
CRank: 5Score: 32300

i played a syndicate for the atari jaguar like in the early 90s and i played a syndicate for the ps1. so for me i dont like them changing it. i mean like we dont have enough first person shooters on the market. they always take the easy route.

just admite it ea first person shooters sell better and your money grubbers.

i dont mind them making another first person shooter just dont take a game that wasnt one and ruine it just to try to sell copies from th...

4712d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

yeah im not on the list but i dont think i wanna be anyway. i would prob be last. i dont even have one plat. im really close to my first one but i norm dont even try i just was really close with the one for burnout when i was finished playing so i figured might as well go for it. but i norm dont care.

i just norm play a game till i either finish it or get sick of it. but if i get a few hours into a game i try to push thru it just to see the ending. but with a normal play thru o...

4778d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

you know what i have had the ps3 almost since launch its one of the first fat 60s.

this psn down time is kinda an anoyance but all my true friends on psn i talk to on the phone, text, email which i do all 3 of them everyday anyhow and the rest of my friends list on my psn are nto real friends anyhow just people i play a select few games with so i dont feel lost out in the keepin in touch with people.

if i just bought a ps3 the day before it went down i would...

4884d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

not saying there hasnt been a sandbox syndicate cause i really dont know of them all. but the 2 that i played for pc and atari jaguar back in the day where squad based rts. of sorts. those where the first ones made. so thats how i still see the franchise

4893d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

hate when all games try to be the same. i liked the first syndicate alot for what it was. wish it would just stay the same. we got enough sandbox games already.

i was excited to hear they where making a new one till i read this article.

4894d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

fuck let the hacker come to my house i got a .45 waitin to greet him.

4894d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

man hope thats dragon age 2 comin up at 8pst. i would like to pick it up for around 35. I was kinda nervous to pick it up for 60 after what some people said about it but for 35 i wouldnt pass it up.

4908d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol wow. cant say i ever tried gaming on more theen one screen or tv at once. i would imagine that would take some serious time to get used to.

im just a casual pc gamer though. i norm try to make my rig last as long as it can. 2 years ago i could play most games on high seting but now its just chuggin along i can still play pretty much everygame though.

i will prob throw some money into it around xmas to get it running stuff better.


4910d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i got a ps3 and pc. if i had more time to game i would def get a 360 i play one at a few friends houses and i enjoy it.

but i dont even have enough time to play all the games i want to on ps3 and pc so why would i try and put a 3rd system in the equation. i gues if i was young and i could play games everyday for hour after hour i would have every system out.

4910d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nice. I was kinda worried when they showed the trailer, like alot of other people on takin the fun outta the game and makin it more real.

But it looks like they are staying to thier roots. even the name change of the game is stating that.

I hope to hear something about some competitive multiplayer at e3. even 6-8 player would be nice.

either way i dont see me passin this game up. nice job EA.

4917d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

this game sits on my shelf most of the time. But when my nieces or some of my friends kids come over they just love this game. so i would prob buy another one just so when they come over they can play together instead of fighting over whose turn it is.

4918d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

wow im really excited about this game. I wish there was more hack and slash diablo type clones.

but come on this reviewer says boulders gate was on the pc and the consoles talkin like they where the same game. they where nothing alike. the only reason they both share the same name is cause that was the city it was in, or around. I have played and enjoyed both but to compare them is just stupid.

4918d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think if they go the way they are with comercials they should do like 2 or 3 difrent comercials for the same game.

Maybe have one funny one with kevin. then do one more of gameplay. then for a game like kz3 or other move 3d games. do a comercial just on the move gamplay and 3d. and alternate between the comercials.

I found the comercial to be decent. but i already saw all the trailers and read alot of articles on the net before it came out so I knew what t...

4923d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Witcher 10 will be out before i figure out what they are saying in that video.

I dont mind if you post a video in a difrent language on this site. but at least say so in the title.

4931d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I never picked up a merc game. But i was close both times. they really looked enjoyable. If a 3rd comes out i will prob try it.

4932d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I will sell you 2 copies and throw in my house and car for that price.

4933d ago 14 agree1 disagreeView comment

I havennt played wizardry games for ages but it looks like they stayed close to their roots. I can see myself picking this up when it comes out.

I used to play them on a tandy 486 lol dang that was along time ago.

4933d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What I find funny now. Is after this stunt he just did. even the supporters kinda jumped ship. Not many people can support such an ass. wholey shit. hard to believe this guy is actually suppost to be smart.

4933d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Im not really sure what the benifit of this is? just so the 2nd player can get trophies while playing, or is there more to it than that? I have never played a game with this option before.

4937d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

wow i had no clue they where still making wizardry games still. man i used to play them decades ago on a tandy 286. idk how well they have aged or play but i would def be interested in buying another one and tryin it out.

4937d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment