
CRank: 5Score: 83250

PS3 does have a cut up 7800 stangled by its halved bus bandwidth and ROPs. Xenos is however much bigger and faster than an X1600, and bigger than RSX too. 330m transistors versus only 300m on RSX. Its performance is roughly akin to an X1900 series of which it shares a similar transistor count, slower clocks but more advanced design- there is no avoiding the fact xenos has ten percent more transistors, more efficient because of its architecture and overall simply faster than RSX, as X1900 was ...

5314d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game runs well on modest hardware. An 8800GT is enough to blow the consoles into the weeds with this game, and its two and half years old. Turn on all the nvidia gubbins and its really good looking. I will be playing this on a HDTV 1080p, with a wireless 360 controller and it still runs 60 frames a second on my machine. These screens dont translate how much better this game looks running like that against the consoles.

Really its a fallacy that Pc gamers have to constantly...

5314d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think i will wait and see about 'optimisations' before shouting about them, warhead was supposedly optimised over the original but it wasnt massively noticeable for me, it just seemed to bring on the stutter streaming bug, i had smoother if a bit slower performance on the first which i preferred!

Console gamers will hopefully get a good experience and it should look good for console standards, but really the choice will be like whether to play COD on wii or 360/PS3. Crysis 2 ...

5314d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Buy a bunch of rechargeable batteries and always keep a charged spare set. Costs about a tenner for a charger and a few pairs for multiple controllers, the cost of charging batteries is a couple pence a pop. Insignificant. Problem solved.

High frequency wireless technology is so fast and stable there is no major latency issues 6 feet away from a console. Professional gamers on Pc use wired because of the risk however teeny of batteries dying or interferance at LANs, and they va...

5315d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Ok well i will correct the first thing i said, RSX is an IP delivered to sony, but from what i have heard sony do not have exactly the same sort of deal in place with nvidia as microsoft have with ATi.

As for RSX not being a custom design- I will refine this statement for you. RSX is closely related to NV47 (aka geforce 7800). In fact, its so similar its fair to say its practically an off the shelf chip. When sony approached nvidia for a GPU, Nvidia didnt take a blank sheet of ...

5315d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Sony made the same mistake as microsoft did with their nvidia powered xbox. They do not own the rights to the design of the RSX. Nvidia can keep them over a barrel on the cost of the chip, exactly like they did to the Xbox GPU- forcing microsofts decision to switch to the red team. When microsoft went to Ati for 360, the first thing they specified was that the design of this particular custom chip was to be owned by microsoft, and thus they can find the cheapest manufacturer themselves as the...

5315d ago 6 agree11 disagreeView comment

Bad QC but then this is why i have rivatuner installed and taking care of my fan speeds. No worries

5315d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Reads like a rant to me. The guy accuses digital foundry of overlooking positive aspects of PS3 games and 360 bias, but fails to himself point out how amazed digital foundry were at powerhouses like uncharted 2 and killzone 2 which got their own dedicated articles, stuffed full of impressed comments about the technology.

5315d ago 3 agree8 disagreeView comment

Its such a silly game- wonderful. I love it for not taking itself too seriously. It vaguely reminds me of the fun i had in GTA: San Andreas. The game works well with the 360 controller and visually i have everything turned on with the nvidia effects and it looks fabulous for this size open world- It also runs very well its optimised well which again is a really nice surprise! Lol

It just sooooo much fun playing with the grappling hook and parachuting, grappling cars while chut...

5315d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Intel own 150 pounds and up in the uk. Everything from the i5 750 upwards, its completely owned by intel. Below that its a case by case basis, AMD typically being better value on stock performance for many users, intel often winning out factoring in overclocked performance for more computer savvy consumers.

When it comes to gaming it depends more on what graphics/CPU balance the game really favours. You can often get away with a good card and a less than top end CPU when an eng...

5317d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Unfotunately as im sure im running the risk of a bunch of disagrees but the 360 version has the edge here- although its not massively significant. PS3 looks like it is possibly running at a slightly lower resolution if these screenshots represent the game, just the detail on the character in most shots really is pin sharp and defined on 360, but less so on PS3.

All of the images look like they share the same assets- textures, shaders etc etc all look identical or close as to it...

5317d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

High res, super smooth fable on PC once again? Oh....go on then :D

5318d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

The question of WHO she is supposed to be......evaporates as soon as you see the picture. :D

5318d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

MUCH more representative of the Pc version compared to those shots posted previously, which didnt even feature full settings. Nice.

5318d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sounds like you need to get yourself nhancer. You can force all sorts of goodies in games and common engines. Had AA in mass effect 2 since day one, profiles on the nhancer forums. 8 x CSAA or more gives lovely smoothing and doesnt cost too much performance

5319d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I dont know whats going on here. First Squenix said the gameplay was same as PS3, which is 720p. Then some guy got hold of shots and deduced it was running 1024x576. THEN 'team blur' as they call themselves said no, it DOES run 720P on 360, the previous claim was made from a low quality capture. THEN all of a sudden this 'coincidence' that the cut scenes run 1024 x 576. So......does this mean the gameplay is also actually, most likely the same too and 'team blur' are wrong? Its one hell of a ...

5319d ago 1 agree11 disagreeView comment

The pope is catholic

5320d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Im pretty sure you missed the entire point of this comparison if you think those shots well represent the Pc version when it is maxed.....if you want to play it at console settings 1280 x 720 with no filtering and 30 frames a second as the shots show, then yeah, get it on a console. But for the fact that on Pc @ 1920 x 1080 thats more than double the resolution and then throw filtering on top, even with identical settings, the PC version would look ridiculously smoother, can run much faster w...

5320d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Hahahahaha. Look see what your stupid ass always connected DRM got you ubisoft- another early leak targeted for piracy

5320d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Activision heres a message for ya, YOU could become obsolete ya morons

5320d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment