
CRank: 5Score: 83250

Hmm gamingwalrus, you seem to be ignorant of the facts again.

Witcher 3 sales as of April 2020
PC: 12 million
PS4: 10.8m

The PC version outsold the best selling console version. Exactly as I said. Nobody would claim PS4 gamers don't buy games right?

1156d ago 9 agree8 disagreeView comment

When bringing up up old games like The Witcher 3 or similar that came out on PC which is of course considered 1 platform versus two separate console platforms at that time. Thereby hardly a surprise that console outsold PC 2:1 then, a totally predictable scenario when looking at a narrow specific case of one triple A multiplatform title.

If anyone actually bothered to read beyond the headline the article itself points that out.

In the end Witcher 3 on PC...

1156d ago 3 agree18 disagreeView comment

Just read the market revenue breakdown where PC's share is basically = to all console sales combined and has been for years.

Then continue stating your ignorance of the size of these gaming markets and who buys games. Embarrassing tbh.

1156d ago 7 agree15 disagreeView comment

Ok, besides obviously having a huge install base we can talk revenue.

PC gaming revenue as a whole was close to as much as PS4, Xbox One and the Switch COMBINED for many years of their lives. Literally ALL of the console segment.

Revenues per segment chart. App...

1156d ago 7 agree13 disagreeView comment

Steam had 120 million monthly active gamers in 2020, more than anyone who ever bought a PS4 the past 8 years. Pretty sure they buy games which is why Valve is a 10 billion dollar company.

Then there is the Chinese equivalent, WeGame. Owned by Tencent, which has at least 200 million users. Pretty sure a few of those buy games as well.

1156d ago 12 agree44 disagreeView comment

Great hardware, world beating online infrastructure was really the standout feature though. It just worked. The fact that Unreal Engine 3 games were everywhere also massively helped the system because it was designed and optimised first and best for X360.

1175d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Is it as bad as the infamous God Of War 2 Playstation event with the decapitated goat and topless serving girls?

1188d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

Presumably most people recognise RTX2060 launched as the mid range card of the previous RTX generation models in January 2019 is not classed as very high end today. There is about a dozen Nvidia desktop models above it on the GPU hierarchy as of now.

Here is some gameplay footage in a very heavy area of the game that backs up the assertion of RTX2060 performan...

1194d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Very high end?

Midrange PC is more accurate.

Digital Foundry's analysis shows Series X has the highest resolution on this title on console, with a mix of medium and high settings and image quality hovering around 1440p with some drops from 60FPS. Any Nvidia RTX card matches or exceed this level on this game.

1440p, DLSS with better than native image quality and equivalent or better settings an RTX2060 will do the target 60FPS. <...

1194d ago 6 agree17 disagreeView comment

Understand that however fast you think a 7 core 3.8GHz Zen 2 console CPU can be, it's not nearly as fast as a 10 core i9-10900k running at 5GHz is.

This game has been tested on PC CPUs like that and there is so much streaming going on it is difficult for a CPU to maintain 60FPS on maximum settings at 4K. At ultra quality and native 4K you need a CPU like that and you need at least a 6800XT to mantain 30FPS. A GPU considerably more powerful than any console has.

1196d ago 12 agree6 disagreeView comment

When I watched the Series X direct feed I was considerably less impressed than seeing the PC version initially and then playing it first hand on PC. It's clearly cut back quite a bit to run on Series X but the experience is still preserved that's the main thing.

1197d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think they will be fixing this game up for at least the next 12 months, even post new console release. We might see a polished version by then, with everything implemented. Only the 18 months after 'launch' then....

1211d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

I did a realistic Jesus Christ and an Allah. Want to see? Here:

That's right, neither exist

1211d ago 9 agree13 disagreeView comment

Most console gamers still use a mechanical hard drive. When there is 160 million PS4 and Xbox One gamers and only perhaps 12-13 million owners of the new consoles it's clear that there is a big console market that has to use mechanical drives.

On PC I would say the majority of gamers have a SSD boot drive or an SSD to put any game that requires it. I emphasise GAMERS here, because an average user still may not have an SSD but a PC gamer who enjoys the hobby had one 5 ye...

1213d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Unplayable? You have an odd definition of unplayable."

Not at all, in the video if you cared to watch it Digital Foundry call the state of affairs with Series S ray tracing mode and I'm directly quoting here:

'Performance I would categorise as BAD'
'No real consistency and it's just poor to experience'
'Performance here clearly a problem'
'Turn off raytracing!'

1238d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Series S is literally unplayable with the headline ray tracing next gen feature enabled as DF state here, it's horrible.

Frame times are all over the shop. It would need a 30FPS cap to make it work and then you're basically playing at half the framerate of the full fat machines.

You can disable it to get 60FPS but then the advantages of that version over the last gen refresh machines is negligible to say the least...

1239d ago 18 agree22 disagreeView comment

The game looks fine on PS5. It is distinctly obvious the PC version is better and higher resolution with the first wipe in the video though. At least it runs 60FPS on consoles that's the main thing in this case.

For PC it appears a 5 year old card like a GTX1070 or equivalent should give you PS5 comparable 2560 x 1440, 60FPS at ultra settings.

1266d ago 6 agree8 disagreeView comment

They 'fixed' PS4's framerate by completely obliterating the assets they use lol. Character models and textures look like something out of a bad PS2 title.

This game is just awful on consoles, any console.

PC is still the only place to play it and even then I wouldn't bother for another 6 months.

1268d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

When PC loads literally one blink of an eye slower and people are shocked, forgetting in one swoop the past twenty five years consoles have had 30 second longer load times on virtually every game.

Welcome to my gaming experience from the past decade on PC, glad you finally caught up for a select few titles.

1271d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ridge Racer Type 4 is a stone cold classic, an all time great of racing games. So much style, visual panache and a killer original soundtrack. Arcade perfection. In fact the soundtrack is so good it had not one release, but another for the 20th Anniversary with remixes and the originals side by side.

1280d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment