
CRank: 5Score: 32300

i see no problem with frame rates or graphics. even though i dont like the game at all looks pretty but its so repetative. \

i love my pc but its so nice having consoles to go along with it so i dont have to upgrade my pc every year. i normally up date every 2 to 3 years. technology for pcs goes up way to quickly. so i might not play every game when it comes out for pc i well eventually.

but i can play every ps3 game ever made or that will be made for it the day it come...

6095d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

VivaLeResistance wrote I totally wanted to model all of them...but didn't wanna buy all of them if I knew I would probably never wear some of them again.

If that is her in the last picture. I would buy them for her. to model them for us. Just dont tell my girlfriend.

also for a new idea of panties how about the gta hot coffee panties.

6095d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

well actually insomniac does ratchet and clank not naughty dog. naughty dog does the jak and dexter series. which i do believe they are making one for next year for the ps3. anyway R&C looks awsome. cant wait to see what uncharted looks and plays like. hope they give us a demo.

6182d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

man i love the unreal tournament games i been playing them on pc for years. i still play 2004 some times when im bored. not sure if i will go for the ps3 version or pc. i would like to play it on my 55. but im not so sure without the keyboard mouse. i do like ps3 controlers for fps but most fps for the consoles are slow compared to ut not sure if it will work with something so quik. well either way i know im getting it.

6209d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

im hoping this game will be good. i think it has alot of promise.

6211d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

if its the girl in the picture ill start programing big ps3 games myself. lmao

6223d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i have a ps3, and i hate to see it's version of madden worse then the 360's. But to the average person they will have no clue to how many framrates one version has compared to the next. They will think they are the same. so i dont see it really hurting sony's console sales. the only one it will hurt will be EA next year when they release the next madden. I love madden but EA has always been a very lazy company.

6253d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

man i see you play your xbox 360 way more when i look through your window. you barely even touch the ps3. darn liar....lmao i know poeple disagree with anything its stupid as h3ll . you can say the sky is blue and the grass is green and someone would disagree.

6271d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

im wondering if microsoft kinda pushed moore out the door. they probably needed a scapegoat for the 1 billion dollar red ring. i wonder if they forced it on him and got rid of him to save face. alot of times when something goes wronge in big companies, they put it on one person to make it look they they are changing things around. im not sure this is the case here, but i have heard of things like this.

6279d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i dont understand why they dont change the ratings of video games to be the same as movies. because alot of parents use that saying i didnt know what M meant but if it said rated R, nc-17, or x im sure they would know that. just seems like it would make more sense to me. always have to make things dumby proof because there are alot of dumbys out there.

6282d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i agree 100 percent bro. im 32 and my parents would kill me before i got to court.

6282d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

all i have to say is i dont know him or his parents and im guesing none of you do either so its hard to put the blame on his parents.

but i do believe they should of watched the games they bought him. also i know when i have kids and they are under 18 they will not be playing video games in there room they can play them in the family or living room so i can check on them easier.

i love violent movies, games, books, comics, and music. but you still gotta realize...

6282d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i dont care if its online multiplayer or not the story and characters are so awsome in the R&C series. as long as they stick with that interaction and the gameplay is spot on as it has always been i will be in seventh heaven. i can always play another game online. would be kinda neat if they did through a co-op for 2 people in one of there games some day.

6285d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i have played every fallout ever made cant wait for this one. no fallout is coming to ps3 and 360 i also believe pc. i hope it goes to pc since that is where it started. and so happy to hear its gonna be turned based. i woulda had to shot someone at bethesda if they woulda took the turned base outta it. we have enough first person shoters. even though i love them every game does not have to be one.

6285d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

ok i see games articles with tons of coments and this game only has one what gives. i think this game looks like its gonna rule. cant wait. trailer looks awsome. i agree with you MK it must not be getting all the attention to many articles coming up with e3 here if it dont have killzone or halo in it no one cares. lmao wtf.

6286d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

first off i want to say i have a ps3 and am thinking of gettina a 360 when they fix the hardware problems i like both systems. but seems like everytime a game comes out for the 360 first and ps3 a couple of months later they xbox fans laugh at us saying we get all there old garbage that they are done with. now that ps3 is gettina a couple of games first the xbox fans are saying they are happy there game is coming out later because it will be better with more development time. lmfao. make up y...

6286d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

man i have to give you bubles for that avatar. love the evil dead series and bruce campbell. think that pick is from the army of darkness movie but not sure been years since i watch all of them movies but true classics.

6291d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

if you own a pc you would know that there is a ton of crap that microsoft puts in windows that slows your pc down without you asking also. see if they apoligize about that. you gotta root it out and uninstall it yourself. i dont mind the xbox i have the first one and am thinking of getting a 360. i have a ps3 atm. but i hate microsft on the whole windows. i wish games for pc where still made to play in dos like the good old days.

p.s. bye the way im 32. i have had atari 2600. ...

6292d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

just wanted you to know my age first. but there is no way im buying a system for a 10 year old to play gta on. i love that game but if my when my son turns 10 and wants gta i say hell no. i have a ps3 atm looking into buying a xbox 360 maybe either before christmas or next spring. but as a parent i would look into all the games for a system. and see what he or she could play before picking a system. probably right now the wii looks best for kids under 15 to 16 range. both the others are suite...

6311d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

not sure about japan but i know New Castle Pa. sold 3 ps3 this week me and 2 of my friends all made the jump this week to next gen. having a great time so far. hope to be able to get the 360 around christmass time.

6324d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment