
CRank: 5Score: 83250

PS3's design has always mystified me. Sony proposed the CELL used in the context of PS3 as almost a graphics co-processor, rather than a fully fledged CPU. To me it has never made sense. The most powerful systems like PC for example have an extremely fast CPU for general purpose, and an extremely specialised rasteriser as in a modern GPU. A modern CPU for example is relatively useless with the sort of specifics graphics demand, and a GPU although becoming more flexible, is massively more limi...

5336d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

x x x gangsta x x x with a trillion variations. Because every twelve year old american boy thinks that it is cool. *Rolls eyes*

5336d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

City = reduced geometry requirements.

Everyone knows its a damn sight more difficult to create realistic organic visuals like inside a natural environment from straight edged polygons, and the physics are infinitely more complex than typical man made objects. Realistic interactive trees and foliage for example are much more difficult to render inside a game than say....a postbox or phonebooth. As are the shadows, shader heavy effects like vast quantities of water, or the effect...

5336d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

A spot of anti aliasing wouldnt hurt.....jagfest. But i dont expect a great deal more advancement from the consoles visually especially 360, til they are replaced now. Next gen should be the TRUE high definition 1080P console era. Not a whole bunch of sub HD games...

5336d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Crysis 2 will probably push people for upgrades very much like the original tipped people into DX10 hardware, if only to replace their old Geforce 7/X1K gear. Nvidia shifted massive amounts of 8800GTs on the back of crysis, it was perfect timing for a perfectly priced card.

I want more games to take advantage, but i dont want to give up the idea that a good port means good performance on modest hardware. In other words, developers need to scale their games for PC a lot better t...

5336d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Tiberian sun is still pretty good though....Red alert 2 is my personal fave i think.

5337d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Next week we bring you a collage that proves real life looks more realistic than Videogames! In your face gamers!! Pointless article...truly worthless.

The flamebait wars, begun they have (in here at least)

5337d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I will stick to project64 still i think. Its nice for those who havent discovered emulation, but even with the online im not so worried about it. Goldeneye multi was better really, thats what i might actually pay for again to play online, but goldeneye source exists.

I occasionally play this though single player, along with OOT and pilot wings.

Goldeneye source is good for online. But then i emulate the original game on Pc very easily, with a configured pad. Its ...

5337d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

Well it should. Its DESIGNED for 360 first and The Pc version is just a straight over port with minimal effort. Before anyone starts saying how close 360 is to Pc- more like how little bioware improved the game for PC. Performance on this for 360 seems similar to PS3 performance with bioshock 2.

A few weeks ago i noted the complete lack of AA on the 360 version of mass effect 2 and theorised that is where the extra performance has come from to shore up the p...

5337d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Screen tearing? More than half the frames rendered are torn without Vsync on. The consoles also cant hope to maintain anything like 50-60 frames a second, so as it yoyos between 25 and 60 frames all the time, the controls feel completely inconsistant. If you really want 60 frames a second with zero tearing, get it on Pc. Its not like you need an expensive or particularly fast machine to manage that..

5337d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

The second wasnt nearly as good as the first. Why is it developers always use 'darker, edgier' as though its some sort of magic wand that will make a game better....sigh. I can hardly tell how this will turn out from early shots, but im not exactly blown away. Fable 2 looked muddy and fuzzy for me, and ran sluggishly. Maybe these technical problems also impaired my enjoyment of the game. Or maybe it was that it felt like the game really held your hand firmly throughout. Or maybe it was the pr...

5338d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I just play games for my personal enjoyment. I dont pay attention to my gamerscore, or trophies or even pay attention to anyone else's, because its not that much of a measure of how good a gamer you might be at a certain game or overall. Just how much you are willing to play games.

If some people find enjoyment in laboriously collecting all the possible points or whatever, well good for them. Whatever tickles your fancy in gaming is my overall policy

5338d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Pc FTW as usual. The article mentioned how easily the game runs even on dated hardware. When a bunch of console owners are arguing over a couple percent screentear, or the difference between 26 and 30 frames a second, or the resolution of some textures that have to be magnified several times to even see the difference- Its time to break out the Pc version that will manage 60 frames a second with everything turned on, on a budget video card like a GT240 or 4670....

If you played...

5338d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

The gap between them is miniscule in relative terms. As much aggrieved as i am at how the PC port does not take much advantage of the platform, it blows the console version away on all the aspects tested here, and i dont mean only on a massively expensive gaming PC...If you only have a console, dont make such a fuss about tiny differences. Enjoy the game

5339d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Peter molyneux commenting on his own games?

*Puts fingers in ears*

Da da, da da da da da, Da da, da da da da da, Da da da da da da

5339d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Microsoft will struggle to ever shift their hardware in japan, even another generation. Honestly they may as well have called it little boy and launched it out the back of a B29. This is how well every american console is going to go down in japan....

I completely disagree that the japanese market is irrelevant. Only microsoft would actually claim that... Its impossible to achieve true domination in this market without japan. End of.

5339d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Classic microsoft behaviour, trying to win the console wars with multi titles, and constantly trying to pay off publishers for exclusive DLC no matter how insignificant. Frankly i think its a seriously poor tactic and hope it bites them in the ass.

5339d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

YES, its a truly awful, lazy PC port. PC can push lots more geometry, has the developer taken advantage of this? HAH! Yes, unreal engine can do DX10 AND anti aliasing. Is it in the game? Is it fook. The average gaming card now has at least 512MB of memory, twice what ps3 and 360 would have assigned for the same task. A two and a half year old 8800GT has FOUR times the texture fillrate of 360. Do we get rewarded with much improved textures? Nope. The physics engine is still locked to a maximum...

5339d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I find it amusing that Epic games managed to get unreal engine 3 running on a device like tegra 2, but decide it wont work on wii...

Epic clearly just dont like wii lol

5340d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Quite clearly it will save the desktop computer because everyone will be on theirs laughing at articles like these :P

5340d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment