
CRank: 5Score: 83250

I wasnt exactly sold, just yet. The game looks and feels sooooo similar to STALKER, but then its a lot of the team who worked on that game. The engine is also based on X ray. 4A say it aint, but just from these videos it looks an awful lot like it least the programmers who worked on X ray replicated its 'look'.

5347d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

360 is a fine gaming machine and microsoft have moved the bar up for online gaming on console. But they have lost billions. The idea they are finally making a few millions profit on it now is meaningless when you realise they blew a good 5-6 billion dollars the past ten years on the xbox project.

Bing seems like a folly and another good way to pour billions down the drain with little hope of return. I mean microsoft missed the boat on the huge net search market, and missed the ...

5347d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why is this such a big deal. If you have a good Pc, get it on Pc. If you dont, get it on 360. If you have neither then ps3 version will come along sooner or later most likely.

I have it for Pc. Among the reasons posted here, one being i can play it on me laptop anywhere and on my home PC, with settings in excess of 360. The game also cost less, and i would just ebay it afterwards so much for trade in value, its still a complete rip on console games.

5347d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

No Wang? First time i felt pity for EA in some time

5348d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No Reggie? Im shocked

5348d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just checked the PR dictionary. Seems 'no comment' nearly always means yes. :P

PS3 hardly needs the game to survive. But i think Microsoft will eventually regret giving up some of its developers that were previously tightly reined. The three Bs. Bioware and Bizarre, and maybe in the end Bungie too. Time will tell.

5348d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

I think everyone is well aware how much faster Intel is clock for clock. Which is why AMD are cheaper. Which is why Thuban is almost certain to retail cheaper, and be a useful advancement for AMD's server plans. But you missed how i actually explained that sentence. Intel will not want AMD to flounce around talking about having the only reasonable six core retail processor, world first all that sort of claim. etc etc. This is a cold war, and in any cold war, how you look is as important as wh...

5348d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think Intel could very well delay sandy bridge towards the middle of next year or at least Q2. They have already said that although sandy bridge will be ready early, but are looking to ensure nehalem gets a sufficient life cycle. This six core will be here really to go head to head with Thuban, Intel just want bullet point parity. Considering that AMD are still behind and still will be going into 2011, then i can see intel holding off on sandy bridge much like they did with lynnfield, which...

5348d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You wanna touch me? really thankyou :-)

5350d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would really rather play splinter cell on PC. Not now.

Well done ubisoft, you bunch of cheese eating surrender monkeys!

5352d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Without Pc, console gaming is dead.

Consoles are basically a huge amalgamation of technologies pioneered in PC, for the Pc gamer. Does anyone seriously believe that 360 or ps3 would be as powerful as they are now, without PC development?? Would console HD and online gaming even exist if it werent for high resolutions and the massive uptake of the internet in the late 90's on PC? Of course not. High performance processors and most specifically graphics processors, 360 and ps3's ...

5352d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

There was no 'stealth edit'. Editing ended on my first post half an hour ago, 26 minutes before you even replied to it... You have some serious issues if you take exception to my opinion that batman is at least a 9 and on my gathered feelings for heavy rain that review predictions at least an 8. Thats all i conveyed. What else i do? Kill your mother? Geeeeeeeeeez lol

5353d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow. Calm down furious venatus deus. Chillaxe already. So what i mean is that batman is an 'easy' 9 that means its AT LEAST a 9/10 game for me. Easily 9/10, maybe more. Which also translates to at least, 90/100 maths fans. 96 I might consider a tad steep, but i hardly dismissed it as unrealistic...

'And how can you attitude a score to somebody else’s description of a game they haven’t played yet and then call said game an easy 8/10?'

As for that then the first tw...

5353d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I want to play this on my Laptop, anywhere and anytime i want. F you ubisoft... It is enough to turn a legit Pc gamer to piracy, what with a hacked version no doubt circumventing this problem.

This is outrageously stringent DRM, Ubisoft have gone absolutely off their heads if they think these restrictions are reasonable.

5353d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I really enjoyed the beta. But my constant worry with games of this type is the lack of communication between players. You want to get yourselves in a clan for this game specifically, everyone with headsets.

5353d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes get your indigo prophecy on PC. Its so old and designed for last generation consoles even dated integrated graphics like GMA x3000/ nvidia 7100 runs it perfectly :P Any laptops less than three years old or so will cope fine

5353d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

96 for Batman is a little over the top, but its still an easy 9/10 game for me. Its in the ballpark. Heavy rain on preliminary reviews and late previews looks like an easy 8/10, probably higher for most reviewers

5353d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Really great game, but sequel to an already well known great game on 360. So minimal hardware sales impact i suspect. I have it on Pc and it really runs and looks a dream. Make sure you get on the latest driver for nvidia, or pick up the nhancer profile:

Gives SLI support and anti aliasing. 4 X AA on this game makes it look incredible

5353d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Impressive as an exercise. It is running with more than 2 volts, which is absolutely beserk.

However yes, this is a netburst architecture chip. Intel projected netburst would eventually scale to 10ghz, but of course it wasnt to be. Although efforts like this prove it wasnt completely incapable of epic clockspeeds. Nehalem like a core i7 is WELL over twice as fast per clock. In other words a quad core i7 running on just a single core is probably as fast, most likely even faster....

5354d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Damn. Thats such a slap in the face of the hardcore. Microsoft are thoroughly determined to piss its core userbase off one way or another this year arent they?

5355d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment