
CRank: 5Score: 83250

Well they wont simulate the 5970. Because the radeon is going to be quite a bit faster at least if this benchmark is anything to go by. I found a benchmark which has identical settings and a very similar setup......5970 manages quite a bit more in both resolutions in Far Cry 2. Granted the processor is running a tad faster (3.5 v 3.2) but really, not enough to be significant.

I mean there is a balance, you dont want to isolate people with budget machines, but thats the e...

Depends on your point of view....It might be a good job if you are planning to play it on a four year old console. But it isnt particularly brilliant that said four year old console version looks rather close to a version running on modern PC hardware. Its a tad disappointing from my point of view as a PC gamer. You would expect to see pretty hefty enhancements by now for PC, saying the least...

Still having 1920 x 1080 and hopefully a bit of AA from nhancer will be some conso...

5266d ago 4 agree8 disagreeView comment

Its clearly just ported from 360 again, and the shots are poor. Minimum effort to take advantage of the extra performance PC offers, although PC gamers should probably just be glad its on their platform of choice rather than hoping for significant enhancements. As a PC gamer though im getting a little tired of saying that. :( Still no anti aliasing support in engine for PC thanks to unreal engine 3. Hopefully nhancer can solve that quickly. However as usual the PC version will have the rather...

5266d ago 4 agree7 disagreeView comment

Nothing like booting your first custom built machine. Its satisfying knowing everything in it is your choice and your decisions, not some bean counter's at a corporation.

5267d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Should have set it in Hollywood. No one gets tired of seeing LA destroyed :)

5267d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Who spends 400 dollars on a graphics card to use it on a 150 dollar monitor?? Most people with that kind of money would realise they can hook a gaming PC to a HDTV quite easily

5267d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Because if no release date is ever specified, no one can claim there has been any delay :P Well thats their logic im sure. Alan is still sleeping

5267d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You could dismiss Demerjian's sometimes rabid savaging of nvidia at face value but i urge to at least read into and make your own mind up on a variety of points. There is plenty to chew over just regarding the manufacturing details, that rings rather true. The truth of the matter is still that nvidia are producing the most complex, ambitious and experimental GPU architecture ever seen on a dodgy TSMC process that collapsed under the weight of a much much smaller, more conventional and conserv...

5268d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Well this is the thing. People need to see behind the numbers. Nvidia claiming more tesselation performance in a synthetic benchmark is one thing, but in the real world of games it looks much bleaker. As i have said in other posts most of the consumer money from gamers is poured onto the midrange parts, rather than high end enthusiast parts. Midrange cards derived from this architecture will almost certainly have sliced up tesselation performance for a start, three quarters or maybe only half...

5269d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Read the part where tesselation is said to be a 'function'. There is no dedicated tesselation hardware. When nvidia showed the uniengine benchmark and it was faster than a 5870, then it was no real surprise. It also didnt tell the whole story. GF100 is a much more expensive card to make and no doubt sell, more in the region of a 5970 which of course has twice the tesselation performance of a 5870.

In some ways it is similar to the scenario when shaders became unified. 7900 v 86...

5269d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

'GF100 replaces the traditional geometry processing architecture at the front end of the graphics pipeline with an entirely new distributed geometry processing architecture that is implemented using multiple “PolyMorph Engines”. Each of these engine includes a tessellation unit.....

I think you need to find out why nvidia have created this ridiculous naming 'polymorph engine' and what dedicated hardware tesselation means. There. is. no. dedicated. hardware. tesselator. Its a SU...

5269d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Nvidia just desperately need a DX11 part. There is no competition, the market is very stale and stagnant from the midrange upwards for consumers and we need both ati and nvidia on DX11 so developers can push forward with the games. It will be even longer til true next generation derivative nvidia parts, midrange stuff which is usually where the average PC gamer sits and lays down their cash. The key cards will be the ones that finally put to bed the ancient G92 spin offs which have been renam...

5270d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Not too impressed. Cynical PR stunt. Shameless self promotion. Just give the money already....

5270d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Reach will shift software units, nothing more. After 3 and ODST, a new halo will not generate major hardware sales master chief or not. ODST itself hardly made a peak on 360 hardware sales the week it was out. Hardware sales boosted a mere 15 percent in america launch week of ODST, and dropped back the week after. This is a fact.

360 has an awful lot of sequels to games already out on 360 this year-Which to me implies that 360 will shift an awful lot of software this year, but ...

5272d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

So you are a third party developer. Games cost a fortune to make for 360 and ps3. High risk ventures are not something you do. You want to sell to as many people as possible.

BRILLIANT. So why do microsoft think third parties are going to make a dedicated, full on game for natal which will have how many potential consumers? A million? Two? Maybe even five million sold in a year? Developers can build a game for five million natal owners, or build a game for 50 million 360 owners...

5276d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

PS3 games are typically slow seller, slow burning sales. PS3 is akin to PC in this respect. LBP, KZ2, uncharted 1, GT prologue launches considered failures by the press or overlooked. But all these games have sold over 2 million copies. It takes time, but word spreads around the PS3 community and games do sell well over longer periods.

MAG wont sell a million in the first week- of course not. Its not COD. BUT come back in 18 months and it will probably have surpassed 2 million ...

5276d ago 10 agree6 disagreeView comment