
CRank: 5Score: 32300

i agree with morrowind it was my favorite followed by daggerfall, then skyrim, actually i thought oblivion was the worst in the series.

3724d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

i never post about an article before i read it. but i will read the first few comments of an article before i read the article.

there are so many bad articles out there. after reading your comment; this is one article i will stay away from. i figured it was gonna be crap anyway.

3725d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

yeah i was kind of looking forward to this game. but after playing it for about 20 min it was just ok. i will probably go back to it after i beat a few games i am on. but it didnt grab me like i thought it would.

3726d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

most people can get the cards cheaper. paid 65 for my 32gb and i have no problems with space. i do believe it should be cheaper but i dont think it is half as big of a problem as people make it out to be.

even when i just had an 8gb card it woulndt stop me from buying a game that i wanted.

3728d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

aliens vs predator rocked on the jaguar. 3 main stories lines . all difrent loved it.

3728d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

didnt know that. cool

3728d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

the atari jaguar controller was a beast. lol. i had one when it launched. it worked with their games but it was not good at all. most games had a template that fit over the number keys to tell you what they did. most where for changing weapons each number would be a different number.

the number keys where suppost to be the consoles way to do hotkeys like pc the pc uses. pc gaming was probably bigger then console gaming back then and console was trying to push back.

3729d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

they make that sound bad.

they did a kickstarter to make a sequal to planescape torment. alot of people call it one of the best rpgs ever for pc. and i loved it also. it made almost 4.2 million dollars had almost 75,000 backers and only roughly 250 people spent more then 500.

so 18% is pretty damn good. not that i believe half the people that voted would spend that much. it is still a game much wanted and needed.

3730d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

this is straight from star citizens kickstarter page.

Is Star Citizen an MMO?

No! Star Citizen will take the best of all possible worlds, ranging from a permanent, persistent world similar to those found in MMOs to an offline, single player campaign like those found in the Wing Commander series. The game will include the option for private servers, like Freelancer, and will offer plenty of opportunities for players who are interested in modding the content....

3731d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

well damn i thought destiny was like borderland for some reason with a 4 player co op only online. learn something every day.

3731d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i think i will enjoy this game. im not expecting a replacement to gta or saints row. im just expecting a change of pace sandbox that looks to have a few nice tricks up its sleeve.

if the game runs fluid and has a decent story i will be happy.

will suck if its a flops. i already paid for it. lol. anything can happen time will tell.

3731d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

sorry but destiny and star citizen are not mmo's they are multiplayer games only. big difrence

3731d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

wow console games just dont get this. i play both console and pc. sub fees are not that hard to understand. everquest, wow, tes online and alot of others are nothing like a multiplayer game like cod or a fps. i mean nothing. mmos have thousands of people on a server at a time. tens of thousands.

they normally work on servers weekly new content comes out normally a few times a year for free. with an expansion coming out once a year or every other year that you would have to ...

3731d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

idk why people cant grasp this. mmo and multiplayer games are totaly difrent. they cant just charge 60 dollars once for mmo's and let you play. or they would be broke.

i played wow and everquest for years. dont see myself playing another mmo though becuase i missed alot of good games when i played those cause i had no time for other games. i did have alot of fun with them though.

3731d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

yeah i really enjoyed dues ex HR a lot. i almost didnt buy it glad i did. i am looking forward to playing another one.

3733d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

game looks very good. i almost put money into it via kickstarter. but it looked like it was gonna pass without me so i didnt. i will definatly buy it when it releases.

3742d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

yeah i bought it on ps3 and my ps3 got stolen the same week. never got a new one. so i would love it if they remade it also

now im waiting for them to redo some games for ps4. like TLOU and GTAV or to put them on ps now. still debating on buying tomb raider also. i got it on a steam sale but i like playing games like that better on my ps4.

mostly just play strategy, rpgs and some fps on pc.

3742d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

i love ps plus sure there might be games that i want more than what they give me. but alot of times the games they give me i was not going to buy. and alot of times i had a blast playing them.

never would of bought contrast, dont starve, dead nations, or outlast. and so far i played and enjoyed all of them besides outlast. im prob gonna try that game this weekend.

3742d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

idk if i would of thought to do what you had to do. never played a game where you had to do that before. i kept on looking at all my evidence over and over like what do i put in that cell phone till i read online and was like duh. why didnt i think of that. but i really had no clue they would go that indepth with it. but i like that they did.

3744d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

it took me a minute to figure out how it worked. but after i looked at a teaser for the 1st part i was able to figure the 2nd part out. but thats all the further i made it so far. was pretty ingenious of them.

3744d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment