
CRank: 5Score: 83250

More like lol @ the people watching what was obviously a very high end game on a powerful PC and thinking it would look like that on 2013 console hardware. That would make them at best naive and at worst flat out dumb.

It's hardly a new practice to REVEAL on PC and show the game as good as it could be shown, in that sense they are no better or worse than most developers demoing their games for the first time.

We did expect to see console footage befor...

1370d ago 10 agree6 disagreeView comment

The Witcher 3 improved greatly if you compare release to the game a dozen patches and a year later.

This will also improve a great deal, but the fact is the game was not ready to ship really. It needed at least another 6 months to bake. Who is to blame? Well it's about financials, it's about crunching, it's about the crybabies and howls of derision when the game was delayed.

Very toxic atmosphere now worse than ever because of the poor state...

1380d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lol no. This game has an awful lot of issues that need fixing but raw visual quality and advanced rendering is miles beyond TLOU2, and well beyond any current PS5 or Xbox Series X game either. I expect driver and engine level optimisations to enhance performance a bit, but you're talking another GPU generation beyond RTX3000 to get full 4K and 60FPS. A good two years away.

After seeing how PS4 Pro is struggling to hit a smooth 30FPS, doing 1080p in those rough spots wit...

1384d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

"This game runs like dogshit on my PC with a gtx1070 and i7 6700k"

Sorry but not buying it. I have tested this game today on a machine with those specs and it runs pretty nicely at 2560 x 1440p 16x AF all medium settings, SSR quality low.

No it won't get near 60FPS but it runs 40FPS 95 percent of the time, you have dynamic res there that can smooth out the worst situations and it by far, BY FAR exceeds the console versions visually.

1384d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

3060Ti is faster than a 2080 Super and thus PS5. The game heavily leans towards AMD GPUs as preference, meaning a 5700XT is enough to actually match like to like.

The reality here though is that 3060Ti is much more powerful for ray tracing than any console.

It's all very well using a last gen game with no ray tracing for comparisons when most games going forward will use ray tracing of some form.

If you compare the games with heavy ...

1389d ago 7 agree13 disagreeView comment

The most noticeable difference is the cutscene floor reflections on Series X which aren't implemented fully on PC since it's well over a year old game now.

But looking closer, PC has less blurring over the textures, it has softer and more complete shadows, and it also still has higher detail on the furthest away objects. It also has better ambient occlusion in those shots.

For the shadows notice the woman with one leg up walking in the centre of t...

1437d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

Either Nintendo Switch or Xbox One are the lowest specced machine common games are currently built for. A PC game with a minimum requirement of a near seven year old GTX750Ti is comfortably faster than Xbox One.

Looking at modern games like Flight Sim and Cyberpunk 2077 their minimum GPU requirements easily exceed PS4, and are typically comparable with a PS4 Pro.

1443d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

It looks like Horizon 4? I mean that's a great looking game but it didn't seem that next gen to me. This is not an insult, because at this point there are hardly any 'bad' looking games. Everything looks so nicely refined.

I have been playing that on PC for the past two years and it looks sweet but I would hardly call this game two years later a step up. If anything Horizon's car models look better.

1443d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

100+ FPS on ultra settings at 1080p on mid range hardware. 100FPS+ at 4K on a 2080Ti

1447d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Funny thing I tore down my PS4 Pro today first time and it wasn't dirty inside. The paste seemed poor quality though and the thermal pads were really small, they didn't even fully cover the memory chips.

Fresh quality paste. New big full sized thermal pads. Slapped it back together and it runs really quiet now after an hour on TLOU2, probably top 5 most demanding games on the system.

It's a shame I had to do all this although my results were g...

1451d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

10.36 to move 50GB onto a cheap portable USB drive, but another 7.46 to move the 50GB back onto the internal drive.

You can run old games off an external drive. Fine. We know this. But new next gen games have to run off the machine's internal SSD or the expensive expansion.

So what matters here then is the TOTAL time, which is over 18 minutes spent shuffling games about. You'll spend 10 minutes moving a 50GB game to the external drive, and if you ...

1456d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment

For a start if you have a type of memory image save state like Quick Resume you're effectively snapshotting the machine's entire active RAM pool for the game and then dumping it to disk. Thus every snapshot in the case of Series X could initially at least be as much as 12-13GB. Depends on compression. Possibly some post image dump. Apparently the machine can move between at least 3 titles though.

This means you need to have space for a few of those full size save st...

1457d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's a very small decrease. For a while now a lot of people have claimed that game sizes would significantly shrink and that would make a small SSD capacity acceptable. The reality is, they won't.

On average the file sizes will continue to increase as the generation advances, because developers can't help themselves. From PS3 to PS4 you were looking at big games going from about 8GB installs (MGS4, RAGE etc) to fairly common 40GB plus installs (GTA5, Uncharted ...

1458d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

George Lucas also trashed multiple Star Wars re-releases. It's a matter of opinion but I would say the majority of people that know those movies prefer the originals that weren't fiddled with.

So saying Kojima greenlit all the cut scenes means he might have liked the changes but it doesn't mean his later work on the game was any better than the earlier work.

I thought the Twin Snakes was a great remake, still own it, but I much prefer the tone...

1458d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

PS5 will probably end up using standard PCIe 4.0 drives that meet a certain threshold, so it won't be as expensive as this because you'll have multiple vendors meeting that threshold.

These SSD manufacturers will be aiming to PS5 spec for more sales, and will probably certify them for use with the console as fast as Sony will let them.

No monopoly. Competition. Lower prices, faster.

1459d ago 15 agree3 disagreeView comment
1460d ago Show

For the digital only Series S this cost is a heavy blow. You might be able to store next gen games on regular mechanical portable USB drives but you'll only be running them off these SSD. A good portable drive might be able to sustain 100MB/s sequential read, which means if you have a 90GB game to move you're still looking at a 15 minute transfer wait. More like 25 minutes with allocation, plus additional typical smaller files to go across. Real world performance.


1461d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

From the world's most advanced game and rendering pipeline bar none to a remaster covered in fake veneer barely disguising the creaky old patched up framework.

Real shame, woefully missed opportunity. Quick slap dash product with a big new price slapped on it to generate some easy cash.

It could have been epic. Watching the most up to date Cyberpunk 2077 videos recently I see the kind of impressive technological showcase this could and should have bee...

1466d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

TLOU2 at 60FPS would be pretty nice.

1466d ago 12 agree0 disagreeView comment

PC if you like the games Microsoft produces.

1467d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment