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the ps3 and vita are the same on plus they both get 2 games a month with some games never leaving. that's the instant game collection part for people who join. that way they have games. they stay up for a year then rotate out for new ones for the following year.

but every month 2 new come up and 2 old leave for both. not sure if it will be the same with ps4 since there are not many games out for it.

I just got a vita about a month ago and I got a ton of free...

3969d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

yeah I price matched at best buy and already got 3 though. don't know if I want three more. since we get 2 with plus also. that's 5 games. I don't need a backlog that fast. already got a ton on vita I haven't got to yet.

3969d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

hell yeah loved stardust and dead nations I will try anything they produce. cant believe it is a free plus game on release day. woot. might pop this in before my bought games to try it out.

3969d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I want to play this just don't want to pay 60 incase it don't live up to the ratchet and jak games.

my sister normally buys me game for xmas that her son and me play together so hopefully I will get it then and wont have to buy it or it comes to ps+ or I can find it for like 30 down the road.

3969d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

still looking forward to it. I like puzzle games and its free so what the hell. I enjoyed that closure game and I don't think many people did.

3969d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I cant wait for the order 1886. everything I have seen from it so far makes it right up my alley.

the order 1886, destiny and watchdogs look like my new favorite ips. might grab titan fall for pc also it looks good.

3969d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

we are close to the same spot.


I just saved marie. and im close to entering the last dungeon. saved right after all the cut scenes hooping to have it beat by noon today.

im gonna take a break before 3 though I got the ps4 coming Friday and I don't want to get into a long game before that comes. might try the vita uncharted thought maybe I can beat that by Friday I don't work today and only half a day tomorrow.

3969d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

looking forward to infamous, and the order1886 the most for games coming out in the next few months.

biggest games for the year for me that I have seen are infamous, the order, destiny, watchdog, planet side 2, and evil within.
a lot of others I want also. but those are the ones I cant wait for

was pissed when watchdogs got delayed I wanted that day one. but I got madden, battlefield and ac4 to play day one so I cant complain. and still de...

3970d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

yeah you can play it anywhere at least that is what they are saying.

anyplace with wifi. cant wait it looks good.

just have to have the game in the ps4. the vita is even suppost to be able to turn the ps4 on when you want to start remote play.

3971d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I camped outside for 3 hours for a n64 back in the day and got the last one. that's the longest I ever waited.

not really even considered camping I gues.

3972d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

that is where I found out and my best buy matched. I almost went to target to try and get that 30percent off coupon but it sounded like a pain and I had 100 in bb gift cards.

3972d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

idk if I got lucky or not but my best buy price matched me this morning and sold me ps4 games at b2g1.

picked up battlefield 4, ac4 and madden 25. they did it no problems when they saw it online. had a ton of games to sell none where out though they had to get them out of a cage in the front of the store.

had xb1 games in stock also. but I didn't pay attention to what games they had for it

was bb in boardman oh. if anyone is close to there ...

3972d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Had my ps3 stolen 3 months ago. I opted to buu a vita insted of another ps3 with the money i got from insurance. Since im getting a ps4 on day one. Figured i would use the vita after i got ps4 unlike the ps3. I never seem to play old systems once the new ones come out. I almost downloaded that dcuo a few times though it looked interesting.

4021d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

free to play. at first I thought I would hate free to play but the more I think about it. it don't sound that bad. since I can try all these games for free and I might only like one. instead of buying a few at 60 thinking I would like them and not. then the one I do like put about 60 in it that I would of used to buy the game anyway and probably get everything I would want.

not sure though as I have never done a free to play game. but im thinking it will work that way f...

4022d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

still have a launch 60 here with a changed out hard drive and i havent had one problem. and even if i do its not hard to fix with a little time and a heat gun. helped one of my buddies fix his.

4223d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

alot of people dont like putting credit cards on. you can just go to any store like walmart and get a visa card put a few bucks on it and make it work that way. then throw the card away after you spend your money anywhere you like.

4370d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

i didnt want to be the first to admit you didnt have to be old to remember them games. i was about 23 then.

4567d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

bournout is my one and only. i wasnt even trying for it when i realized how close i was. was like hell, might as well get one.

4589d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

wow was kinda scared when they first anonced ssx again. it seemed like they where changing everything.

im so happy i was wronge. the last few things videos and articles i have watched and read about it seem awsome.

my 1 and only complaint is no split screen. my 8 year old nephew loves these games we play them on a ps2 still at his house split screen. so know when he comes over to play on my ps3 we will have to switch.

4600d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

wow i killed that game so many times. those 5 1/4 disks died if you used them to much. and i played this game over and over on my comodor 64.

i am excited to hear they are thinking of another even if it may never happen.this is the first i have heard of anything. and it sounds like they are thinking of taking a fallout aproch. but with a squad. the origanal fallouts not the new stuff.

as much as i liked the 2 new fallouts. im more of a fan of the first 2 and...

4605d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment