
CRank: 5Score: 32300

Never noticed diablo having mob sponges. Got to torment 10 and still was tearing thru stuff. I guess if you play on a torment to Highh for your gear. But we play in hard-core normally adjust difficulty so we can not just stand in aoes and have to watch for attacks to get out of.

538d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i have played every game on the demo disk. every game on vr worlds and batman vr. the only games that gave me motion sickness where.

1.vr luge it turned my stomack pretty bad. i didnt like that game anyway so i wont go back to it.

2. drive club is giving me some problems i can normally do a race or two then need to stop. think i can get used to playing that one. at least i hope.

3.eve valkeria. it turned my stomcach pretty bad also thin...

2900d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

thought it looked really good. bought it about 1 week before they gave it to us for free on ps+.

the first 20 min i was thinking this is going to be to overly simplistic. but i was wronge it was an easy game but the story was done so good. and i enjoyed the art style alot.

didnt mind one bit paying for it was a very good game.

3479d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

you should have that tumor looked at. it could be cancerous. lol

3491d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

we all have ps4.

the all getting the same apartment is a good idea. i think they are broke in the game though. will have to find some cheap piece of property and go from there.

we can all log online. its just getting everyone on the same server. like when you go to invite a friend it says disabled. and when you click on it. it says that one of you need to finish the toturial which we all have. i did some research and it seems like a bug that alot of people...

3491d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

man i liked the single player. and this heists looks decent.

played some online a few times and was pretty decent. but tried to play with some friends last night for the first time and omg what a pain in the ass they make it.

wouldnt even let me join a group online with one buddy another had to invite us both. then when he left we couldnt get back into the same server. people kept on getting booted off the server. and took forever to get us all back together...

3492d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

this game is not action at all. its a turn based squad combat. kind of like fallout tactics

i have it for the pc. it was pretty good if thats your thing.

3492d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

i just bought it last week. i really liked it.

idk if its a game for everyone though. hope you enjoy

3494d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

wow like what i saw from the trailer. cant wait to see more.

3534d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i will def be getting this. 4 player couch co-op. count me in..

i played 2 but i never beat it since i had my ps3 stolen in the middle of me playing it.

so to get 2 plus all the dlc, and presequal and dlc its a no brainer for me. i loved these games.

3536d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i am all for it also. i dont see me buying any. but you can bet i will be trying to kill some people for some. or sneaking in

3540d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

well the game just came out today in early access. me and a friend still cant even get in. most online games are pretty buggy logging in at first.

after they get the servers up running properly and there are tons of people on each server that will not happen.

3540d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i got into this game late. just a week ago after i been hearing that it has been running smooth. i waited till it was on sale also.

its not my favorite racing game ever. but it is a really solid one with awsome graphics.

glad i made the plunge

3540d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

finally someone who gets it. i think most of the people on here saying its pay to win have not been following this game at all.

they dont understand.

you can pay for an item drop. does not mean you are going to get the item drop. ANYONE can get it.

its more like you are paying for a special event to take place.

3540d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

they are not calling it pay to win. cause when you pay for the loot, it lets everyone know it is droping. so everyone will fight for it. you are paying more for the event then the item cause you might not even get it.

3540d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

its a world event. whenever you do that everyone in the game sees it and can fight for the weapon.

3540d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i agree. i dont even have kids. im just saying they got less games to choose from then us adults.

3552d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

im not one to bitch about the ps plus line up but i do wish one thing.

that when you first sign up you set an age group up. and you get games based on your age group. i know a few kids that have ps plus and they get M rated games that way.

i know parents should watch what there kid play and all but most dont. so it would of been nice to just set it up so you dont have to worry about it. and get games based on your age group you picked.

3554d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

its amazing how often it happens also. makes no sense to me.

the rating system has been around forever.

i saw a grandpa the other day buy gta for a kid around 10 and asked the kid right in front of the cashier if that's the game he wanted. the kid said yeah. I don't think it should be the job of the cashier to tell them but maybe they should.

I just think they have the mentality of hey its a video game its made for kids. but they n...

3565d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

never heard of that game. so I had to look it up after you mentioned it.

it looked a little over the top from what I seen, for me. probably not a game for me..

i'm sure people will have groups up in arms over it though.

I am not one for thinking video games create monsters at all though. I am sure there are some people that should not play them. like people already unstable or wacko's. lol. and im not one for letting kids play them ...

3565d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment