. cause alot of the games i wanted for it they are giving for free now. i got a vita and ps4 though so im still getting alot with plus.

3901d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

glad people are liking this game. seemed like the first few days most people where not.

im loving it great little game that i never would of played if it wasnt for ps plus. cant wait to see what they have in store for us with the dlc.

3903d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

frogs and tree guardians will also work in killing the dogs. after i kill a few groups of dogs i make tooth traps a huge area of them and kite them to the traps. can make bee mines and such also. love this game so many options.

i got bee hives all around my camp for dogs also. but dont work at night or in winter.

3903d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

hell yeah i almost starved the other day playing it. was like 5 and i didnt eat a thing for the day i was like wtf.

i been playing it a ton also. think im at day 135 or there about and man i still dont know exactly where to go lmao its fun as hell.

3904d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

in other breaking news the ps4 is selling 1 million times better then the xbox one in my house. but there might be a surge of one xbox one bought in the next year at my house so its a close race.

man idk why i even click on these articles im sick of the same shit over and over. but here i am anyway.

3904d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

this is total crap you can apply that same theory with anything. look at how many people wait to buy electronics like tvs and such for black friday. even cars alot of people will buy a new 2014 when the 2015 rolls out cause they will be on sale even if they wanted one earlier. how many people have wishlists on websites like amazon and others that only buy the items when they go on sale even though they want them.

if they couldnt afford to sell them cheaper they wouldnt end o...

3904d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

idk why these next gen consoles are being so tight lipped on damn release dates. i would rather them say march or whatever date they think it can come out.then if it got pushed back a little o well. but we would at least have an idea on when they are shooting for release.

seems this way on so many games. them just saying 2014 release. wtf.

3904d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i got this game and flower a week or 2 ago. and im not liking them no where near what people are saying idk why. i might like flow a little better multiplayer. gonna give it another shot or 2 but idk.

3905d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

would be great. i just beat shadowrun like 2 weeks ago and loved it. think im going to dl some mods in a week or 2 after i beat a few other games.

i have had wastelands 2 on my wishlist with steam since the day they started selling it in alpha. i been hearing about that game for years. i played wastelands 1 a ton on my commodore 64 back in the day. ruined like 3 sets of disks. them cheap 5 1/4 sucked.

having a hard time spending 60 on it when its in alpha th...

3905d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i didnt disagree with you i almost wrote that same thing down. then i went back to the website one more time then the right video appeared. was very strange.

but the video didnt show anything at all. just the dont starve logo shacking with sound effects like a giant was walking. so it was a worthless video anyways.

3905d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

glad we are going to get some dlc for this game. im loving it so far. if the dlc isnt overly expensive i will buy it since i got the game for free.

i would think dlc should be around 5 bucks since this game is a cheaper game anyways but i could be wronge.

3905d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i dont care when this game comes out i'm buying it. this was part of the reason i preordered my ps4.

if it comes out the same day as infamous i might have a hard time deciding what one i will play first though.

3907d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

looks like i need to add funds to my psn account.

3908d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Think im going to buy it this week from amazon. its only 7.50 and i got 5 off from that winter promotion..

the only reason i haven't got it yet is cause of all the games i got on sale from steam,amazon,humblebundle and gog right before the new year.

3909d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

the only thing holding motorstorm was the long load screens on everything. even switching between vehicles took way to long.

other then that i loved motorstorm

3909d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I now what you mean. . Muahahahaha

3910d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

might grab dead space 3 i got 5 dollars off of a game from the holiday sales. so 4 bucks aint bad.

alot of people where saying it wasnt to good but i loved dead space 1 and 2.

so dead space 3 for 4 bucks is worth a shot if it sucks o well. no biggie.

3917d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment