
CRank: 5Score: 83250

All that would happen if someone is on old style mechanical drive is the loading times will be slower. That's it. I would say very few people on gaming PC now DON'T have an SSD in their machine for their favourite titles. They have been cheap for 18 months. A good 500GB PCIe 3.0 M.2 drive can be had for a mere $65, the price of one console game.

So buy an SSD now. You have an entire year yet before new consoles even arrive! This is ages away, another year of gaming ...

1732d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Death Stranding will look way better on PC than it does on PS4 Pro. I mean come on....that's obvious. It's 30FPS on console for a start! Double it already for a decent PC.

As for thinking Uncharted 2 lead the way for visuals in 2009, well sorry but there was this little PC game 2 entire years before that in 2007 that says otherwise.

It was a game that matched and even surpassed in some areas what early games on the next gen consoles were pushing o...

1735d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

In terms of impact on the industry, the original PlayStation was the biggest I have ever seen in the history of home video game consoles. It turned what was a relatively small hobby mostly reserved for children into a worldwide acceptable past time for anyone of any age and background.

It was a cultural revolution for video games.

1749d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Cell was a bad CPU and it was a bad GPU. It tried to be the best of both and ended up being the worst of both.

So in terms of parallel and vector processing yes, it's still better than modern x86 CPUs because they are not designed that way!

However compared to a modern programmable GPU which is designed that way then it's not even remotely as fast.

This is a bit like saying a 1950s fighter jet is faster than a 2019 passenger air...

1751d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

"What if 360 had blu-ray and ps3 didn't? Or neither had it? Either of those outcomes would have drastically improved 360 sales."

If neither had it, 360 would have sold less since PS3 would have been a lot cheaper and out a lot sooner. Supply of the bluray drive diodes were the reason for the delays.

If 360 did have it, it would have been very detrimental since it would have been delayed and much more expensive.

I remember ...

1754d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Takes forever. I turn on PS4 to have a quick game of Gran Turismo and instead I'm sat watching an update download and copy for over an hour.

So much for console ease and speed of use these days, I just end up playing on my PC, it's faster to use!

1754d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Mutliplatform games literally suffered due to compression requirements for game sizes due to physical media delivery limits"

Is this a joke? Multi format games were nearly always better on X360! Digital foundry did hundreds of individual title comparisons, and X360 dominated the head to head, even 5 years after launch.

You need to wake up and realise only a small number of titles had major compression of assets to work on Xbox 360, and those as...

1755d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

"There was a sentiment the entire 7th generation of how the 360 was holding back games"

A sentiment? Sentiments aren't facts. That was a nonsense claim then and a nonsense claim now, there was no outstanding PS3 only game that rose above competing exclusive 360 titles just because of Bluray.

Metal Gear Solid 4 was always going to be an exclusive, and it wasn't solely because of Bluray, it was because of a deal made by Sony. Kojima claime...

1755d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

The point made back then that is especially true in hindsight is that Bluray didn't actually DO anything for PS3 games did it?

Beyond not having to swap a disc every 10 hours of gameplay or whatever. All the critically acclaimed multi format games made it out on 360, and most of them ran better as well because Microsoft nailed 360's hardware design.

PS3's early specification drive was so slow what you usually endured was excruciating install/l...

1755d ago 5 agree16 disagreeView comment

CPU: Intel i7-870
GPU: Nvidia GTX 560 Ti

1080p 60FPS

That was only a midrange 2011

1756d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

So forza games are the only top class games?

Used to be gears and halo.....have they fallen beneath racing games?
-They were never above or below unless you did/didn't particularly like racing games. Individual game preference is a thing....

Should we expect that trend to continue?
-It's not a trend because it isn't even a relevant categorisation

Why do we even consider the xbox brand a contend...

1763d ago 11 agree8 disagreeView comment

Forza Motorsport and Horizon are top class games.

1763d ago 52 agree37 disagreeView comment

It's so expensive to launch a new console, they will be heavily subsidised anyway. I.e Sold at a loss for the first year or so to get them at a reasonable price and into consumer's hands. It can take a while before they come down in cost to break even or make a small profit on the hardware.

So this would be nice but never likely, too big a financial hit.

1768d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Games could ship on SD cards, a 64GB card is not that expensive these days especially wholesale. $5 a pop for a decent card with 80MB/s read, higher than a high spec Bluray drive.

Many games would still fit on such a card. Bigger games would need 128GB cards and that would drive up the cost significantly.

Discs are still going to be cheaper no matter what.

1776d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

If Sony are moving from generic hard drives to a custom style interface then it isn't a good thing, and you're about to get ripped off hard.

1776d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment

"Time mostly for me" Really rainslacker?

Consoles take forever these days all the same. Seems like every other week I'm sat through some massive update to download on PS4 and then install. Gran Turismo was one of my favourite series but every update takes about an hour to actually install, it's ridiculous.

I turn it on wanting a 30 minute blast and it takes so long at least I can turn on my fast booting PC, load into another game really ...

1778d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

PC gamers will only re-buy the game knowing how they can experience it on another level. Rockstar know this, since they did exactly the same thing with GTA5.

Fast forward a few years and GTA5 sold masses on PC, is still extremely popular in the community, chock full of mods and interesting online experiences. RDR2 will end up the same.

1804d ago 17 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's a very impressive technical feat that is about to get the level of hardware performance it deserved, much like the GTA5 release on PC. The engine can be unleashed to see it's full potential now. Who doesn't want to see that?

1804d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment

Your entire post is absolutely ridiculous. This wasn't some philosophical question about 'what is a PC?' That makes no sense. Irrelevant!

The point was the ridiculous discussion about PC in the PS5 topic the other day, where it was claimed by many people a 1080p 30FPS console game was better looking than anything ever seen on PC. Literally no PC game on the platform ever looked better. This was a real claim, made by actual users on this site!


1804d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

PC will double the framerate and increase setting quality across the board. The video clearly showcases settings well beyond the Xbox One X version.

Most importantly doubling the frame rate will be the best thing that ever happened to this game's controls for responsiveness. A mere 1080p 60FPS will make the whole thing far more enjoyable.

1804d ago 6 agree6 disagreeView comment