
CRank: 5Score: 36490

GT is and was never a Sim. Yes it is more simulation than an arcade racer like Driveclub, but that doesn't make it a sim racer.

3049d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

Just because the games animations are locked to 30fps. This is an old PS2 game, remastered, but still it is the same old engine.
Also 30fps for the third-person game where the camera doesn't always followe the player is ok. It is an jrpg not a shooter.

3057d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, thought the same.
Bayonetta (on PS3/x360) was a new franchise, so low sales were expected. Now after many many discounts (the game costs 18€/$ on amazon) the second game managed to sell 1m... that is really not good or healthy for the developer.

3064d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

The new Ratchet & Clank is no AAA game it is still the same old game it was (doesn't change that it is good) and "just" a remaster/remake (or whatever you wanne call it).
Plattformers are still a great genre.

3071d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

What do people expect? They are paying 3-5€/$ a month and really expecting AAA games every month? It is really great we get some titles for this money.
But this is sony's "fault". They are expecting the same value for PS4 like it was back when only PS3 was out and PS+ was born. The difference is, PS+ back than (incl. PS Vita), this was the only offering of PS+ back than. Now it is also for PS4 and for the Network (for playing online).
But well, what do we expec...

3071d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't believe it will be successful. Yes, I know, Nintendo managed to get some cool stuff on the road for the WiiU (my kids love it), but it was not enough to make the WiiU successful. I don't think that this is so different with the NX.
Nintendo promised to have a really cool network for the WiiU, well .... I don't think we must talk about that. They promised so much and almost nothing happend. Instead all WiiU titles came way over schedule ... still waiting for the ne...

3073d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Not a good idea. So that means "original" PS4 is not good enough for VR.
I just wait for the PS4.8 ... right before the release of the PS5.

3080d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well the problem isn't that 720p would be poor quality, the problem is, that you can't read text if the game is original a 1080p output game. Already had that with xbox one streaming until I realized that the quality has been reset (due to some installation works on my pc) to standard quality instead of highest quality.
720p streaming (without any text elements) still looks great, if the compression is good enough.

3093d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The FF-fanbase is long gone. After FFx-2, FFXIII-2/-3. I don't think they will reach their goal. Maybe 3 or 4m but not more.
Sry but squareenix made FF worse with every new game after FFIX. With the new fight-system they totally killed FF for me. The story so far is everything but not interesting.
This game once was just a spin-off of the FF franchise. Now as it is a main-FF chapter, that project went so wrong, I can't describe it. FF is dead for me. I even don't w...

3098d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

much correct myself, the embargo is gone, but the article was already online yesterday. I read it before it came to n4g. And there the embargo was still active.

3099d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The games has still a review embargo. Everyone who can play this game is a reviewer (or works for/at remedy/MS). Don't think that the reviewer had the real game, maybe he just played a demo anywhere (conference) or just knows the videos.

If he is a real reviewer he get a big problem because he broke the embargo.
Also the review is much to short for a AAA game.

3099d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

"procedural" is something like random.
Yes there may be some rules how something is build, but it is still random. The "procedural" only comes into space because of the storage that would be needed to save the whole world.
The Problem with "procedural" is that at some point the plants look the same. Not every planet, but there shouldn't be that much difference between them. Except for some "random" placed objects.

3116d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The xbox 360 was also available for ~200€/$ with no harddrive but 4GB Flash memory (after the core-version). It was the arcade version of the console. The price varied much in that time. There were times it was 150€ but when I wanted the new one (with HDMI) the price was up to 249€ again :)
The xbox one now has never dropped so far (not officially). You just get a few games via download. So costs are really really low on that.
Also, the hardware makes profit when sold. The xbo...

3117d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

That's correct. MS ist still making money with xbox, and while this is like it is they won't abandon it.
Xbox is doing well. Yes PS4 is doing even better, but that doesn't mean that the other console market isn't healthy.
Also Nintendo is making money with their own IPs. Not as much as they hoped and they invested a bit too much but if they can reduce hardware costs with their next console it might be healthy even if they only sell as much as WiiUs sold.

3120d ago 1 agree14 disagreeView comment

You know that sony also closed some studios, don't you?
There are so many good developers on the open market, don't know why they try to get attention by doing this .... marketing, that's all.

3120d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

Well, I hope they someday use a hybrid install. Download and install from disc at the same time.
In my case it is quicker to download a game (200Mbit/s) than install it from the disc.
Also, via download you get the newest version right away, while via disc installation you must patch the game before the installation.

But the article is correct, for multiplayer-games it doesn't matter if you buy the disc or just get it digital. If the servers are down, the ...

3121d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If it was good and full of content, than they wouldn't cancel it.
If they wouldn't see a chance in the market as F2P, they would have canceled it sooner. Before all these marketing campaigns.

3122d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Those two games are nothing really "new" that wouldn't be possible on last gen hardware/systems. Just scale down the graphics and it should run.
Yes, it would be hard because of the little memory, but it is possible (as most of it is just used for graphics). Yes, it will be better on the current-gen, but not impossible on the last gen.
I'm looking back at over 25 years of gaming, and I can tell you, those games aren't revolutionary just tweaked versions o...

3123d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Spark is nice and refreshing, but it lacks on content and gameplay for the normal user/gamer.
Creating worlds is not for everyone. It stand against little big planet, but that game is also dead.

Also Spark was free. In the end all addons were free. So you can guess they didn't make any money with it and as a company, you must make money to survive. That's just business. If a sony IP doesn't make any money and you can see it has no future, the IP dies. That...

3123d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Tech demo, not more ;)

But btw, you should try some games from the 90s. No, characters back there didn't look like that.

3125d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment