
CRank: 5Score: 83250

We know now PS5 is like a 2070 Super. Why compare a discrete card generations newer, multiple times more powerful with the price reflecting that

257d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

If that's your point you're making it in entirely the wrong thread. My post that you replied to exclusively talked about comparable PC hardware.

No mention of Series X in this particular comment thread. Perhaps you will be able to avoid such a mistake in future.

263d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Present? I'm spewing straight facts. The test was done by trying to use the most similar PC hardware possible to these consoles.

It showed PS5 had 1 percent better lows than a pretty wacky old AMD Zen 2 CPU and lower midrange discrete GPU running the game in a Windows environment.

No more, no less. They showed that similar PC hardware gives incredibly close results, which is not a surprise.

The video pointed out the game was more G...

263d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

No, the test only really shows PS5 runs about 1 percent better lows than an 8 core Zen 2 4800S @ 4GHz and RX 6700.

This is a not very common discrete GPU close to the performance of the more common 6650XT or 2070 Super.

The game is GPU limited at these settings.

263d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Alan Wake 2 isn't one of them though, it seems closely built around Nvidia's PC technology rather than bolted on later. Everything is pretty much within expectation.

It runs fine on PC. Pretty scalable. It's only when you try and turn everything to maximum, enable path tracing which the consoles don't do at resolutions the consoles don't do are you looking at a highly demanding game that'll live through a couple of GPU generations as a good benchmar...

334d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I distinctly remember having a discussion with a friend Christmas 1998. Which was better: Half Life or Metal Gear Solid. My case was MGS. His was Half Life. Then one Nintendo friend barged into this heated argument and said Ocarina of Time.

These three games all launched in the period of one month at the tail end of 1998. That truly was the golden age and while we can't go back we always have the memories!

338d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

All these classics are either passed or closely approaching 25 years old. Terrifying since I remember playing them when they were new.

Ridge Racer Type 4 approaches the quarter century on its Japanese release. Crash Bandicoot 3. Spyro. There's three more of not just the best Playstation games made, but some of the best games ever. Old old old. Wonder what videogame history will think of them when they're 50 years old. Halfway there.

Also now 25 ye...

338d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, and then Steam Deck 2 will launch in 18 months or whatever and be 3X as powerful as the original. Where you're suddenly getting something that actually resembles the PS5 version but you're playing it in a park on a handheld.

Everyone here tries to make triumphant highly conditional claims that aren't really triumphant they're just banal. I would rather celebrate the progress of technology and the wider availability of this title.

425d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Considering that the game runs on a Steam Deck then you're already wrong FoxQ! Especially considering the 'never' part of your statement. I was told in 1999 you'll never get anything for $150 to play Gran Turismo 2 but I'm sat there just a few years later with an emulated version, it ran on a freaking Dreamcast in 2001, a crappy PC and then also ended up running on practically any phone. Never say never.

It's another tiresome argument used by despera...

425d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

Good way to miss the point: that is the game is scalable and you're just seeing a demonstration of the best it has to offer on the best hardware. Millions of PC configurations can now play this game very well.

That fortunate 1 percent of a huge number on Steam with the very best is still rather a large number who can attain this.

For everyone else give it two or three years and an upper midrange GPU will be showing an RTX4090 who is boss. It's ine...

425d ago 11 agree6 disagreeView comment

CELL was nonsense for gaming. If you wanted something highly parallelized you used a GPU since by 2006 that was the way the wind was already blowing. GPUs became capable of much wider general purpose tasks starting with DX10 and by their very nature were already extremely parallel processors. Xbox 360's GPU was the earliest example of this unified shader design.

Therefore if you had that capability in your modern GPU, you wanted to then pair it with a powerful general p...

659d ago 5 agree10 disagreeView comment

If they do it then it must have cross platform saves. A game like this is not one you want to restart often. I want to be able to move saves around or I wouldn't buy the PC version. If I can then I would.

667d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

No, I didn't forget to mention Horizon 5 is open world, because it's not really relevant anymore. Not in the era where you have consoles with SSDs that can stream assets in with 2GB/s+ bandwidth.

Going to closed circuits is certainly not going to give you vastly more GPU performance required to render extremely demanding ray tracing and the bare minimum framerate expectation is 60FPS, unlike Horizon 5.

You're equating potentially lessened asse...

830d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

The footage shown was on PC. Like Horizon 5 there will no doubt be cutbacks and downgrades for the Series X and S to get real time in gameplay ray tracing. There already was for Horizon 5 just to hit 60FPS on Series X so imagine other things having to be reduced quite a lot to incorporate ray tracing also. Most likely much lower rendering resolution, a big wide dynamic resolution window.

830d ago 11 agree12 disagreeView comment

I wrote a list of visual enhancements for PC, they are real, they existed and having PLAYED both Xbox One and PC at ultra extensively rather than just watch some videos I can say they are very noticeable enhancements indeed.

Freeze framing here to compare to another game only really emphasises to me the improvements that PC enjoyed that definitely were not on the Xbox console that the majority played FM7 on.

I think I made my points and they stand if you ...

925d ago 12 agree2 disagreeView comment

@TheRealTedCruz "Just difference in resolution and framerate [between console and PC]"

Honestly very wrong having played both extensively, on ultra settings on PC.

There was plenty difference between the PC version of Forza 7 and Xbox One or even One X. Higher texture resolution, much higher shadow quality, more and better quality particle and alpha effects. Better anti aliasing. Way better texture filtering, which on console was really low qual...

925d ago 17 agree5 disagreeView comment


956d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

Horizon and Gran Turismo 7 in the space of two weeks. Hyped.

973d ago 18 agree1 disagreeView comment

4K DLSS 60FPS maxed out is doable on an RTX 2060.

That's the slowest, lowest end RTX desktop card available, now three years old.

Hardly sensational hardware required then.

984d ago 11 agree2 disagreeView comment

Ahh yes but Verstappen is ahead when he uses his Masi DLC power up

985d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment