
CRank: 5Score: 83250

GTA4 needed a faster CPU and a graphics card with a bunch of memory. But again yeah it didnt really need much of a machine to improve beyond the console versions.

If you did have the hardware to run it on higher settings, it actually looked pretty good and like a whole other game versus the consoles. There was a sort of perpetual fog where everything more than a block away was just a blurry haze, on Pc once you hit about 50 percent view distance the game looked pin sharp and th...

5325d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I really need to get a better net connection, 2.7Gb for a demo? Cmon, thats just silly lol. Ah well, there are some downsides to the bluray capacity i see, making demos means you often end up with a demo the size of some full games even now!

This is the E3 demo from last year. Its says it in the title when installed, as well as when its starting..

5325d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I thought that was obvious from day one lol. But from this spec list practically confirms it anyway, STALKER runs crap for how it actually looks i felt- Crysis looks much better than an Xray game like the aforementioned and runs similarly demanding.

5325d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

1080/60 is just the preserve of the PC. The article says something about a constant 30 frames to avoid tearing, but doesnt exactly confirm vsync because every video i have seen has tearing issues, honestly it cant constantly be encoding issues every single time. Keeping a constant 30 frames does not guarantee no tearing, only vsync and triple buffering can do that.

As for the method of AA its probably a dynamic method which is governed by the framerate and load at any one time....

5325d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

When i see it in my hands, i will believe it.

5325d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

You have to assume these specs especially minimum are overstated...i mean....8800GT is only two years old and if you set everything to minimum and run a low resolution, you honestly telling me the game will only just about run?? That is extremely excessive. Personally i think the most oldest minimum should be is three years old. Problem is, GT220 is nothing like as fast as an 8800GT. So what are they saying, are they giving those as example of the type of cards or what? I hate it when a devel...

5325d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

From a business point of view, xbox and 360 have been disasters of epic proportions. 6 Billion dollars down the drain in less than a decade, with no hope of recouping that this gen or the next either. Although such figures are meaningless for average joe gamer, that bottom line is absolutely everything to microsoft.

From a gamer point of view microsoft have brought a lot of interesting things to the table for the console world. It has benefitted as a result. Maybe if they had i...

5325d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

From a hardware standpoint, i would have beaten the crap out of nvidia to create a custom GPU based on its unified architecture which would certainly have been under development as PS3 was, instead of allowing them to fob sony off with a cut down Geforce 7 (something like half or even a third cut down based on 8800GTX). I would have tried to squeeze in a headset with every PS3, even a wired one to the controller like 360. I would have said PS3 has to emulate PS2 games in software, with at lea...

5326d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Indeed, the first generation of DX10 cards really choked on most early games with DX10 features. Company of Heroes, Call of juarez, Lost planet etc took pretty major league performance hits with minimal visual improvement. This is an early DX11 game on first generation DX11 hardware. I cant say i didnt expect this.....but as time passes developers will get a better handle on DX11 efficiency as they did with DX10, and hardware obviously will go through more generations.


5326d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

A marmite game for reviewers it seems, as we would say in the uk

5326d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I know exactly what AI is catguykyou. Problem is, despite your description, neither of us are exactly aware of the type of 'game' this is trying to be...Molyneux and his magical mystery giant hype machine(TM) was banging on things like detecting emotions, and having conversations. Truth is even the most advanced dedicated supercomputer systems and software struggle to hold a conversation for more than a few replies before they have no idea what you are trying to express, and it becomes clear ...

5326d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Im curious as to how this game will exhibit the touted advanced artificial intelligence required for realtime interaction, when enemies even in the best of current games still get stuck beind 2 foot high walls, completely stumped. Not to mention the fact processor-less Natal now means even less CPU performance is available to developers for said AI routines.

5326d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They have a right to score the game as they please, but the article has to justify their final decision for me. I did not feel the article remotely justified the score it was given. Poor review whether you agree with the score or not

5326d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

To be fair, BECAUSE its on a four year console, you hardly need a monster Pc to run it at least as well. This goes for pretty much every port these days. It mystifies me when people think you need a water cooled, two thousand pound beast to make a console port playable.

For example bioshock 2 will easily run with everything turned on including directX 10 Pc features (neither console can do these) with a low end dual core e.g an E5300, X2 245 (these are 45 pound, sub 80 dollar c...

5326d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

YES PCs have a crap load of memory, and 70mb might not seem like a lot to you. But when you only have 512mb to start with, giving developers 70mb extra than they had when the thing launched, thats a pretty large and extremely useful chunk. The most use will be the amount of video memory developers have gained, as that is crucial for textures that most people notice in cross format games.

5326d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

This has been happening for some time, and its not been a case of 120mb Os footprint one day, BOOM 50mb the next. When PS3 first launched sony had the future in mind. They reserved an extremely large amount of memory (video AND system) for possible future functions, as we all know PS3 did not for example have in game XMB, friends lists, inbox etc. Games are built to the amount of free memory available, once games have been built for example using 400mb (e.g 200+200 system/video) of memory, s...

5327d ago 14 agree2 disagreeView comment

Lets hope the series is true to the original, as a dedicated Pc game in every possible way, visually, controls, RPG system the works. Warren spector might be gone, but that doesnt mean this cant be a success

5327d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thing is, microsoft are pushing this HARD arent they? Its been on american chat shows and late night broadcasts, its been in tv shows, and now they have a famous and quite influential british broadcaster playing it on video. Microsoft are practically viral marketing this thing already.

Why arent sony doing the same thing? Its rather a tad worrying that arc will be swamped by microsofts natal PR department. I still see this is a silly fad, but at this rate millions will at leas...

5328d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Rather silly article trying to associate halo 3, reach and its pre alpha to final, BUT as an aside quite a lot of games' engines are 'fixed' or 'set' relatively early in development after some design parameters have been agreed, so everything done after that point wont 'break' the game as badly- its unlikely reach will get much more than visual tweaks but then what else is new? Few games really change hugely with regards to graphics with only six months or so to release- otherwise all those e...

5329d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I seen a lot of his predictions. He is maybe 50/50. Not a bad hit rate, but not exactly mystic michael proportions. Informed gamers would do at least as well. I can see natal selling quite well initially, and then after a year everyone already forgotten the hype over it, preferring to play their gears, halos and CODs with pads.

5329d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment