
CRank: 5Score: 36490

But how fast do we get reviews with the day 1 patch? ... If the embargo is lifted, they already must have played the game a while to get the review out. But as the patch is still not there, the reviews will be done without the patch.

2969d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Really bad for those who don't have a regular internet connection. At least I hope the patch isn't to big, else some people get problems with their download-volume. If they play the game after release and don't get the patch... well.. savegames lost after patching ... that is not really nice for some people.

Something like this shouldn't happen. Savegames should never get broken through patches. Well online-servers are a different thing, but local saves ......

2970d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Works great here.

2970d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't know what the article is really about. Here in Germany, yes we have really strict rules for rating video games. If a game does not get a rating, it gets automatically a "18" sticker on it. It can be normally sold to persons that are 18+ years old.
If the game is on the index, you can still buy it if you can verify that you are 18+ years old.
It's another thing if a game (like the first Wolfenstein) has nazi symbols in it. Than it is not permitted to s...

2971d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why do we (and the article) compare an open world racing game with linear-racers?
Driveclub may look good, but there is nothing going on (well only when it rains), the track is really limited, etc...

The article makes the same mistake. If you want to compare graphics, you can compare with forza 6, or .. well next forza (but we know nothing about forza 7). Than again you can't compare it to driveclub, because of the 60fps vs 30fps ... all has it pros and cons. ...

2973d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

They totally messed up the controls and boundaries of the tracks. Also the AI is ... well just not good.
At least they somehow fixed the online part ... but the rest is still really really not my type of game.

2973d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

PGR was more sim and less arcady than this game.
I have nothing against arcade racers, but the feeling if you drive a car in this game is just bad.

2973d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

It's still a bad racer. Maybe a medicore arcade racer, but still has so many flaws a game of this type shouldn't have.
It looks good, but that's all about that game.

Second chance... well if a DriveClub 2 is better gameplay-wise, sure

2973d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well, and how many people can watch at those Screens?

Yes, you might not need a TV but, the TV is already there. Well not a 120Hz Oled 3d-TV but something that works with multiple people.

But, I can understand the price, but really, many buyers will buy it and be mad because they need a camera.

But what really bothered him was the image-quality. PS4 is just not enough. PSVR and PS4 Neo would be the better combination. It might not incre...

2978d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Xbox already has Killer Instinct, which is free with one changing Character (changing every few Weeks/Month). On PS4 there was no competition so far. So there are not only less potential customers, even worse, there is competition for a not so good game.
Well but at least a port should be done really easy, but it doesn't matter with sales that low.

2979d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I know, but I really disliked the first mission, so I had no impluses to play it anymore. Also the setting isn't mine. I can waste my time with much better titles ;).

2980d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

People should still understand, on the PS4 you pay for PS+ to play online. The free games were just a trojan horse to get PS+ subscriptions on PS3 so people become accustomed with paying for the service. Now you must really pay for the service and you get 4 games (more with PS vita) instead of the 2 before ps4. So they have less money for more games.
On xbox side, you always paid for playing online. The free games are just a bonus. If you have a xbox one, you always get 4 games (be...

2980d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I've downloaded it, and uninstalled it after the first mission. Forza horizon was fun, but this wasn't (at least not for me). Don't know why they even tried to get a story around a racing game.

2984d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

That's totally ok for me. You can login through the website, through xbox app or whatever. No problem so far. It was just a problem from the past, where gamertags were reserved in the past but never used.
It is not like they throw away your achivements, savegame, etc .. you just get a auto-created gamertag and can change it if you come back after over 5 years.

2985d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why the hell do people still think that you only need one code-path for multiple devices with Vulkan. That's just not true. You must still implement different code-paths for different devices. Just some basic operations may just be the same.
Also DX12 still has some things beside the graphics API inside, nobody is talking about. Sound, input devices etc, everything is included in DX12, while Vulkan is only the graphics part.

3000d ago 23 agree6 disagreeView comment

All those games have gameplay ... but not all of them were worth $60 in my eyes.
Currently, I didn't see much that I would actually buy it. There just wasn't enough gameplay. Yes it seems as it has a big world, but that can get boring after a few hours. And it doesn't help that there is only a small chance you can see other players.

3000d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I hope for a surprise, but that game is so overhyped, it can't get really good reviews.

I really hope that it's good, but I didn't see anything that really get me into this game.

3000d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

all because of the PS3 desaster. after all those years, the PS3 was still no financial success. It only helped to get blu ray on the streets, faster.
Currently the Playstation brand is quite healthy, but one misstep and it can be a desaster. Shitstorms etc can be quite negative, even if only a few users in the internet start it. Now Sony is famous again with their PS4 they can fall deep ... well bad online journalism can make thinks worse than they are ... all those shitstorms in th...

3002d ago 3 agree31 disagreeView comment

No, Sony didn't do anything like that. They were open for some titels to work on PC and PS2/3/4, but just because the console version would be really empty without the constant PC gamers (like FFXI). Big problem always was the gamepad. And that is still the big bummer about crossplay right now.
Sure in MMO where reactions or precision doesn't matter, this is quite easy to solve, but in titles like shooters it is more a problem than some people think. I really hope the publish...

3002d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

Why is that new?
They already said that at e3. Nothing new here. Upscaling from 1080p to 4k/UHD (TV) is one of the easiest upscaling you can do, at least if the HDMI port can do it, which is HDMI 2.0 like they already said at e3... didn't I just write that... getting old :)

3006d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment