
CRank: 5Score: 32300

i was 113 hours into the game on ps3 my save file was 12gb. i didnt have half the reports of what people where saying went wronge. it seemed like it frooze up once a day on me. like in a 5 hour period. and had some laggin but not bad at all. it never once was unplayable. but i did have one instance a dragon was flyin backwards and i couldnt kill it. i just left him there and continiued on

if you turn off the auto saves. especially the travel one it seemed to help out a ton o...

4512d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

ea is the one who started the whole online pass. did anyone actually think they wouldnt have it in this game.

i will buy the game new so it wont matter but im gonna wait a few months when i can pick it up for 35 dollars or so. i prob wont play it much online anyway. im just getting it for another game to play with the family.

4528d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

im not one much into buying used games.

but i for one cant see this happening. that means you cant bring a game you got over your budies house to play it there for the night. or if you have more then one system you cant play it on another?

or are they thinking of making a game lock with a system name. so if you go someplace else you can just log in on your name?

i will believe it when i see it. dont see this happening

4532d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

yeah that was a good interview i enjoyed it. was happy to see more of the gameplay. it looks like it kept alot of what made the other ssx good.

its been alot of years since i played an ssx but looks like that is gonna change soon. i prob wont get day one unless i get an insane deal but i def can see myself picking this up when it hits 35.

4534d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was pleasently surprised about this game idk how i never heard of it till it was on the psn for a demo download. since i am fans of salvatore. mcfarland and rolston. but after i played the demo i am psyched. cant wait.

i didnt finish the demo but what i played of it i didnt notice any bugs. after i played for 30 min i new enough about the game to realize i wanted it and stoped.

4535d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

i really dont have a clue im downloading the demo now even though most demos dont compare to the game.

but i have high hopes for this game with that cast. i am fans of all 3 and have been for a long time. i did feel skyrim was a huge leap over oblivion though. i was disopointed with oblivion. but loved daggerfall and morrowind.

here is hoping for another good game. it dont have to beat skyrim. it just has to be a good polished game

4539d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

wow dude. you might need help. i never imagined one dick near my face and your imagining 2 by yours.

4559d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

thats exactly what im thinking. exactly.

4568d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i love cag man. its like my morning cup of coffee. i gotta go on to see the deal of the day.

the only complaint i have with cag is i keep on buying games when i already have a hug back log of games. how am i ever gonna catch up. ahhhhhhhhhhhhh

but i got 3 games for under 15 today, and i woulda gladly paid 30 just for motorstorm alone.

4568d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

i went to my 2 difrent best buys today. i got motorstorm price matched in one store they gave me no problem when i told them it was on there site. then i went to another store and got transformers and dragon quest and they also price matched no problem when i told them.

both places said all the games i got where unavalible in store pick up when i checked online. you pretty much just gotta drive to a bestbuy. i have heard of some not doing the PM but most do. i think its ...

4568d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

wow bioware. i hope this is article is takin out of context.

your games used to set the bar. you made it and people wished they could copy you.

now your thinking of copying others. i hope im reading this wronge.

i think you need to go back to your roots. to find out how to make a good game. i mean you made some of the best rpgs ever. what happened. you have went down so much over the last decade.

stop tryin to make ...

4569d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

idk why sony even needed to say anything.

what tv hasnt droped after it has been out for a few months. tv technology goes down so fast in price. it probably dont cost them as much to make now so they pass it down to us. look at tvs now days you can get huge tvs for under 1k. my friend got a dlp 62 inch 5 years ago . it costed 3500. i got a better tv with more options but it was only a 55 for 1600 dollars a year later.

tvs drop end of story. stop tryin to...

4572d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i enjoyed shadow broker more then the whole game and i did everyones side quest things. if they coulda made all of me2 like shadow broker i woulda liked it alot more.

4580d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

nice. a stroll down memory lane.

the first 2 fallouts where great games. i played them thru contless times. now your making me want to go back it has been at least 5 years plus. and i never got to planescape but i hear its great also. might have to pick it up. i loved the boulders gates and icewind dales and i hear its alot like those but with more story.

4580d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i have been playin on ps3 im about 60 hours in now and all i have seen is one dragon fly backwards. one not give me a soul gem till i reloaded. and i crashed like 3 times.

i just got a new hard drive though a little while back put a 320gb in my old 60 fat. so idk if thats why im not having the problems like some people are or what. but that is no worse then either fallout. or oblivion. but i think the next game they make i am gonna get for pc either way.

i ne...

4582d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

when i first started uc3 i felt a little disapointed. i wasnt really into the first 5 chapters but when chapter 6 hit it was like playin uncharted all over again and loved it that point on. and for saying the story wasnt good that is insane uc3 story is one of the best stories of any action game ever. period . the end.

the only thing i can see people complain about is killing cookie cutter enemies up over and over. but that didnt bother me one bit. each map had so many cove...

4583d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

wow kinda funny so many of us use the same porn sites. half the ones i see people mentioning are ones my friends tell me they use. lol.

4587d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

i got about 27 hours into skyrim so far i wouldnt say its unplayable or bad at all. the only thing i have had happen so far is it froze 2 times on me and i have seen things fly that shouldnt be able to fly. like a mammoth once. but my file is under 5gbs still and i hear the higher up you go the worse it gets.

im playin on the ps3

oblivion was just as bad. and the fallouts if you played them and enjoyed yourself you should be fine. they all had the same p...

4588d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i have played a decent amount of them games and i agree on alot glad ghost and goblins and battletoads made it.

i think the main reason games are easier now is. awhile back the games where short so if they didnt make a game hard as hell you would beat it in 30 min so they made a 30 min game pretty much unbeatable to get replayability out of it. now days games are alot longer not counting rpgs and such. some of them phantasy star games and such where pretty darn long back i...

4595d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

kmarts deal is better if you got a kmart by you. get a 15 dollar game card for buying 40 dollars or more on games. and get a 15 and 35 dollar game card if you spend 110 or more on games.

4614d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment